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<b>o</b> <i>conj</i> or; <br>
<b>o ... o</b> either ... or<br>
<b>oasis (-á-)</b> <i>n</i> oasis<br>
<b>[ob]</b> <i>prep</i> towards; before, in front of; on account of, because of<br>
<b>obediente</b> <i>adj</i> obedient<br>
<b>obedientia</b> <i>n</i> obedience<br>
<b>obedir</b> <i>v</i> to obey; <br>
<b>obedir a (un persona, un lege, </b>etc.<b>)</b> to obey (a person, a law, etc.) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obediente-obedientia; disobedir-disobediente-disobedientia<br>
<b>obelisco</b> <i>n</i> obelisk<br>
<b>obir</b> <i>v</i> to perish, die <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obito-obituari, obituario<br>
<b>obito (ó-)</b> <i>n</i> 1. death, demise; 2. [Eccl.] anniversary mass, obit<br>
<b>obituari</b> <i>adj</i> obituary<br>
<b>obituario</b> <i>n</i> [R.C.Ch.] register of deaths, obituary<br>
<b>object-</b> <i>see</i> <b>objic-</b><br>
<b>objectar</b> <i>v</i> to object<br>
<b>objection</b> <i>n</i> objection; <br>
<b>facer un objection</b>, <b>sublevar un objection</b> to make or raise an objection<br>
<b>objectivar</b> <i>v</i> to objectivize, objectify<br>
<b>objectivation</b> <i>n</i> [Philos.] objectivation<br>
<b>objective</b> <i>adj</i> objective<br>
<b>objectivismo</b> <i>n</i> [Philos.] objectivism<br>
<b>objectivitate</b> <i>n</i> objectivity<br>
<b>objectivo</b> <i>n</i> objective (1. aim, end; 2. [Opt.]; <i>also:</i> object glass, lens)<br>
<b>objecto</b> <i>n</i> object (1. a material thing; 2. purpose, end; 3. [Gram.])<br>
<b>objic- [-jic-/-ject-]</b> <i>v</i> [occurring in derivatives] <br>
<I>Hence:</i> objection; objective-objectivismo, objectivitate, objectivo-objectivar-objectivation; objecto-objectar<br>
<b>oblat-</b> <i>see</i> <b>offerer</b><br>
<b>oblation</b> <i>n</i> oblation (1. [Eccl.]; 2. donation, offering)<br>
<b>oblidabile</b> <i>adj</i> easily forgotten<br>
<b>oblidar</b> <i>v</i> to forget <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oblido; oblidabile-inoblidabile<br>
<b>oblido</b> <i>n</i> 1. oblivion; 2. forgetfulness; <br>
<b>cader in oblido</b> to fall into oblivion<br>
<b>obligante</b> <i>adj</i> obliging<br>
<b>obligar</b> <i>v</i> to oblige (1. to compel; 2. to make indebted by doing a favor); <br>
<b>multo obligate!</b> much obliged! <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obligante; obligation; obligatori; disobligar-disobligante<br>
<b>obligation</b> <i>n</i> obligation (1. moral or legal duty; 2. [Law] bond, contact; 3. [Com., Fin.] bond, debenture; 4. indebtedness for a favor)<br>
<b>obligatori</b> <i>adj</i> obligatory, compulsory, binding<br>
<b>obliquar</b> <i>v</i> to move obliquely, oblique<br>
<b>oblique</b> <i>adj</i> oblique (1. slanting; 2. not straightforward); <br>
<b>caso oblique</b> [Gram.] oblique case; <br>
[Anat.] <b>musculos oblique</b> oblique muscles <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obliquitate; obliquar<br>
<b>obliquitate</b> <i>n</i> obliquity<br>
<b>obliterar</b> <i>v</i> to obliterate; <i>also:</i> [Med.] <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obliteration<br>
<b>obliteration</b> <i>n</i> obliteration; <i>also:</i> [Med.]<br>
<b>oblivion</b> <i>n</i> 1. oblivion; 2. forgetfulness <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obliviose<br>
<b>obliviose</b> <i>adj</i> forgetful; <br>
<b>obliviose de</b> oblivious of, forgetful of<br>
<b>oblonge</b> <i>adj</i> oblong<br>
<b>obnubilar</b> <i>v</i> to overcloud, overcast <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obnubilation<br>
<b>obnubilation</b> <i>n</i> [Med.] obnubilation<br>
<b>oboe (ó-)</b> <i>n</i> oboe <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oboista<br>
<b>oboista</b> <i>n</i> oboist<br>
<b>obra</b> <i>n</i> work (1. purposeful activity; 2. something produced by manual or intellectual work); <br>
<b>poner in obra</b> to put to work or use; <br>
<b>obra de arte</b> work of art <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obrero<br>
<b>obrero</b> <i>n</i> workman<br>
<b>obscen</b> <i>adj</i> obscene <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obscenitate<br>
<b>obscenitate</b> <i>n</i> obscenity<br>
<b>obscur</b> <i>adj</i> dark, obscure, dim; <br>
<b>camera obscur</b> [Photog.] darkroom <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obscuritate; obscurar-obscurante-obscurantismo, obscurantista, obscuration; clarobscuro etc.<br>
<b>obscurante</b> <i>n</i> obscurantist<br>
<b>obscurantismo</b> <i>n</i> obscurantism<br>
<b>obscurantista</b> <i>n</i> obscurantist<br>
<b>obscurar</b> <i>v</i> to darken, obscure, dim; <i>also:</i> to blackout<br>
<b>obscuration</b> <i>n</i> obscuration; <i>also:</i> 1. [Astron.] occultation, eclipse; 2. blackout<br>
<b>obscuritate</b> <i>n</i> darkness, obscurity, dimness<br>
<b>obsecrar</b> <i>v</i> to obsecrate <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obsecration<br>
<b>obsecration</b> <i>n</i> obsecration (1. supplication; 2. [Rhet.])<br>
<b>obseder [-sed-/-sess-]</b> <i>v</i> to obsess <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obsession<br>
<b>obsequer</b> <i>v</i> 1. to comply with, yield to; 2. to defer to <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obsequio-obsequiose-obsequiositate; obsequiar; obsequias<br>
<b>obsequiar</b> <i>v</i> to treat with deference<br>
<b>obsequias</b> <i>npl</i> funeral, obsequies<br>
<b>obsequio</b> <i>n</i> deference<br>
<b>obsequiose</b> <i>adj</i> obsequious<br>
<b>obsequiositate</b> <i>n</i> obsequiousness<br>
<b>observabile</b> <i>adj</i> observable (1. discernible; 2. noteworthy)<br>
<b>observante</b> 1. <i>ppr</i> of <b>observar</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> observant (= strict in observing rules or customs)<br>
<b>observantia</b> <i>n</i> observance (1. act of observing a rule, law, etc.; 2. religious rite or custom)<br>
<b>observar</b> <i>v</i> to observe (1. “to observe a law, rule, etc.”; 2. to watch closely, to study; 3. to remark); <br>
<b>facer observar un cosa a un persona</b> to point something out to someone <br>
<I>Hence:</i> observante-observantia, inobservante-inobservantia; observabile-inobservabile; observation; observator; observatorio<br>
<b>observation</b> <i>n</i> observation (1. observance; 2. act of observing a fact, event, phenomenon, etc.; 3. remark)<br>
<b>observator</b> <i>n</i> observer; <i>attrib.</i> observing, observant<br>
<b>observatorio</b> <i>n</i> observatory (= place or building for scientific observation)<br>
<b>obsess-</b> <i>see</i> <b>obseder</b><br>
<b>obsession</b> <i>n</i> obsession<br>
<b>obsolescente</b> 1. <i>ppr</i> of <b>obsolescer</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> obsolescent, becoming obsolete<br>
<b>obsolescentia</b> <i>n</i> obsolescence<br>
<b>obsolescer [-solesc-/-solet-]</b> <i>v</i> to be or become obsolescent, obsolesce <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obsolescente-obsolescentia; obsolete<br>
<b>obsolet-</b> <i>see</i> <b>obsolescer</b><br>
<b>obsolete</b> <i>adj</i> obsolete<br>
<b>obstaculo</b> <i>n</i> obstacle<br>
<b>obstar</b> <i>v</i> to stand in the way of <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obstaculo; nonobstante<br>
<b>obstetric</b> <i>adj</i> obstetric, obstetrical <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obstetricia; obstetrico<br>
<b>obstetrice</b> <i>n</i> midwife <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obstetricia<br>
<b>obstetricia</b> <i>n</i> obstetrics, midwifery<br>
<b>obstetrico</b> <i>n</i> obstetrician<br>
<b>obstinar</b> <i>v</i> -; <br>
<b>obstinar se</b> to grow or be obstinate; <br>
<b>obstinar se a</b> to persist in, be obstinate about <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obstination; obstinate<br>
<b>obstinate</b> <i>adj</i> obstinate<br>
<b>obstination</b> <i>n</i> obstinacy<br>
<b>obstruct-</b> <i>see</i> <b>obstruer</b><br>
<b>obstruction</b> <i>n</i> obstruction (1. action of obstructing or blocking; 2. [Med.]; 3. [Parl.]); <br>
<b>facer obstruction</b> [Parl.] to filibuster, obstruct<br>
<b>obstructionismo</b> <i>n</i> obstructionism<br>
<b>obstructionista</b> <i>n</i> obstructionist<br>
<b>obstructive</b> <i>adj</i> obstructive<br>
<b>obstruer [-stru-/-struct-]</b> <i>v</i> to obstruct (= to block with obstacles or impediments) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obstruction-obstructionismo, obstructionista; obstructive<br>
<b>obtemperar</b> <i>v</i> to obey, be obedient; <br>
<b>obtemperar a un persona</b> to obey someone<br>
<b>obtener [-ten-/-tent-]</b> <i>v</i> to obtain (= to get) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obtenimento; obtenibile; obtention; obtentor<br>
<b>obtenibile</b> <i>adj</i> obtainable<br>
<b>obtenimento</b> <i>n</i> obtainment<br>
<b>obtent-</b> <i>see</i> <b>obtener</b><br>
<b>obtention</b> <i>n</i> obtention<br>
<b>obtentor</b> <i>n</i> obtainer<br>
<b>obtundente</b> 1. <i>ppr</i> of <b>obtunder</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> blunt, obtundent<br>
<b>obtunder [-tund-/-tus-]</b> <i>v</i> to blunt, dull, obtund <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obtundente; obtuse-obtusitate, obtusangule etc.<br>
<b>obtus-</b> <i>see</i> <b>obtunder</b><br>
<b>obtusangule</b> <i>adj</i> [Geom.] obtuse-angled, obtusangular<br>
<b>obtuse</b> <i>adj</i> obtuse (1. blunt, not sharppointed; 2. dull, slow of perception); <br>
<b>angulo obtuse</b> [Geom.] obtuse angle<br>
<b>obtusitate</b> <i>n</i> obtuseness, obtusity<br>
<b>obviar</b> <i>v</i> to obviate; <br>
<b>obviar a</b> to obviate, take precautions against<br>
<b>obvie</b> <i>adj</i> obvious <br>
<I>Hence:</i> obviar<br>
<b>oca</b> <i>n</i> goose<br>
<b>occasion</b> <i>n</i> 1. occasion (as in “on several occasions”); 2. opportunity; 3. ground, reason; <br>
<b>(libro) de occasion</b> secondhand (book); <br>
<b>dar occasion a</b> to give occasion for; <br>
<b>profitar del occasion</b> to profit by the occasion <br>
<I>Hence:</i> occasional, occasionar<br>
<b>occasional</b> <i>adj</i> occasional (as in “occasional cause”)<br>
<b>occasionar</b> <i>v</i> to occasion<br>
<b>occidental¹</b> <i>adj</i> western, occidental<br>
<b>occidental²</b> <i>n</i> [Interling.] occidental <br>
<I>Hence:</i> occidentalista<br>
<b>occidentalista</b> <i>n</i> [Interling.] occidentalist<br>
<b>occidente</b> <i>n</i> west, occident <br>
<I>Hence:</i> occidental¹-ocidental² &<br>
<b>occider [-cid-/-cis-]</b> <i>v</i> to kill <br>
<I>Hence:</i> occision; occisor<br>
<b>occipital</b> <i>adj</i> occipital<br>
<b>occipite (-cí-)</b> <i>n</i> occiput <br>
<I>Hence:</i> occipital<br>
<b>occis-</b> <i>see</i> <b>occider</b><br>
<b>occision</b> <i>n</i> (act of) killing<br>
<b>occisor</b> <i>n</i> killer<br>
<b>occluder [-clud-/-clus-]</b> <i>v</i> to occlude (1. to close or obstruct; 2. [Chem.]) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> occlusion<br>
<b>occlus-</b> <i>see</i> <b>occluder</b><br>
<b>occlusion</b> <i>n</i> occlusion<br>
<b>occultar</b> <i>v</i> to occult (= to hide from sight); <i>also:</i> [Astron.]<br>
<b>occultation</b> <i>n</i> occultation (1. concealment; 2. [Astron.])<br>
<b>occulte</b> <i>adj</i> occult <br>
<I>Hence:</i> occultismo; occultista; occultar-occultation<br>
<b>occultismo</b> <i>n</i> occultism<br>
<b>occultista</b> <i>n</i> occultist; <i>attrib.</i> occult, occultist<br>
<b>occupante</b> <i>n</i> occupant (= one who occupies a place); <br>
<b>prime occupante</b> [Law] occupant (= one who holds a title to something by occupancy)<br>
<b>occupantia</b> <i>n</i> occupancy<br>
<b>occupar</b> <i>v</i> to occupy (1. to take possession of; 2. to fill the space or time of; 3. to keep busy or engaged); <br>
<b>occupar se de</b> to be interested in; to busy oneself with <br>
<I>Hence:</i> occupante-occupantia; occupation; occupator; occupate; disoccupar-disoccupation, disoccupate; preoccupar &; reoccupar-reoccupation<br>
<b>occupate</b> 1. <i>pp</i> of <b>occupar</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> busy (= engaged in work)<br>
<b>occupation</b> <i>n</i> occupation (1. act of occupying; 2. that which engages one’s time)<br>
<b>occupator</b> <i>n</i> occupier (1. one who takes possession of a place, a thing, etc.; 2. one who keeps busy or engaged)<br>
<b>occurrentia</b> <i>n</i> occurrence (= happening, event)<br>
<b>occurrer</b> <i>v</i> to occur (= to happen, take place) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> occurrentia<br>
<B>Oceania</b> <i>npr</i> Oceania<br>
<b>oceanian</b> <i>adj</i> Oceanian<br>
<b>oceaniano</b> <i>n</i> Oceanian<br>
<b>oceanic</b> <i>adj</i> oceanic (= of the ocean)<br>
<b>oceanide (-á-)</b> <i>n</i> [Gr. Mythol.] Oceanid<br>
<b>oceano (-cé-)</b> <i>n</i> ocean; <br>
<B>Oceano</b> [Gr. Mythol.] Oceanus <br>
<I>Hence:</i> Oceania-oceanian-oceaniano; oceanide; oceanographo etc.<br>
<b>oceanographia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> oceanography<br>
<b>oceanographic</b> <i>adj</i> oceanographic<br>
<b>oceanographo (-nó-)</b> <i>n</i> oceanographer <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oceanographia-oceanographic<br>
<b>ochlo-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in compounds] ochlo- (= mob) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ochlocrate etc.; ochlocratia etc.; ochlocratic etc.<br>
<b>ochlocrate (-ó-)</b> <i>n</i> ochlocrat<br>
<b>ochlocratia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> ochlocracy, mob rule<br>
<b>ochlocratic</b> <i>adj</i> ochlocratic<br>
<b>oct-</b> <i>adj</i> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] octa-, octo- (= eight) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> octano; octopode etc.; octametro etc.; octagon etc.<br>
<b>octagon</b> <i>adj</i> octagonal <br>
<I>Hence:</i> octagono-octagonal<br>
<b>octagonal</b> <i>adj</i> octagonal<br>
<b>octagono</b> <i>n</i> octagon<br>
<b>octahedre</b> <i>adj</i> [Math.] octahedral <br>
<I>Hence:</i> octahedro<br>
<b>octahedro</b> <i>n</i> [Math.] octahedron<br>
<b>octametro (-á-)</b> <i>n</i> octameter<br>
<b>octano</b> <i>n</i> [Chem.] octane<br>
<b>octanta</b> <i>adj</i> eighty<br>
<b>octante</b> <i>n</i> octant (1. [Geom.]; 2. instrument for measuring angles)<br>
<b>octantesime (-ésime)</b> <i>adj</i> eightieth; <br>
<b>le octantesime parte</b>, <b>le octantesimo</b> the eightieth part, the eightieth<br>
<b>octava</b> <i>n</i> octave (1. [Eccl.]; 2. [Pros.]; 3. [Mus.])<br>
<b>octavar</b> <i>v</i> 1. to divide into eighths; 2. to form octaves<br>
<b>octave</b> <i>adj</i> eighth; <br>
<b>le octave parte</b>, <b>le octavo</b> the eighth part, the eighth <br>
<I>Hence:</i> octavar; octavo; octava-octavino<br>
<b>octavino</b> <i>n</i> octave flute, piccolo<br>
<b>octavo</b> <i>n</i> octavo<br>
<b>octesime (-ésime)</b> <i>adj</i> eighth<br>
<b>octetto</b> <i>n</i> octette<br>
<b>octo</b> <i>adj</i> eight <br>
<I>Hence:</i> octante; octetto; octanta-octantesime; octave &; octesime; octogenari; octogesime; octuple etc.; octuplicar etc.; dece-octo etc.<br>
<b>octobre</b> <i>n</i> October<br>
<b>octogenari</b> <i>adj</i> octogenarian<br>
<b>octogesime (-ésime)</b> <i>adj</i> eightieth; <br>
<b>le octogesime parte</b>, <b>le octogesimo</b> the eightieth part, the eightieth<br>
<b>octopode (-ópode)</b> <i>n</i> octopus<br>
<b>octosyllabic</b> <i>adj</i> octosyllabic<br>
<b>octosyllabo (-sí-)</b> <i>n</i> octosyllabic line <br>
<I>Hence:</i> octosyllabic<br>
<b>octu-</b> <i>see</i> <b>octo</b><br>
<b>octuplar</b> <i>v</i> to octuple (= to multiply by eight)<br>
<b>octuple (óc-)</b> <i>adj</i> octuple, eightfold <br>
<I>Hence:</i> octuplar<br>
<b>octuplicar</b> <i>v</i> to octuple<br>
<b>ocular¹</b> <i>v</i> to eye, glance at; <i>also:</i> to ogle<br>
<b>ocular²</b> <i>adj</i> ocular; <br>
<b>nervo ocular</b> optic nerve<br>
<b>oculetto</b> <i>n</i> eyelet (= small round hole for the passage of a lace, cord, etc.)<br>
<b>oculista</b> <i>n</i> oculist<br>
<b>oculistic</b> <i>adj</i> ophthalmologic, oculistic<br>
<b>oculistica</b> <i>n</i> ophthalmology<br>
<b>oculo (óc-)</b> <i>n</i> eye; <br>
<b>oculo (de un agulia, martello, </b>etc.<b>)</b> eye (of a needle, hammer, etc.); <br>
<b>oculo (de un planta)</b> eye or bud (of a plant); <br>
<b>aperir le oculos a un persona</b> to open someone’s eyes; <br>
<b>inter quatro oculos</b> in private, between you and me, etc.; <br>
<b>saltar al oculos</b> to be obvious <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oculetto; oculista-oculistic, oculistica; ocular¹; ocular²; adocular-adoculamento; inocular &; binoculo etc.; monoculo etc.<br>
<b>ode</b> <i>n</i> ode <br>
<I>Hence:</i> parodia &; prosodia &; melodia etc.; palinodia etc.; rhapsodo etc.<br>
<b>odiar</b> <i>v</i> to hate<br>
<b>odio</b> <i>n</i> hate, hatred <br>
<I>Hence:</i> odiose; odiar<br>
<b>odiose</b> <i>adj</i> odious, hateful<br>
<b>-odo</b> <i>see</i> <b>hodo-</b><br>
<b>odont-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in compounds] odont- (= tooth) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> odontalgia etc.; odontologo etc.; mastodonte etc.; squalodonte etc.<br>
<b>odontalgia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> odontalgia<br>
<b>odontalgic</b> <i>adj</i> odontalgic<br>
<b>odontologia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> odontology<br>
<b>odontologic</b> <i>adj</i> odontologic<br>
<b>odontologo (-ólogo)</b> <i>n</i> odontologist<br>
<b>odor</b> <i>n</i> odor <br>
<I>Hence:</i> odorifere; odorose; odorar-odorante-disodorante; inodor; malodor etc.<br>
<b>odorante</b> 1. <i>ppr</i> of <b>odorar</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> odorous<br>
<b>odorar</b> <i>v</i> to smell (= to emit an odor)<br>
<b>odorifere</b> <i>adj</i> odorous, odoriferous<br>
<b>odorose</b> <i>adj</i> odorous; <br>
<b>piso odorose</b> sweet pea<br>
<B>Odyssea (-éa)</b> <i>n</i> [Gr. Lit.] Odyssey<br>
<B>Odysseus (-ísseus)</b> <i>npr</i> [Gr. Mythol.] Odysseus <br>
<I>Hence:</i> Odyssea<br>
<b>offender [-fend-/-fens-]</b> <i>v</i> 1. to hurt, harm; 2. to offend, insult, be offensive to; <br>
<b>offender se</b> to be offended, take offense; <br>
<b>offender Deo</b> to offend (against) God <br>
<I>Hence:</i> offensive-inoffensive, offensiva-contraoffensiva; offensor; offensa; offenditor<br>
<b>offenditor</b> <i>n</i> offender<br>
<b>offens-</b> <i>see</i> <b>offender</b><br>
<b>offensa</b> <i>n</i> offense (= act of offending)<br>
<b>offensiva</b> <i>n</i> offensive; <br>
<b>prender le offensiva</b> to take the offensive<br>
<b>offensive</b> <i>adj</i> offensive (1. pertaining to attack; 2. insulting); <br>
<b>armas offensive</b> offensive weapons, weapons of offense<br>
<b>offensor</b> <i>n</i> offender (= one who offends)<br>
<b>offerer [offer-/oblat-/offert-]</b> <i>v</i> to offer (something); <i>also:</i> to bid; <br>
<b>offerer se (a facer un cosa)</b> to offer (to do something); <br>
<b>un bon occasion se offere</b> a good opportunity offers itself <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oblation; offertorio; offerta<br>
<b>offert-</b> <i>see</i> <b>offerer</b><br>
<b>offerta</b> <i>n</i> offer; <br>
<b>le offerta e le demanda</b> supply and demand<br>
<b>offertorio</b> <i>n</i> [Eccl.] offertory<br>
<b>official¹</b> <i>adj</i> official<br>
<b>official²</b> <i>n</i> official (as in “government official”)<br>
<b>officiante</b> <i>n</i> officiant, officiator<br>
<b>officiar</b> <i>v</i> to officiate<br>
<b>officiator</b> <i>n</i> officiator<br>
<b>officiero</b> <i>n</i> [Mil., Nav.] officer<br>
<b>officina</b> <i>n</i> 1. workshop; 2. [Pharm.] dispensary <br>
<I>Hence:</i> officinal<br>
<b>officinal</b> <i>adj</i> officinal<br>
<b>officio</b> <i>n</i> I. office (1. position, appointment; 2. function; 3. bureau); II. [Eccl.] Office; <br>
<b>de officio</b> ex officio; <br>
<b>bon officios</b> good offices <br>
<I>Hence:</i> officiero; official-semiofficial; officiose &; officiar-officiante, officiator<br>
<b>officiose</b> <i>adj</i> I. obliging; II. officious (1. as in “some officious friend”; 2. semi-official); <br>
<b>(pressa, jornal, </b>etc.<b>) officiose</b> semi-official or inspired (press, newspaper, etc.); <br>
<b>mendacio officiose</b> white lie <br>
<I>Hence:</i> inofficiose-inofficiositate<br>
<b>-ogia</b> <i>see</i> <b>-logia</b><br>
<b>-ogo</b> <i>see</i> <b>logo</b><br>
<B>Ohm, Georg Simon</b> <i>npr</i> [1787-1854; physicist after whom the “ohm” is named]; <br>
<b>lege de Ohm</b> Ohm’s law <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ohm-ohmmetro etc.<br>
<b>ohm</b> <i>n</i> [Elec.] ohm<br>
<b>ohmmetro (óm-)</b> <i>n</i> ohmmeter<br>
<b>-oide¹</b> <i>suffixo adjective</i> [used with nouns] -oid (= like ..., shaped like ...) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> deltoide etc.; negroide etc.<br>
<b>-oide²</b> <i>suffixo substantive</i> [used with nouns] -oid (= something like, or shaped like ...) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> celluloide etc.; globoide etc.<br>
<b>-ol</b> <i>see</i> <b>oleo</b><br>
<b>oleaceas</b> <i>npl</i> [Bot.] Oleaceae<br>
<b>oleacee</b> <i>adj</i> [Bot.] oleaceous<br>
<b>oleage (-aje)</b> <i>n</i> oiling, lubrication<br>
<b>oleaginose</b> <i>adj</i> oleaginous<br>
<b>olear</b> <i>v</i> to oil, grease<br>
<b>oleastro</b> <i>n</i> [Bot.] oleaster<br>
<b>oleato</b> <i>n</i> [Chem.] oleate<br>
<b>oleic (-léic)</b> <i>adj</i> [Chem.] oleic<br>
<b>oleifere (-ífere)</b> <i>adj</i> oliferous<br>
<b>oleina (-ína)</b> <i>n</i> [Chem.] olein<br>
<b>olente</b> 1. <i>ppr</i> of <b>oler</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> fragrant<br>
<b>olentia</b> <i>n</i> fragrance<br>
<b>oleo</b> <i>n</i> oil; <br>
<b>oleos essential</b> essential oils; <br>
<b>oleos fixe</b> fixed oils; <br>
<b>oleo de ricino</b> castor oil; <br>
<b>pictura a(l) oleo</b> oil painting; <br>
<b>jectar oleo super le foco</b> to add fuel to the fire; <br>
<b>pinger a(l) oleo</b> to paint in oils; <br>
<b>oleo Diesel</b> Diesel oil <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oleastro; oleato; oleria; oleina; oleacee; oleaginose; oleic; oleifere; oleose-oleositate; olear-oleage; oleomargarina etc.; petroleo etc.; quinoleina etc.; ichthyol etc.; lanolina etc.<br>
<b>oleo-margarina</b> <i>n</i> oleomargarine<br>
<b>oleose</b> <i>adj</i> oily, greasy<br>
<b>oleositate</b> <i>n</i> oiliness<br>
<b>oler</b> <i>v</i> to smell (= to emit a smell) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> olente-olentia; redoler &; olfacer etc.<br>
<b>oleria (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> oilery<br>
<b>olfacer [-fac-/-fact-]</b> <i>v</i> to smell (something) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> olfaction; olfactive; olfactori<br>
<b>olfact-</b> <i>see</i> <b>olfacer</b><br>
<b>olfaction</b> <i>n</i> [Physiol.] olfaction<br>
<b>olfactive</b> <i>adj</i> olfactory (as in “olfactory organ”)<br>
<b>olfactori</b> <i>adj</i> olfactory (as in “olfactory organ”)<br>
<b>oligarch-</b> <i>v</i> [occurring in derivatives] <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oligarcha; oligarchia-oligarchic<br>
<b>oligarcha</b> <i>n</i> oligarch<br>
<b>oligarchia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> oligarchy<br>
<b>oligarchic</b> <i>adj</i> oligarchic<br>
<b>oligo-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] oligo-, olig- (= few) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oligocen etc.; oligochete etc.; oligarcha etc.<br>
<b>oligocen</b> <i>adj</i> [Geol.] Oligocene<br>
<b>oligochete</b> <i>adj</i> [Zool.] oligochaetous <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oligochetos<br>
<b>oligochetos</b> <i>npl</i> [Zool.] Oligochaeta<br>
<b>olim (ó-)</b> <i>adv</i> 1. once, formerly; 2. at a future time, sometime in the future<br>
<b>oliva</b> <i>n</i> olive (1. olive tree; 2. fruit of the olive tree; 3. [Zool.]; 4. the color “olive”) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oliveto; olivina; olivacee; olivari; olivo<br>
<b>olivacee</b> <i>adj</i> olive-green, olivaceous<br>
<b>olivari</b> <i>adj</i> olive-shaped; <i>also:</i> [Anat.] olivary<br>
<b>oliveto</b> <i>n</i> olive grove<br>
<b>olivina</b> <i>n</i> [Mineral.] olivine<br>
<b>olivo</b> <i>n</i> olive, olive tree<br>
<b>olla</b> <i>n</i> pot, jar, etc. <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ollero; olleria<br>
<b>olla podrida [H]</b> <i>n</i> olla podrida (1. [Cookery]; 2. hodgepodge)<br>
<b>olleria (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> pottery (1. potter’s shop; 2. “pottery ware”)<br>
<b>ollero</b> <i>n</i> potter (= maker of earthenware pots)<br>
<B>Olympia¹</b> <i>npr</i> Olympia (= region where the ancient Olympian games were held)<br>
<B>Olympia²</b> <i>nprf</i> Olympia<br>
<b>olympiade (-pí-)</b> <i>n</i> Olympiad<br>
<b>olympic</b> <i>adj</i> Olympic; <br>
<b>jocos olympic</b> Olympian games; Olympic games<br>
<b>olympie</b> <i>adj</i> Olympian (1. pertaining to Mount Olympus; 2. pertaining to the Olympian gods; 3. pertaining to Olympia)<br>
<B>Olympo</b> <i>npr</i> [Geog.; Gr. Mythol.] Olympus <br>
<I>Hence:</i> olympic; olympie-olympiade, Olympia¹, 0lympia²<br>
<b>-omal-</b> <i>see</i> <b>homal-</b><br>
<b>omega (ó-)</b> <i>n</i> omega (= last letter of the Greek alphabet); <br>
<b>alpha e omega</b> alpha and omega<br>
<b>omelette [F]</b> <i>n</i> omelet<br>
<b>omiss-</b> <i>see</i> <b>omitter</b><br>
<b>omission</b> <i>n</i> omission<br>
<b>omitter [-mitt-/-miss-]</b> <i>v</i> to omit <br>
<I>Hence:</i> omission<br>
<b>omne</b> <i>adj</i> I. all (1. as in “all the cheese”; 2. as in “all the books”); II. every, each; <br>
<b>de omne mano</b> from every hand; <br>
<b>de omne latere</b> from every side; <br>
<b>in omne caso</b> in any case; <br>
<b>omne cosa</b> everything <br>
<I>Hence:</i> omnimode etc.; omnisciente etc.; omnivore etc.<br>
<b>omnes (óm-)</b> <i>pron</i> all<br>
<b>omnibus (óm-)</b> <i>n</i> bus, omnibus; <br>
<b>traino omnibus</b> omnibus train, local (train) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> autobus etc.<br>
<b>omniforme</b> <i>adj</i> omniform, of all forms<br>
<b>omnimode (-í-)</b> <i>adj</i> omnimodous, omnifarious<br>
<b>omnipotente</b> <i>adj</i> almighty, omnipotent; <br>
<b>le Omnipotente</b> the Almighty <br>
<I>Hence:</i> omnipotentia<br>
<b>omnipotentia</b> <i>n</i> omnipotence, almightiness<br>
<b>omnisciente</b> <i>adj</i> omniscient <br>
<I>Hence:</i> omniscientia<br>
<b>omniscientia</b> <i>n</i> omniscience<br>
<b>omnividente</b> <i>adj</i> all-seeing, omnivident<br>
<b>omnivore</b> <i>adj</i> omnivorous<br>
<b>omoplate</b> <i>n</i> shoulder blade, omoplate<br>
<b>[on]</b> <i>indef pron</i> one <br>
(= <b>uno</b>)<br>
<b>oncle</b> <i>n</i> uncle <br>
<I>Hence:</i> granoncle<br>
<b>oneiro-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] oneiro- (= dream) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oneiromantia etc. ...<br>
<b>oneiromantia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> oneiromancy<br>
<b>onerar</b> <i>v</i> to load; to burden with<br>
<b>onerari</b> <i>adj</i> burden, freight (= of or pertaining to burden, freight, etc.)<br>
<b>onere</b> <i>n</i> load, burden; <i>also:</i> freight, weight <br>
<I>Hence:</i> onerari; onerose-onerositate; onerar; exonerar &<br>
<b>onerose</b> <i>adj</i> onerous, burdensome<br>
<b>onerositate</b> <i>n</i> onerousness<br>
<b>onom- [-ma-/-mat-]</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in compounds] -onom-, onomato- (= name) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> onomatologia etc.; onomatomania etc.<br>
<b>onomat-</b> <i>see</i> <b>onom-</b><br>
<b>onomatologia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> onomatology<br>
<b>onomatomania (-ía)</b> [Psychiatry] onomatomania<br>
<b>onomatopeia (-péya)</b> <i>n</i> [Philol.] onomatopoeia <br>
<I>Hence:</i> onomatopeic<br>
<b>onomatopeic (-péic)</b> <i>adj</i> onomatopoetic<br>
<b>onto-</b> [occurring in compounds] onto- (= being) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ontologo etc.; ontogenia etc.; ontogenetic etc.; paleontologo etc.<br>
<b>ontogenese (-gé-)</b> <i>n</i> ontogenesis, ontogeny<br>
<b>ontogenesis (-gé-)</b> <i>n</i> ontogenesis, ontogeny<br>
<b>ontogenetic</b> <i>adj</i> ontogenetic<br>
<b>ontogenia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> ontogeny (1. “science of ontogeny”; 2. ontogenesis) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ontogenista<br>
<b>ontogenista</b> <i>n</i> ontogenist<br>
<b>ontologia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> ontology<br>
<b>ontologic</b> <i>adj</i> ontologic, ontological<br>
<b>ontologista</b> <i>n</i> ontologist<br>
<b>ontologo (-ólogo)</b> <i>n</i> ontologist <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ontologia-ontologista; ontologic<br>
<b>onyche (ó-)</b> <i>n</i> onyx<br>
<b>-onym-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -onym- (= name) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> -onymia-metonymia &, toponymia etc.; -onymic &; anonyme &; antonyme &; eponyme &; paronyme &; synonyme &; homonyme etc.; pseudonyme etc.<br>
<b>-onymia (-ía)</b> [occurring in compounds]<br>
<b>-onymic</b> [occurring in compounds] -onymic <br>
<I>Hence:</i> patronymic etc.<br>
<b>op-¹</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] <br>
<I>Hence:</i> opulente &; inope &<br>
<b>op-² [op-/-opt]</b> <i>v</i> [occurring in derivatives] <br>
<I>Hence:</i> option-optional, adoption; adoptive; optar-optative, adoptar &, cooptar &<br>
<b>opac</b> <i>adj</i> opaque (= not translucent) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> opacitate<br>
<b>opacitate</b> <i>n</i> opacity<br>
<b>opalescente</b> <i>adj</i> opalescent<br>
<b>opalescentia</b> <i>n</i> opalescence<br>
<b>opalescer</b> <i>v</i> to opalesce<br>
<b>opalin</b> <i>adj</i> opaline<br>
<b>opalo (ó-)</b> <i>n</i> opal; <br>
<b>opalo de foco</b> fire opal <br>
<I>Hence:</i> opalin; opalescer-opalescente-opalescentia<br>
<b>-ope</b> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -ope (= -eyed, -sighted) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> myope etc.; -opia-presbyopia etc.; diplopia etc.; nyctalopia etc.; prosopo-<br>
<b>opera (óp-)</b> <i>n</i> 1. work (as in “hard work”); 2. opera; <i>also:</i> opera house <br>
<I>Hence:</i> operetta; operose; operar-operante, operabile, operation, operative, operator, operatori, cooperar &, exoperar &<br>
<b>operabile</b> <i>adj</i> operable (1. practicable; 2. [Med.])<br>
<b>operante</b> 1. <i>ppr</i> of <b>operar</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> operant, operative<br>
<b>operar</b> <i>v</i> I. to effect, work; II. to operate (1. to work, function; 2. [Mil.]); III. [Surg.] to operate upon; <br>
<b>operar miraculos</b> to work miracles<br>
<b>operation</b> <i>n</i> operation (1. action, activity; 2. [Mil.]; 3. [Surg.]); <br>
<b>sala de operation</b> operating room<br>
<b>operative</b> <i>adj</i> operative<br>
<b>operator</b> <i>n</i> operator; <i>specif.</i> operating surgeon<br>
<b>operatori</b> <i>adj</i> [Surg.] operative<br>
<b>operetta</b> <i>n</i> operetta<br>
<b>operose</b> <i>adj</i> operose, hard-working<br>
<b>oph-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] oph-, ophi-, ophio- (= snake) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ophiolatra etc. ...<br>
<b>ophiolatra (-ólatra)</b> <i>n</i> ophiolater, snake worshiper <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ophiolatria<br>
<b>ophiolatria (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> ophiolatry, snake worship<br>
<b>ophthalmia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> ophthalmia, ophthalmitis<br>
<b>ophthalmic</b> <i>adj</i> ophthalmic; <i>also:</i> ocular<br>
<b>ophthalmo-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] ophthalmo-, ophthalm- (= eye) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ophthalmia-sclerophthalmia; ophthalmic; ophthalmologo etc.; ophthalmoscopio etc.<br>
<b>ophthalmologia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> ophthalmology<br>
<b>ophthalmologic</b> <i>adj</i> ophthalmological<br>
<b>ophthalmologista</b> <i>n</i> ophthalmologist<br>
<b>ophthalmologo (-ólogo)</b> <i>n</i> ophthalmologist, eye specialist <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ophthalmologia-ophthalmologista; ophthalmologic<br>
<b>ophthalmoscopic</b> <i>adj</i> ophthalmoscopic<br>
<b>ophthalmoscopio</b> <i>n</i> ophthalmoscope <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ophthalmoscopic<br>
<b>-opia (-ía)</b> [occurring in compounds]<br>
<b>opiate</b> <i>adj</i> opiate<br>
<b>opiato</b> <i>n</i> opiate<br>
<b>opinabile</b> <i>adj</i> that is a matter of opinion, disputable<br>
<b>opinar</b> <i>v</i> opine (1. to hold as an opinion; 2. to express as an opinion) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> opinion-opiniose; opinabile; inopinate; preopinar-preopinante<br>
<b>opinion</b> <i>n</i> opinion; <br>
<b>esser de opinion que</b> to be of (the) opinion that; <br>
<b>emitter un opinion</b> to put forward, express, an opinion; <br>
<b>haber bon (mal) opinion de un persona</b> to have a good (bad) opinion, think well (ill), of someone; <br>
<b>formar se un opinion super</b> to form an opinion on<br>
<b>opiniose</b> <i>adj</i> opinionated<br>
<b>opium (ópium)</b> <i>n</i> opium <br>
<I>Hence:</i> opiate-opiato<br>
<b>-opl-</b> <i>see</i> <b>hoplo-</b><br>
<b>opossum [A]</b> <i>n</i> opossum<br>
<b>opponente¹</b> 1. <i>ppr</i> of <b>opponer</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> opposing, antagonistic<br>
<b>opponente²</b> <i>n</i> opponent<br>
<b>opponer [-pon-/-posit-]</b> <i>v</i> to oppose (= to set up against); <br>
<b>opponer se a</b> to oppose (= to be against) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> opponente; opposition; opposite-opposito<br>
<b>opportun</b> <i>adj</i> opportune <br>
<I>Hence:</i> opportunismo; opportunista; opportunitate; inopportun; inopportunitate<br>
<b>opportunismo</b> <i>n</i> opportunism<br>
<b>opportunista</b> <i>n</i> opportunist<br>
<b>opportunitate</b> <i>n</i> 1. opportuneness; 2. opportunity<br>
<b>opposit-</b> <i>see</i> <b>opponer</b><br>
<b>opposite (-pó-)</b> <i>adj</i> opposite (= placed or lying over against something)<br>
<b>opposition</b> <i>n</i> opposition (1. as in “the opposition of fact and fiction”; 2. as in “to meet with opposition”)<br>
<b>opposito (-pó-)</b> <i>n</i> opposite<br>
<b>oppress-</b> <i>see</i> <b>opprimer</b><br>
<b>oppression</b> <i>n</i> oppression<br>
<b>oppressive</b> <i>adj</i> oppressive (as in “oppressive legislation”)<br>
<b>oppressor</b> <i>n</i> oppressor<br>
<b>opprimer [-prim-/-press-]</b> <i>v</i> to oppress <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oppression; oppressive; oppressor<br>
<b>ops-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring m compounds] -ops-, opsio-, -opsis (1. sight, seeing; 2. viewing, examination; 3. appearance, look) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> achromatopsia etc.; necropsia etc.; caryopse etc.<br>
<b>opt-</b> <i>see</i> <b>op-</b><br>
<b>optar</b> <i>v</i> to choose, make a choice; <br>
<b>optar pro</b> to decide in favor of, to declare for; <i>also:</i> to opt for<br>
<b>optative</b> <i>adj</i> optative<br>
<b>optic</b> <i>adj</i> 1. optic; 2. optical; <br>
<b>nervo optic</b> optic nerve; <br>
<b>illusion optic</b> optical illusion <br>
<I>Hence:</i> panoptic etc.; optico; optica<br>
<b>optica</b> <i>n</i> optics<br>
<b>optico</b> <i>n</i> optician<br>
<b>optime (óp-)</b> <i>adj</i> very best <br>
<I>Hence:</i> optimismo; optimista; optimo<br>
<b>optimismo</b> <i>n</i> optimism<br>
<b>optimista</b> <i>n</i> optimist; <i>attrib.</i> optimistic<br>
<b>optimo (óp-)</b> <i>n</i> optimum<br>
<b>option</b> <i>n</i> option (1. action of choosing; 2. power or liberty of choosing; 3. [Com.])<br>
<b>optional</b> <i>adj</i> optional<br>
<b>opto-</b> [occurring in compounds] opto-, opt- (= sight) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> optometro etc.<br>
<b>optometria (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> optometry<br>
<b>optometrista</b> <i>n</i> optometrist<br>
<b>optometro (-ómetro)</b> <i>n</i> optometer <br>
<I>Hence:</i> optometria-optometrista<br>
<b>-optro-</b> [occurring in compounds] -optro-, -optr- (as in “catoptromancy”, “catoptric”) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> catoptro-<br>
<b>opulente</b> <i>adj</i> opulent (= wealthy) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> opulentia<br>
<b>opulentia</b> <i>n</i> opulence (= wealth)<br>
<b>opus (<i>pl</i> opera) [L]</b> <i>n</i> opus <br>
<I>Hence:</i> opusculo<br>
<b>opusculo</b> <i>n</i> opuscule<br>
<b>-or</b> <i>suffixo substantive</i> [used with the second stem of verbs in <b>-er</b> and <b>-ir</b>] -or, -er (= one who or that which ...s) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> receptor etc.; oppressor etc.; distributor etc; motor etc.; inventor etc.<br>
<b>ora</b> <i>adv</i> now (= at the present time); <br>
<b>ora ... ora</b> now ... then<br>
<b>oracular</b> <i>adj</i> oracular<br>
<b>oraculo</b> oracle <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oracular<br>
<b>oral</b> <i>adj</i> oral (1. verbal; 2. as in “oral cavity”)<br>
<b>-orama</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in compounds] -orama (= view) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> diorama; cosmorama etc.; georama etc.; panorama etc.<br>
<b>orange [F]</b> <i>n</i> orange (= fruit of the orange tree); <i>attrib.:</i> orange (as in “of orange color”) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orangiada; orangiero; orangeria<br>
<b>orangeria (-jería)</b> <i>n</i> orangery, orange greenhouse<br>
<b>orangiada (-jada)</b> <i>n</i> orangeade<br>
<b>orangiero (-jero)</b> <i>n</i> orange tree<br>
<b>orar</b> <i>v</i> 1. to harangue, make a speech; orate; 2. to pray <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oraculo &; oration; orator; oratori-oratoria; oratorio-oratorian; adorar &; exorar &; perorar &<br>
<b>oration</b> <i>n</i> 1. oration; 2. prayer, orison; <br>
<b>oration funebre</b> funeral oration, funeral sermon; <br>
<b>le partes del oration</b> the parts of speech<br>
<b>orator</b> <i>n</i> orator, public speaker<br>
<b>oratori</b> <i>adj</i> oratorical<br>
<b>oratoria</b> <i>n</i> oratory (= art of an orator)<br>
<b>oratorian</b> <i>n</i> [Eccl.] Oratorian<br>
<b>oratorio¹</b> <i>n</i> oratory (1. room or building for private worship; 2. as in “Oratory of St. Philip Neri”)<br>
<b>oratorio²</b> <i>n</i> [Mus.] oratorio<br>
<b>orbe</b> <i>n</i> orb (= sphere, globe) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orbita &; orbicular; orbitel etc.<br>
<b>orbicular</b> <i>adj</i> round, spherical, circular etc.; <i>also:</i> [Anat.] orbicular<br>
<b>orbita (ór-)</b> <i>n</i> orbit (1. eye socket; 2. curved course of planet, comet, etc.) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orbital; orbitari; exorbitar &<br>
<b>orbital</b> <i>n</i> orbital (1. [Astron.]; 2. [Anat.])<br>
<b>orbitari</b> <i>adj</i> [Anat.] orbital<br>
<b>orbitel</b> <i>adj</i> [Zool.] orbitelous <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orbitelo<br>
<b>orbitelo</b> <i>n</i> [Zool.] orbitele; <br>
<b>orbitelos</b> [Zool.] Orbitelariae<br>
<b>orchestra</b> <i>n</i> orchestra (1. [Gr. Antiq.]; 2. orchestra pit; 3. band of players; 4. orchestra circle) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orchestrion; orchestral; orchestrar-orchestration, orchestrator<br>
<b>orchestral</b> <i>adj</i> orchestral<br>
<b>orchestrar</b> <i>v</i> to orchestrate<br>
<b>orchestration</b> <i>n</i> orchestration<br>
<b>orchestrator</b> <i>n</i> orchestrater, orchestrator<br>
<b>orchestrion</b> <i>n</i> [Mus.] orchestrion<br>
<b>orchid-</b> <i>see</i> <b>orchis</b><br>
<b>orchidea</b> <i>n</i> orchid<br>
<b>orchidee</b> <i>adj</i> orchidaceous<br>
<b>orchidologia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> orchidology<br>
<b>orchis (ó-)</b> <i>n</i> [Bot.] orchis; <br>
<b>orch-</b> orch-, orcho- (= testicle) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orchitis; orchotomia etc.; orchidee-orchidea; orchidologia etc.<br>
<b>orchitis (-ítis)</b> <i>n</i> [Pathol.] orchitis<br>
<b>orchotomia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> [Surg.] orchotomy<br>
<b>ordimento</b> <i>n</i> 1. [Weaving] (action of) warping; 2. beginning<br>
<b>ordinal</b> <i>adj</i> ordinal<br>
<b>ordinando</b> <i>n</i> [Eccl.] ordinand<br>
<b>ordinante</b> <i>n</i> [Eccl.] ordinant<br>
<b>ordinantia</b> <i>n</i> 1. order, arrangement; 2. ordinance, decree; 3. [Mil.] orderly<br>
<b>ordinar</b> <i>v</i> I. to put in order, arrange; II. to order (1. to command; 2. to prescribe); III. [Eccl.] to ordain<br>
<b>ordinari</b> <i>adj</i> ordinary (1. usual, regular; 2. commonplace, of little merit) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> extraordinari; ordinario<br>
<b>ordinario</b> <i>n</i> I. Ordinary (1. [Eccl.] as in “the Ordinary of the Mass”; 2. diocesan bishop); II. ordinary (= meal served at a fixed price)<br>
<b>ordinata</b> <i>n</i> [Math.] ordinate<br>
<b>ordinate</b> 1. <i>pp</i> of <b>ordinar</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> orderly, well-ordered<br>
<b>ordination</b> <i>n</i> I. arrangement (= action of setting in order); II. ordination (1. action of decreeing; 2. [Eccl.])<br>
<b>ordinator</b> <i>n</i> ordinator<br>
<b>ordine</b> <i>n</i> order (1. arrangement, disposition; 2. [Arch.]; 3. orderliness; 4. category, group; 5. [Biol.]; 6. organized body of persons; 7. insignia, badge, etc.; 8. command); <br>
<b>de prime ordine</b> first-class, first-rate; <br>
<b>(poner) in ordine</b> (to put) in order; <br>
<b>ordine del die</b> order of the day (1. agenda; 2. [Mil.]); <br>
<b>passar al ordine del die</b> to pass to the order of the day <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ordinal; ordinari &; ordinar-ordinando, ordinante, ordinantia, ordination, ordinator, ordinate-ordinata, coordinar &, disordinar-disordinate, preordinar-preordination, reordinar-reordination, subordinar-subordination-insubordination, subordinate-insubordinate, subordinato; contraordine; disordine<br>
<b>ordir</b> <i>v</i> 1. [Weaving] to warp (= to prepare the warp); 2. to plot, intrigue; 3. to begin <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ordimento; orditor; orditorio; orditura; exordir &; primordio etc.<br>
<b>orditor</b> <i>n</i> 1. [Weaving] warper; 2. plotter, intriguer<br>
<b>orditorio</b> <i>n</i> [Weaving] warp beam<br>
<b>orditura</b> <i>n</i> [Weaving] (action of) warping<br>
<b>ore</b> <i>n</i> mouth <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oral; orificio etc.<br>
<b>organdi (-í)</b> <i>n</i> organdy, organdie<br>
<b>organic</b> <i>adj</i> organic; <br>
<b>chimia organic</b> organic chemistry<br>
<b>organisabile</b> <i>adj</i> organizable<br>
<b>organisar</b> <i>v</i> to organize <br>
<I>Hence:</i> organisabile; organisation; organisator; organisate; disorganisar-disorganisation, disorganisator; reorganisar-reorganisation, reorganisator<br>
<b>organisate</b> 1. <i>pp</i> of <b>organisar</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> organic (as in “organic structure”)<br>
<b>organisation</b> <i>n</i> organization<br>
<b>organisator</b> <i>n</i> organizer<br>
<b>organismo</b> <i>n</i> organism<br>
<b>organista</b> <i>n</i> organist<br>
<b>organo (ór-)</b> <i>n</i> organ (1. means, instrument, agency; 2. “pipe organ”; 3. “organ of an animal or plant body”); <br>
<b>organo a cylindro</b> barrel organ <br>
<I>Hence:</i> organismo; organista; organic-inorganic; organisar &; organoscopia etc.; organogenese etc.; organogenetic etc.<br>
<b>organogenese (-gé-)</b> <i>n</i> organogenesis, organogeny<br>
<b>organogenesis (-gé-)</b> <i>n</i> organogenesis, organogeny<br>
<b>organogenetic</b> <i>adj</i> organogenetic<br>
<b>organogenia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> organogeny, organogenesis <br>
<I>Hence:</i> organogenic<br>
<b>organogenic</b> <i>adj</i> organogenic<br>
<b>organopathia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> organopathy<br>
<b>organoplastic</b> <i>adj</i> [Biol.] organoplastic<br>
<b>organoscopia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> organoscopy<br>
<b>organotherapia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> organotherapy<br>
<b>orgia</b> <i>n</i> orgy <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orgiasta-orgiastic<br>
<b>orgiasta</b> <i>n</i> orgiast<br>
<b>orgiastic</b> <i>adj</i> orgiastic<br>
<b>orgolio</b> <i>n</i> pride; <i>also:</i> haughtiness <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orgoliose; inorgoliar<br>
<b>orgoliose</b> <i>adj</i> proud; <i>also:</i> haughty<br>
<b>-ori</b> <i>suffixo adjective</i> [used with the second stem of verb in <b>-er</b> and <b>-ir</b>] -ory (= pertaining to, or serving for, the action of <br>
<I>Hence:</i> -orio; satisfactori etc.; delusori etc.; sensori etc.<br>
<b>oriental¹</b> <i>adj</i> 1. eastern, oriental; 2. Oriental, Eastern; <br>
<b>perla</b> etc. <b>oriental</b> orient or oriental pearl, etc.<br>
<b>oriental²</b> <i>n</i> Oriental<br>
<b>orientalisar</b> <i>v</i> to orientalize (= to make oriental)<br>
<b>orientalismo</b> <i>n</i> orientalism<br>
<b>orientalista</b> <i>n</i> orientalist<br>
<b>orientalitate</b> <i>n</i> orientality<br>
<b>orientar</b> <i>v</i> to orient, orientate; <br>
<b>orientar se</b> to orient oneself <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orientation; disorientar-disorientation; reorientar-reorientation<br>
<b>orientation</b> <i>n</i> orientation<br>
<b>oriente</b> <i>n</i> 1. east; 2. orient (= peculiar luster of a pearl); <br>
<B>Oriente</b> Orient, East; <br>
<B>Oriente Extreme</b> Far East <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oriental-orientalismo, orientalista, orientalitate, orientalisar; orientar &<br>
<b>orificio</b> <i>n</i> orifice<br>
<b>original¹</b> <i>adj</i> original (1. earliest, primary; 2. “original in character, style, etc.”); <br>
<b>le peccato original</b> original sin<br>
<b>original²</b> <i>n</i> original (1. “original of a translation, imitation, reproduction, etc.”; 2. odd or excentric person)<br>
<b>originalitate</b> <i>n</i> originality<br>
<b>originar</b> <i>v</i> to originate (= to give origin to)<br>
<b>originari</b> <i>adj</i> originary (1. aboriginal, native; 2. original)<br>
<b>originator</b> <i>n</i> originator<br>
<b>origine</b> <i>n</i> origin; <br>
<b>le origines de un cosa</b> the beginnings of a thing; <br>
<b>traher su origine de</b> to take its origin from, to originate from <br>
<I>Hence:</i> original-originalitate; originari; originar-originator; aborigines<br>
<b>-orio</b> <i>suffixo substantive</i> [used with the second stem of verbs in <b>-er</b> and <b>-ir</b>] -ory, -orium (= place where is done) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> refectorio etc.; sensorio etc.<br>
<b>oriolo</b> <i>n</i> oriole (= any bird of the genus Oriolus)<br>
<b>orlar</b> <i>v</i> [Sewing] to hem<br>
<b>orlean-</b> <i>see</i> <B>Orleans</b><br>
<b>orleanista</b> <i>n</i> [Hist.] Orleanist<br>
<B>Orleans</b> <i>npr</i> Orleans (1. [Geog.]); 2. as in “House of Orleans”) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orleanista; Nove Orleans etc.<br>
<b>orlo</b> <i>n</i> 1. brink, edge, brim, rim, border, etc.; 2. [Sewing] hem; 3. [Her., Arch.] orle <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orlar<br>
<b>ornamental</b> <i>adj</i> ornamental<br>
<b>ornamentar</b> <i>v</i> to ornament<br>
<b>ornamentation</b> <i>n</i> ornamentation (= act of ornamenting)<br>
<b>ornamentista</b> <i>n</i> ornamentist, ornamentalist<br>
<b>ornamento</b> <i>n</i> ornament, adornment <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ornamentista; ornamental; ornamentar-ornamentation<br>
<b>ornar</b> <i>v</i> to adorn; <br>
<b>ornar de</b> to adorn with <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ornamento &; ornate; adornar &; subornar &<br>
<b>ornate</b> <i>adj</i> ornate (1. elaborately adorned; 2. as in “ornate style”)<br>
<b>ornith-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in compounds] ornitho-, ornith- (= bird) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ornithologo etc.; ornithogalo etc.; ornithomantia etc.; ornithorhynche etc.; ornithophilo etc.<br>
<b>ornithogalo (-tó-)</b> <i>n</i> [Bot.] ornithogalum, star-of-Bethlehem<br>
<b>ornithologia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> ornithology<br>
<b>ornithologic</b> <i>adj</i> ornithological<br>
<b>ornithologista</b> <i>n</i> ornithologist<br>
<b>ornithologo (-tó-)</b> <i>n</i> ornithologist <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ornithologia-ornithologista; ornithologic<br>
<b>ornithomantia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> ornithomancy<br>
<b>ornithophile</b> <i>adj</i> bird-loving <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ornithophilo<br>
<b>ornithophilo (-tó-)</b> <i>n</i> bird lover<br>
<b>ornithorhynche</b> <i>adj</i> [Zool.] ornithorhynchous (= having the beak of a bird) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ornithorhyncho<br>
<b>ornithorhyncho</b> <i>n</i> [Zool.] Ornithorhynchus, duckbill, platypus<br>
<b>oro-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in compounds] -orus (= guardian) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> pyloro etc.<br>
<b>orph-</b> <i>see</i> <B>Orpheo</b><br>
<b>orphanato</b> <i>n</i> orphanage, orphan, asylum<br>
<b>orphano (ór-)</b> <i>n</i> orphan; <i>attrib.</i> orphan, orphaned <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orphanato<br>
<B>Orpheo</b> <i>npr</i> [Gr. Mythol.] Orpheus <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orphic<br>
<b>orphic</b> <i>adj</i> Orphic<br>
<b>-ors-</b> <i>see</i> <b>verter</b><br>
<b>orth-</b> <i>adj</i> [occurring in compounds] ortho-, orth- (1. straight; 2. right) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orthologia etc.; orthodoxe etc.<br>
<b>orthoclase (-óclase)</b> <i>n</i> [Mineral.] orthoclase<br>
<b>orthodoxe</b> <i>adj</i> orthodox; <br>
<B>Ecclesia orthodoxe</b> Orthodox Church <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orthodoxia; orthodoxo<br>
<b>orthodoxia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> orthodoxy<br>
<b>orthodoxo</b> <i>n</i> 1. orthodox (= orthodox person); 2. Orthodox (= member of the Orthodox Church)<br>
<b>orthographia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> orthography (1. spelling according to accepted usage; 2. orthographic projection) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orthographic; orthographiar<br>
<b>orthographiar</b> <i>v</i> to spell (in writing)<br>
<b>orthographic</b> <i>adj</i> 1. spelling (as in “spelling mistake”); 2. orthographic (as in “orthographic projection”)<br>
<b>orthologia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> orthology <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orthologic<br>
<b>orthologic</b> <i>adj</i> orthological<br>
<b>orthopedia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> [Med.] orthopedy, orthopedics <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orthopedista; orthopedic<br>
<b>orthopedic</b> <i>adj</i> [Med.] orthopedic, orthopedical<br>
<b>orthopedista</b> <i>n</i> [Med.] orthopedist<br>
<b>orthoptere</b> <i>adj</i> [Entom.] orthopterous <br>
<I>Hence:</i> orthopteros<br>
<b>orthopteros (-tóp-)</b> <i>npl</i> [Entom.] Orthoptera<br>
<b>osar</b> <i>v</i> to dare <br>
<I>Hence:</i> osate<br>
<b>osate</b> 1. <i>pp</i> of <b>osar</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> daring<br>
<b>oscillar</b> <i>v</i> to oscillate<br>
<b>oscillation</b> <i>n</i> oscillation; <i>also:</i> [Fin.] fluctuation<br>
<b>oscillatori</b> <i>adj</i> oscillatory<br>
<b>oscillo</b> <i>n</i> oscillum (= mask of Bacchus hung on trees) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oscillar-oscillation, oscillatori<br>
<b>oscitar</b> <i>v</i> to yawn or gape (from sleepiness) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oscitation<br>
<b>oscitation</b> <i>n</i> (action of) yawning or gaping (from sleepiness)<br>
<b>oscular</b> <i>v</i> 1. to kiss, give a kiss to; 2. [Geom.] to osculate<br>
<b>osculation</b> <i>n</i> osculation (1. kissing; 2. [Geom.])<br>
<b>osculatori</b> <i>adj</i> osculatory<br>
<b>osculatorio</b> <i>n</i> [Eccl.] osculatory<br>
<b>osculo (ós-)</b> <i>n</i> 1. [Zool.] oscule; 2. kiss <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oscular-osculation, osculatori, osculatorio<br>
<b>-ose</b> <i>suffixo adjective</i> [used with nouns; <i>note:</i> <b>-ion</b> + <b>-ose</b> = <b>-iose</b>] -ose, -ous (1. having, full of, rich in ...; 2. characterized by ...) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ambitiose etc.; coragiose etc.; infectiose etc.; jocose etc.; judiciose etc.; religiose etc.; zelose etc.<br>
<b>-osis (-ósis)</b> <i>suffixo substantive</i> [used mainly with nouns] [Med.] -osis (= abnormal or diseased condition, state, or process of the ..., caused by ... or ...s, characterized by ..., etc.) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> hypnosis etc.; neurosis etc.; tuberculosis etc.<br>
<b>osm-¹</b> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] osm-, osmo- (= smell, odor) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> osmium &; osmologia etc.<br>
<b>osm-²</b> <i>see</i> <b>osmose</b><br>
<b>osmanli (-lí) [Tu.]</b> <i>n</i> Osmanli (1. Ottoman Turk; 2. Ottoman Turkish)<br>
<b>osmic</b> <i>adj</i> [Chem.] osmic<br>
<b>osmium</b> <i>n</i> [Chem.] osmium <br>
<I>Hence:</i> osmic<br>
<b>osmologia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> osmology<br>
<b>osmose</b> <i>n</i> osmosis <br>
<I>Hence:</i> osmotic; endosmose etc.; exosmose etc.<br>
<b>osmotic</b> <i>adj</i> osmotic<br>
<b>ossario</b> <i>n</i> ossuary<br>
<b>ossatura</b> <i>n</i> 1. frame, skeleton (of man or animal); 2. [Arch.] framework, ossature<br>
<b>ossee</b> <i>adj</i> osseous, bony<br>
<b>osseina (-ína)</b> <i>n</i> [Biochem.] ossein<br>
<b>ossiculo</b> <i>n</i> [Anat.] ossicle<br>
<b>ossificar</b> <i>v</i> [Physiol.] to ossify<br>
<b>ossification</b> <i>n</i> ossification<br>
<b>ossifraga (-í-)</b> <i>n</i> osprey<br>
<b>osso</b> <i>n</i> bone (“bone of the higher vertebrate animals”) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ossatura; ossiculo; ossario; ossuario; ossee-osseina, interossee; ossose; ossute; ossificar-ossification; disossar; ossifraga etc.<br>
<b>ossose</b> <i>adj</i> osseous, bony<br>
<b>ossuario</b> <i>n</i> ossuary<br>
<b>ossute</b> <i>adj</i> big-boned, bony<br>
<b>ostage, hostage (-aje)</b> <i>n</i> hostage<br>
<b>osteitis (-ítis)</b> <i>n</i> [Pathol.] osteitis<br>
<b>ostender [-tend-/-tent-/-tens-]</b> <i>v</i> to show <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ostentar &; ostensibile; ostensorio<br>
<b>ostens-</b> <i>see</i> <b>ostender</b><br>
<b>ostensibile</b> <i>adj</i> ostensive, ostensible<br>
<b>ostensorio</b> <i>n</i> [Eccl.] ostensorium<br>
<b>ostent-</b> <i>see</i> <b>ostender</b><br>
<b>ostentar</b> <i>v</i> to show off, display <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ostentation-ostentatiose; ostentator<br>
<b>ostentation</b> <i>n</i> ostentation<br>
<b>ostentatiose</b> <i>adj</i> ostentatious<br>
<b>ostentator</b> <i>n</i> ostentatious person<br>
<b>osteo-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in compounds] osteo-, oste- (= bone) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> osteitis; osteolitho etc.; osteologo etc.; osteoplastia etc.; osteotomia etc.; teleostee etc.<br>
<b>osteolitho (-ólito)</b> <i>n</i> osteolite<br>
<b>osteologia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> osteology<br>
<b>osteologic</b> <i>adj</i> osteologic<br>
<b>osteologo (-ólogo)</b> <i>n</i> osteologist <br>
<I>Hence:</i> osteologia; osteologic<br>
<b>osteoplastia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> osteoplasty <br>
<I>Hence:</i> osteoplastic<br>
<b>osteoplastic</b> <i>adj</i> osteoplastic<br>
<b>osteotomia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> osteotomy<br>
<b>ostiero</b> <i>n</i> usher; <i>also:</i> [Eccl.] ostiary<br>
<b>ostio</b> <i>n</i> 1. door; 2. entrance <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ostiero<br>
<b>ostracisar</b> <i>v</i> ostracize<br>
<b>ostracismo</b> <i>n</i> ostracism<br>
<b>ostracodermo</b> <i>n</i> [Paleontol., Zool.] ostracoderm<br>
<b>ostracodes</b> <i>npl</i> [Zool.] Ostracoda<br>
<b>ostracon (ós-)</b> <i>n</i> ostracon <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ostracodes; ostracisar-ostracismo; ostracodermo etc.<br>
<b>ostrea</b> <i>n</i> oyster <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ostreacee; ostrero; ostreiera; ostreicola etc.; ostreicultor etc.; ostreicultura etc.<br>
<b>ostreacee</b> <i>adj</i> ostreaceous<br>
<b>ostreicola (-í-)</b> <i>adj</i> ostreicultural, oystergrowing<br>
<b>ostreicultor</b> <i>n</i> oyster-culturist, oyster grower<br>
<b>ostreicultura</b> <i>n</i> ostreiculture, oyster culture<br>
<b>ostreiera (-yéra)</b> <i>n</i> oyster bed<br>
<b>ostrero</b> <i>n</i> oysterman<br>
<b>ot-</b> <i>n</i> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] ot-, oto- (= ear) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> parotide &; otorhinolaryngologia etc. ...<br>
<b>otiar</b> <i>v</i> to be idle, be at leisure<br>
<b>-otic</b> <i>suffixo adjective</i> [used mainly with nouns] [Med.] -otic (= pertaining to ...osis) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> hypnotic etc.; narcotic etc.; neurotic etc.<br>
<b>otio</b> <i>n</i> leisure <br>
<I>Hence:</i> otiose-otiositate; otiar<br>
<b>otiose</b> <i>adj</i> idle, otiose (1. not occupied; 2. useless, futile)<br>
<b>otiositate</b> <i>n</i> idleness (= state of being idle or unoccupied)<br>
<b>-oto</b> <i>see</i> <b>noto</b><br>
<b>otorhinolaryngologia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> [Med.] otorhinolaryngology (= study of ear, nose, and larynx) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> otorhinolaryngologista; otorhinolaryngologic<br>
<b>otorhinolaryngologic</b> <i>adj</i> [Med.] otorhinolaryngologic<br>
<b>otorhinolaryngologista</b> <i>n</i> [Med.] otorhinolaryngologist<br>
<B>Ottoman¹</b> <i>npr</i> [Hist.] Ottoman, Osman, Othman <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ottoman-ottomano, ottomana<br>
<b>ottoman²</b> <i>adj</i> Ottoman; <br>
<B>Imperio Ottoman</b> Ottoman Empire<br>
<b>ottomana</b> <i>n</i> ottoman (= flat overstuffed couch)<br>
<b>ottomano</b> <i>n</i> Ottoman<br>
<b>out! [A]</b> <i>interj</i> [Sports] out!<br>
<b>outsider [A]</b> <i>n</i> [Horse Racing] outsider<br>
<b>oval¹</b> <i>adj</i> oval<br>
<b>oval²</b> <i>n</i> oval<br>
<b>ovante</b> 1. <i>ppr</i> of <b>ovar</b>; 2. <i>adj</i> exulting<br>
<b>ovar</b> <i>v</i> to exult; [Rom. Antiq.] to celebrate an ovation <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ovante; ovation<br>
<b>ovarian</b> <i>adj</i> ovarian<br>
<b>ovario</b> <i>n</i> [Anat.] ovary<br>
<b>ovariotomia (-ía)</b> <i>n</i> ovariotomy<br>
<b>ovate</b> <i>adj</i> ovate<br>
<b>ovation</b> <i>n</i> ovation (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. as in “to receive an ovation”)<br>
<b>ove</b> <i>n</i> 1. sheep; <i>also:</i> ewe; 2. mutton <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oviario; ovin; ovibos etc.<br>
<b>overtura</b> <i>n</i> overture (1. proposal, offer; 2. [Mus.])<br>
<b>ovi-</b> <i>see</i> <b>ove</b><br>
<b>oviario</b> <i>n</i> sheepfold<br>
<b>ovibos (ó-)</b> <i>n</i> [Zool.] musk ox, ovibos<br>
<b>oviducto</b> <i>n</i> [Anat.] oviduct<br>
<b>ovin</b> <i>adj</i> ovine<br>
<b>ovipare</b> <i>adj</i> oviparous <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oviparitate<br>
<b>oviparitate</b> <i>n</i> oviparity<br>
<b>ovo</b> <i>n</i> 1. egg; 2. [Biol.] ovum <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ovario-ovarian, ovariotomia etc.; ovulo-ovular¹, ovular²-ovulation; oval; ovate; ovoide; oviducto etc.; ovipare etc.; ovovivipare etc.<br>
<b>ovoide</b> <i>adj</i> ovoid<br>
<b>ovovivipare</b> <i>adj</i> [Zool.] ovoviviparous<br>
<b>ovular¹</b> <i>adj</i> [Bot., Physiol.] ovular<br>
<b>ovular²</b> <i>v</i> [Biol.] to ovulate<br>
<b>ovulation</b> <i>n</i> [Biol.] ovulation<br>
<b>ovulo</b> <i>n</i> [Bot., Physiol.] ovule<br>
<b>ox-</b> <i>see</i> <b>oxalide</b>; <b>oxy-</b><br>
<b>oxal-</b> <i>see</i> <b>oxalide</b><br>
<b>oxalamido (-lá-)</b> <i>n</i> [Chem.] oxalamide, oxamide<br>
<b>oxalato</b> <i>n</i> [Chem.] oxalate<br>
<b>oxalic</b> <i>adj</i> [Chem.] oxalic<br>
<b>oxalidaceas</b> <i>npl</i> [Bot.] Oxalidaceae<br>
<b>oxalidacee</b> <i>adj</i> [Bot.] oxalidaceous<br>
<b>oxalide (-ál-)</b> <i>n</i> 1. [Bot.] Oxalis; 2. oxalis, wood sorrel <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oxalidacee-oxalidaceas; oxalato; oxalite; oxalic; oxalamido etc.; oxalonitrato etc.; oxamido etc.<br>
<b>oxalite</b> <i>n</i> [Mineral.] oxalite<br>
<b>oxalonitrato</b> <i>n</i> [Chem.] oxalonitrate<br>
<b>oxamido (-á-)</b> <i>n</i> [Chem.] oxamide, oxalamide<br>
<b>oxy-</b> <i>adj</i> [occurring in derivatives and compounds] 1. oxy- (as in “oxytone”); 2. [Chem.] oxy-, ox- (as in “oxygen”, “oxide”) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oxydo &; oxalide &; oxycocco etc.; oxysulfido etc.; oxytone etc.; oxygeno etc.<br>
<b>oxycocco</b> <i>n</i> cranberry<br>
<b>oxydabile</b> <i>adj</i> oxidizable<br>
<b>oxydar</b> <i>v</i> to oxidize, oxidate<br>
<b>oxydation</b> <i>n</i> oxidation<br>
<b>oxydo (óx-)</b> <i>n</i> oxide <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oxydar-oxydabile-inoxydabile, oxydation; disoxydar-disoxydation; peroxydo &; hydroxydo etc.; protoxydo etc.; bioxydo etc.<br>
<b>oxygenar</b> <i>v</i> to oxygenate<br>
<b>oxygenation</b> <i>n</i> oxygenation<br>
<b>oxygeno (-ígeno)</b> <i>n</i> oxygen <br>
<I>Hence:</i> oxygenar-oxygenation<br>
<b>oxysulfido (-súl-)</b> <i>n</i> [Chem.] oxysulphide<br>
<b>oxytone</b> <i>adj</i> [Phonet.] oxytone <br>
<I>Hence:</i> paroxytone-proparoxytone<br>
<b>oz-</b> [occurring in derivatives] oz- (= smell, smelling) <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ozena; ozono &; ozocerite etc.<br>
<b>ozena</b> <i>n</i> [Pathol.] ozena<br>
<b>ozocerite</b> <i>n</i> [Mineral.] ozocerite<br>
<b>ozonisar</b> <i>v</i> to ozonize<br>
<b>ozono</b> <i>n</i> ozone <br>
<I>Hence:</i> ozonisar<br>

Revision as of 22:18, 7 December 2007

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

o conj or;
o ... o either ... or

oasis (-á-) n oasis

[ob] prep towards; before, in front of; on account of, because of

obediente adj obedient

obedientia n obedience

obedir v to obey;
obedir a (un persona, un lege, etc.) to obey (a person, a law, etc.)
Hence: obediente-obedientia; disobedir-disobediente-disobedientia

obelisco n obelisk

obir v to perish, die
Hence: obito-obituari, obituario

obito (ó-) n 1. death, demise; 2. [Eccl.] anniversary mass, obit

obituari adj obituary

obituario n [R.C.Ch.] register of deaths, obituary

object- see objic-

objectar v to object

objection n objection;
facer un objection, sublevar un objection to make or raise an objection

objectivar v to objectivize, objectify

objectivation n [Philos.] objectivation

objective adj objective

objectivismo n [Philos.] objectivism

objectivitate n objectivity

objectivo n objective (1. aim, end; 2. [Opt.]; also: object glass, lens)

objecto n object (1. a material thing; 2. purpose, end; 3. [Gram.])

objic- [-jic-/-ject-] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: objection; objective-objectivismo, objectivitate, objectivo-objectivar-objectivation; objecto-objectar

oblat- see offerer

oblation n oblation (1. [Eccl.]; 2. donation, offering)

oblidabile adj easily forgotten

oblidar v to forget
Hence: oblido; oblidabile-inoblidabile

oblido n 1. oblivion; 2. forgetfulness;
cader in oblido to fall into oblivion

obligante adj obliging

obligar v to oblige (1. to compel; 2. to make indebted by doing a favor);
multo obligate! much obliged!
Hence: obligante; obligation; obligatori; disobligar-disobligante

obligation n obligation (1. moral or legal duty; 2. [Law] bond, contact; 3. [Com., Fin.] bond, debenture; 4. indebtedness for a favor)

obligatori adj obligatory, compulsory, binding

obliquar v to move obliquely, oblique

oblique adj oblique (1. slanting; 2. not straightforward);
caso oblique [Gram.] oblique case;
[Anat.] musculos oblique oblique muscles
Hence: obliquitate; obliquar

obliquitate n obliquity

obliterar v to obliterate; also: [Med.]
Hence: obliteration

obliteration n obliteration; also: [Med.]

oblivion n 1. oblivion; 2. forgetfulness
Hence: obliviose

obliviose adj forgetful;
obliviose de oblivious of, forgetful of

oblonge adj oblong

obnubilar v to overcloud, overcast
Hence: obnubilation

obnubilation n [Med.] obnubilation

oboe (ó-) n oboe
Hence: oboista

oboista n oboist

obra n work (1. purposeful activity; 2. something produced by manual or intellectual work);
poner in obra to put to work or use;
obra de arte work of art
Hence: obrero

obrero n workman

obscen adj obscene
Hence: obscenitate

obscenitate n obscenity

obscur adj dark, obscure, dim;
camera obscur [Photog.] darkroom
Hence: obscuritate; obscurar-obscurante-obscurantismo, obscurantista, obscuration; clarobscuro etc.

obscurante n obscurantist

obscurantismo n obscurantism

obscurantista n obscurantist

obscurar v to darken, obscure, dim; also: to blackout

obscuration n obscuration; also: 1. [Astron.] occultation, eclipse; 2. blackout

obscuritate n darkness, obscurity, dimness

obsecrar v to obsecrate
Hence: obsecration

obsecration n obsecration (1. supplication; 2. [Rhet.])

obseder [-sed-/-sess-] v to obsess
Hence: obsession

obsequer v 1. to comply with, yield to; 2. to defer to
Hence: obsequio-obsequiose-obsequiositate; obsequiar; obsequias

obsequiar v to treat with deference

obsequias npl funeral, obsequies

obsequio n deference

obsequiose adj obsequious

obsequiositate n obsequiousness

observabile adj observable (1. discernible; 2. noteworthy)

observante 1. ppr of observar; 2. adj observant (= strict in observing rules or customs)

observantia n observance (1. act of observing a rule, law, etc.; 2. religious rite or custom)

observar v to observe (1. “to observe a law, rule, etc.”; 2. to watch closely, to study; 3. to remark);
facer observar un cosa a un persona to point something out to someone
Hence: observante-observantia, inobservante-inobservantia; observabile-inobservabile; observation; observator; observatorio

observation n observation (1. observance; 2. act of observing a fact, event, phenomenon, etc.; 3. remark)

observator n observer; attrib. observing, observant

observatorio n observatory (= place or building for scientific observation)

obsess- see obseder

obsession n obsession

obsolescente 1. ppr of obsolescer; 2. adj obsolescent, becoming obsolete

obsolescentia n obsolescence

obsolescer [-solesc-/-solet-] v to be or become obsolescent, obsolesce
Hence: obsolescente-obsolescentia; obsolete

obsolet- see obsolescer

obsolete adj obsolete

obstaculo n obstacle

obstar v to stand in the way of
Hence: obstaculo; nonobstante

obstetric adj obstetric, obstetrical
Hence: obstetricia; obstetrico

obstetrice n midwife
Hence: obstetricia

obstetricia n obstetrics, midwifery

obstetrico n obstetrician

obstinar v -;
obstinar se to grow or be obstinate;
obstinar se a to persist in, be obstinate about
Hence: obstination; obstinate

obstinate adj obstinate

obstination n obstinacy

obstruct- see obstruer

obstruction n obstruction (1. action of obstructing or blocking; 2. [Med.]; 3. [Parl.]);
facer obstruction [Parl.] to filibuster, obstruct

obstructionismo n obstructionism

obstructionista n obstructionist

obstructive adj obstructive

obstruer [-stru-/-struct-] v to obstruct (= to block with obstacles or impediments)
Hence: obstruction-obstructionismo, obstructionista; obstructive

obtemperar v to obey, be obedient;
obtemperar a un persona to obey someone

obtener [-ten-/-tent-] v to obtain (= to get)
Hence: obtenimento; obtenibile; obtention; obtentor

obtenibile adj obtainable

obtenimento n obtainment

obtent- see obtener

obtention n obtention

obtentor n obtainer

obtundente 1. ppr of obtunder; 2. adj blunt, obtundent

obtunder [-tund-/-tus-] v to blunt, dull, obtund
Hence: obtundente; obtuse-obtusitate, obtusangule etc.

obtus- see obtunder

obtusangule adj [Geom.] obtuse-angled, obtusangular

obtuse adj obtuse (1. blunt, not sharppointed; 2. dull, slow of perception);
angulo obtuse [Geom.] obtuse angle

obtusitate n obtuseness, obtusity

obviar v to obviate;
obviar a to obviate, take precautions against

obvie adj obvious
Hence: obviar

oca n goose

occasion n 1. occasion (as in “on several occasions”); 2. opportunity; 3. ground, reason;
(libro) de occasion secondhand (book);
dar occasion a to give occasion for;
profitar del occasion to profit by the occasion
Hence: occasional, occasionar

occasional adj occasional (as in “occasional cause”)

occasionar v to occasion

occidental¹ adj western, occidental

occidental² n [Interling.] occidental
Hence: occidentalista

occidentalista n [Interling.] occidentalist

occidente n west, occident
Hence: occidental¹-ocidental² &

occider [-cid-/-cis-] v to kill
Hence: occision; occisor

occipital adj occipital

occipite (-cí-) n occiput
Hence: occipital

occis- see occider

occision n (act of) killing

occisor n killer

occluder [-clud-/-clus-] v to occlude (1. to close or obstruct; 2. [Chem.])
Hence: occlusion

occlus- see occluder

occlusion n occlusion

occultar v to occult (= to hide from sight); also: [Astron.]

occultation n occultation (1. concealment; 2. [Astron.])

occulte adj occult
Hence: occultismo; occultista; occultar-occultation

occultismo n occultism

occultista n occultist; attrib. occult, occultist

occupante n occupant (= one who occupies a place);
prime occupante [Law] occupant (= one who holds a title to something by occupancy)

occupantia n occupancy

occupar v to occupy (1. to take possession of; 2. to fill the space or time of; 3. to keep busy or engaged);
occupar se de to be interested in; to busy oneself with
Hence: occupante-occupantia; occupation; occupator; occupate; disoccupar-disoccupation, disoccupate; preoccupar &; reoccupar-reoccupation

occupate 1. pp of occupar; 2. adj busy (= engaged in work)

occupation n occupation (1. act of occupying; 2. that which engages one’s time)

occupator n occupier (1. one who takes possession of a place, a thing, etc.; 2. one who keeps busy or engaged)

occurrentia n occurrence (= happening, event)

occurrer v to occur (= to happen, take place)
Hence: occurrentia

Oceania npr Oceania

oceanian adj Oceanian

oceaniano n Oceanian

oceanic adj oceanic (= of the ocean)

oceanide (-á-) n [Gr. Mythol.] Oceanid

oceano (-cé-) n ocean;
Oceano [Gr. Mythol.] Oceanus
Hence: Oceania-oceanian-oceaniano; oceanide; oceanographo etc.

oceanographia (-ía) n oceanography

oceanographic adj oceanographic

oceanographo (-nó-) n oceanographer
Hence: oceanographia-oceanographic

ochlo- n [occurring in compounds] ochlo- (= mob)
Hence: ochlocrate etc.; ochlocratia etc.; ochlocratic etc.

ochlocrate (-ó-) n ochlocrat

ochlocratia (-ía) n ochlocracy, mob rule

ochlocratic adj ochlocratic

oct- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] octa-, octo- (= eight)
Hence: octano; octopode etc.; octametro etc.; octagon etc.

octagon adj octagonal
Hence: octagono-octagonal

octagonal adj octagonal

octagono n octagon

octahedre adj [Math.] octahedral
Hence: octahedro

octahedro n [Math.] octahedron

octametro (-á-) n octameter

octano n [Chem.] octane

octanta adj eighty

octante n octant (1. [Geom.]; 2. instrument for measuring angles)

octantesime (-ésime) adj eightieth;
le octantesime parte, le octantesimo the eightieth part, the eightieth

octava n octave (1. [Eccl.]; 2. [Pros.]; 3. [Mus.])

octavar v 1. to divide into eighths; 2. to form octaves

octave adj eighth;
le octave parte, le octavo the eighth part, the eighth
Hence: octavar; octavo; octava-octavino

octavino n octave flute, piccolo

octavo n octavo

octesime (-ésime) adj eighth

octetto n octette

octo adj eight
Hence: octante; octetto; octanta-octantesime; octave &; octesime; octogenari; octogesime; octuple etc.; octuplicar etc.; dece-octo etc.

octobre n October

octogenari adj octogenarian

octogesime (-ésime) adj eightieth;
le octogesime parte, le octogesimo the eightieth part, the eightieth

octopode (-ópode) n octopus

octosyllabic adj octosyllabic

octosyllabo (-sí-) n octosyllabic line
Hence: octosyllabic

octu- see octo

octuplar v to octuple (= to multiply by eight)

octuple (óc-) adj octuple, eightfold
Hence: octuplar

octuplicar v to octuple

ocular¹ v to eye, glance at; also: to ogle

ocular² adj ocular;
nervo ocular optic nerve

oculetto n eyelet (= small round hole for the passage of a lace, cord, etc.)

oculista n oculist

oculistic adj ophthalmologic, oculistic

oculistica n ophthalmology

oculo (óc-) n eye;
oculo (de un agulia, martello, etc.) eye (of a needle, hammer, etc.);
oculo (de un planta) eye or bud (of a plant);
aperir le oculos a un persona to open someone’s eyes;
inter quatro oculos in private, between you and me, etc.;
saltar al oculos to be obvious
Hence: oculetto; oculista-oculistic, oculistica; ocular¹; ocular²; adocular-adoculamento; inocular &; binoculo etc.; monoculo etc.

ode n ode
Hence: parodia &; prosodia &; melodia etc.; palinodia etc.; rhapsodo etc.

odiar v to hate

odio n hate, hatred
Hence: odiose; odiar

odiose adj odious, hateful

-odo see hodo-

odont- n [occurring in compounds] odont- (= tooth)
Hence: odontalgia etc.; odontologo etc.; mastodonte etc.; squalodonte etc.

odontalgia (-ía) n odontalgia

odontalgic adj odontalgic

odontologia (-ía) n odontology

odontologic adj odontologic

odontologo (-ólogo) n odontologist

odor n odor
Hence: odorifere; odorose; odorar-odorante-disodorante; inodor; malodor etc.

odorante 1. ppr of odorar; 2. adj odorous

odorar v to smell (= to emit an odor)

odorifere adj odorous, odoriferous

odorose adj odorous;
piso odorose sweet pea

Odyssea (-éa) n [Gr. Lit.] Odyssey

Odysseus (-ísseus) npr [Gr. Mythol.] Odysseus
Hence: Odyssea

offender [-fend-/-fens-] v 1. to hurt, harm; 2. to offend, insult, be offensive to;
offender se to be offended, take offense;
offender Deo to offend (against) God
Hence: offensive-inoffensive, offensiva-contraoffensiva; offensor; offensa; offenditor

offenditor n offender

offens- see offender

offensa n offense (= act of offending)

offensiva n offensive;
prender le offensiva to take the offensive

offensive adj offensive (1. pertaining to attack; 2. insulting);
armas offensive offensive weapons, weapons of offense

offensor n offender (= one who offends)

offerer [offer-/oblat-/offert-] v to offer (something); also: to bid;
offerer se (a facer un cosa) to offer (to do something);
un bon occasion se offere a good opportunity offers itself
Hence: oblation; offertorio; offerta

offert- see offerer

offerta n offer;
le offerta e le demanda supply and demand

offertorio n [Eccl.] offertory

official¹ adj official

official² n official (as in “government official”)

officiante n officiant, officiator

officiar v to officiate

officiator n officiator

officiero n [Mil., Nav.] officer

officina n 1. workshop; 2. [Pharm.] dispensary
Hence: officinal

officinal adj officinal

officio n I. office (1. position, appointment; 2. function; 3. bureau); II. [Eccl.] Office;
de officio ex officio;
bon officios good offices
Hence: officiero; official-semiofficial; officiose &; officiar-officiante, officiator

officiose adj I. obliging; II. officious (1. as in “some officious friend”; 2. semi-official);
(pressa, jornal, etc.) officiose semi-official or inspired (press, newspaper, etc.);
mendacio officiose white lie
Hence: inofficiose-inofficiositate

-ogia see -logia

-ogo see logo

Ohm, Georg Simon npr [1787-1854; physicist after whom the “ohm” is named];
lege de Ohm Ohm’s law
Hence: ohm-ohmmetro etc.

ohm n [Elec.] ohm

ohmmetro (óm-) n ohmmeter

-oide¹ suffixo adjective [used with nouns] -oid (= like ..., shaped like ...)
Hence: deltoide etc.; negroide etc.

-oide² suffixo substantive [used with nouns] -oid (= something like, or shaped like ...)
Hence: celluloide etc.; globoide etc.

-ol see oleo

oleaceas npl [Bot.] Oleaceae

oleacee adj [Bot.] oleaceous

oleage (-aje) n oiling, lubrication

oleaginose adj oleaginous

olear v to oil, grease

oleastro n [Bot.] oleaster

oleato n [Chem.] oleate

oleic (-léic) adj [Chem.] oleic

oleifere (-ífere) adj oliferous

oleina (-ína) n [Chem.] olein

olente 1. ppr of oler; 2. adj fragrant

olentia n fragrance

oleo n oil;
oleos essential essential oils;
oleos fixe fixed oils;
oleo de ricino castor oil;
pictura a(l) oleo oil painting;
jectar oleo super le foco to add fuel to the fire;
pinger a(l) oleo to paint in oils;
oleo Diesel Diesel oil
Hence: oleastro; oleato; oleria; oleina; oleacee; oleaginose; oleic; oleifere; oleose-oleositate; olear-oleage; oleomargarina etc.; petroleo etc.; quinoleina etc.; ichthyol etc.; lanolina etc.

oleo-margarina n oleomargarine

oleose adj oily, greasy

oleositate n oiliness

oler v to smell (= to emit a smell)
Hence: olente-olentia; redoler &; olfacer etc.

oleria (-ía) n oilery

olfacer [-fac-/-fact-] v to smell (something)
Hence: olfaction; olfactive; olfactori

olfact- see olfacer

olfaction n [Physiol.] olfaction

olfactive adj olfactory (as in “olfactory organ”)

olfactori adj olfactory (as in “olfactory organ”)

oligarch- v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: oligarcha; oligarchia-oligarchic

oligarcha n oligarch

oligarchia (-ía) n oligarchy

oligarchic adj oligarchic

oligo- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] oligo-, olig- (= few)
Hence: oligocen etc.; oligochete etc.; oligarcha etc.

oligocen adj [Geol.] Oligocene

oligochete adj [Zool.] oligochaetous
Hence: oligochetos

oligochetos npl [Zool.] Oligochaeta

olim (ó-) adv 1. once, formerly; 2. at a future time, sometime in the future

oliva n olive (1. olive tree; 2. fruit of the olive tree; 3. [Zool.]; 4. the color “olive”)
Hence: oliveto; olivina; olivacee; olivari; olivo

olivacee adj olive-green, olivaceous

olivari adj olive-shaped; also: [Anat.] olivary

oliveto n olive grove

olivina n [Mineral.] olivine

olivo n olive, olive tree

olla n pot, jar, etc.
Hence: ollero; olleria

olla podrida [H] n olla podrida (1. [Cookery]; 2. hodgepodge)

olleria (-ía) n pottery (1. potter’s shop; 2. “pottery ware”)

ollero n potter (= maker of earthenware pots)

Olympia¹ npr Olympia (= region where the ancient Olympian games were held)

Olympia² nprf Olympia

olympiade (-pí-) n Olympiad

olympic adj Olympic;
jocos olympic Olympian games; Olympic games

olympie adj Olympian (1. pertaining to Mount Olympus; 2. pertaining to the Olympian gods; 3. pertaining to Olympia)

Olympo npr [Geog.; Gr. Mythol.] Olympus
Hence: olympic; olympie-olympiade, Olympia¹, 0lympia²

-omal- see homal-

omega (ó-) n omega (= last letter of the Greek alphabet);
alpha e omega alpha and omega

omelette [F] n omelet

omiss- see omitter

omission n omission

omitter [-mitt-/-miss-] v to omit
Hence: omission

omne adj I. all (1. as in “all the cheese”; 2. as in “all the books”); II. every, each;
de omne mano from every hand;
de omne latere from every side;
in omne caso in any case;
omne cosa everything
Hence: omnimode etc.; omnisciente etc.; omnivore etc.

omnes (óm-) pron all

omnibus (óm-) n bus, omnibus;
traino omnibus omnibus train, local (train)
Hence: autobus etc.

omniforme adj omniform, of all forms

omnimode (-í-) adj omnimodous, omnifarious

omnipotente adj almighty, omnipotent;
le Omnipotente the Almighty
Hence: omnipotentia

omnipotentia n omnipotence, almightiness

omnisciente adj omniscient
Hence: omniscientia

omniscientia n omniscience

omnividente adj all-seeing, omnivident

omnivore adj omnivorous

omoplate n shoulder blade, omoplate

[on] indef pron one
(= uno)

oncle n uncle
Hence: granoncle

oneiro- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] oneiro- (= dream)
Hence: oneiromantia etc. ...

oneiromantia (-ía) n oneiromancy

onerar v to load; to burden with

onerari adj burden, freight (= of or pertaining to burden, freight, etc.)

onere n load, burden; also: freight, weight
Hence: onerari; onerose-onerositate; onerar; exonerar &

onerose adj onerous, burdensome

onerositate n onerousness

onom- [-ma-/-mat-] n [occurring in compounds] -onom-, onomato- (= name)
Hence: onomatologia etc.; onomatomania etc.

onomat- see onom-

onomatologia (-ía) n onomatology

onomatomania (-ía) [Psychiatry] onomatomania

onomatopeia (-péya) n [Philol.] onomatopoeia
Hence: onomatopeic

onomatopeic (-péic) adj onomatopoetic

onto- [occurring in compounds] onto- (= being)
Hence: ontologo etc.; ontogenia etc.; ontogenetic etc.; paleontologo etc.

ontogenese (-gé-) n ontogenesis, ontogeny

ontogenesis (-gé-) n ontogenesis, ontogeny

ontogenetic adj ontogenetic

ontogenia (-ía) n ontogeny (1. “science of ontogeny”; 2. ontogenesis)
Hence: ontogenista

ontogenista n ontogenist

ontologia (-ía) n ontology

ontologic adj ontologic, ontological

ontologista n ontologist

ontologo (-ólogo) n ontologist
Hence: ontologia-ontologista; ontologic

onyche (ó-) n onyx

-onym- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -onym- (= name)
Hence: -onymia-metonymia &, toponymia etc.; -onymic &; anonyme &; antonyme &; eponyme &; paronyme &; synonyme &; homonyme etc.; pseudonyme etc.

-onymia (-ía) [occurring in compounds]

-onymic [occurring in compounds] -onymic
Hence: patronymic etc.

op-¹ n [occurring in derivatives and compounds]
Hence: opulente &; inope &

op-² [op-/-opt] v [occurring in derivatives]
Hence: option-optional, adoption; adoptive; optar-optative, adoptar &, cooptar &

opac adj opaque (= not translucent)
Hence: opacitate

opacitate n opacity

opalescente adj opalescent

opalescentia n opalescence

opalescer v to opalesce

opalin adj opaline

opalo (ó-) n opal;
opalo de foco fire opal
Hence: opalin; opalescer-opalescente-opalescentia

-ope [occurring in derivatives and compounds] -ope (= -eyed, -sighted)
Hence: myope etc.; -opia-presbyopia etc.; diplopia etc.; nyctalopia etc.; prosopo-

opera (óp-) n 1. work (as in “hard work”); 2. opera; also: opera house
Hence: operetta; operose; operar-operante, operabile, operation, operative, operator, operatori, cooperar &, exoperar &

operabile adj operable (1. practicable; 2. [Med.])

operante 1. ppr of operar; 2. adj operant, operative

operar v I. to effect, work; II. to operate (1. to work, function; 2. [Mil.]); III. [Surg.] to operate upon;
operar miraculos to work miracles

operation n operation (1. action, activity; 2. [Mil.]; 3. [Surg.]);
sala de operation operating room

operative adj operative

operator n operator; specif. operating surgeon

operatori adj [Surg.] operative

operetta n operetta

operose adj operose, hard-working

oph- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] oph-, ophi-, ophio- (= snake)
Hence: ophiolatra etc. ...

ophiolatra (-ólatra) n ophiolater, snake worshiper
Hence: ophiolatria

ophiolatria (-ía) n ophiolatry, snake worship

ophthalmia (-ía) n ophthalmia, ophthalmitis

ophthalmic adj ophthalmic; also: ocular

ophthalmo- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] ophthalmo-, ophthalm- (= eye)
Hence: ophthalmia-sclerophthalmia; ophthalmic; ophthalmologo etc.; ophthalmoscopio etc.

ophthalmologia (-ía) n ophthalmology

ophthalmologic adj ophthalmological

ophthalmologista n ophthalmologist

ophthalmologo (-ólogo) n ophthalmologist, eye specialist
Hence: ophthalmologia-ophthalmologista; ophthalmologic

ophthalmoscopic adj ophthalmoscopic

ophthalmoscopio n ophthalmoscope
Hence: ophthalmoscopic

-opia (-ía) [occurring in compounds]

opiate adj opiate

opiato n opiate

opinabile adj that is a matter of opinion, disputable

opinar v opine (1. to hold as an opinion; 2. to express as an opinion)
Hence: opinion-opiniose; opinabile; inopinate; preopinar-preopinante

opinion n opinion;
esser de opinion que to be of (the) opinion that;
emitter un opinion to put forward, express, an opinion;
haber bon (mal) opinion de un persona to have a good (bad) opinion, think well (ill), of someone;
formar se un opinion super to form an opinion on

opiniose adj opinionated

opium (ópium) n opium
Hence: opiate-opiato

-opl- see hoplo-

opossum [A] n opossum

opponente¹ 1. ppr of opponer; 2. adj opposing, antagonistic

opponente² n opponent

opponer [-pon-/-posit-] v to oppose (= to set up against);
opponer se a to oppose (= to be against)
Hence: opponente; opposition; opposite-opposito

opportun adj opportune
Hence: opportunismo; opportunista; opportunitate; inopportun; inopportunitate

opportunismo n opportunism

opportunista n opportunist

opportunitate n 1. opportuneness; 2. opportunity

opposit- see opponer

opposite (-pó-) adj opposite (= placed or lying over against something)

opposition n opposition (1. as in “the opposition of fact and fiction”; 2. as in “to meet with opposition”)

opposito (-pó-) n opposite

oppress- see opprimer

oppression n oppression

oppressive adj oppressive (as in “oppressive legislation”)

oppressor n oppressor

opprimer [-prim-/-press-] v to oppress
Hence: oppression; oppressive; oppressor

ops- n [occurring m compounds] -ops-, opsio-, -opsis (1. sight, seeing; 2. viewing, examination; 3. appearance, look)
Hence: achromatopsia etc.; necropsia etc.; caryopse etc.

opt- see op-

optar v to choose, make a choice;
optar pro to decide in favor of, to declare for; also: to opt for

optative adj optative

optic adj 1. optic; 2. optical;
nervo optic optic nerve;
illusion optic optical illusion
Hence: panoptic etc.; optico; optica

optica n optics

optico n optician

optime (óp-) adj very best
Hence: optimismo; optimista; optimo

optimismo n optimism

optimista n optimist; attrib. optimistic

optimo (óp-) n optimum

option n option (1. action of choosing; 2. power or liberty of choosing; 3. [Com.])

optional adj optional

opto- [occurring in compounds] opto-, opt- (= sight)
Hence: optometro etc.

optometria (-ía) n optometry

optometrista n optometrist

optometro (-ómetro) n optometer
Hence: optometria-optometrista

-optro- [occurring in compounds] -optro-, -optr- (as in “catoptromancy”, “catoptric”)
Hence: catoptro-

opulente adj opulent (= wealthy)
Hence: opulentia

opulentia n opulence (= wealth)

opus (pl opera) [L] n opus
Hence: opusculo

opusculo n opuscule

-or suffixo substantive [used with the second stem of verbs in -er and -ir] -or, -er (= one who or that which ...s)
Hence: receptor etc.; oppressor etc.; distributor etc; motor etc.; inventor etc.

ora adv now (= at the present time);
ora ... ora now ... then

oracular adj oracular

oraculo oracle
Hence: oracular

oral adj oral (1. verbal; 2. as in “oral cavity”)

-orama n [occurring in compounds] -orama (= view)
Hence: diorama; cosmorama etc.; georama etc.; panorama etc.

orange [F] n orange (= fruit of the orange tree); attrib.: orange (as in “of orange color”)
Hence: orangiada; orangiero; orangeria

orangeria (-jería) n orangery, orange greenhouse

orangiada (-jada) n orangeade

orangiero (-jero) n orange tree

orar v 1. to harangue, make a speech; orate; 2. to pray
Hence: oraculo &; oration; orator; oratori-oratoria; oratorio-oratorian; adorar &; exorar &; perorar &

oration n 1. oration; 2. prayer, orison;
oration funebre funeral oration, funeral sermon;
le partes del oration the parts of speech

orator n orator, public speaker

oratori adj oratorical

oratoria n oratory (= art of an orator)

oratorian n [Eccl.] Oratorian

oratorio¹ n oratory (1. room or building for private worship; 2. as in “Oratory of St. Philip Neri”)

oratorio² n [Mus.] oratorio

orbe n orb (= sphere, globe)
Hence: orbita &; orbicular; orbitel etc.

orbicular adj round, spherical, circular etc.; also: [Anat.] orbicular

orbita (ór-) n orbit (1. eye socket; 2. curved course of planet, comet, etc.)
Hence: orbital; orbitari; exorbitar &

orbital n orbital (1. [Astron.]; 2. [Anat.])

orbitari adj [Anat.] orbital

orbitel adj [Zool.] orbitelous
Hence: orbitelo

orbitelo n [Zool.] orbitele;
orbitelos [Zool.] Orbitelariae

orchestra n orchestra (1. [Gr. Antiq.]; 2. orchestra pit; 3. band of players; 4. orchestra circle)
Hence: orchestrion; orchestral; orchestrar-orchestration, orchestrator

orchestral adj orchestral

orchestrar v to orchestrate

orchestration n orchestration

orchestrator n orchestrater, orchestrator

orchestrion n [Mus.] orchestrion

orchid- see orchis

orchidea n orchid

orchidee adj orchidaceous

orchidologia (-ía) n orchidology

orchis (ó-) n [Bot.] orchis;
orch- orch-, orcho- (= testicle)
Hence: orchitis; orchotomia etc.; orchidee-orchidea; orchidologia etc.

orchitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] orchitis

orchotomia (-ía) n [Surg.] orchotomy

ordimento n 1. [Weaving] (action of) warping; 2. beginning

ordinal adj ordinal

ordinando n [Eccl.] ordinand

ordinante n [Eccl.] ordinant

ordinantia n 1. order, arrangement; 2. ordinance, decree; 3. [Mil.] orderly

ordinar v I. to put in order, arrange; II. to order (1. to command; 2. to prescribe); III. [Eccl.] to ordain

ordinari adj ordinary (1. usual, regular; 2. commonplace, of little merit)
Hence: extraordinari; ordinario

ordinario n I. Ordinary (1. [Eccl.] as in “the Ordinary of the Mass”; 2. diocesan bishop); II. ordinary (= meal served at a fixed price)

ordinata n [Math.] ordinate

ordinate 1. pp of ordinar; 2. adj orderly, well-ordered

ordination n I. arrangement (= action of setting in order); II. ordination (1. action of decreeing; 2. [Eccl.])

ordinator n ordinator

ordine n order (1. arrangement, disposition; 2. [Arch.]; 3. orderliness; 4. category, group; 5. [Biol.]; 6. organized body of persons; 7. insignia, badge, etc.; 8. command);
de prime ordine first-class, first-rate;
(poner) in ordine (to put) in order;
ordine del die order of the day (1. agenda; 2. [Mil.]);
passar al ordine del die to pass to the order of the day
Hence: ordinal; ordinari &; ordinar-ordinando, ordinante, ordinantia, ordination, ordinator, ordinate-ordinata, coordinar &, disordinar-disordinate, preordinar-preordination, reordinar-reordination, subordinar-subordination-insubordination, subordinate-insubordinate, subordinato; contraordine; disordine

ordir v 1. [Weaving] to warp (= to prepare the warp); 2. to plot, intrigue; 3. to begin
Hence: ordimento; orditor; orditorio; orditura; exordir &; primordio etc.

orditor n 1. [Weaving] warper; 2. plotter, intriguer

orditorio n [Weaving] warp beam

orditura n [Weaving] (action of) warping

ore n mouth
Hence: oral; orificio etc.

organdi (-í) n organdy, organdie

organic adj organic;
chimia organic organic chemistry

organisabile adj organizable

organisar v to organize
Hence: organisabile; organisation; organisator; organisate; disorganisar-disorganisation, disorganisator; reorganisar-reorganisation, reorganisator

organisate 1. pp of organisar; 2. adj organic (as in “organic structure”)

organisation n organization

organisator n organizer

organismo n organism

organista n organist

organo (ór-) n organ (1. means, instrument, agency; 2. “pipe organ”; 3. “organ of an animal or plant body”);
organo a cylindro barrel organ
Hence: organismo; organista; organic-inorganic; organisar &; organoscopia etc.; organogenese etc.; organogenetic etc.

organogenese (-gé-) n organogenesis, organogeny

organogenesis (-gé-) n organogenesis, organogeny

organogenetic adj organogenetic

organogenia (-ía) n organogeny, organogenesis
Hence: organogenic

organogenic adj organogenic

organopathia (-ía) n organopathy

organoplastic adj [Biol.] organoplastic

organoscopia (-ía) n organoscopy

organotherapia (-ía) n organotherapy

orgia n orgy
Hence: orgiasta-orgiastic

orgiasta n orgiast

orgiastic adj orgiastic

orgolio n pride; also: haughtiness
Hence: orgoliose; inorgoliar

orgoliose adj proud; also: haughty

-ori suffixo adjective [used with the second stem of verb in -er and -ir] -ory (= pertaining to, or serving for, the action of
Hence: -orio; satisfactori etc.; delusori etc.; sensori etc.

oriental¹ adj 1. eastern, oriental; 2. Oriental, Eastern;
perla etc. oriental orient or oriental pearl, etc.

oriental² n Oriental

orientalisar v to orientalize (= to make oriental)

orientalismo n orientalism

orientalista n orientalist

orientalitate n orientality

orientar v to orient, orientate;
orientar se to orient oneself
Hence: orientation; disorientar-disorientation; reorientar-reorientation

orientation n orientation

oriente n 1. east; 2. orient (= peculiar luster of a pearl);
Oriente Orient, East;
Oriente Extreme Far East
Hence: oriental-orientalismo, orientalista, orientalitate, orientalisar; orientar &

orificio n orifice

original¹ adj original (1. earliest, primary; 2. “original in character, style, etc.”);
le peccato original original sin

original² n original (1. “original of a translation, imitation, reproduction, etc.”; 2. odd or excentric person)

originalitate n originality

originar v to originate (= to give origin to)

originari adj originary (1. aboriginal, native; 2. original)

originator n originator

origine n origin;
le origines de un cosa the beginnings of a thing;
traher su origine de to take its origin from, to originate from
Hence: original-originalitate; originari; originar-originator; aborigines

-orio suffixo substantive [used with the second stem of verbs in -er and -ir] -ory, -orium (= place where is done)
Hence: refectorio etc.; sensorio etc.

oriolo n oriole (= any bird of the genus Oriolus)

orlar v [Sewing] to hem

orlean- see Orleans

orleanista n [Hist.] Orleanist

Orleans npr Orleans (1. [Geog.]); 2. as in “House of Orleans”)
Hence: orleanista; Nove Orleans etc.

orlo n 1. brink, edge, brim, rim, border, etc.; 2. [Sewing] hem; 3. [Her., Arch.] orle
Hence: orlar

ornamental adj ornamental

ornamentar v to ornament

ornamentation n ornamentation (= act of ornamenting)

ornamentista n ornamentist, ornamentalist

ornamento n ornament, adornment
Hence: ornamentista; ornamental; ornamentar-ornamentation

ornar v to adorn;
ornar de to adorn with
Hence: ornamento &; ornate; adornar &; subornar &

ornate adj ornate (1. elaborately adorned; 2. as in “ornate style”)

ornith- n [occurring in compounds] ornitho-, ornith- (= bird)
Hence: ornithologo etc.; ornithogalo etc.; ornithomantia etc.; ornithorhynche etc.; ornithophilo etc.

ornithogalo (-tó-) n [Bot.] ornithogalum, star-of-Bethlehem

ornithologia (-ía) n ornithology

ornithologic adj ornithological

ornithologista n ornithologist

ornithologo (-tó-) n ornithologist
Hence: ornithologia-ornithologista; ornithologic

ornithomantia (-ía) n ornithomancy

ornithophile adj bird-loving
Hence: ornithophilo

ornithophilo (-tó-) n bird lover

ornithorhynche adj [Zool.] ornithorhynchous (= having the beak of a bird)
Hence: ornithorhyncho

ornithorhyncho n [Zool.] Ornithorhynchus, duckbill, platypus

oro- n [occurring in compounds] -orus (= guardian)
Hence: pyloro etc.

orph- see Orpheo

orphanato n orphanage, orphan, asylum

orphano (ór-) n orphan; attrib. orphan, orphaned
Hence: orphanato

Orpheo npr [Gr. Mythol.] Orpheus
Hence: orphic

orphic adj Orphic

-ors- see verter

orth- adj [occurring in compounds] ortho-, orth- (1. straight; 2. right)
Hence: orthologia etc.; orthodoxe etc.

orthoclase (-óclase) n [Mineral.] orthoclase

orthodoxe adj orthodox;
Ecclesia orthodoxe Orthodox Church
Hence: orthodoxia; orthodoxo

orthodoxia (-ía) n orthodoxy

orthodoxo n 1. orthodox (= orthodox person); 2. Orthodox (= member of the Orthodox Church)

orthographia (-ía) n orthography (1. spelling according to accepted usage; 2. orthographic projection)
Hence: orthographic; orthographiar

orthographiar v to spell (in writing)

orthographic adj 1. spelling (as in “spelling mistake”); 2. orthographic (as in “orthographic projection”)

orthologia (-ía) n orthology
Hence: orthologic

orthologic adj orthological

orthopedia (-ía) n [Med.] orthopedy, orthopedics
Hence: orthopedista; orthopedic

orthopedic adj [Med.] orthopedic, orthopedical

orthopedista n [Med.] orthopedist

orthoptere adj [Entom.] orthopterous
Hence: orthopteros

orthopteros (-tóp-) npl [Entom.] Orthoptera

osar v to dare
Hence: osate

osate 1. pp of osar; 2. adj daring

oscillar v to oscillate

oscillation n oscillation; also: [Fin.] fluctuation

oscillatori adj oscillatory

oscillo n oscillum (= mask of Bacchus hung on trees)
Hence: oscillar-oscillation, oscillatori

oscitar v to yawn or gape (from sleepiness)
Hence: oscitation

oscitation n (action of) yawning or gaping (from sleepiness)

oscular v 1. to kiss, give a kiss to; 2. [Geom.] to osculate

osculation n osculation (1. kissing; 2. [Geom.])

osculatori adj osculatory

osculatorio n [Eccl.] osculatory

osculo (ós-) n 1. [Zool.] oscule; 2. kiss
Hence: oscular-osculation, osculatori, osculatorio

-ose suffixo adjective [used with nouns; note: -ion + -ose = -iose] -ose, -ous (1. having, full of, rich in ...; 2. characterized by ...)
Hence: ambitiose etc.; coragiose etc.; infectiose etc.; jocose etc.; judiciose etc.; religiose etc.; zelose etc.

-osis (-ósis) suffixo substantive [used mainly with nouns] [Med.] -osis (= abnormal or diseased condition, state, or process of the ..., caused by ... or ...s, characterized by ..., etc.)
Hence: hypnosis etc.; neurosis etc.; tuberculosis etc.

osm-¹ [occurring in derivatives and compounds] osm-, osmo- (= smell, odor)
Hence: osmium &; osmologia etc.

osm-² see osmose

osmanli (-lí) [Tu.] n Osmanli (1. Ottoman Turk; 2. Ottoman Turkish)

osmic adj [Chem.] osmic

osmium n [Chem.] osmium
Hence: osmic

osmologia (-ía) n osmology

osmose n osmosis
Hence: osmotic; endosmose etc.; exosmose etc.

osmotic adj osmotic

ossario n ossuary

ossatura n 1. frame, skeleton (of man or animal); 2. [Arch.] framework, ossature

ossee adj osseous, bony

osseina (-ína) n [Biochem.] ossein

ossiculo n [Anat.] ossicle

ossificar v [Physiol.] to ossify

ossification n ossification

ossifraga (-í-) n osprey

osso n bone (“bone of the higher vertebrate animals”)
Hence: ossatura; ossiculo; ossario; ossuario; ossee-osseina, interossee; ossose; ossute; ossificar-ossification; disossar; ossifraga etc.

ossose adj osseous, bony

ossuario n ossuary

ossute adj big-boned, bony

ostage, hostage (-aje) n hostage

osteitis (-ítis) n [Pathol.] osteitis

ostender [-tend-/-tent-/-tens-] v to show
Hence: ostentar &; ostensibile; ostensorio

ostens- see ostender

ostensibile adj ostensive, ostensible

ostensorio n [Eccl.] ostensorium

ostent- see ostender

ostentar v to show off, display
Hence: ostentation-ostentatiose; ostentator

ostentation n ostentation

ostentatiose adj ostentatious

ostentator n ostentatious person

osteo- n [occurring in compounds] osteo-, oste- (= bone)
Hence: osteitis; osteolitho etc.; osteologo etc.; osteoplastia etc.; osteotomia etc.; teleostee etc.

osteolitho (-ólito) n osteolite

osteologia (-ía) n osteology

osteologic adj osteologic

osteologo (-ólogo) n osteologist
Hence: osteologia; osteologic

osteoplastia (-ía) n osteoplasty
Hence: osteoplastic

osteoplastic adj osteoplastic

osteotomia (-ía) n osteotomy

ostiero n usher; also: [Eccl.] ostiary

ostio n 1. door; 2. entrance
Hence: ostiero

ostracisar v ostracize

ostracismo n ostracism

ostracodermo n [Paleontol., Zool.] ostracoderm

ostracodes npl [Zool.] Ostracoda

ostracon (ós-) n ostracon
Hence: ostracodes; ostracisar-ostracismo; ostracodermo etc.

ostrea n oyster
Hence: ostreacee; ostrero; ostreiera; ostreicola etc.; ostreicultor etc.; ostreicultura etc.

ostreacee adj ostreaceous

ostreicola (-í-) adj ostreicultural, oystergrowing

ostreicultor n oyster-culturist, oyster grower

ostreicultura n ostreiculture, oyster culture

ostreiera (-yéra) n oyster bed

ostrero n oysterman

ot- n [occurring in derivatives and compounds] ot-, oto- (= ear)
Hence: parotide &; otorhinolaryngologia etc. ...

otiar v to be idle, be at leisure

-otic suffixo adjective [used mainly with nouns] [Med.] -otic (= pertaining to ...osis)
Hence: hypnotic etc.; narcotic etc.; neurotic etc.

otio n leisure
Hence: otiose-otiositate; otiar

otiose adj idle, otiose (1. not occupied; 2. useless, futile)

otiositate n idleness (= state of being idle or unoccupied)

-oto see noto

otorhinolaryngologia (-ía) n [Med.] otorhinolaryngology (= study of ear, nose, and larynx)
Hence: otorhinolaryngologista; otorhinolaryngologic

otorhinolaryngologic adj [Med.] otorhinolaryngologic

otorhinolaryngologista n [Med.] otorhinolaryngologist

Ottoman¹ npr [Hist.] Ottoman, Osman, Othman
Hence: ottoman-ottomano, ottomana

ottoman² adj Ottoman;
Imperio Ottoman Ottoman Empire

ottomana n ottoman (= flat overstuffed couch)

ottomano n Ottoman

out! [A] interj [Sports] out!

outsider [A] n [Horse Racing] outsider

oval¹ adj oval

oval² n oval

ovante 1. ppr of ovar; 2. adj exulting

ovar v to exult; [Rom. Antiq.] to celebrate an ovation
Hence: ovante; ovation

ovarian adj ovarian

ovario n [Anat.] ovary

ovariotomia (-ía) n ovariotomy

ovate adj ovate

ovation n ovation (1. [Rom. Antiq.]; 2. as in “to receive an ovation”)

ove n 1. sheep; also: ewe; 2. mutton
Hence: oviario; ovin; ovibos etc.

overtura n overture (1. proposal, offer; 2. [Mus.])

ovi- see ove

oviario n sheepfold

ovibos (ó-) n [Zool.] musk ox, ovibos

oviducto n [Anat.] oviduct

ovin adj ovine

ovipare adj oviparous
Hence: oviparitate

oviparitate n oviparity

ovo n 1. egg; 2. [Biol.] ovum
Hence: ovario-ovarian, ovariotomia etc.; ovulo-ovular¹, ovular²-ovulation; oval; ovate; ovoide; oviducto etc.; ovipare etc.; ovovivipare etc.

ovoide adj ovoid

ovovivipare adj [Zool.] ovoviviparous

ovular¹ adj [Bot., Physiol.] ovular

ovular² v [Biol.] to ovulate

ovulation n [Biol.] ovulation

ovulo n [Bot., Physiol.] ovule

ox- see oxalide; oxy-

oxal- see oxalide

oxalamido (-lá-) n [Chem.] oxalamide, oxamide

oxalato n [Chem.] oxalate

oxalic adj [Chem.] oxalic

oxalidaceas npl [Bot.] Oxalidaceae

oxalidacee adj [Bot.] oxalidaceous

oxalide (-ál-) n 1. [Bot.] Oxalis; 2. oxalis, wood sorrel
Hence: oxalidacee-oxalidaceas; oxalato; oxalite; oxalic; oxalamido etc.; oxalonitrato etc.; oxamido etc.

oxalite n [Mineral.] oxalite

oxalonitrato n [Chem.] oxalonitrate

oxamido (-á-) n [Chem.] oxamide, oxalamide

oxy- adj [occurring in derivatives and compounds] 1. oxy- (as in “oxytone”); 2. [Chem.] oxy-, ox- (as in “oxygen”, “oxide”)
Hence: oxydo &; oxalide &; oxycocco etc.; oxysulfido etc.; oxytone etc.; oxygeno etc.

oxycocco n cranberry

oxydabile adj oxidizable

oxydar v to oxidize, oxidate

oxydation n oxidation

oxydo (óx-) n oxide
Hence: oxydar-oxydabile-inoxydabile, oxydation; disoxydar-disoxydation; peroxydo &; hydroxydo etc.; protoxydo etc.; bioxydo etc.

oxygenar v to oxygenate

oxygenation n oxygenation

oxygeno (-ígeno) n oxygen
Hence: oxygenar-oxygenation

oxysulfido (-súl-) n [Chem.] oxysulphide

oxytone adj [Phonet.] oxytone
Hence: paroxytone-proparoxytone

oz- [occurring in derivatives] oz- (= smell, smelling)
Hence: ozena; ozono &; ozocerite etc.

ozena n [Pathol.] ozena

ozocerite n [Mineral.] ozocerite

ozonisar v to ozonize

ozono n ozone
Hence: ozonisar