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= =
<b> u </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: vigésima primeira letra do alfabeto (vogal)
= =
<b> ubere¹ </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> úbere, teta
&#9679; <i> n </i> udder
= =
<b> ubere² </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> úbere, fértil, abundante
&#9679; <i> adj </i> fruitful, abundant, uberous
&#9674; ubertate, exuberar
= =
<b> ubertate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> fertilidade, uberdade <br>
&#9679; <i> n </i> fertility, abundance, uberty
= =
<b> ubi </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: 1. <i> adv </i> onde; 2. <i> conj </i> onde; quando;
* <b> a ubi </b> aonde
&#9679; 1. <i> adv </i> where (= in or at what place); 2. <i> conj </i> where; when, as soon as; wherewith; in which;
* <b> a ubi </b> where, whither;
* <b> de ubi </b> from where, whence
&#9674; ubicar; ubique etc.; ubicunque etc.; alicubi etc.; [alterubi] etc.
= =
<b> ubicar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> colocar, posicionar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to have one’s location, be (somewhere)
&#9674; ubication
= =
<b> ubication </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> colocação
&#9679; <i> n </i> location (= fact of being located in a certain place), ubication
= =
<b> ubicunque </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adv/conj </i> em qualquer parte
&#9679; <i> adv/conj </i> wherever
= =
<b> ubique </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ubíquo/a
&#9679; <i> adv </i> everywhere; anywhere, wheresoever, wherever
&#9674; ubiquitate
= =
<b> ubiquitate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ubiquidade, ubiquação
&#9679; <i> n </i> ubiquitousness
= =
<b> UFO [A] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: OVNI (acrónimo de Objecto Volante Non Identificate)
= =
<b> ufologia </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ufologia (estudo dos OVNIs)
= =
<b> ufologo </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ufologo (aquele que estuda os OVNIs)
= =
<b> ukaz [R] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ukaz [R]
&#9679; <i> n </i> ukase
= =
<b> Ukraina </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> npr </i> Ucrânia
&#9679; <i> npr </i> Ukraine
&#9674; ukrainian-ukrainiano
= =
<b> ukrainian </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ucraniano/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> Ukrainian
= =
<b> ukrainiano </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ucraniano (1. nativo da Ucrânia; 2. língua ucraniana)
&#9679; <i> n </i> Ukrainian (1. native of the Ukraine; 2. Ukrainian language)
= =
<b> ulcerar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> ulcerar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to ulcerate (= to affect with ulcers)
= =
<b> ulceration </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Med.] ulceração
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Med.] ulceration
= =
<b> ulcere </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Med.] úlcera
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Med.] ulcer
&#9674; ulcerose; ulcerar-ulceration
= =
<b> ulcerose </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ulceroso/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> ulcerous (1. having the nature of an ulcer; 2. ulcerated)
= =
<b> [ulle] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj/pron </i> algum/a, alguém
&#9679; <i> adj/pron </i> any, anyone
&#9674; nulle
= =
<b> ulmacee </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> [Bot.] ulmácea
&#9679; <i> adj </i> [Bot.] ulmaceous
= =
<b> ulmaria </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Bot.] ulmária, ulmeira
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Bot.] meadowsweet, queen of the meadows
= =
<b> ulmeto </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> olmedo, olmedal
&#9679; <i> n </i> elm grove
= =
<b> ulmic </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> [Quim.] úlmico/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> [Chem.] ulmic
= =
<b> ulmina </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Quim.] ulmina
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Chem.] ulmin
= =
<b> ulmo </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> olmo, ulmo, olmeiro, ulmeiro
&#9679; <i> n </i> elm
&#9674; ulmeto; ulmacee; ulmaria; ulmic; ulmina
= =
<b> Ulster [A] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> npr </i> Ulster [A]
&#9679; <i> npr </i> Ulster;
* <b> ulster </b> [Clothing] ulster
= =
<b> ulterior </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ulterior
&#9679; <i> adj </i> 1. ulterior, situated beyond, thither; 2. subsequent, later
= =
<b> ulteriormente </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adv </i> ulteriormente
&#9679; <i> adv </i> later (on), subsequently
= =
<b> ultimar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> ultimar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to bring to a close, to bring to completion
= =
<b> ultimate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ultimado/a
&#9679; 1. <i> pp </i> of <b> ultimar </b> ; 2. <i> adj </i> ultimate
= =
<b> ultimation </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ultimação
&#9679; <i> n </i> (action of) bringing to a close or to completion
= =
<b> ultimatum [NL] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ultimatum [NL]
&#9679; <i> n </i> ultimatum
= =
<b> ultime (úl-) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ultimo/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> last
&#9674; penultime; ultimar-ultimation, ultimate
= =
<b> ultra </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adv </i> ultra, extremo limite
&#9679; I. <i> adv </i> on the other side, beyond, farther; II. <i> prep </i> 1. on the farther side of; beyond, past; 2. besides;
* <b> ultra illo </b> besides, moreover;
* <b> ultra que </b> aside from the fact that
&#9674; ultrage; ultrar-ultrantia
= =
<b> ultra- </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> prefixo </i> (= detrás de) <i> compare: </i> ultramarin etc.; ultraviolette etc.; ultrapassar etc.
&#9679; <i> prefixo </i> ultra- (= beyond)
&#9674; ultramarin etc.; ultraviolette etc.; ultrapassar etc.
= =
<b> ultrage (-aje) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ultraje, ultrajem
&#9679; <i> n </i> outrage
&#9674; ultragiose; ultragiar
= =
<b> ultragiabile </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ultrajável
= =
<b> ultragiante </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj/ppr </i> ultrajante
= =
<b> ultragiar (-ajár) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> ultrajar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to outrage
= =
<b> ultragiate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj/pp </i> ultrajado/a
= =
<b> ultragiator </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ultrajador
= =
<b> ultragiose (-jose) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ultrajoso/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> outrageous
= =
<b> ultragiosemente </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adv </i> ultrajosamente
= =
<b> ultramar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adv </i> ultramar
&#9679; <i> adv </i> overseas;
* <b> (paises) de ultramar </b> overseas (countries)
= =
<b> ultramarin </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ultramarino/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> ultramarine (blue)
= =
<b> ultramontan </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ultramontano/a, (1. transmontano/a; 2. [Catól.])
&#9679; <i> adj </i> ultramontane (1. transmontane; 2. [R.C.Ch.])
&#9674; ultramontanismo
= =
<b> ultramontanismo </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ultramontanismo
&#9679; <i> n </i> ultramontanism
= =
<b> ultrantia </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> até ao fim
&#9679; <i> n </i> excess, extreme;
* <b> a ultrantia </b> to the bitter end
= =
<b> ultrapassar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> ultrapassar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to go beyond
= =
<b> ultrar</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> v </i> to carry to excess or to extremes
= =
<b> ultrasonic </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ultra-sónico/a
= =
<b> ultrasono </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ultra-som
= =
<b> ultraviolette </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ultravioleta, ultra-roxo
&#9679; <i> adj </i> ultraviolet;
* <b> radios ultraviolette </b> ultraviolet rays
= =
<b> uluco (ú-) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> mocho
&#9679; <i> n </i> owl
= =
<b> ulula (úlula) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> bufo
&#9679; <i> n </i> barn owl
= =
<b> ulular </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> ulular, uivar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to howl, ululate
&#9674; ululation; ululator
= =
<b> ululation </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ululação
&#9679; <i> n </i> howling, ululation
= =
<b> ululator </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i>
&#9679; <i> n </i> howler (= one who howls); <i> specif.: </i> howling monkey
= =
<b> Ulysses (-lís-) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> npr </i> [Mitol.] Ulisses
&#9679; <i> npr </i> [Gr. Mythol.] Ulysses
= =
<b> umbella </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Bot.] umbela
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Bot.] umbel
&#9674; umbellate; umbellifere; umbelliforme etc.
= =
<b> umbellate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> [Bot.] umbelado/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> [Bot.] umbellate
= =
* <b> umbellifere </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> [Bot.] umbelífero/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> [Bot.] umbelliferous
= =
<b> umbelliforme </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> [Bot.] umbeliforme
&#9679; <i> adj </i> [Bot.] umbelliform
= =
<b> umbilical </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> umbilical
&#9679; <i> adj </i> umbilical;
* <b> cordon umbilical </b> umbilical cord
= =
<b> umbilicate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> umbilicado/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> umbilicate
= =
<b> umbilico (-íco) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Anat.] umbigo
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Anat.] navel, umbilicus
&#9674; umbilical; umbilicate
= =
<b> umbra¹ </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> sombra
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. shade (as in “light and shade”; <i> also: </i> as in “the shades in Hades”); 2. shadow;
* <b> al umbra de </b> under or in the shadow of;
* <b> umbras (del nocte) </b> shadows (of the night);
* <b> umbra de (dubita, </b> etc.<b> ) </b> shade or shadow of (doubt etc.)
&#9674; umbrella; umbratile; umbrifere; umbrina; umbrose; umbrar-adumbrar; penumbra
= =
<b> umbra² </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> castanho escuro
&#9679; <i> n </i> umber (1. [Mineral.]; 2. “the color umber”);
* <b> terra de umbra </b> sienna
= =
<b> umbrar</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> v </i> to shade, darken (= to put shading in or on)
= =
<b> umbratile</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> shady, umbrageous
= =
<b> umbre </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> úmbro/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> Umbrian
= =
<b> umbrella </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> guarda-chuva, sombreiro
&#9679; <i> n </i> umbrella (= cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun)
= =
<b> Umbria </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> npr </i> Úmbria (região italiana)
&#9679; <i> npr </i> Umbria
= =
<b> umbrifere</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> umbriferous
= =
<b> umbrina</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Zool.] umbrina, umbrine
= =
<b> umbro </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> úmbro (1. habitante da Úmbria; 2. dialecto úmbro)
&#9679; <i> n </i> Umbrian (1. inhabitant of Umbria; 2. Umbrian dialect)
&#9674; Umbria; umbre
= =
<b> umbrose </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> sombroso/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> shady, umbrageous
= =
<b> un </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: 1. <i> adj </i> um/a; 2. <i> art indef </i> um/a;
* <b> le un le altere </b> um ao outro
&#9679; 1. <i> adj </i> one; 2. <i> indef art </i> a, an;
* <b> le un le altere </b> one another, each other, each (one) ... the other (one);
* <b> le unes le alteres </b> one another, each other, each (of them) ... the others, other ones
&#9674; union; unitate; unic; unir; unificar; unicorne etc.; unilateral etc.; uniforme etc.; unanime etc.; unicolor etc.; unipare etc.; [unaltere] etc.; undece etc.; dece-un etc.; alicun etc.; [qualcun] etc.; [alcun] etc.; [necun] etc.; uno-[qualcuno] etc., alcuno etc.
= =
<b> [un-altere] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> pron </i> um/a ao outro/a
&#9679; <i> pron </i> each other, one another
= =
<b> unanime (-ánime) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unânime
&#9679; <i> adj </i> unanimous
&#9674; unanimitate
= =
<b> unanimitate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unanimidade
&#9679; <i> n </i> unanimity
= =
<b> uncia </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. onça; 2. polegada
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. ounce; 2. inch
&#9674; uncial-semiuncial etc.
= =
<b> uncial </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> uncial
&#9679; <i> adj </i> uncial
= =
<b> unciforme </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unciforme
&#9679; <i> n </i> unciform, hook-shaped
= =
<b> uncinate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> uncinado/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> uncinate
= =
<b> uncino </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. ancinho;
2. gancho
&#9679; <i> n </i> hook (as in
“wall hook”, “hook and eye”)
= =
<b> unco </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. ancinho;
2. gancho
&#9679; <i> n </i> hook, barb
&#9674; uncino-uncinate; unciforme etc.
= =
<b> unct-</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> see </i> <b> unguer </b>
= =
<b> unctar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> untar, ungir (compare: unguer)
&#9679; <i> see </i> <b> unguer [ung-/unct-] </b>
= =
<b> unction </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unção
&#9679; <i> n </i> unction (1. act of anointing; 2. unctuousness)
= =
<b> uncto¹ </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. ungido; 2. unto;
* <b> le Uncto del Senior </b> o Ungido do Senhor
&#9679; <i> n </i> anointed;
* <b> le Uncto del Senior </b> the Lord’s Anointed
= =
<b> uncto² </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. ungido; 2. unto
&#9679; <i> n </i> unguent, ointment
&#9674; unctuose-unctuositate
= =
<b> unctu-</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> see </i> <b> uncto² </b>
= =
<b> unctuose </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> untuoso/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> unctuous (1. oily, greasy; 2. oily, suave)
= =
<b> unctuositate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> untuosidade
&#9679; <i> n </i> unctuosity, unctuousness
= =
<b> unda </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> onda
&#9679; <i> n </i> wave (1.
“wave of the sea, etc.”; 2. [Phys.]);
* <b> unda sonor </b> sound wave;
* <b> unda luminose </b> light wave;
* <b> undas curte </b> [Radio] short waves;
* <b> undas longe </b> [Radio] long waves
&#9674; undulose; undular; undina; undose; undear; inundar; undisone etc.
= =
<b> [unde] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adv </i> 1. onde; 2. por causa
&#9679; <i> adv </i> whence (1. from which place; 2. wherefore, for which reason or cause)
= =
<b> undear </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> ondear
&#9679; <i> v </i> to wave (= to move in waves or undulations)
= =
<b> undece (ún-) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> onze
&#9679; <i> adj </i> eleven
= =
<b> undina </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ondina, ondim
&#9679; <i> n </i> undine
= =
<b> undisone</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> wavelike (= sounding like waves)
= =
<b> undose </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ondoso/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> wavy
= =
<b> undular </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> ondular
&#9679; <i> v </i> to wave, undulate (1. to move in, or like, waves; 2. to impart a wavy appearance to)
&#9674; undulation; undulatori; undulate
= =
<b> undulate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ondulado/a
&#9679; 1. <i> pp </i> of <b> undular </b> ; 2. <i> adj </i> wavy, undulating
= =
<b> undulation </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ondulação
&#9679; <i> n </i> I. undulation (1. waving motion; 2. wavy form); II. [Hairdressing] wave;
* <b> undulation permanente </b> permanent wave
= =
<b> undulatori </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ondulatório/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> undulatory
= =
<b> undulose </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> onduloso/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> rolling, wavy, undulous
= =
<b> UNESCO [A] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: UNESCO [A]
&#9679; UNESCO
= =
<b> ungue </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unha
&#9679; <i> n </i> nail (of a finger or toe); <i> also: </i> unguis
&#9674; unguiculo-unguiculate; ungula; unguifere
= =
<b> unguentari </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unguentário
&#9679; <i> adj </i> unguentary
= =
<b> unguento </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unguento
&#9679; <i> n </i> ointment, salve
= =
<b> unguer [ung-/unct-] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> ungir (compare: unctar)
&#9679; <i> v </i> to anoint (1. to rub with an ointment; 2. to make sacred with oil)
&#9674; ungento-ungentari; unction; uncto¹; uncto²; axungia etc.
= =
<b> unguiculate</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> unguiculate
= =
<b> unguiculo</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> n </i> small nail or claw
= =
<b> unguifere</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> unguiferous
= =
<b> ungula (úngula) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. unha; 2. garra (aves); 3. casco (paquidermes e ruminantes)
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. nail (of a finger or toe); 2. claw (of a canine, feline, or bird); 3. hoof (of an animal)
&#9674; ungulate-ungulato, multungulate etc.; multungule etc.
= =
<b> ungulate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> ungulado/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> ungulate (1. having hoofs; 2. pertaining to the ungulates)
= =
<b> ungulato </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Zool.] ungulado
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Zool.] ungulate
= =
<b> unibile </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unível, unificável
&#9679; <i> adj </i> uniteable
= =
<b> unic </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> único/a;
* <b> filio unic </b> filho único
&#9679; <i> adj </i> 1. sole, only; 2. unique (= that has no like or equal);
* <b> filio unic </b> only son
&#9674; unicitate
= =
<b> unicellular </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unicelular
= =
<b> unicitate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. singularidade; 2. unicidade
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. oneness, singleness; 2. uniqueness
= =
<b> unicolor </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unicolor
&#9679; <i> adj </i> one-colored, unicolorous
= =
<b> unicorne¹ </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unicorneo/a, unicorno/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> one-horned
&#9674; unicornio
= =
<b> unicorne²</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> n </i> unicorn
= =
<b> unicornio </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unicórnio
&#9679; <i> n </i> unicorn
= =
<b> unificar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> unificar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to unify
&#9674; unification
= =
<b> unification </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unificação
&#9679; <i> n </i> unification
= =
<b> uniflor</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> [Bot.] uniflorous
= =
<b> unifoliate</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> [Bot.] unifoliate
= =
<b> uniformar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> uniformar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to uniform (1. to make uniform; 2. to put into uniform)
= =
<b> uniforme¹ </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> uniforme
&#9679; <i> adj </i> uniform
&#9674; uniformitate; uniformar
= =
<b> uniforme² </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> uniforme
&#9679; <i> n </i> uniform
= =
<b> uniformitate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> uniformidade
&#9679; <i> n </i> uniformity
= =
<b> unigenite </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unigénito/a
= =
<b> Unigenito </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> Unigénito (Jesus Cristo)
= =
<b> unilateral </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unilateral (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Lei])
&#9679; <i> adj </i> unilateral (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Law])
= =
<b> unimento </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unificação
&#9679; <i> n </i> (action of) uniting, joining, etc.
= =
<b> union </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> união;
* <b> tracto de union </b> hífen
&#9679; <i> n </i> union;
* <b> tracto de union </b> hyphen (= sign used to join two words together)
&#9674; unionismo; unionista; disunion
= =
<b> unionismo </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unionismo
&#9679; <i> n </i> unionism
= =
<b> unionista </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unionista
&#9679; <i> n </i> unionist
= =
<b> unipare </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> uníparo/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> uniparous (= producing but one offspring at a time)
= =
<b> unipersonal </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> [Gram.] unipersonal, unipessoal
&#9679; <i> adj </i> [Gram.] unipersonal; <i> also: </i> impersonal
= =
<b> unipolar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unipolar
&#9679; <i> adj </i> unipolar
= =
<b> unir </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> unir
&#9679; <i> v </i> to unite, join, connect
&#9674; unimento; unibile; unitive; unite; disunir; reunir-reunion
= =
<b> unisexual </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unissexual
&#9679; <i> adj </i> unisexual
= =
<b> unisone </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> uníssono/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> unison, unisonous
&#9674; unisono
= =
<b> unisono (-í-) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> uníssono
&#9679; <i> n </i> unison
= =
<b> unit-</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> see </i> <b> unitate </b>
= =
<b> unitari </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unitário/a; 2. [Teol.] unitário/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> 1. unitary;
2. [Theol.] Unitarian
= =
<b> unitario </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. unitário; 2. [Teol.] unitário
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. unitarist; 2. [Theol.] Unitarian
= =
<b> unitarismo </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Teol.] unitarismo
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. unitarism; 2. [Theol.] Unitarianism
= =
<b> unitarista </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Teol.] unitário
= =
<b> unitate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> unidade
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. unit; 2. unity; <i> also: </i> oneness
&#9674; unitari-unitarismo; unitario; disunitate
= =
<b> unite </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unido/a
&#9679; 1. <i> pp </i> of <b> unir </b> ; 2. <i> adj </i> smooth, even;
* <b> (le) Statos Unite </b> (the) United States;
* <b> Nationes Unite </b> United Nations
= =
<b> unitive </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unitivo/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> unitive, uniting
= =
<b> univalve </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> [Bot., Zool.] univalve
&#9679; <i> adj </i> [Bot., Zool.] univalve, univalved
= =
<b> universal </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> universal
&#9679; <i> adj </i> universal;
* <b> suffragio universal </b> universal franchise or suffrage
= =
<b> universalisar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> universalizar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to universalize
= =
<b> universalismo </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Teol.] universalismo
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Theol.] Universalism
= =
<b> universalista </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Teol.] universalista
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Theol.] Universalist
= =
<b> universalitate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. universalidade; 2. totalidade
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. universality; 2. totality
= =
<b> universe </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> universal
&#9679; <i> adj </i> universal
&#9674; universitate; universo-universal-universalismo, universalista, universalitate, universalisar
= =
<b> universit-</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> see </i> <b> universitate </b>
= =
<b> universitari </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> universitário/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> university
= =
<b> universitate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> universidade
&#9679; <i> n </i> university
&#9674; universitari
= =
<b> universo </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> universo
&#9679; <i> n </i> universe
= =
<b> univoc </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> unívoco/a
= =
<b> uno </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> pron indef </i> um/a
&#9679; <i> indef pron </i> one
= =
<b> unquam (únquam) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adv </i> sempre, em qualquer momento
&#9679; <i> adv </i> ever, at any time
= =
<b> upas [Mal.] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Bot.] upas
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Bot.] upas
= =
<b> upsilon </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> upsilon (vigésima letra do alfabeto grego &quot;u&quot;)
= =
<b> upupa </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Zool.] poupa
= =
<b> ur-¹</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> n </i> [occurring in compounds] ur-, uro- (= tail)
&#9674; cenuro etc. ...
= =
<b> ur-²</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> v </i> [occurring in derivatives]
&#9674; ureter; urethra
= =
<b> -ura </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> sufixo substantivo </i> [usado com o segundo tema de verbos terminados em '-er' e '-ir'] (= acção ou resultado de...) <i> compare: </i> mixtura etc.; pictura etc.; fissura etc.; cultura etc.; copertura etc.
&#9679; <i> suffixo substantive </i> [used with the second stem of verbs in <b> -er </b> and <b> -ir </b> ]
-ure (= action or result of
&#9674; mixtura etc.; pictura etc.; fissura etc.; cultura etc.; copertura etc.
= =
<b> Ural </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> npr </i> 1. Ural (Rio); 2. Urais, (Montes)
&#9679; <i> npr </i> 1. Ural (River); 2. Urals, Ural Mountains
&#9674; uralian; uraloaltaic etc.
= =
<b> uralian</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> Uralian
= =
<b> uraloaltaic (-táic)</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> uralaltaic
= =
<b> Urania </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> npr </i> [Mitol.] Urânia
&#9679; <i> npr </i> [Gr. Mythol.] Urania (1. Muse of astronomy; 2. epithet of Aphrodite)
= =
<b> uranic</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> uranic
= =
<b> uranie</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> uranian (1. pertaining to the god Uranus; 2. pertaining to the planet Uranus; 3. pertaining to Urania; 4. pertaining to the heavens)
= =
<b> uranite </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Mineral.] uranite, uranita
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Mineral.] uranite
= =
<b> uranium (-rá-) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Quim.] urânio (U)
&#9679; <i> n </i> uranium
&#9674; uranite; uranic
= =
<b> Urano </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> npr </i> Urano (1. [Mitol.]; 2. [Astron.])
&#9679; <i> npr </i> Uranus (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])
&#9674; uranie-uranium, urania; uranographo etc.; uranometria etc.
= =
<b> uranographia (-ía) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> uranografia
&#9679; <i> n </i> uranography
= =
<b> uranographo (-ógrapho) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> uranógrafo
&#9679; <i> n </i> uranographer
&#9674; uranographia
= =
<b> uranometria (-ía) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> uranometria
&#9679; <i> n </i> (science of) uranometry
= =
<b> urban </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> urbano/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> 1. urban; 2. urbane
= =
<b> urbanisar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> urbanizar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to urbanize
= =
<b> urbanisation </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> urbanização
&#9679; <i> n </i> urbanization
= =
<b> urbanismo </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> urbanismo
&#9679; <i> n </i> town planning, city planning
= =
<b> urbanista </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> urbanista
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. city planner; 2. [Eccl.] urbanist
= =
<b> urbanitate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> urbanidade
&#9679; <i> n </i> urbanity (1. urbanness; 2. urbaneness)
= =
<b> urbe </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> cidade
&#9679; <i> n </i> town, city
&#9674; urban-urbanismo, urbanista, urbanitate, urbanisar-urbanisation, inurban, suburban; suburbio; suburbicari
= =
<b> urceo</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> n </i> pitcher, jug
= =
<b> uredine </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Bot.] uredo
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Bot.] uredinium
&#9674; uredineas
= =
<b> uredineas </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n pl </i> uredíneas
&#9679; <i> npl </i> rust fungi, Uredinales
= =
<b> uremia (-ía) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Med.] uremia
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Med.] uremia, uraemia
&#9674; uremic
= =
<b> uremic </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> urémico/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> uremic, uraemic
= =
<b> urente </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj/ppr </i> [Med.] ardente
&#9679; 1. <i> ppr </i> of <b> urer </b> ; 2. <i> adj </i> [Med.] caustic
= =
<b> urer [ur-/ust-]</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> v </i>
1. to burn, burn up; 2. [Med.] to cauterize
&#9674; uredine; urente; ustion; adurer; comburer
= =
* <b>
ureter </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Anat.] ureter
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Anat.] ureter
&#9674; ureteritis; ureteral; ureterotomia etc.
= =
<b> ureteral </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> uretral
&#9679; <i> adj </i> ureteral
= =
<b> ureteritis (-ítis) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Patol.] uretrite
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Pathol.] ureteritis
= =
<b> ureterotomia (-ía) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Med.] uretrotomia
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Surg.] ureterotomy
= =
<b> urethra </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Anat.] uretra
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Anat.] urethra
&#9674; urethritis; urethral; urethroscopio etc.
= =
<b> urethral </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> uretral
&#9679; <i> adj </i> urethral
= =
<b> urethritis (-ítis) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Patol.] uretrite
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Pathol.] urethritis
= =
<b> urethroscopia (-ía) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Med.] uretroscopia
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Med.] urethroscopy
= =
<b> urethroscopio </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Med.]
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Med.] urethroscope
&#9674; urethroscopia
= =
<b> urgente </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> urgente
&#9679; <i> adj </i> urgent (= demanding immediate attention or action)
= =
<b> urgentia </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> urgência
&#9679; <i> n </i> urgency (= need for immediate attention or action)
= =
<b> urger </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> urgir
&#9679; <i> v </i> to urge, be insistent or pressing; <i> also: </i> to be urgent
&#9674; urgente-urgentia
= =
<b> -urgo</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; [occurring in compounds] -urge (= worker)
&#9674; chirurgo etc.; metallurgo etc.; thaumaturgo etc.; siderurgia etc.
= =
<b> -uria</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; [occurring in compounds]
= =
<b> urina </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> urina
&#9679; <i> n </i> urine
&#9674; urinal; urinose; urinar-urinatorio
= =
<b> urinal </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> urinol (vaso próprio para os doentes urinarem)
&#9679; <i> n </i> urinal (= vessel for holding urine)
= =
<b> urinar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> urinar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to urinate
= =
<b> urinatorio </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> urinol, mictório ( lugar ou sítio público onde os transeuntes vão urinar)
&#9679; <i> n </i> urinal (= building for urinating purposes)
= =
<b> urinose </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> urinoso/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> urinous
= =
<b> urna </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> urna
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. urn; 2. ballot box;
* <b> urna cinerari </b> cinerary urn
= =
<b> uro-</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> n </i> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] (= urine)
&#9674; -uria-albuminuria etc.; uremia etc. ...
= =
<b> urologia </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> urologia
= =
<b> ursa </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ursa;
* <b> ursa major </b> [Astron.] Ursa Maior;
* <b> ursa minor </b> [Astron.] Ursa Minor
&#9679; <i> n </i> she-bear;
* <b> ursa major </b> [Astron.] Ursa Major, Great Bear, (Big) Dipper;
* <b> ursa minor </b> [Astron.] Ursa Minor, Little Bear or Little Dipper
= =
<b> ursin</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adj </i> ursine
= =
<b> urso </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> urso
&#9679; <i> n </i> bear;
* <b> urso polar </b> or <b> blanc </b> polar bear
&#9674; urson; ursin; ursa
= =
<b> urson</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Zool.] Canada porcupine; urson
= =
<b> U.R.S.S.</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> n </i> U.S.S.R.
= =
<b> urtica (-tíca) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> ortiga, urtiga
&#9679; <i> n </i> nettle, urtica
&#9674; urticaria; urticacee-urticaceas; urticar-urticante, urtication
= =
<b> urticaceas </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n pl </i> [Bot.] urticáceas
&#9679; <i> npl </i> [Bot.] Urticaceae
= =
<b> urticacee </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> urticáceo/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> urticaceous
= =
<b> urticante </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> urticante
&#9679; 1. <i> ppr </i> of <b> urticar </b> ; 2. <i> adj </i> urticant, stinging
= =
<b> urticar</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> v </i> to nettle, urticate
= =
<b> urticaria </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Patol.] urticária
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Pathol.] urticaria, nettle rash
= =
<b> urtication</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> n </i> urtication
= =
<b> Uruguay (-ái) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> npr </i> Uruguai
&#9679; <i> npr </i> Uruguay (1. Uruguay river;
2. Republic of Uruguay);
* <b> Republica Oriental del Uruguay </b> Republic of Uruguay
= =
<b> uruguayan </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> uruguaiano/a, uruguaio/a
= =
<b> uruguayano </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> uruguaiano, uruguaio
= =
<b> us-</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> see </i> <b> ut- </b>
= =
<b> U.S.A. [A] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: U.S.A. (acrónimo de United States of America) [A]
&#9679; U.S.A.
= =
<b> usabile </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> usável
&#9679; <i> adj </i> usable
= =
<b> usabilitate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> usabilidade
&#9679; <i> n </i> usability, usableness
= =
<b> usage (-aje) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. uso; 2. costume <br>
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. use (= act of using); 2. usage, custom
= =
<b> usantia </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. uso; 2. costume
&#9679; <i> n </i> usage, custom, habit
= =
<b> usar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> usar
&#9679; <i> v </i> 1. to use, make use of; 2. to use up;
* <b> usar (facer, </b> etc.<b> ) </b> to be used to (doing, etc.)
= =
<b> uso </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. uso; 2. costume
&#9679; <i> n </i> use (1. act of using; 2. habit);
* <b> facer uso de </b> to make use of;
* <b> in uso </b> In use;
* <b> foras de uso </b> out of use
&#9674; usual-inusual; usar-usage, usantia, usabile-usabilitate, inusabile; disuso-disusar; misuso-misusar-misusage; usufruer etc.
= =
<b> usquam (ús-) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adv </i> em qualquer parte
&#9679; <i> adv </i> somewhere
= =
<b> usque </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> prep </i> até
&#9679; <i> prep </i> (all the way) to, up to (a point in space or time); <i> also: </i> till, until;
* <b> usque nunc </b> up to now;
* <b> usque al presente </b> up to the present
= =
<b> ust-</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> see </i> <b> urer </b>
= =
<b> ustion </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> 1. ustão, combustão; 2. [Med.] cauterização
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. (act of) burning, destroying by fire; 2. [Med.] cauterization
= =
<b> usual </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> usual
&#9679; <i> adj </i> usual (1. ordinary; 2. customary)
= =
<b> usufruct-</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> see </i> <b> usufruer </b>
= =
<b> usufructo </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Lei] usufruto, fruição
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Law] usufruct
= =
<b> usufructuari </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> [Lei] usufrutuário
&#9679; <i> adj </i> [Law] usufructuary
= =
<b> usufructuario </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Lei] usufrutuário
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Law] usufructuary
= =
<b> usufruer [-fru-/-fruct-] </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> usufruir
&#9679; <i> v </i> [Law] to enjoy the usufruct
&#9674; usufructo-usufructuari, usufructuario
= =
<b> usura </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> usura (compare: usuria)
&#9679; <i> n </i> usury
&#9674; usuria; usurari; usurero; usurar
= =
<b> usurar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> usurar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to practice usury
= =
<b> usurari </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> usurário/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> usurious
= =
<b> usurero </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> usurário, onzeneiro, agiota
&#9679; <i> n </i> usurer
= =
<b> usuria (-ía) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> usura (compare: usura)
&#9679; <i> n </i> usury
= =
<b> usurpar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> usurpar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to usurp
&#9674; usurpation; usurpator; usurpatori
= =
<b> usurpation </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> usurpação
&#9679; <i> n </i> usurpation
= =
<b> usurpator </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> usurpador
&#9679; <i> n </i> usurper
= =
<b> usurpatori </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> usurpatório/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> usurpatory
= =
<b> [ut]</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> adv </i> as, how, in order that, to the end that, just as;
* <b> ut ... ita ... </b> the ... the ..., as ... so ...
&#9674; sicut etc.
= =
<b> ut </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> [Mus.] ut (primeira nota da escala musical hoje substituída por dó)
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Mus.] (the note) C
= =
<b> ut- [ut-/us-]</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> v </i> [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
&#9674; utile; uso; abut-
= =
<b> utensile </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> utênsil
&#9679; <i> n </i> utensil, tool
= =
<b> uterin </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> uterino/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> uterine (1. pertaining to the uterus; 2. born of the same mother, but of a different father)
= =
<b> utero (ú-) </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> útero
&#9679; <i> n </i> uterus, womb
&#9674; uterin; uterologia etc.
= =
<b> uterologia (-ía)</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> n </i> uterology
= =
<b> utile </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> útil
&#9679; <i> adj </i> useful
&#9674; utilitate-utilitari-utilitario, utilitarismo; utilisar-utilisabile-inutilisabile, utilisation, utilisator, utilisate-inutilisate; inutile-inutilitate, inutilisar
= =
<b> utilisabile </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> utilizável
&#9679; <i> adj </i> available (= capable of being turned to account)
= =
<b> utilisar </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> v </i> utilizar
&#9679; <i> v </i> to utilize
= =
<b> utilisate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> utilizado/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> utilized, used
= =
<b> utilisation </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> utilização
&#9679; <i> n </i> utilization
= =
<b> utilisator </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> utilizador
&#9679; <i> n </i> utilizer
= =
<b> utilitari </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> utilitário/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> utilitarian (as in
“utilitarian ethics”)
= =
<b> utilitario </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> utilitário
&#9679; <i> n </i> utilitarian
= =
<b> utilitarismo </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> utilitarismo
&#9679; <i> n </i> utilitarianism
= =
<b> utilitarista </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> utilitarista
= =
<b> utilitate </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> utilidade
&#9679; <i> n </i> utility, usefulness
= =
<b> Utopia </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> npr </i> Utopia (país ideal em que tudo estaria organizado da melhor forma para a felicidade completa da população, tal como foi idealizado por Thomas More e outros utopistas)
&#9679; <i> npr </i> Utopia
= =
<b> utopia </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> utopia, quimera, fantasia
&#9679; <i> n </i> utopia
&#9674; utopismo; utopista; utopic
= =
<b> utopic </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> utópico/a
&#9679; <i> adj </i> utopian
= =
<b> utopismo </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> utopia
&#9679; <i> n </i> utopianism
= =
<b> utopista </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> utopista
&#9679; <i> n </i> utopian
= =
<b> [utroque]</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> indef pron </i> either or both of two
= =
<b> [utrum ... an] (ú-)</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> conj </i> whether ... or
= =
<b> uva </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> uva
&#9679; <i> n </i> 1. grape; 2. grapes, bunch of grapes;
* <b> uva de Corintho </b> currant (= small seedless raisin used in cooking);
* <b> uva sic </b> raisin
&#9674; uvula; uvea
= =
<b> uvea</b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt:
&#9679; <i> n </i> [Anat.] uvea
= =
<b> uvula </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> úvula
&#9679; <i> n </i> uvula
&#9674; uvular
= =
<b> uvular </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> adj </i> uvular
&#9679; <i> adj </i> uvular
= =
<b> uxor </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> esposa, mulher
&#9679; <i> n </i> wife
&#9674; uxoricida etc.; uxoricidio etc.
= =
<b> uxoricida </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> uxoricida
&#9679; <i> n </i> uxoricide (= one who kills his wife)
= =
<b> uxoricidio </b>
* es:
* fr:
* it:
* pt: <i> n </i> uxoricídio
&#9679; <i> n </i> uxoricide (= act of killing one’s wife)

Revision as of 08:45, 12 March 2009

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: vigésima primeira letra do alfabeto (vogal)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n úbere, teta

n udder


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj úbere, fértil, abundante

adj fruitful, abundant, uberous

◊ ubertate, exuberar


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n fertilidade, uberdade

n fertility, abundance, uberty


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: 1. adv onde; 2. conj onde; quando;
  • a ubi aonde

● 1. adv where (= in or at what place); 2. conj where; when, as soon as; wherewith; in which;

  • a ubi where, whither;
  • de ubi from where, whence

◊ ubicar; ubique etc.; ubicunque etc.; alicubi etc.; [alterubi] etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v colocar, posicionar

v to have one’s location, be (somewhere)

◊ ubication


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n colocação

n location (= fact of being located in a certain place), ubication


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adv/conj em qualquer parte

adv/conj wherever


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ubíquo/a

adv everywhere; anywhere, wheresoever, wherever

◊ ubiquitate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ubiquidade, ubiquação

n ubiquitousness


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: OVNI (acrónimo de Objecto Volante Non Identificate)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ufologia (estudo dos OVNIs)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ufologo (aquele que estuda os OVNIs)

ukaz [R]

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ukaz [R]

n ukase


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: npr Ucrânia

npr Ukraine

◊ ukrainian-ukrainiano


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ucraniano/a

adj Ukrainian


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ucraniano (1. nativo da Ucrânia; 2. língua ucraniana)

n Ukrainian (1. native of the Ukraine; 2. Ukrainian language)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v ulcerar

v to ulcerate (= to affect with ulcers)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Med.] ulceração

n [Med.] ulceration


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Med.] úlcera

n [Med.] ulcer

◊ ulcerose; ulcerar-ulceration


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ulceroso/a

adj ulcerous (1. having the nature of an ulcer; 2. ulcerated)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj/pron algum/a, alguém

adj/pron any, anyone

◊ nulle


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj [Bot.] ulmácea

adj [Bot.] ulmaceous


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Bot.] ulmária, ulmeira

n [Bot.] meadowsweet, queen of the meadows


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n olmedo, olmedal

n elm grove


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj [Quim.] úlmico/a

adj [Chem.] ulmic


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Quim.] ulmina

n [Chem.] ulmin


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n olmo, ulmo, olmeiro, ulmeiro

n elm

◊ ulmeto; ulmacee; ulmaria; ulmic; ulmina

Ulster [A]

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: npr Ulster [A]

npr Ulster;

  • ulster [Clothing] ulster


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ulterior

adj 1. ulterior, situated beyond, thither; 2. subsequent, later


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adv ulteriormente

adv later (on), subsequently


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v ultimar

v to bring to a close, to bring to completion


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ultimado/a

● 1. pp of ultimar  ; 2. adj ultimate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ultimação

n (action of) bringing to a close or to completion

ultimatum [NL]

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ultimatum [NL]

n ultimatum

ultime (úl-)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ultimo/a

adj last

◊ penultime; ultimar-ultimation, ultimate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adv ultra, extremo limite

● I. adv on the other side, beyond, farther; II. prep 1. on the farther side of; beyond, past; 2. besides;

  • ultra illo besides, moreover;
  • ultra que aside from the fact that

◊ ultrage; ultrar-ultrantia


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: prefixo (= detrás de) compare: ultramarin etc.; ultraviolette etc.; ultrapassar etc.

prefixo ultra- (= beyond)

◊ ultramarin etc.; ultraviolette etc.; ultrapassar etc.

ultrage (-aje)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ultraje, ultrajem

n outrage

◊ ultragiose; ultragiar


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ultrajável


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj/ppr ultrajante

ultragiar (-ajár)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v ultrajar

v to outrage


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj/pp ultrajado/a


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ultrajador

ultragiose (-jose)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ultrajoso/a

adj outrageous


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adv ultrajosamente


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adv ultramar

adv overseas;

  • (paises) de ultramar overseas (countries)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ultramarino/a

adj ultramarine (blue)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ultramontano/a, (1. transmontano/a; 2. [Catól.])

adj ultramontane (1. transmontane; 2. [R.C.Ch.])

◊ ultramontanismo


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ultramontanismo

n ultramontanism


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n até ao fim

n excess, extreme;

  • a ultrantia to the bitter end


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v ultrapassar

v to go beyond


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

v to carry to excess or to extremes


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ultra-sónico/a


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ultra-som


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ultravioleta, ultra-roxo

adj ultraviolet;

  • radios ultraviolette ultraviolet rays

uluco (ú-)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n mocho

n owl

ulula (úlula)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n bufo

n barn owl


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v ulular, uivar

v to howl, ululate

◊ ululation; ululator


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ululação

n howling, ululation


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n


n howler (= one who howls); specif.: howling monkey

Ulysses (-lís-)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: npr [Mitol.] Ulisses

npr [Gr. Mythol.] Ulysses


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Bot.] umbela

n [Bot.] umbel

◊ umbellate; umbellifere; umbelliforme etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj [Bot.] umbelado/a

adj [Bot.] umbellate

  • umbellifere
  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj [Bot.] umbelífero/a

adj [Bot.] umbelliferous


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj [Bot.] umbeliforme

adj [Bot.] umbelliform


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj umbilical

adj umbilical;

  • cordon umbilical umbilical cord


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj umbilicado/a

adj umbilicate

umbilico (-íco)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Anat.] umbigo

n [Anat.] navel, umbilicus

◊ umbilical; umbilicate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n sombra

n 1. shade (as in “light and shade”; also: as in “the shades in Hades”); 2. shadow;

  • al umbra de under or in the shadow of;
  • umbras (del nocte) shadows (of the night);
  • umbra de (dubita, etc. ) shade or shadow of (doubt etc.)

◊ umbrella; umbratile; umbrifere; umbrina; umbrose; umbrar-adumbrar; penumbra


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n castanho escuro

n umber (1. [Mineral.]; 2. “the color umber”);

  • terra de umbra sienna


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

v to shade, darken (= to put shading in or on)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj shady, umbrageous


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj úmbro/a

adj Umbrian


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n guarda-chuva, sombreiro

n umbrella (= cloth-covered frame used for protection against rain or sun)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: npr Úmbria (região italiana)

npr Umbria


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj umbriferous


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

n [Zool.] umbrina, umbrine


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n úmbro (1. habitante da Úmbria; 2. dialecto úmbro)

n Umbrian (1. inhabitant of Umbria; 2. Umbrian dialect)

◊ Umbria; umbre


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj sombroso/a

adj shady, umbrageous


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: 1. adj um/a; 2. art indef um/a;
  • le un le altere um ao outro

● 1. adj one; 2. indef art a, an;

  • le un le altere one another, each other, each (one) ... the other (one);
  • le unes le alteres one another, each other, each (of them) ... the others, other ones

◊ union; unitate; unic; unir; unificar; unicorne etc.; unilateral etc.; uniforme etc.; unanime etc.; unicolor etc.; unipare etc.; [unaltere] etc.; undece etc.; dece-un etc.; alicun etc.; [qualcun] etc.; [alcun] etc.; [necun] etc.; uno-[qualcuno] etc., alcuno etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: pron um/a ao outro/a

pron each other, one another

unanime (-ánime)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unânime

adj unanimous

◊ unanimitate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unanimidade

n unanimity


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. onça; 2. polegada

n 1. ounce; 2. inch

◊ uncial-semiuncial etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj uncial

adj uncial


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unciforme

n unciform, hook-shaped


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj uncinado/a

adj uncinate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. ancinho;

2. gancho

n hook (as in “wall hook”, “hook and eye”)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. ancinho;

2. gancho

n hook, barb

◊ uncino-uncinate; unciforme etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

see unguer


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v untar, ungir (compare: unguer)

see unguer [ung-/unct-]


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unção

n unction (1. act of anointing; 2. unctuousness)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. ungido; 2. unto;
  • le Uncto del Senior o Ungido do Senhor

n anointed;

  • le Uncto del Senior the Lord’s Anointed


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. ungido; 2. unto

n unguent, ointment

◊ unctuose-unctuositate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

see uncto²


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj untuoso/a

adj unctuous (1. oily, greasy; 2. oily, suave)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n untuosidade

n unctuosity, unctuousness


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n onda

n wave (1. “wave of the sea, etc.”; 2. [Phys.]);

  • unda sonor sound wave;
  • unda luminose light wave;
  • undas curte [Radio] short waves;
  • undas longe [Radio] long waves

◊ undulose; undular; undina; undose; undear; inundar; undisone etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adv 1. onde; 2. por causa

adv whence (1. from which place; 2. wherefore, for which reason or cause)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v ondear

v to wave (= to move in waves or undulations)

undece (ún-)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj onze

adj eleven


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ondina, ondim

n undine


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj wavelike (= sounding like waves)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ondoso/a

adj wavy


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v ondular

v to wave, undulate (1. to move in, or like, waves; 2. to impart a wavy appearance to)

◊ undulation; undulatori; undulate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ondulado/a

● 1. pp of undular  ; 2. adj wavy, undulating


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ondulação

n I. undulation (1. waving motion; 2. wavy form); II. [Hairdressing] wave;

  • undulation permanente permanent wave


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ondulatório/a

adj undulatory


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj onduloso/a

adj rolling, wavy, undulous


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: UNESCO [A]



  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unha

n nail (of a finger or toe); also: unguis

◊ unguiculo-unguiculate; ungula; unguifere


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unguentário

adj unguentary


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unguento

n ointment, salve

unguer [ung-/unct-]

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v ungir (compare: unctar)

v to anoint (1. to rub with an ointment; 2. to make sacred with oil)

◊ ungento-ungentari; unction; uncto¹; uncto²; axungia etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj unguiculate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

n small nail or claw


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj unguiferous

ungula (úngula)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. unha; 2. garra (aves); 3. casco (paquidermes e ruminantes)

n 1. nail (of a finger or toe); 2. claw (of a canine, feline, or bird); 3. hoof (of an animal)

◊ ungulate-ungulato, multungulate etc.; multungule etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj ungulado/a

adj ungulate (1. having hoofs; 2. pertaining to the ungulates)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Zool.] ungulado

n [Zool.] ungulate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unível, unificável

adj uniteable


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj único/a;
  • filio unic filho único

adj 1. sole, only; 2. unique (= that has no like or equal);

  • filio unic only son

◊ unicitate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unicelular


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. singularidade; 2. unicidade

n 1. oneness, singleness; 2. uniqueness


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unicolor

adj one-colored, unicolorous


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unicorneo/a, unicorno/a

adj one-horned

◊ unicornio


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

n unicorn


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unicórnio

n unicorn


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v unificar

v to unify

◊ unification


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unificação

n unification


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj [Bot.] uniflorous


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj [Bot.] unifoliate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v uniformar

v to uniform (1. to make uniform; 2. to put into uniform)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj uniforme

adj uniform

◊ uniformitate; uniformar


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n uniforme

n uniform


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n uniformidade

n uniformity


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unigénito/a


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n Unigénito (Jesus Cristo)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unilateral (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Lei])

adj unilateral (1. [Bot.]; 2. [Law])


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unificação

n (action of) uniting, joining, etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n união;
  • tracto de union hífen

n union;

  • tracto de union hyphen (= sign used to join two words together)

◊ unionismo; unionista; disunion


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unionismo

n unionism


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unionista

n unionist


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj uníparo/a

adj uniparous (= producing but one offspring at a time)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj [Gram.] unipersonal, unipessoal

adj [Gram.] unipersonal; also: impersonal


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unipolar

adj unipolar


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v unir

v to unite, join, connect

◊ unimento; unibile; unitive; unite; disunir; reunir-reunion


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unissexual

adj unisexual


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj uníssono/a

adj unison, unisonous

◊ unisono

unisono (-í-)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n uníssono

n unison


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

see unitate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unitário/a; 2. [Teol.] unitário/a

adj 1. unitary; 2. [Theol.] Unitarian


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. unitário; 2. [Teol.] unitário

n 1. unitarist; 2. [Theol.] Unitarian


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Teol.] unitarismo

n 1. unitarism; 2. [Theol.] Unitarianism


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Teol.] unitário


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n unidade

n 1. unit; 2. unity; also: oneness

◊ unitari-unitarismo; unitario; disunitate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unido/a

● 1. pp of unir  ; 2. adj smooth, even;

  • (le) Statos Unite (the) United States;
  • Nationes Unite United Nations


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unitivo/a

adj unitive, uniting


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj [Bot., Zool.] univalve

adj [Bot., Zool.] univalve, univalved


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj universal

adj universal;

  • suffragio universal universal franchise or suffrage


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v universalizar

v to universalize


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Teol.] universalismo

n [Theol.] Universalism


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Teol.] universalista

n [Theol.] Universalist


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. universalidade; 2. totalidade

n 1. universality; 2. totality


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj universal

adj universal

◊ universitate; universo-universal-universalismo, universalista, universalitate, universalisar


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

see universitate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj universitário/a

adj university


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n universidade

n university

◊ universitari


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n universo

n universe


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj unívoco/a


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: pron indef um/a

indef pron one

unquam (únquam)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adv sempre, em qualquer momento

adv ever, at any time

upas [Mal.]

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Bot.] upas

n [Bot.] upas


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n upsilon (vigésima letra do alfabeto grego "u")


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Zool.] poupa


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

n [occurring in compounds] ur-, uro- (= tail)

◊ cenuro etc. ...


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

v [occurring in derivatives]

◊ ureter; urethra


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: sufixo substantivo [usado com o segundo tema de verbos terminados em '-er' e '-ir'] (= acção ou resultado de...) compare: mixtura etc.; pictura etc.; fissura etc.; cultura etc.; copertura etc.

suffixo substantive [used with the second stem of verbs in -er and -ir ] -ure (= action or result of

◊ mixtura etc.; pictura etc.; fissura etc.; cultura etc.; copertura etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: npr 1. Ural (Rio); 2. Urais, (Montes)

npr 1. Ural (River); 2. Urals, Ural Mountains

◊ uralian; uraloaltaic etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj Uralian

uraloaltaic (-táic)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj uralaltaic


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: npr [Mitol.] Urânia

npr [Gr. Mythol.] Urania (1. Muse of astronomy; 2. epithet of Aphrodite)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj uranic


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj uranian (1. pertaining to the god Uranus; 2. pertaining to the planet Uranus; 3. pertaining to Urania; 4. pertaining to the heavens)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Mineral.] uranite, uranita

n [Mineral.] uranite

uranium (-rá-)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Quim.] urânio (U)

n uranium

◊ uranite; uranic


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: npr Urano (1. [Mitol.]; 2. [Astron.])

npr Uranus (1. [Gr. Mythol.]; 2. [Astron.])

◊ uranie-uranium, urania; uranographo etc.; uranometria etc.

uranographia (-ía)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n uranografia

n uranography

uranographo (-ógrapho)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n uranógrafo

n uranographer

◊ uranographia

uranometria (-ía)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n uranometria

n (science of) uranometry


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj urbano/a

adj 1. urban; 2. urbane


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v urbanizar

v to urbanize


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n urbanização

n urbanization


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n urbanismo

n town planning, city planning


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n urbanista

n 1. city planner; 2. [Eccl.] urbanist


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n urbanidade

n urbanity (1. urbanness; 2. urbaneness)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n cidade

n town, city

◊ urban-urbanismo, urbanista, urbanitate, urbanisar-urbanisation, inurban, suburban; suburbio; suburbicari


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

n pitcher, jug


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Bot.] uredo

n [Bot.] uredinium

◊ uredineas


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n pl uredíneas

npl rust fungi, Uredinales

uremia (-ía)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Med.] uremia

n [Med.] uremia, uraemia

◊ uremic


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj urémico/a

adj uremic, uraemic


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj/ppr [Med.] ardente

● 1. ppr of urer  ; 2. adj [Med.] caustic

urer [ur-/ust-]

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

v 1. to burn, burn up; 2. [Med.] to cauterize

◊ uredine; urente; ustion; adurer; comburer


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Anat.] ureter

n [Anat.] ureter

◊ ureteritis; ureteral; ureterotomia etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj uretral

adj ureteral

ureteritis (-ítis)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Patol.] uretrite

n [Pathol.] ureteritis

ureterotomia (-ía)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Med.] uretrotomia

n [Surg.] ureterotomy


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Anat.] uretra

n [Anat.] urethra

◊ urethritis; urethral; urethroscopio etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj uretral

adj urethral

urethritis (-ítis)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Patol.] uretrite

n [Pathol.] urethritis

urethroscopia (-ía)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Med.] uretroscopia

n [Med.] urethroscopy


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Med.]


n [Med.] urethroscope

◊ urethroscopia


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj urgente

adj urgent (= demanding immediate attention or action)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n urgência

n urgency (= need for immediate attention or action)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v urgir

v to urge, be insistent or pressing; also: to be urgent

◊ urgente-urgentia


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

● [occurring in compounds] -urge (= worker)

◊ chirurgo etc.; metallurgo etc.; thaumaturgo etc.; siderurgia etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

● [occurring in compounds]


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n urina

n urine

◊ urinal; urinose; urinar-urinatorio


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n urinol (vaso próprio para os doentes urinarem)

n urinal (= vessel for holding urine)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v urinar

v to urinate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n urinol, mictório ( lugar ou sítio público onde os transeuntes vão urinar)

n urinal (= building for urinating purposes)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj urinoso/a

adj urinous


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n urna

n 1. urn; 2. ballot box;

  • urna cinerari cinerary urn


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] (= urine)

◊ -uria-albuminuria etc.; uremia etc. ...


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n urologia


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ursa;
  • ursa major [Astron.] Ursa Maior;
  • ursa minor [Astron.] Ursa Minor

n she-bear;

  • ursa major [Astron.] Ursa Major, Great Bear, (Big) Dipper;
  • ursa minor [Astron.] Ursa Minor, Little Bear or Little Dipper


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adj ursine


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n urso

n bear;

  • urso polar or blanc polar bear

◊ urson; ursin; ursa


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

n [Zool.] Canada porcupine; urson


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

n U.S.S.R.

urtica (-tíca)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n ortiga, urtiga

n nettle, urtica

◊ urticaria; urticacee-urticaceas; urticar-urticante, urtication


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n pl [Bot.] urticáceas

npl [Bot.] Urticaceae


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj urticáceo/a

adj urticaceous


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj urticante

● 1. ppr of urticar  ; 2. adj urticant, stinging


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

v to nettle, urticate


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Patol.] urticária

n [Pathol.] urticaria, nettle rash


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

n urtication

Uruguay (-ái)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: npr Uruguai

npr Uruguay (1. Uruguay river; 2. Republic of Uruguay);

  • Republica Oriental del Uruguay Republic of Uruguay


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj uruguaiano/a, uruguaio/a


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n uruguaiano, uruguaio


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

see ut-

U.S.A. [A]

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: U.S.A. (acrónimo de United States of America) [A]

● U.S.A.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj usável

adj usable


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n usabilidade

n usability, usableness

usage (-aje)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. uso; 2. costume

n 1. use (= act of using); 2. usage, custom


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. uso; 2. costume

n usage, custom, habit


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v usar

v 1. to use, make use of; 2. to use up;

  • usar (facer, etc. ) to be used to (doing, etc.)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. uso; 2. costume

n use (1. act of using; 2. habit);

  • facer uso de to make use of;
  • in uso In use;
  • foras de uso out of use

◊ usual-inusual; usar-usage, usantia, usabile-usabilitate, inusabile; disuso-disusar; misuso-misusar-misusage; usufruer etc.

usquam (ús-)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adv em qualquer parte

adv somewhere


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: prep até

prep (all the way) to, up to (a point in space or time); also: till, until;

  • usque nunc up to now;
  • usque al presente up to the present


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

see urer


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n 1. ustão, combustão; 2. [Med.] cauterização

n 1. (act of) burning, destroying by fire; 2. [Med.] cauterization


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj usual

adj usual (1. ordinary; 2. customary)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

see usufruer


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Lei] usufruto, fruição

n [Law] usufruct


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj [Lei] usufrutuário

adj [Law] usufructuary


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Lei] usufrutuário

n [Law] usufructuary

usufruer [-fru-/-fruct-]

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v usufruir

v [Law] to enjoy the usufruct

◊ usufructo-usufructuari, usufructuario


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n usura (compare: usuria)

n usury

◊ usuria; usurari; usurero; usurar


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v usurar

v to practice usury


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj usurário/a

adj usurious


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n usurário, onzeneiro, agiota

n usurer

usuria (-ía)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n usura (compare: usura)

n usury


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v usurpar

v to usurp

◊ usurpation; usurpator; usurpatori


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n usurpação

n usurpation


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n usurpador

n usurper


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj usurpatório/a

adj usurpatory


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

adv as, how, in order that, to the end that, just as;

  • ut ... ita ... the ... the ..., as ... so ...

◊ sicut etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n [Mus.] ut (primeira nota da escala musical hoje substituída por dó)

n [Mus.] (the note) C

ut- [ut-/us-]

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

v [occurring in derivatives and compounds]

◊ utile; uso; abut-


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n utênsil

n utensil, tool


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj uterino/a

adj uterine (1. pertaining to the uterus; 2. born of the same mother, but of a different father)

utero (ú-)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n útero

n uterus, womb

◊ uterin; uterologia etc.

uterologia (-ía)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

n uterology


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj útil

adj useful

◊ utilitate-utilitari-utilitario, utilitarismo; utilisar-utilisabile-inutilisabile, utilisation, utilisator, utilisate-inutilisate; inutile-inutilitate, inutilisar


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj utilizável

adj available (= capable of being turned to account)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: v utilizar

v to utilize


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj utilizado/a

adj utilized, used


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n utilização

n utilization


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n utilizador

n utilizer


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj utilitário/a

adj utilitarian (as in “utilitarian ethics”)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n utilitário

n utilitarian


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n utilitarismo

n utilitarianism


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n utilitarista


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n utilidade

n utility, usefulness


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: npr Utopia (país ideal em que tudo estaria organizado da melhor forma para a felicidade completa da população, tal como foi idealizado por Thomas More e outros utopistas)

npr Utopia


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n utopia, quimera, fantasia

n utopia

◊ utopismo; utopista; utopic


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj utópico/a

adj utopian


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n utopia

n utopianism


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n utopista

n utopian


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

indef pron either or both of two

[utrum ... an] (ú-)

  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

conj whether ... or


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n uva

n 1. grape; 2. grapes, bunch of grapes;

  • uva de Corintho currant (= small seedless raisin used in cooking);
  • uva sic raisin

◊ uvula; uvea


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt:

n [Anat.] uvea


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n úvula

n uvula

◊ uvular


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: adj uvular

adj uvular


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n esposa, mulher

n wife

◊ uxoricida etc.; uxoricidio etc.


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n uxoricida

n uxoricide (= one who kills his wife)


  • es:
  • fr:
  • it:
  • pt: n uxoricídio

n uxoricide (= act of killing one’s wife)