A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
r (letter ~) n littera r (er)
rabaptize, anabaptize v anabaptisar
Rabbi (as in Rabbi Ben Ezra) n rabbi
- (as in the tradition of the rabbis) n rabbin
- n rabbi, rabbin
- n rabbin, rabbi
rabbinate n rabbinato
rabbinical adj rabbinic
rabbinism (teachings and tradition of the rabbis) n rabbinismo
rabbinist n rabbinista
rabbit ears (radio, TV) n antenna
- ~ ears (radio, TV) n antenna (de aures de conilio)
- ~ ears n aures de conilio
- n conilio
rabble, mob n turba
- ~ , mob, canaille n canalia
rabele n canalia, turba
- n turba, canalia
rabid (1. having rabies; 2. furious, raging) adj rabide
- adj rabide
rabies n rabie
race (biol) n racia
- (contest) n cursa
- [Biol] n racia
- ~ track, racecourse n pista
- v currer, hastar
- v hastar, currer
- ~ , racing (action of) n cursa
racecourse (for cars) n autodromo
- (for horses) n carriera, hippodromo
- (for horses) n hippodromo, carriera
- n carriera
- ~ , race track n pista
racehorse n cavallo de cursa
raceme, cluster [Bot] n racemo
racemic adj racemic
racemiform, clustershaped adj racemiforme
racemose adj racemose
racetrack n pista
rachitic, rickety [Med] adj rhachitic
rachitis, rickets [Med] n rhachitis
- ~ , rickets [Med] n rhachitis (-ìtis)
rachitomy n rhachitomia
- n rhachitomia (-ìa)
racial adj racial
- ~ relations n relationes racial
racialism (racism) n racialismo
- ~ , racism n racialismo
racialist, racist n racialista
racially adv racialmente
racing adj de cursas
- n le cursas
racism n racialismo, racismo
- n racismo, racialismo
- ~ , racialism n racialismo
racist, racialist n racialista
rack (holder) n receptaculo
- (rr) n cremaliera
- (tool-rack) n porta-utensiles
racker (fire) n petardo
racket (for tennis) n rachetta
- (noise) n ruito, strepito
- (noise) n strepito, ruito
rack-one's-brains v rumper se le capite
radar n radar
- ~ , radiolocator [Radio] n radar
radial (1. pertaining to a ray; 2. pertaining to a radius) adj radial
- adj radial
radially adv radialmente
radian [Math] n radiano
radiance n resplendentia, splendor
- n splendor, resplendentia
radiant (radiating rays of light) adj radiose
- adj radiante, resplendente
- adj resplendente, radiante
- ~ , brilliant, beaming adj radiante
- ~ , brilliant, beaming adj radiante (ppr of radiar)
radiate (emit rays) v radiar
- adj radiate
- adj radiate (pp of radiar)
- v irradiar, radiar
- v radiar, irradiar
- ~ , irradiate (1. to shine; 2. to give out, shed) v irradiar
radiation (act of radiating, emitting rays) n radiation
- n radiation
radiator n radiator
radical (1. Philol] (root; 2. Pol/Math]) n radical
- (1. proceeding from the root; 2. reaching or affecting the root; 3. Pol/Math]) adj radical
- ~ adj/n radical
radicalism n radicalismo
radically adv radicalmente
radicant [Bot] adj radicante
- [Bot] adj radicante (ppr of radicar)
radication (process of taking root) n radication
radicel, rootlet [Bot] n radicella
radicle [Bot] n radicula
radicular adj radicular
radio (1. wireless telephony and telegraphy; 2. radio receiving set) n radio
- n radio
radioactive adj radioactive
radioactivity n radioactivitate
radioconductor [Elec] n radioconductor
radio-control n teleguidage
- ~ -control v teleguidar
radiofrequency n radiofrequentia
radiogram (message transmitted by radio) n radiogramma
radiograph, x-ray photograph n radiographo
- ~ , x-ray photograph n radiographo (-ògrapho)
radiographer n assistente de radiologo
radiographic adj radiographic
radiography n radiographia
- ~ , x-ray photography n radiographia
- ~ , x-ray photography n radiographia (-ìa)
radiolocator, radar [Radio] n radar
radiological adj radiologic
radiologist n radiologista
- n radiologo
- n radiologo (-òlogo)
radiology n radiologia
- n radiologia (-ìa)
radio-set (receptor de) n radio
radio-station n station de radiodiffusion
radiotelegraphy n radiotelegraphia
- n radiotelegraphia (-ìa)
radiotelephony n radiotelephonia
- n radiotelephonia (-ìa)
radiotherapy n radiotherapia
- n radiotherapia (-ìa)
radish n radice
- n radice (-ìce)
- n radice, raphano sative
- n raphano sative, radice
radium n radium
- n radium (rà-)
radius (1. Anat]; 2. Math]) n radio
- n radio
radon [Chem] n radon
- [Chem] n radon (rà-)
raffle n lotteria
raft (float) n rate
- n rate
rafter n trave
rag n pannello
- n pannello (vetule)
rage (all the ~) phr de moda
- (violent anger) n rabie
- n furor, rabie, rage
- n rabie, rage, furor
- n rage, furor, rabie
- v rabiar, ragiar
- v ragiar, rabiar
- ~ , be in a rage v rabiar
- ~ , be in a rage v ragiar
- ~ , be in a rage v ragiar (-jar)
- ~ , fury n furor
- ~ , storm v tempestar
- ~ , violent anger n rage
- ~ , violent anger n rage (raje)
ragged (torn) adj lacerate
- (uneven) adj inequal
raging adj furiose
- ~ , furious adj furibunde
raglan n raglan
- n raglan A]
ragout n ragout
- n ragout F]
raid n excursion, incursion, razzia
- n incursion, razzia, excursion
- n raid
- n raid A]
- n razzia, excursion, incursion
- v razziar
- ~ , razzia (1. foray, incursion; 2. police raid) n razzia
- ~ , razzia (1. foray, incursion; 2. police raid) n razzia F]
raider n razziator
- v razziator
rail (bar) n barra
- (car or railroad track) n rail
- (car or railroad track) n rail A]
- (rr) n rail
- ~ chair [R.R] n cossinetto
- v inveher
rail-car (rr) n automotrice
railing n balustrada, palissada
- n palissada, balustrada
railings n balustrada, palissada
- n balustradas, palissadas
- n palissada, balustrada
- n palissadas, balustradas
- ~ , lattice enclosure, grating n cancello
railroad line (rr) n linea
- ~ line (rr) n linea (de ferrovia)
- ~ man n ferroviario
- ~ station n station de ferrovia
- ~ track n via ferree
- ~ , railway (rr) n de ferrovia, ferroviari
- ~ , railway (rr) n ferrovia
- ~ , railway (rr) n ferroviari, de ferrovia
railway (rr) adj via ferree
- adj ferroviari
- ~ line [Rr] linea
- ~ line [Rr] linea (de ferrovia)
- n ferrovia
- n ferrovia (-ìa)
- n railway
- n railway A]
- n via ferree
- ~ station n station de ferrovia
- ~ track [Rr] via ferree
- ~ , railroad (rr) n de ferrovia, ferroviari
- ~ , railroad (rr) n ferrovia
- ~ , railroad (rr) n ferroviari, de ferrovia
railwayman [Rr] ferroviario
rain heavily, pour v diluviar
- n pluvia
- v pluver
rain-bow n arco iris
- n iride
- n iris
raincloud n nimbo
raincoat n impermeabile
rain-down n diluviar
raindrop n gutta de pluvia
rainfall n cadita de pluvia
- n precipitation
- n precipitation (atmospheric)
rainy adj pluviose
- ~ , pluvial adj pluvial
- ~ , pluvious adj pluviose
rainy-weather n tempore de pluvia
raise (1. to make higher; 2. to raise the position or level of) v altiar
- (a question) v relevar
- (a question) v sublevar
- (an army) v levar
- (as in to raise horses) v elevar
- (breed) v elevar
- (elevate) v elevar
- (erect) v eriger
- (lift up) v altiar
- (lift) v levar
- (prices) v augmentar
- (stir up) v suscitar
- (the mouthpiece of a wind instrument) to the lips v imbuccar
- (voice) v altiar
- ~ the blockade of v disblocar
- ~ up, bring into being v suscitar
- ~ , lift (up) v levar
- ~ , lift up v realtiar
- ~ , lift up v sublevar
raised thread in brocaded design n broca
raisin n uva sic
raising (action of) n levatura
- (elevation) n elevation
- (erection) n erection
- (lifting) n altiamento
- (lifting) n levatura
- (of prices) n augmentation
- (the mouthpiece of a wind instrument) to the lips (act of) n imbuccamento
- ~ or lifting (act of) n altiamento
- ~ up (action of) n suscitation
- ~ , lifting (up) (act of) n levamento
- ~ , lifting up (act of) n sublevamento
- ~ , rearing [Husbandry] n education
rajah n raja
- n raja Hind]
rake (leaves, the soil) v rastrellar
- n rastrello
- n rastro
- v rastrellar
raker (of hay) n rastrellator
raking (act or action of) n rastrellage
- (act or action of) n rastrellage (-aje)
rally (car-racing) n rally
- (pol) n concentration
- (pol) n reunion
- v concentrar
- v concentrar (su fortias)
- v reformar
- v reformar (se)
- v reunir
- v reunir (se)
ram (drive with a ram) v massar
- n ariete
- v arietar
- ~ , Aries [Astron] n Aries
- ~ , Aries [Astron] n Aries (à-)
- ~ , ram's (of a ram or battering ram) adj arietari
- ~ , sledge hammer, mallet, beetle n massa
ramble n excursion
- v divagar
- v vagar
- ~ , wander about n vagar
- ~ , wander about v divagar
rambler (hiker) n excursionista
- (rose) n rosa rampante
rambling (digression) n divagation
- (hiking) n excursionismo
- adj discursive
- adj vage
- ~ , wandering about (act of) n divagation
- ~ , wandering about adj vage
ramification (1. dividing or spreading out into branches or parts; 2. branch, part) n ramification
ramify, cause to branch out v ramificar
ramming, arietation n arietation
ramose, branched adj ramose
ramp (slope) n rampa
- (sloping surface connecting two different levels) n rampa
rampage n conducta violente
- v comportar se como phrenetico
rampant (heraldry) adj rampante
- (unstoppable) adj non frenabile
- [Her] adj rampante
rampart n vallo
- ~ , circumvallation n vallation
- ~ , circumvallation n vallo
ramshackle adj decrepite
- adj ruinose
ranarium n ranario
ranch n rancho
- ~ , ranche n rancho
- ~ , ranche n rancho H]
ranche, ranch n rancho
- ~ , ranch n rancho H]
rancher, ranchman n ranchero
- ~ , ranchman n ranchero (-tch-)
ranchman, rancher n ranchero
- ~ , rancher n ranchero (-tch-)
rancho (rude hut for herdsmen) n rancho
- (rude hut for herdsmen) n rancho H]
rancid (go ~) v rancer
- adj rancide
rancidity n ranciditate
rancor n rancor
rancorous adj rancorose
rancour n rancor
random (at ~) adv al hasardo
- adj aleatori
- adj fortuite
ranee, rani n rani
- ~ , rani n rani Hind]
range (1. to arrange in lines or rows; 2. to place in order) v rangiar (-jar)
- (1. to arrange in lines or rows; 2. to place in order) v rangiar
- (as in range of a singing voice) n diapason
- (as in range of a singing voice) n diapason (-pà)
- (choice) n selection
- (extent) n extension
- (of gun) n distantia de tiro
- (of mountains) n catena
- (of voice) n diapason
- v rangiar
rangefinder n telemetro
rani, ranee n rani
- ~ , ranee n rani Hind]
Ranidae [Zooi] n ranides
- [Zooi] n ranides (rà-)
raniform, frog-shaped adj raniforme
ranine ([1. Zool]; 2. Anat]) adj ranin
- v ein [Anat] n ranina
rank (1. Mil] (row, line; 2. position, grade) n rango
- (high office) n dignitate
- (of growth) adj luxuriante
- (of injustice) adj flagrante
- (of smell) adj rancide
- n grado
- n rango
- v classificar
- v classificar (se)
- ~ , degree [Mil/Acad. etc] n grado
- ~ , luxuriant adj luxuriose
rank-and-file n soldatos commun
rankle v doler
ransack (sack) v sacchear
- (search through) v facer perquisition
- (search through) v facer perquisition (de)
ransom n redemption
- v redimer
ranula [Med] n ranula
ranunculaceous [Bot] adj ranunculacee
ranunculus [Bot] n ranunculo
rap n colpo
- v colpar
rapacious adj rapace
rapacity n rapacitate
rape (crime) n stupro
- (crime) n violation
- (crime) n violation (carnal)
- (crime) v committer un violation carnal
- (crime) v stuprar
- [Bot] n colza
rapid (in a river) n rapido
- (in a river) n rapido (rà-)
- adj celere
- adj rapide
- adj rapide (rà-)
- n rapido
- n salto
- ~ , quick adj celere
- ~ , quick adj celere (cé-)
rapidity n rapiditate
rapier n spada
rapine, plunder n rapina
rapture n rapto
- n transporto
rare (not frequent) adj rar
- adj rar
rarefaction (of gas, air) n rarefaction
- n subtilisation
rarefactive adj rarefactive
rarefiable adj rarefactibile
rarefy (make thinner or less dense) v rarefacer
- (make thinner or less dense) v rarefacer -fac-/-fact-]
- ~ , refine v subtilisar
rarity (1. rareness; 2. rare object, curiosity) n raritate
- n raritate
rascal n picaro
rash adj imprudente, temerari
- adj temerari, imprudente
- n eruption, exanthema
- n exanthema, eruption
- ~ , temerous adj temere
- ~ , unconsidered adj inconsiderate
rasher n trencho
rashness n imprudentia, temeritate
- n temeritate, imprudentia
rasp n raspator
- v raspar
- ~ , scrape v raspar
- ~ , scraper, grater n raspator
raspberry (bush) n frambesiero
- (fruit of the) n frambese
- n frambese
raspberry-bush n frambesiero
rasping, scraping (action of) n raspatura
rat [Zool] n ratto
- n ratto
- v desertar
ratcatcher, ratter n rattero
ratchet n dente de arresto
rate (as in at the rate of) n rata
- (at any ~) phr in omne caso
- (at the - of) phr al precio de, al rata de
- (at the - of) phr al rata de, al precio de
- (scold) v reprimendar
- (set a price) v taxar
- n rata, taxa
- n taxa, rata
- ~ , established price n taxa
- ~ , set the price for v taxar
rate-payer n contribuente de imposto local
ratess n commun
- n imposto local
rather (1. more truly or accurately; 2. sooner, preferably) adv potius (pòtius)
- (1. more truly or accurately; 2. sooner, preferably) adv potius
- (fairly, quite) adv assatis
- (fairly, quite) adv assatis (-sà-)
- (somewhat) adv bastante, satis
- (somewhat) adv satis, bastante
- (sooner) adv plus tosto
- adv magis
- adv magis (mà-)
- adv potius
- ~ , somewhat adv satis
- ~ , somewhat adv satis (sà-)
ratification n ratification
ratified, averred [Law] adj rate
ratifier n ratificator
ratify v ratificar
rating (classification) n classification, evalutation
- (classification) n evalutation, classification
- (reprimand) n reprimenda
- (setting of prices) n taxation
ratio [Math] n ration
- n rata, ration
- n ration, rata
ratiocinate v ratiocinar
ratiocination n ratiocination
ratiocinative adj ratiocinative
ration (allot in rations) v rationar
- n ration
- v rationar
rational (1. endowed with reason; 2. conformable to reason, reasonable; 3. based on reasoning; 4. Math]) adj rational
- (based on reasoning) adj rationate
- (based on reasoning) adj rationate (pp of rationar)
- adj rational
rationalism [Philos] n rationalismo
rationalist n rationalista
rationality (1. quality of being rational or endowed with reason; 2. quality of being reasonable or conformable to reason) n rationalitate
rationalization n rationalisation
rationalize (1. to bring into agreement with reason; 2. Technol]; 3. Psychol]) v rationalisar
- v rationalisar
rationally adv rationalmente
rationing n rationamento
ratter, ratcatcher n rattero
rattle (noise) n strepito
- (toy) n sonalio de infante
- v streper
- ~ , rumble, din v streper
rattlesnake n crotalo
rattrap n rattiera
raucous adj rauc
- ~ , hoarse adj rauc
raucousness, hoarseness n raucitate
ravage v devastar
- ~ , plunder n rapimento
ravager n raptor
ravages n damnos, devastation
- n devastation, damnos
rave about v ecstasiar se, exaltar se
- ~ about v ecstasiar se, exaltar se (de)
- ~ about v exaltar se (de), ecstasiar se
- ~ about v exaltar se, ecstasiar se
- v delirar
raven n corvo
ravenous adj devorante
- adj devorante (ppr of devorar)
ravine n ravina
ravish (carry off) v raper
- (enchant) v incantar
- (rape) v stuprar, violar
- (rape) v violar, stuprar
ravisher n raptor
ravishing n incantator
ravishment n rapimento
raw (1. uncooked; 2. crude) adj crude
- adj crude
raw-material n materia prime
rawness n cruditate
ray (fish) n raia
- (of light) n radio
- (ray of light) n radio
rayon n rayon
- n rayon A]
- n rayon, seta artificial
- n seta artificial, rayon
raze v rasar
razor n rasorio
razor-blade n lamina de rasorio
razzia, raid (1. foray, incursion; 2. police raid) n razzia
- ~ , raid (1. foray, incursion; 2. police raid) n razzia F]
rcvocation n revocation
re [Mus] n re
reabsorb v reabsorber
- v reabsorber -sorb-/-sorpt-]
reabsorption n reabsorption
reach (out of ~) phr non accessibile
- (within ~) phr accessibile, facilemente accessibile
- (within ~) phr facilemente accessibile, accessibile
- n capacitate, distantia
- n distantia, capacitate
- v arrivar a, attinger
- v attinger, arrivar a
reach-out v tender le mano
- ~ -out v tender le mano (ex-)
react v reager
- v reager -ag-/-act-]
reaction n reaction
reactionary adj reactionari
- n reactionario
reactionism n reactionismo
reactionist n reactionista
reactor n reactor
read (as in to read a book, letter) v leger
- (as in to read a book, letter) v leger leg-/-lect-]
- v leger
reader (one who reads books) n lector
- n lector
readily adv de bon grado, facilemente
- adv facilemente, de bon grado
readiness (of will) n bon voluntate
- n preparation
reading (1. act of reading; 2. ability to read; 3. as in that book makes pleasant reading) n lectura
- (the form in which something is written in a manuscript or book) n lection
- n lectura
readjust v readjustar
readjuster n readjustator
readjustment n readjustamento
readmission n readmission
readmit v readmitter
- v readmitter -mitt-/-miss-]
ready (get ~) v preparar se
- (prepared) adj preparate
- (willing) adj disposite, preste
- (willing) adj preste, disposite
- adj preste
- ~ money n moneta contante
- ~ to be of service, serviceable, diligent adj servicial
- ~ to compromise (accomodating) adj transigente
readymade adj confectionate
- ~ apparel (confection) n confection
reaffirm v reaffirmar
reagent n reactivo
- n reactor
- n reagente
real (1. actually existing; 2. pertaining to immovable property) adj real
- adj genuin, real
- adj real, genuin
real-estate n benes immobile
realism (1. Philos]; 2. Art/Lit]) n realismo
- n realismo
realist n realista
realistic adj realistic
reality n realitate
realizable adj realisabile
realization (1. act or process of converting something hoped for, aimed at, into reality; 2. act or process of converting property into money) n realisation
- (of hopes, assets) n realisation
- (understanding) n comprension
realize (1. to make real; 2. to convert into actual money) v realisar
- (make real, encash) v realisar
- (understand) v comprender
really adv realmente
- adv realmente, vermente
- adv vermente, realmente
- ~ , indeed, even, truly adv vere
- ~ , indeed, even, truly adv vero
- ~ , truly adv vermente
realm (kingdom) n regno
- ~ of Latin, Roman realm (language and culture) n Romania
- ~ , kingdom n regno
ream n risma
reanimate, revive v reanimar
reap v recoltar
- ~ , gather in, harvest v recoltar
reaper n falcator
reappear v reapparer
reappearance n reapparition
rear (in the ~) phr in retro
- adj posterior
- n parte posterior
- v educar, elevar
- v elevar, educar
rearguard [Mil] n retroguarda
- n retroguarda
rearing n education, elevation
- n elevation, education
- ~ , raising [Husbandry] n education
rearm v rearmar
rearmament n rearmamento
rearmost adj ultime
rearrange v reordinar
rearrangement n reordinamento
reason (1. reasoning faculty; 2. as in reason for, why) n ration
- (fact) n ration
- (ground) n occasion
- (intellectual faculty) n ration
- (use the faculty of reasoning) v rationar
- v rationar
- ~ , ground n occasion
reasonable (1. endowed with reason; 2. conformable to reason) adj rationabile
- (in price) adj rationabile
- (sound, tolerable) adj rational
reasonableness n moderation
reasoner n rationator
reasoning n rationamento
reassemble v reassemblar
reassume v reassumer
reassurance n reassecurantia
reassure (restore one's confidence) v reassecurar
- v reassecurar, tranquillisar
- v tranquillisar, reassecurar
reattaching, reattachment n reattaccamento
reattachment, reattaching n reattaccamento
rebaptism n rebaptismo
rebaptize v rebaptisar
rebate n disconto, reduction
- n reduction, disconto
rebel n rebello
- v rebellar se, revoltar
- v revoltar, rebellar se
rebellion n rebellion
- n rebellion, revolta
- n revolta, rebellion
rebellious adj rebelle
rebelliousness n character rebelle, insubordination
- n insubordination, character rebelle
re-birth, renascence, revival (as in revival of learning) n renascentia
reborn, be born again v renascer
rebound v resaltar, reverberar
- v reverberar, resaltar
rebox v reincassar
reboxing n reincassamento
rebuff n repulsa
- v repeller, repulsar
- v repulsar, repeller
rebuild n reconstruer
- v reedificar
rebuilding n reconstruction
- n reedification
rebuke n reprimenda
- v reprimendar, reprobar
- v reprobar, reprimendar
rebus n rebus
- n rebus (ré-)
recalcitrant adj recalcitrante
recalcitrate v recalcitrar
recalcitration n recalcitration
recall n memoria, revocation
- n revocation, memoria
- v memorar, revocar
- v revocar, memorar
recant (withdraw) v recantar
- v abjurar, disdicer se, recantar
- v disdicer se, recantar, abjurar
- v recantar, abjurar, disdicer se
recantation n recantation
recapitulate v recapitular
recapitulation n recapitulation
recapture v recapturar
- ~ , recovery, retaking n reprisa
recast [Metal] n refusion
- ~ , refound [Metal] v refunder
- ~ , refound [Metal] v refunder -fund-/-fus-]
recede (retreat, retire) v receder
- (retreat, retire) v receder -ced-/-cess-]
- v receder
receipt (1. written acknowledgment of receipt; 2. recipe) n recepta
- (for payment) n quitantia, recepta
- (for payment) n recepta, quitantia
- (of taxes) n perception
- (receiving) n reception
- (written acknowledgment of receipt) n quitantia
- ~ , collection (of taxes, rents, etc.) n perception
receipts [Commer] n recepta
- n receptas
receive (money) back v reincassar
- (of stolen goods) v receptar
- (stolen goods) v receptar
- v reciper
- v reciper -cip-/-cept-]
receiver (1. one who receives) n receptor
- (of stolen goods) n receptator
- (thing or person that receives) n receptor
- ~ , fence (of stolen goods) n receptator
recension (critical revision of a text) n recension
recent adj recente
recently adv recentemente
- ~ , newly, lately adv nuper
- ~ , newly, lately adv nuper (nù-)
receptacle (1. container, vessel; 2. Bot]) n receptaculo
- n receptaculo
reception n reception
receptionist n receptionista, secretaria
- n secretaria, receptionista
receptive adj receptive
receptivity n receptivitate
recess (1. act of retiring; 2. place of retirement) n recesso
- (act or place of retirement) n recesso
- (holiday) n vacantias
- (niche) n niche
- (parl) n pausa
recession n recession
- ~ , withdrawal n recession
recessive adj recessive
recipe n recepta
recipient n recipiente
- ~ recipiente adj recipiente
reciprocal adj reciproc
- adj reciproc (-cì-)
- ~ , mutual adj mutual
- ~ , mutual adj mutue
reciprocate v reciprocar
reciprocation n reciprocation
reciprocity n reciprocitate
- ~ , mutuality n mutualitate
recital [Mus] n recital
- [Mus] n recital A]
- n recital
recitation (1. repetition from memory; 2. recountal) n recitation
- n recitation
recitative adj recitative
- n recitativo
recite (1. to repeat from memory; 2. to recount) v recitar
- v declamar, recitar
- v recitar, declamar
reckless adj imprudente, temerari
- adj temerari, imprudente
recklessness n imprudentia, temeritate
- n temeritate, imprudentia
reckon (count) v calcular, computar
- (count) v computar, calcular
- (think) v considerar, estimar, pensar
- (think) v estimar, pensar, considerar
- (think) v pensar, considerar, estimar
reckoning (counting) n calculo
- (thinking) n calculo, estimation
- (thinking) n estimation, calculo
- [Naut] n estima
reclaim (get back) v recuperar
- (land) v disaquar
- (redeem) v redimer
- ~ , revendication [Law] n revindication
- ~ , vindicate v revindicar
reclamation (of land) n disaquamento
- (recovery) n recuperation
- (redemption) n redemption
recline (as in to recline one's head) v reclinar
- v appoiar (se), reclinar (se)
- v appoiar, reclinar
- v reclinar (se), appoiar (se)
- v reclinar, appoiar
recluse adj/n recluso
- n recluso
- ~ , secluded adj recluse
recognition (1. identification of something previously known; 2. acknowledgment, avowal; 3. appreciation) n recognoscentia
- (identification of something previously known) n recognition
- n recognition, recognoscentia
- n recognoscentia, recognition
recognizable adj recognoscibile
recognize (1. to identify as known before; 2. to acknowledge the validity or existence of) v recognoscer
- (1. to identify as known before; 2. to acknowledge the validity or existence of) v recognoscer -gnosc-/-gnit-]
- v recognoscer
recoil (1. to retreat; 2. to shrink back; 3. to rebound after impact or discharge) v recular
- n reculamento
- v recular
recoiling, drawing back (act of) n reculamento
recollect v recolliger
recollection (I have no - of) phr io ha nulle recollection
- (I have no - of) phr io ha nulle recollection (memoria)
- (recollecting oneself in prayer etc.) n recollection
- n recollection
- ~ , meditation n recolligimento
recommence v recomenciar
recommencement n recomenciamento
recommend (What do you ~) phr Que recommenda tu?
- (What do you ~) phr Que recommenda tu? (vos?)
- v recommendar
recommendable adj recommendabile
recommendation n recommendation
recompense (1. reward; 2. compensation) n recompensa
- (1. to compensate; 2. to repay, as by rewarding or punishing) v recompensar
- (compose again, to recombine, to rearrange) v recomponer -pon-/-posit-]
- (compose again, to recombine, to rearrange) v recomponer
- n recompensa
- v compensar, recompensar
- v recompensar, compensar
recompenser, one who recompenses n recompensator
recomposition n recomposition
reconcilable adj accordabile
- adj reconciliabile
reconcile two differing oppinions phr conciliar duo opiniones divergente
- v reconciliar
reconciliation n reconciliation
reconciliatory adj reconciliatori
recondition n reconditionar
reconduct, conduct back v reconducer
reconnaissance n exploration del terreno, recognoscentia
- n recognoscentia
- n recognoscentia, exploration del terreno
reconnoiter, make reconnaissance of v recognoscer
- ~ , make reconnaissance of v recognoscer -gnosc-/-gnit-]
reconnoitre v explorar le terreno, recognoscer
- v recognoscer, explorar le terreno
reconsider, consider anew n reconsiderar
reconstitute v reconstituer
- v reconstituer -stitu-/-stitut-]
reconstitution n reconstitution
reconstruct v reconstruer
- v reconstruer -stru-/-struct-]
reconstruction n reconstruction
record (document) n documento
- (gramophone) n disco
- (mention) n nota
- (of a person) n historia
- (phonograph) n disco
- (register) n registro
- (sports) n record
- (the best yet done) n record
- (the best yet done) n record A]
- v notar, registrar
- v registrar, notar
- ~ , instrument, deed [Law] n acto
recorder, registerer n registrator
recording n registration
record-player n tornadiscos
records n archivos
recount n secunde scrutinio
- v contar, narrar
- v narrar, contar
recoup v recuperar
recourse (have - to) v recurrer a
- n recurso
recover (1. to get back again; 2. to recoup, make up for) v recuperar
- (cover again) v recoperir
- (get back) v recuperar
- (get back, regain) v recovrar
- (get better) vi recuperar se, refacer se, restablir se
- (get better) vi refacer se, restablir se, recuperar se
- (get better) vi restablir se, recuperar se, refacer se
- (give new cover) vt recoperir
recoverable adj recovrabile
- adj recuperabile
recoverer n recovrator
recovery (getting back) n recuperation
- [Commer] n reprisa
- [Med] restablimento
- ~ , retaking, recapture n reprisa
recreate v recrear
- ~ -create, create anew v recrear
- ~ , give fresh life to v recrear
recreation (refreshment of strength and spirits) n recreation
- n recreation
- ~ -creation, creating anew n recreation
recreative adj recreative
recriminate v recriminar
recrimination n recrimination
recriminator n recriminator
recriminatory adj recriminatori
recrudesce, break out again v recrudescer
recrudescence n recrudescentia
recrudescent adj recrudescente
- adj recrudescente (ppr of recrudescer)
recruit n recruta
- v recrutar
recruiter n recrutator
recruiting, recruitment n recruta
recruitment n recrutamento
- ~ , recruiting n recruta
rectal [Anat] adj rectal
rectangle n rectangulo
- n rectangulo (-àngulo)
rectangular adj rectangular
- ~ , right-angled adj rectangule
rectifiable adj rectificabile
rectification n rectification
rectifier n rectificator
rectify (1. to set right by adjustment or calculation; 2. Chem]) v rectificar
- v rectificar
rectilinear adj rectilinee
rectitude n rectitude
- ~ , straightforwardness, uprightness n directura
recto [Print] n recto
rector [Univ] rector
- n curato, parocho
- n parocho, curato
- ~ , director, chief, ruler n rector
rectorate n rectorato
rectorial adj rectoral
rectory n cura, presbyterio
- n presbyterio, cura
rectum [Anat] n recto
- n recto
recuperate v recuperar se, refacer se, restablir se
- v refacer se, restablir se, recuperar se
- v restablir se, recuperar se, refacer se
recuperation n recuperation
recur v repeter se, retornar
- v retornar, repeter se
recurrence (periodical return) n recurrentia
- n recurrentia
recurrent ((returning periodically or from time to time) Anat]) adj recurrente
- ((returning periodically or from time to time) Anat]) adj recurrente (ppr of recurrer)
- adj recurrente
recurring adj recurrente
red (dark) adj rubide
- (turn ~) v devenir rubie
- adj rubie
- adj rubre
- ~ adj/n rubie
- ~ deer n cervo
- ~ lead, minium n minio
- ~ ocher, ruddle n rubrica
- ~ ocher, ruddle n rubrica (-ìca)
- ~ , reddish adj rubee
redaction (act of drafting, finished draft) n redaction
redactor (one who draws up a document, speech) n redactor
redan [Fortif] n redente
redcurrant n rubes rubie
redden, grow red v erubescer
- ~ , grow red v ruber
- ~ , grow red v rubescer
- ~ , make red v rubificar
reddish adj rossastre
- ~ , red adj rubee
redeem (1. to buy back; 2. to clear of charges, obligations; 3. to ransom, liberate; 4. Theol]) v redimer -im-/-empt-]
- (1. to buy back; 2. to clear of charges, obligations; 3. to ransom, liberate; 4. Theol]) v redimer
- v redimer
redeemable adj redimibile
redeemer n redemptor
- n redemptor
- n redemptor
redeeming adj redemptive
- ~ , redemptive adj redemptive
redemption n redemption
redemptive adj redemptive
- ~ , redeeming adj redemptive
redescend v redescender
redevelop v reconstruer
redevelopment n reconstruction
red-haired adj con capillos rubie
red-handed adv in flagrante delicto
red-head n persona con capillos rubie
red-hot adj ardente, calefacite al rubie
- ~ -hot adj calefacite al rubie, ardente
red-indian adj/n pelle rubie
redness n rubor
redolence, redolency n redolentia
redolency, redolence n redolentia
redolent adj redolente
- adj redolente (ppr of redoler)
redouble (1. as in to redouble one's efforts; 2. to become more intense) v reduplar
redoubling (act of) n reduplamento
redoubt [Mil] n reducto
redound v redundar
redress n reparation
- v remediar, reparar
- v reparar, remediar
red-sea n mar rubie
red-tape n formalitates bureaucratic
reduce (1. to cut down, diminish; 2. Surg]; 3. Chem] (deoxidize) v reducer
- (1. to cut down, diminish; 2. Surg]; 3. Chem] (deoxidize) v reducer -duc-/-duct-]
- (lessen) vi diminuer
- (slim) v magrir
- ~ speed, slow down v lentar
- ~ the swelling of v disinflar
- vt reducer
- ~ , become lean or thin v magrir
reduced-price (cut-price) phr a precio reducte
reducer (1. one who reduces or cuts down; 2. Chem] (reducing agent) n reductor
reducibility n reducibilitate
reducible adj reducibile
reduction (1. diminution, cutting down; 2. copy made on a smaller scale; 3. Surg]; 4. Chem]; 5. Arith]) n reduction
- n abassamento, reduction
- n reduction, abassamento
- ~ of speed or activity, slackening n relentamento
- ~ , cutting or lopping off n defalcation
reductive (tending to reduce) adj reductive
redundance, redundancy n redundantia
redundancy [Indust] disempleo, licentiamento
- [Indust] licentiamento, disempleo
- n redundantia
- ~ , redundance n redundantia
redundant adj redundante
reduplicate (1. to redouble; 2. Gram]) v reduplicar
reduplication [Gram] n reduplication
reduplicative adj reduplicative
redwood n sequoia sempervirente
reed [Bot] n canna
- [Mus] n lingua
- ~ organ, harmonium n harmonium
- ~ organ, harmonium n harmonium NL]
reef (chain of rocks lying near the surface of the water) n scolio
- n scolio
reek (smoke) v fumar
- (stink) v oler mal, puter
- (stink) v puter, oler mal
- n mal odor
- ~ , smell v fragrar
reel n bobina
- v titubar, vacillar
- v vacillar, titubar
- ~ , bobbin, spool n bobina
re-elect v reeliger
- ~ -elect v reeliger -lig-/-lect-]
re-election n reelection
re-eligible adj reeligibile
reemploy, employ again v reemplear
re-establish v restabilir, restablir
- ~ -establish v restablir, restabilir
- ~ -establish, restore v restabilir
- ~ -establish, restore v restablir
re-establishment n restabilimento, restablimento
- ~ -establishment n restablimento
- ~ -establishment n restablimento, restabilimento
reexport v reexportar
reexportation n reexportation
refection, refreshment n refection
refectory n refectorio
refer (attribute, ascribe) v referer
- (attribute, ascribe) v referer -fer-/-lat-]
- v referer
- v referer (se)
referee n arbitro
- v arbitrar
reference (1. as in reference work; 2. letter of reference) n referentia
- n referentia
referendary n referendario
referendum (1. Pol]; 2. Dipl]) n referendum
- (1. Pol]; 2. Dipl]) n referendum NL]
- n referendum
refill n recambio
- v reimpler
- v replenar, repler
- v repler, replenar
- ~ , replenish v repler
refine (clarify) v affinar, subtilisar
- (clarify) v subtilisar, affinar
- (sugar) v raffinar
- (sugar, oil) v raffinar
- ~ , improve v affinar
- ~ , rarefy v subtilisar
refined (of a person) adj culte, manierose
- (of a person) adj manierose, culte
- (of gold) adj fin
- (of petroleum) adj raffinate
refinement (culture) n cultura
- (improving) n affinamento
- (manners) n bon manieras
refiner (of metals) n affinator
- (of sugar, oil) n raffinator
refinery (of sugar, oil) n raffineria
- (of sugar, oil) n raffineria (-ìa)
- n raffineria
refining (sugar, oil) (act of) n raffinamento
- n raffinamento
- ~ , improving (act of) n affinamento
refit n reparation
- v reequipar, reparar
- v reparar, reequipar
refl myself (as in I hurt myself, I said to myself) pron me
- ~ ourselves pron nos
reflation n inflation controlate
reflect (1. to throw or cast back; 2. to ponder) v reflecter
- (1. to throw or cast back; 2. to ponder) v reflecter -flect-/-flex-]
- ~ back, reverberate v repercuter
- ~ back, reverberate v repercuter -cut-/-cuss-]
- vi pensar
- vt reflecter
- ~ , flash back v refulger
reflection n reflexion
- ~ , reflexion (1. Opt.) n reflexion
- ~ , reverberation n reverberation
reflective (1. as in reflective surface; 2. as in reflective person) n reflexive
- adj reflexive
reflector [Opt] n reflector
- n reflector
- ~ , reverberator n reverbero
- ~ , reverberator n reverbero (-vér-)
reflex (1. mirrored image) n reflexo
- (1. reflective; 2. Physiol]) adj reflexe
- n reflexo
reflexibility n reflexibilitate
reflexible adj reflexibile
reflexion, reflection (1. Opt.) n reflexion
reflexive adj reflexive
reflux n refluxo
reforest v reforestar
reforestation n reforestation
reform (1. to form a second time; 2. to convert into better form) v reformar
- n reforma
- vi corriger se
- vt reformar
reformable adj reformabile
Reformation [Eccl. Hist] n reforma
- n reforma, reformation
- n reformation
- n reformation, reforma
reformative adj reformative
reformatory n domo de correction, reformatorio
- n reformatorio, domo de correction
reformed adj reformate
- adj reformate (ppr of reformar)
reformer n reformator
reformism n reformismo
reformist n reformista
refound, recast [Metal] v refunder
- ~ , recast [Metal] v refunder -fund-/-fus-]
refract v refractar
- v refranger
- v refranger -frang-/-fract-]
refraction n refraction
refractive adj refractive
refractivity n refractivitate
refractor n refractor
refractory adj refractari
- adj refractori
refrain (burden of a poem) n refrain
- (burden of a poem) n refrain F]
- n refrain
- v abstiner se
- v abstiner se (de)
refrangibility n refrangibilitate
refrangible adj refrangibile
refresh v refrescar
- ~ , renew v refrescar
refreshment (restoration of strength, vigor) n refrescamento
- n refection, refectiones, refrescos
- n refectiones, refrescos, refection
- n refrescos, refection, refectiones
- ~ room [R.R] n buffet
- ~ room [R.R] n buffet F]
- ~ , refection n refection
- ~ , treat n regalo
refreshment-room manager [R.R] n buffetero
- ~ -room n buffet
refrigerant [Med] n refrigerativo
- ~ refrigerante adj refrigerante
- ~ refrigerante adj refrigerante (ppr of refrigerar)
refrigerate v refrigerar
- ~ , chill v frigorificar
- ~ , chill v refrigerar
refrigeration n refrigeration
refrigerative adj refrigerative
refrigerator n refrigerator
refrigeratory adj refrigeratori
- ~ , condenser adj refrigerante
- ~ , condenser adj refrigerante (ppr of refrigerar)
refuel v replenar de combustibile
refuge (take ~) v refugiar se
- n asylo, refugio
- n refugio
- n refugio, asylo
refugee n refugiato
refulgence, refulgency n refulgentia
refulgency, refulgence n refulgentia
refulgent adj refulgente
- adj refulgente (ppr of refulger)
refund n reimbursamento
- v repagar
- ~ , reimburse v reimbursar
- ~ , reimbursement n reimbursamento
- ~ , repay v repagar
refusal n refusa
- ~ of admission n inadmission
refuse n immunditias
- v refusar
refutable adj refutabile
refutation n refutation
refute v confutar, refutar
- v refutar
- v refutar, confutar
regain v reganiar
- ~ , win back v reganiar
regal adj regal
- ~ , royal regal adj regal
regale (treat, entertain) v regalar
- ~ oneself, feast v festar
- ~ oneself, feast v festinar
regalement, regaling n regalamento
regaling, regalement n regalamento
regality (royalty, kingship) n regalitate
regard (care, attention, consideration) n reguardo
- (with - to) adv quanto
- n reguardo, respecto
- n respecto, reguardo
- v reguardar
- ~ , concern v reguardar
regarding prep a proposito de
- ~ , about, of, on, concerning prep re
regardless adj indifferente
regardless-of phr reguardo a, sin reguardo a
- ~ -of phr sin reguardo a, reguardo a
regatta n regata
- ~ , boat race n regata
regency n regentia
- ~ , regentship [Gov] n regentia
regenerate v regenerar
- v regenerar (se)
regeneration n regeneration
regenerative adj regenerative
regent (1. as in prince regent; 2. as in university regent) n regente
- n regente
regentship, regency [Gov] n regentia
regicide (act of killing a king) n regicidio
- (one who kills a king) n regicida
regime (system of government) n regimento
- n regime
- n regime F]
regimen [Med] n regime
- [Med] n regime F]
regiment (assign to a regiment) v inregimentar
- (assign to a regiment) v inregimentar, regimentar
- (assign to a regiment) v regimentar, inregimentar
- [Mil] n regimento
- n regimento
regimental adj regimental
regimentation n organisation oppressive, regimentation
- n regimentation, organisation oppressive
region n parte, region
- n region
- n region, parte
- ~ , parts n parte
regional adj regional
regionalism n regionalismo
regionalist n regionalista
regionally adv regionalmente
register (1. record of regular entries; 2. organ stop; 3. register of a voice, an instrument; 4. register of a furnace) n registro
- (record in writing) v registrar
- n registro
- ~ of deaths, obituary [R.C.Ch] n obituario
- v inscriber (se), registrar (se)
- v inscriber, registrar
- v registrar (se), inscriber (se)
- v registrar, inscriber
- ~ , list, roll (of members) n matricula
registerer, recorder n registrator
registrar n registrator
registration (act of recording in writing) n registration
- n registration
registry (- office) n bureau de stato civil
- (get married at a ~) v maritar se civilmente
- n registro
regress v regressar
regression n regression
regressive adj regressive
regret n regret
- v regrettar
- ~ , be sorry for v regrettar
- ~ , repentance n regret
regretful adj plen de regret
regrettable adj regrettabile
regular (according to regulations) adj regulamentari
- adj regular
regularity n regularitate
regularization n regularisation
regularize v regularisar
regular-soldier n soldato de profession
regulate (1. to control or direct by rule or regulations; 2. to adjust to a particular standard, purpose) v regular
- v regular
regulation (1. act of regulating; 2. regulating principle or rule) n regulamento
- n regulation
- ~ , bylaw, ordinance n statuto
regulator n regulator
regulus [Chem. Metal] n regulo
- [Chem. Metal] n regulo (ré-)
regurgitate, to throw up v regurgitar
regurgitation n regurgitation
rehabilitate v rehabilitar
rehabilitation n rehabilitation
rehearsal [Theat] n proba
- n proba
rehearse [Theat] v probar
- v probar
reheat v calefacer de nove
Reich n Reich
- n Reich G]
Reichstag n Reichstag
- n Reichstag G]
reign n regno
- v regnar
- ~ , princedom, sovereignty n principato
reimbursable adj reimbursabile
reimburse v reimbursar, repagar
- v repagar, reimbursar
- ~ , refund v reimbursar
reimbursement n reimbursamento
- ~ , refund n reimbursamento
reimpression (1. reprinting; 2. reprint) n reimpression
Reims, Rheims n Reims
- ~ , Rheims n Reims F]
rein (restrain) v refrenar
- (use reins) v guidar con le redinas
- n redina
reincarnate v reincarnar
reincarnation n reincarnation
reindeer n ren
reinforce v reinfortiar
- ~ , strengthen v reinfortiar
reinforced concrete n beton armate
reinforcement (act of reinforcing) n reinfortiamento
reinforcements n reinfortios
reins n brida
reinstall v reinstallar
reinstallation n reinstallation
reinstate v reintegrar
reinstatement n reintegration
reinsurance n reassecurantia
reinsure [Commer] v reassecurar
reintegrate v reintegrar
reintegration n reintegration
reinvest v reinvestir
reinvestment n reinvestimento
reissue (a book, etc) n reimpression
- (a book, etc) v reimprimer
- [Commer] emitter de nove
- [Commer] nove emission
reiterate v reiterar
reiteration n reiteration
reiterative adj reiterative
reject [Jur] recusar
- n objecto rejectate
- v rejectar, repulsar
- v repulsar, rejectar
- ~ , object to [Law] v recusar
rejectable adj rejectabile
rejection n rejection
rejoice v gauder
- v gauder, jubilar
- v jubilar, gauder
- ~ , jubilate v jubilar
rejoicer, one who rejoices n jubilator
rejoicing n gaudio, jubilation
- n jubilation, gaudio
- ~ , jubilation n jubilation
rejoin (join together) v reunir
- (join together) v reunir (se)
- (make a rejoinder) v replicar
rejoinder n replica
rejuvenate v rejuvenescer
- ~ , make young again v rejuvenescer
rejuvenation n rejuvenescimento
- ~ , rejuvenescence n rejuvenescimento
rejuvenescence, rejuvenation n rejuvenescimento
relapse n recadita
- v recader
relate (give an account of, to tell) v relatar
- (tell) v narrar, refer, relatar
- (tell) v refer, relatar, narrar
- (tell) v relatar, narrar, refer
- ~ as a story v historiar
- ~ , report v referer
- ~ , report v referer -fer-/-lat-]
- ~ , tell v contar
related (be - to) v esser parente a
- (by marriage) adj affin
- (connected) adj connexe
- (kin) adj/n cognate
- ~ by marriage adj affin
relater (narrator) n relator
relating to truffles, truffle adj trufari
relation (1. account, report; 2. relation between things) n relation
- (account) n narration, relation
- (account) n relation, narration
- (connection) n relation
- (kinsman) n parente
- ~ , relative n parente
relations n parentela
relationship (of people) n parentela
- n connexion, relation
- n relation, connexion
- ~ , kinship n parentato
relative (1. not absolute; 2. Gram]) adj relative
- adj relative
- n parente
- ~ , relation n parente
relativism n relativismo
relativity n relativitate
relax v relaxar
- v relaxar (se)
relaxation (decrease of tension, strain) n relaxamento
- (decrease of tension, strain) n relaxation
- n relaxation
relay (post) n posta
- (put down again) v poner de nove
- (radio) v retransmitter
- [Elec] n relais
- [Elec] n relais F]
- [Elect] relais
release (1. to set free; 2. to relieve from a duty, obligation) v relaxar
- (from prison) n disincarceration
- (from prison) v disincarcerar
- (smoke) v discargar, emitter
- (smoke) v emitter, discargar
- [Gen] n liberation
- [Gen] v liberar
- [Mech] disbloccar, disingagiar
- [Mech] disingagiar, disbloccar
- ~ from prison or confinement n disincarceration
- ~ from prison or confinement v disincarcerar
- ~ , let go, set free v laxar
relegate (send away, banish) v relegar
- v relegar
relegation (sending away) n relegation
- n relegation
relent v ceder
relentless adj implacabile, inexorabile
- adj inexorabile, implacabile
relevance n pertinentia
relevant adj apposite, pertinente
- adj pertinente, apposite
- ~ , apposite adj apposite
- ~ , apposite adj apposite (-pò-)
reliability (of information) n veracitate
- (reliableness) n fidelitate
- [Mech] securitate
- [Mech] securitate (de functionamento)
reliable adj digne de confidentia, fidel, serie, digne de fide
- adj digne de fide, digne de confidentia, fidel, serie
- adj fidel, serie, digne de fide, digne de confidentia
- adj serie, digne de fide, digne de confidentia, fidel
reliance n confidentia, dependentia
- n dependentia, confidentia
relic (as in relic of a saint) n reliquia
- n reliquia
relict adj relicte
relief (1. Sculp] (relievo; 2. distinctness of outline due to sharp contrast) n relievo
- (art) n relievo
- (art) n relievo (alte;basse)
- (poor ~) n assistentia public
- (unburdening) n discarga, relevamento
- (unburdening) n relevamento, discarga
- ~ , relieving (act of) n relevamento
- ~ , unburdening n discarga
relieve (1. to bring relief to; 2. to relieve from a duty; 3. to make stand out, bring into relief) v relevar
- v discargar, relevar
- v relevar, discargar
- ~ , unburden v discargar
reliever (as in reliever of the poor) n relevator
relieving, relief (act of) n relevamento
religion (1. as in Christian religion; 2. scrupulousness) n religion
- (freedom of ~) n libertate de conscientia
- n religion
religious (1. devout, pious; 2. as in with religious care) adj religiose
- adj religiose
religiousness (1. state of being devout or religious; 2. as in to do something with great religiousness) n religiositate
relinquish v relinquer
- ~ , leave behind v relinquer
- ~ , leave behind v relinquer -linqu-/-lict-]
reliquary, shrine n reliquario
relish (condiment) n condimento, sauce
- (condiment) n sauce, condimento
- (flavour) n gusto, sapor
- (flavour) n sapor, gusto
- (keenness) n enthusiasmo
- v gustar
- ~ , enjoy v gustar
relive v reviver
reluctance n reluctantia
- ~ , unwillingness, resistence n reluctantia
reluctant adj reluctante
- ~ , resistent adj reluctante
- ~ , resistent adj reluctante (ppr of reluctar)
reluctantly adv con reluctantia
rely v contar con, fider
- v fider, contar con
rely-on v contar super, fider se a
- ~ -on v fider se a, contar super
remain (1. to be left; 2. to stay) v restar
- (1. to stay; 2. to be left) v remaner
- v remaner, restar
- v restar, remaner
- ~ , stay v demorar
remainder n math
- n residuo, resto
- n resto, residuo
- v liquidar
- ~ , rest n cetero (cé-), ceterum (cé-)
- ~ , rest n cetero, ceterum
- ~ , rest n resto
remaining (state of) n remanentia
- adj cetere
- adj cetere (cé-)
remains n restos
remand (on ~) adj detenite
- v reincarcerar
- v reincarcerar (durante investigationes)
remanent, residuous adj remanente
- ~ , residuous adj remanente (ppr of remaner)
remark (notice) v notar, remarcar
- (notice) v remarcar
- (notice) v remarcar, notar
- (observe) vt observar
- n observation, remarca
- n remarca, observation
remarkable adj remarcabile
- ~ , signal adj signalate
- ~ , signal adj signalate (pp of signalar)
remarry (unite again in wedlock) v remaritar
- v remaritar
- v remaritar (se)
- v resposar
remediable adj remediabile
remedial adj curative, therapeutic
- adj therapeutic, curative
remedy (cure) n remedio
- (cure, treatment) n remedio
- (drug) n pharmaco
- v remediar
- ~ , medicine, drug n pharmaco
- ~ , medicine, drug n pharmaco (fàr-)
remember (recollect, recall) v memorar
- vi rememorar se
- vt memorar
remembrance (in - of) phr in memoria de
- n memoria
remind v recordar
- v recordar, rememorar
- v recordar, rememorar (un cosa a un persona)
- v rememorar
- v rememorar (un cosa a un persona), recordar
- v rememorar, recordar
reminder (letter) n littera de sollicitation
- (memento) n memento, souvenir
- (memento) n souvenir, memento
Remington (gun) n remington
- (gun) n remington A]
reminisce v contar su souvenires
reminiscence n reminiscentia
reminiscent-of (be ~) v rememorar uno de
remiss adj negligente
remissibility n remissibilitate
remissible adj remissibile
remission (1. forgiveness; 2. abatement, lessening) n remission
- n remission
remit (1. to transmit, send; 2. to forgive; 3. to abate, become less) v remitter -mitt-/-miss-]
- (1. to transmit, send; 2. to forgive; 3. to abate, become less) v remitter
- (forgive) v pardonar
- (send) v inviar, remitter
- (send) v remitter, inviar
- ~ , postpone v remitter
- ~ , postpone v remitter -mitt-/-miss-]
remittance (action of remitting money) n remissa
- n invio, remissa
- n remissa, invio
remnant n residuo, resto
- n resto, residuo
remonstrance n remonstrantia
remonstrate, expostulate, protest v remonstrar
remora, shark sucker [Zool] n remora
- ~ , shark sucker [Zool] n remora (ré-)
remorse (feel ~) v compunger se
- n remorso
remote adj remote
- ~ , distant adj remote
remote-control n teleguidage
- ~ -control v teleguidar
remotion, removal n remotion
remount (1. to ascend again; 2. to refix, reset) v remontar
- [Mil] n remonta
removability, amovability n amovibilitate
removable adj removibile
- ~ , amovable (subject to removal) adj amovibile
removal (riddance) n elimination
- (transfer) n subtraction, transferimento
- (transfer) n transferimento, subtraction
- ~ of spots, cleaning n dismaculatura
- ~ , remotion n remotion
- ~ , withdrawal n subtraction
remove (a distance) v remover
- (a distance) v remover -mov-/-mot-]
- (get rid of) v eliminar
- (take away) v levar, remover
- (take away) v remover, levar
- ~ markers or identification marks from v dismarcar
- ~ the fat from (the carcass of an animal) v disgrassiar
- ~ the hair from, depilate v depilar
- ~ the hair from, depilate v pilar
- ~ the handle of v dismanicar
- ~ the inflammation from v disinflammar
- ~ the margin of, trim the margin of v emarginar
- ~ the nails from, unnail v disclavar
- ~ the polish from v dispolir
- ~ the scales from, scale v squamar
- ~ the silver from, desilver v disargentar
- ~ the skin, skin (of an animal) v spoliar
- ~ the stains from, clean v dismacular
- ~ , amove (from office, etc.) v amover
- ~ , carry or take away v levar
- ~ , cut off v precider
- ~ , cut off v precider -cid-/-cis-]
removing, carrying or taking away (act of) n levamento
remunerable adj remunerabile
remunerate v remunerar
remuneration n remuneration
remunerative (1. serving to remunerate; 2. profitable) adj remunerative
- (serving to remunerate) adj remuneratori
- adj remunerative
remunerator n remunerator
renaissance n renascentia
renal adj renal
rename n rebaptisar, renominar
- n renominar, rebaptisar
renascence, revival, re-birth (as in revival of learning) n renascentia
renascent, reviving, springing up again adj renascente
- ~ , reviving, springing up again adj renascente (ppr of renascer)
rend v diveller, lacerar
- v lacerar, diveller
- ~ , break off v abrumper
- ~ , break off v abrumper -rump-/-rupt-]
- ~ , tear apart v diveller
- ~ , tear apart v diveller -vell-/-vuls-]
render (1. to give up, yield; 2. to translate; 3. to cause to become) v render
- ~ a disservice v disservir
- ~ automatic, automatize v automatisar
- ~ destitute v destituer
- ~ destitute v destituer -stitu-/-stitut-]
- ~ dissimilar v dissimilar
- ~ ductile or malleable v adulciar
- ~ enthusiastic v enthusiasmar
- ~ fluid, fluidify v fluidificar
- ~ incomplete v discompletar
- ~ infamous v infamar
- ~ jointly liable or responsible v solidarisar
- ~ plebeian, plebeianize v plebeisar
- ~ useless v inutilisar
- v facer, render
- v render, facer
rendezvous adj appunctamento, rendez-vous
- adj rendez-vous, appunctamento
- n rendez-vous
- n rendez-vous F]
- ~ -vous, appointment n appunctamento
renegade adj renegate
- adj renegate (pp of renegar)
- n renegato
renew (a subscription) v reabonar se
- (a subscription) v reabonar se (a)
- (extend) v extender
- (replace) v renovar
- ~ , refresh v refrescar
renewable (that can be renewed, replaced) adj renovabile
renewal (of a subscription) n reabonamento
- n extension, renovation
- n renovation, extension
rennet n cualio
renominate v renominar
renounce (1. to give up in a complete and formal manner; 2. Cards]) v renunciar
- v renunciar
renouncement n renunciamento
- n renunciation
- ~ , renunciation n renunciation
renouncer n renunciator
renovate (1. to make new or like new; 2. to renew, replace) v renovar
- v renovar
renovation (1. making new or like new; 2. renewal, replacing) n renovation
- n renovation
renovator n renovator
renown n renomine
renowned adj/n renominate
- ~ , famed adj renominate
rent (amount paid in rent) n location
- (from) v prender in location
- (out) v locar
- adj divellite
- n location
- ~ or let (for hire) v arrentar
- ~ , let v locar
rental (precio de) n location
- adj locative
renter n locatario
rentier, independent gentleman n rentero
renunciation n renunciation
- ~ , renouncement n renunciation
reoccupation (act of taking possession of a place again) n reoccupation
reoccupy (take possession of a place again) v reoccupar
reopen v reaperir
- v reaperir (se)
- ~ , open again v reaperir
- ~ , open again v reaperir -per-/-pert-]
reopening n reapertura
reordain [Eccl] v reordinar
reordination (1. Eccl]; 2. a second or repeated disposition in harmonious form) n reordination
reorganization n reorganisation
reorganize v reorganisar
reorganizer n reorganisator
reorient v reorientar
reorientation n reorientation
repair (1. to mend; 2. to make up for, make amends for) v reparar
- (act or work of repairing) n reparo
- n reparation, reparo
- n reparo, reparation
- v refacer, reparar
- v reparar, refacer
- ~ , mend v sarcir
- ~ , mend v sarcir sarc-/sart-]
- ~ , repairing (act or process of) n refaction
- ~ , restore v refacer
- ~ , restore v refacer -fac-/-fact-]
repairer, repairman n reparator
repairing, repair (act or process of) n refaction
repairman, repairer n reparator
reparable adj reparabile
reparation (1. restoration to good condition; 2. act of giving satisfaction for wrong or injury done; 3. amends) n reparation
- n reparation
repartee n replica argute
repass, pass again v repassar
repast, meal n repasto
repatriate v repatriar
repatriation n repatriation
repay (pay back) v repagar
- v Fig]
- ~ , refund v repagar
repayment n reimbursamento
- n repagamento
repeal n abrogation
- v abrogar, revocar
- v revocar, abrogar
- ~ , abrogation n abrogation
repeat n repetition
- v iterar, repeter
- v repeter
- v repeter, iterar
- ~ , iterate (1. to do again; 2. to say again) v iterar
repeatable adj iterabile
- adj reiterabile
repeated vaccination, re-vaccination n revaccination
repeatedly adv plure vices, repetitemente
- adv repetitemente, plure vices
- ~ , frequently adv subinde
- ~ , frequently, often adv sovente
repeater (one who repeats) n iterator
repel [Med] v repercuter
- [Med] v repercuter -cut-/-cuss-]
- v rebatter, repulsar, repeller
- v repeller, rebatter, repulsar
- v repulsar, repeller, rebatter
- ~ , beat back v rebatter
- ~ , repulse (1. to drive back; 2. to reject) v repeller
- ~ , repulse (1. to drive back; 2. to reject) v repeller -pell-/-puls-]
- ~ , repulse (1. to drive back; 2. to reject) v repulsar
repellent (insect ~) adj/n insectifuge
- [Med] adj repercussive
- adj repugnante, repulsive
- adj repulsive, repugnante
repelling (humors, swellings, eruptions) (action of) Med] n repercussion
repent v repentir se
repentance n penitentia
- n penitentia, repententia
- n repententia
- n repententia, penitentia
- ~ , regret n regret
repentant adj repentente
- ~ adj/n repentente
repercussion n repercussion
- ~ , reverberation n repercussion
repercussive adj repercussive
repertoire n repertoire, repertorio
- n repertorio, repertoire
repertory n repertoire, repertorio
- n repertorio, repertoire
repertory-theatre n theatro de repertorio
repetend [Math] adj periodic
- [Math] n periodo
- [Math] n periodo (-rì-)
repetition n repetition
- ~ , iteration n iteration
- ~ , reprise [Mus] n reprisa
replace (1. to supply an equivalent for; 2. to take the place of) v reimplaciar
- v reimplaciar
- ~ , substitute for v surrogar
replacement (action of replacing) n reimplaciamento
- (person or thing) n reimplaciante
- ~ , substitute (person who replaces another) n reimplaciante
replant v replantar
replantable adj replantabile
replay n partita repetite
- v jocar de nove
replenish v replenar, repler
- v repler, replenar
- ~ , refill v repler
replenishment n replenamento
repletion n repletion
replica [Art] n replica
- [Art] n replica (ré-)
- n replica
reply n replica, responsa
- n responsa, replica
- v replicar, responder
- v responder, replicar
- ~ , answer n replica
- ~ , answer n replica (ré-)
- ~ , answer v replicar
replying, answering adj responsive
report (account) n relation, reporto
- (account) n reporto, relation
- (bang) n detonation, explosion
- (bang) n explosion, detonation
- (give an account of) v reportar
- (notice) n informe, notitias
- (notice) n notitias, informe
- (of a meeting) n processo verbal
- (rumour) n ruito, rumor
- (rumour) n rumor, ruito
- v informar, reportar, referer
- v referer, informar, reportar
- v reportar, referer, informar
- ~ , account n reporto
- ~ , relate v referer
- ~ , relate v referer -fer-/-lat-]
- ~ , rumor n ruito
- ~ , rumor n ruito (-ìto)
- ~ , rumor n rumor
reporter (journalist) n reporter
- (journalist) n reporter A]
- v reporter
reporting (action of) Journ] n reportamento
- [Journ] n reportage
- [Journ] n reportage (-aje)
repose (1. as in to repose one's head on; 2. to take a rest or lie at rest) v reposar
- n reposo
- v reposar
- ~ , rest n reposo
reprehend v reprehender
- v reprehender -hend-/-hens-]
reprehensibility, reprehensibleness n reprehensibilitate
reprehensible adj reprehensibile
- ~ , vile, vituperable adj vituperabile
reprehensibleness, reprehensibility n reprehensibilitate
reprehension n reprehension
reprehensive adj reprehensive
represent (1. to be a representative of; 2. to give a representation of) v representar
- v representar
- ~ -present, present again v representar
representable adj representabile
representation (1. portrayal) n representation
- ~ -presentation (second or new presentation) n representation
- n representation
representative adj representative
- n inviato, representante
- n representante
- n representante, inviato
- ~ , agent n ministro
representer n representator
repress (1. to check, restrain, control; 2. to put down by force, suppress) v reprimer
- (1. to check, restrain, control; 2. to put down by force, suppress) v reprimer -prim-/-press-]
- v reprimer
- ~ , check v comprimer
- ~ , check v comprimer -prim-/-press-]
represser n repressor
repressible adj repressibile
repression n repression
repressive adj repressive
reprieve n commutation, suspension
- n commutation, suspension (del pena capital)
- n suspension (del pena capital), commutation
- n suspension, commutation
- v commutar, suspender
- v commutar, suspender (le pena de)
- v suspender (le pena de), commutar
- v suspender, commutar
reprimand n reprimenda
- v reprimendar
reprint n reimpression
- v reimprimer
- v reimprimer -prim-/-press-]
reprisal n represalia
reprise, repetition [Mus] n reprisa
reproach (censure) n reproche
- (censure) n reproche (-sh-)
- (upbraid, censure) v reprochar
- (upbraid, censure) v reprochar (-sh-)
- n reproche
- v reprochar
reproachable adj reprochabile
- adj reprochabile (-sh-)
reprobate [Theol] adj reprobate
- [Theol] adj reprobate (pp of reprobar)
- [Theol] v reprobar
- n reprobato
- v reprobar
- ~ , lost soul [Theol] n reprobato
reprobation (1. disapproval, censure; 2. Theol]) n reprobation
reprobative adj reprobative
reproduce (1. to produce again; 2. to make a copy or copies of) v reproducer
- (1. to produce again; 2. to make a copy or copies of) v reproducer -duc-/-duct-]
- v reproducer
- v reproducer (se)
reproducible adj reproducibile
reproduction (1. act of reproducing or producing again; 2 . Biol]; 3. copy, likeness) n reproduction
- n reproduction
reproductive adj reproductive
reprovable adj reprobabile
reprove (1. to express disapprobation of; 2. to rebuke) v reprobar
- v reprobar
reprover n reprobator
reptant [Zool] adj reptatori
reptile n reptile
reptilian adj reptil
republic n republica
- n republica (-pù-)
republican (1. of a republic; 2. consonant with the principles of a republic) adj republican
- (one who favors a republican government) n republicano
- adj republican
- n republicano
republicanism n republicanismo
republicanize v republicanisar
repudiable adj repudiabile
repudiate (1. Hist] (divorce; 2. to reject) v repudiar
- v repudiar
- ~ , deny, disown v renegar
repudiation (1. Hist] (divorce; 2. rejection) n repudio
- n repudiation
- ~ , denial, disowning n renegamento
repudiator n repudiator
repugnance (1. contradiction; 2. dislike, disgust) n repugnantia
- n repugnantia
repugnant adj repugnante
repulse n repulsa
- v repeller, repulsar
- v repulsar, repeller
- ~ , repel (1. to drive back; 2. to reject) v repeller
- ~ , repel (1. to drive back; 2. to reject) v repeller -pell-/-puls-]
- ~ , repel (1. to drive back; 2. to reject) v repulsar
repulsion (1. act of repulsing) n repulsion
- n repulsion
repulsive (1. as in repulsive force; 2. arousing aversion) adj repulsive
- adj repugnante, repulsive
- adj repulsive, repugnante
reputable adj de bon reputation, estimate, honorabile
- adj estimate, honorabile, de bon reputation
- adj honorabile, de bon reputation, estimate
reputation (as in of great reputation) n reputation
- n fama, reputation
- n reputation, fama
repute n fama, reputation
- n reputation, fama
- v reputar
reputedly adv secundo le opinion general
request n demanda
- n demanda, requesta
- n requesta
- n requesta, demanda
- v demandar, peter, requestar
- v peter, requestar, demandar
- v requestar
- v requestar, demandar, peter
- ~ , ask for, beg v rogar
- ~ , beg, ask for v peter
- ~ , entreaty, prayer n prece
- ~ , prayer, petition n supplica
- ~ , prayer, petition n supplica (sùp-)
requiem n requiem
- n requiem (ré-)
require (demand as necessary) v requirer
- (demand as necessary) v requirer -quir-/-quest-/-quisit-]
- (demand) v exiger, requirer
- (demand) v requirer, exiger
- (need) v necessitar
requirement n exigentia, requirimento
- n requirimento
- n requirimento, exigentia
- ~ , exigency n exigentia
requisite adj requisite
- n requisito
requisition (act of requiring as of right) n requisition
- n requisition
- v requisitionar
- ~ , commandeer v requisitionar
reread v releger
- ~ -read v releger
re-route v deviar
rerun (race) v currer de nove
- (repeat) v repetir
- n repetition
resale n revendita
- n revendita (-vén-)
rescind (1. to cut off, remove; 2. to annul, abrogate) v rescinder -scind-/-sciss-]
- (1. to cut off, remove; 2. to annul, abrogate) v rescinder
rescinding, abrogating adj abrogatori
- ~ , rescissory adj rescissori
rescission n rescission
rescissory, rescinding adj rescissori
rescript (1. Hist]; 2. Eccl]; 3. rewriting) n rescripto
rescue n rescatto, salvamento, salvation
- n salvamento, salvation, rescatto
- n salvation, rescatto, salvamento
- v rescattar, salvar
- v salvar, rescattar
- ~ , save v salvar
- ~ , saving n salvamento
research n recerca
- v recercar
researcher n recercator
resect [Surg] v resecar
- [Surg] v resecar -sec-/-sect-]
resection [Surg] n resection
reseda, mignonette [Bot] n reseda
resedaceous [Bot] adj resedacee
resell v revender
reseller n revenditor
resemblance n resimilantia
- n resimilantia, similantia, similitude
- n similantia, similitude, resimilantia
- n similitude, resimilantia, similantia
- ~ , similitude, likeness n similitude
resemble v resimilar
- v resimilar, similar
- v similar
- v similar, resimilar
resembling, like adj affin
- ~ , similar (to) adj resimilante
- ~ , similar (to) adj resimilante (ppr of resimilar)
- ~ , similar, like adj simile
resent v resentir
resentful adj plen de resentimento
resentfully adv con resentimento
resentment n resentimento
- ~ , spite, despite n despecto
reservation n reservation
reserve (1. part of something kept back for future use) n reserva
- (1. to save, keep back for a later occasion; 2 . as in to reserve a seat in a theater) v reservar
- n reserva
- v reservar
reserved (reticent) adj reservate
- (reticent) adj reservate (pp of reservar)
- adj reservate
- ~ , close, reticent adj concentrate
- ~ , close, reticent adj concentrate (pp of concentrar)
reservist [Mil] n reservista
reservoir (1. place where anything is kept in store; 2 . water reservoir) n reservoir F]
- (1. place where anything is kept in store; 2 . water reservoir) n reservoir
- n reservoir
reset v remontar
resettle v colonisar de novo, recolonisar
- v recolonisar, colonisar de novo
resettlement n nove colonisation
reside v demorar, resider
- v resider, demorar
- ~ , dwell v resider
- ~ , live v demorar
residence (1. place of residence; 2. Dipl] (resident's function, office, tenure) n residentia
- (place of residence) n demora
- n demora, habitation, residentia
- n habitation, residentia, demora
- n residentia, demora, habitation
- ~ of a priest, function [R.C.Ch] n cura
resident (minister) adj residente
- (minister) adj residente (ppr of resider)
- ~ adj/n residente
- ~ residente, residing adj residente
- ~ residente, residing adj residente (ppr of resider)
residential adj residential
residing, resident residente adj residente
- ~ , resident residente adj residente (ppr of resider)
residual adj remanente, residual
- adj residual
- adj residual, remanente
- adj residue
residually adv residualmente
residue n residuo
residuous, remanent adj remanente
- ~ , remanent adj remanente (ppr of remaner)
resign (an office, right) v resignar
- vi dimitter se
- vt resignar
- vt resignar (un function)
resignation (1. act of resigning or giving up; 2. state of being resigned or submissive) n resignation
- n dimission, resignation
- n resignation, dimission
- ~ , demission n dimission
resigned adj resignate
resign-oneself v resignar se
- ~ -oneself v resignar se (a)
resilience n elasticitate
resilient adj elastic
resin n resina
resiniferous, resin-producing adj resinifere
resinify v resinificar
resinous adj resinose
resin-producing, resiniferous adj resinifere
resist authority v resister al autoritate
- v resister
- vt opponer se, resister
- vt resister, opponer se
- ~ , be unwilling v reluctar
resistance (all senses) n resistentia
- n resistentia
resistant adj/n resistente
resistence, reluctance, unwillingness n reluctantia
resistent, reluctant adj reluctante
- ~ , reluctant adj reluctante (ppr of reluctar)
resistible adj resistibile
resoluble, resolvable adj resolubile
resolute adj decise, resolute
- adj resolute
- adj resolute, decise
resolution (1. act of disinvolving, decomposing) n resolution
- (all senses) n resolution
- ~ , decision n deliberation
- ~ , resolve n partito
resolvable, resoluble adj resolubile
resolve (1. to disinvolve, decompose) v resolver
- (1. to disinvolve, decompose) v resolver -solv-/-solut-]
- n resolution
- v resolver
- v resolver (se)
- ~ , dissolve v solver
- ~ , dissolve v solver solv-/solut-]
- ~ , resolution n partito
resolved adj resolute
resolvent [Med] n resolvente
- [Med] n resolvente (ppr of resolver)
resonance (1. quality of being resonant; 2. act of resounding) n resonantia
- n resonantia
resonant adj resonante
- ~ , resounding adj resonante
- ~ , resounding adj resonante (ppr of resonar)
resonator n resonator
resorb, absorb v resorber
- ~ , absorb v resorber -sorb-/-sorpt-]
resorption, absorption n resorption
resort (holiday ~) n station balnear
- n recurso
- v recurrer
- ~ , have recourse v recurrer
- ~ , have recourse v recurrer -curr-/-curs-]
resound v resonar
- ~ , reverberate, echo v resonar
resounding, resonant adj resonante
- ~ , resonant adj resonante (ppr of resonar)
resource (reserve source of supply) n ressource
- (reserve source of supply) n ressource F]
- n ressource
resourceful adj de ressources, ingeniose
- adj ingeniose, de ressources
resourcefulness n abundantia de ressources, ingeniositate
- n ingeniositate, abundantia de ressources
respcct (1. esteem, deferential regard; 2. relation, reference) n respecto
respect (in every ~) phr in omne respectos
- n respecto
- v respectar
respectability n respectabilitate
respectable adj respectabile
respectful adj respectuose
respective adj respective
respectively adv respectivemente
respirability, breathableness n respirabilitate
respirable, breathable adj respirabile
respiration n respiration
- ~ , breathing n respiration
respirator n respirator
respiratory adj respiratori
respite (pause) n pausa, relaxamento
- (pause) n relaxamento, pausa
- (truce) n tregua
resplendence (brightness) n resplendentia, splendor
- (brightness) n splendor, resplendentia
- ~ , brightness (great) n resplendentia
resplendent (bright) adj radiante, resplendente
- (bright) adj resplendente, radiante
- adj resplendente
- ~ , bright adj splendide
respond (answer) v corresponder, responder
- (answer) v responder, corresponder
- (react sympathetically) v corresponder
respondent adj respondente
- adj respondente (ppr of responder)
response (answer) n responsa
responsibility n carga, responsabilitate
- n responsabilitate, carga
responsible (answerable, accountable) adj responsabile
- adj responsabile
- adj responsabile (de)
responsive adj sensibile
responsiveness n sensibilitate
responsory [Eccl] n responso
- [Eccl] n responsorio
rest (at ~) adv in reposo
- (remainder) n resto
- (repose) n reposo
- (support) n appoio
- [Mus] n pausa
- n mus
- vi reposar
- vt appoiar
- vt appoiar (un cosa super)
- ~ , remainder n cetero (cé-), ceterum (cé-)
- ~ , remainder n cetero, ceterum
- ~ , remainder n resto
- ~ , repose n reposo
re-stablishment n restabilimento
restaurant keeper n restaurator
- n restaurant
- n restaurant F]
- n restaurante
restaurant-car n wagon restaurante
restful adj reposante
- adj reposante (ppr of reposar)
restitutory [Law] adj restitutori
restive (mulish, stubborn) adj restive
restless adj agitate, inquiete
- adj inquiete, agitate
restlessness n agitation
restorable (1. returnable; 2. that can be brought back to its former or original state) adj restituibile
- adj restaurabile
restoration (1. act of restoring or returning, to its former owner, restitution; 2. act of restoring to its former or original state) n restitution
- n restauration
- ~ , restoring n restauration
restorative adj restaurative
- ~ restaurante adj restaurante
- ~ restaurante adj restaurante (ppr of restaurar)
restore (1. to give back, return; 2. to bring back to the former or original state) v restituer
- (1. to give back, return; 2. to bring back to the former or original state) v restituer -stitu-/-stitut-]
- (as in to restore a dynasty, a picture) v restaurar
- (give back) v restituer
- (re-establish) v restabilir
- (renew) v restaurar
- ~ , put back v remitter
- ~ , put back v remitter -mitt-/-miss-]
- ~ , re-establish v restabilir
- ~ , re-establish v restablir
- ~ , repair v refacer
- ~ , repair v refacer -fac-/-fact-]
restorer (of pictures) n restaurator
- n restitutor
restoring, restoration n restauration
restrain v continer, refrenar, retener
- v refrenar, retener, continer
- v retener, continer, refrenar
- ~ , confine v confinar
- ~ , control v continer
- ~ , control v continer -tin-/-tent-]
- ~ , curb, keep from v retener
- ~ , curb, keep from v retener -ten-/-tent-]
- ~ , restrict v restringer
- ~ , restrict v restringer -string-/-strict-]
restrainer n restringitor
restraint (check) n freno, restriction
- (check) n restriction, freno
- (illegal) n sequestration
- ~ , check n freno
restrict v limitar, restringer
- v restringer, limitar
- ~ , restrain v restringer
- ~ , restrain v restringer -string-/-strict-]
restricted, limited adj limitate
- ~ , limited adj limitate (pp of limitar)
restriction n restriction
restrictive adj restrictive
result n consequentia, resultato
- n resultato
- n resultato, consequentia
- v resultar
resultant adj resultante
- ~ , resulting adj resultante
- ~ , resulting adj resultante (ppr of resultar)
resulting adj resultante
- ~ , consequent adj consecutive
- ~ , resultant adj resultante
- ~ , resultant adj resultante (ppr of resultar)
resume (begin again) v recomenciar, reprender
- (begin again) v reprender, recomenciar
- (office) v reassumer
- (summarize) v resumer, summarisar
- (summarize) v summarisar, resumer
- n résumé
- n résumé F]
- n resume, summario
- n summario, resume
resuming, resumption n reprisa
resumption n reprisa
- ~ , resuming n reprisa
resurge, rise again v resurger
- ~ , rise again v resurger -surg-/-surrect-]
resurrect (bring back to life or existence) v resurger
- (bring back to life or existence) v resurger -surg-/-surrect-]
- v resurger
resurrection (1. as in the resurrection of nature in the Spring; 2. Theol]) n resurrection
- n resurrection
resuscitate v resuscitar
resuscitation n resuscitation
resuscitator n resuscitator
retable [Eccl] n retabulo
- [Eccl] n retabulo (-tà-)
retail [Commer] n detalio
- n detalio
- v vender al detalio
retailer n commerciante al detalio
retain (1. to preserve; 2. to reserve; 3. to remember) v retener
- (1. to preserve; 2. to reserve; 3. to remember) v retener -ten-/-tent-]
- v conservar, retener
- v retener, conservar
retainable adj retenibile
retainer (1. detainer; 2. maintainer, preserver) n retentor
retake, take back again v reprender
- ~ , take back again v reprender -prend-/-pris-]
retaking, recapture, recovery n reprisa
retaliate v retaliar
retaliation n retaliation
retaliatory adj de represalia, vindicative
- adj vindicative, de represalia
retard v remorar, retardar
- v retardar, remorar
- ~ , delay (as in delay of a day) n retardo
- ~ , hinder, hold back v remorar
retardation (act of retarding) n retardation
- ~ , retardment (act of retarding) n retardamento
retardative (having power to retard) adj retardative
retarder n retardator
retemper [Metal] v retemperar
retenaculum [Bot] n retenaculo
retention (1. reservation; 2. memory; 3. Med]) n retention
- n retention
retentive (good at remembering) adj retentive
- adj retentive
retentivity n retentivitate
retiarius [Rom. Antiq] n retiario
reticence n reticentia
reticent adj concentrate, reticente
- adj reticente
- adj reticente, concentrate
- ~ , reserved, close adj concentrate
- ~ , reserved, close adj concentrate (pp of concentrar)
reticle [Opt] n reticulo
reticulate reticular v reticular
- ~ , reticulated adj reticulate
reticulated, reticulate adj reticulate
reticulation n reticulation
reticule (ladies' handbag) n reticulo
reticulum (1. net, netlike structure, membrane; 2 . Zool] (second stomach of a ruminant) n reticulo
retina n retina
retinitis [Pathol] n retinitis
- [Pathol] n retinitis (-ìtis)
retinue n suite
- ~ , attendance n accompaniamento
retire (from employment) v pensionar se, retirar se
- (from employment) v retirar se, pensionar se
- (withdraw) vi receder, retraher se
- (withdraw) vi retraher se, receder
- vt pensionar
retirement (act of retiring) n retiramento
- (act of retiring) n retiro
- n retiro
- ~ , seclusion n reclusion
retiring (of disposition) adj reservate
- (of president, etc) adj sortiente
retort (an argument) v retorquer
- (an argument) v retorquer -torqu-/-tort-/-tors-]
- (in chemistry) n retorta
- [Chem] n retorta
- n replica aspere, retorsion
- n retorsion, replica aspere
- v replicar asperemente, retorquer
- v retorquer, replicar asperemente
retorting, retort (an argument) (act of) n retorsion
retortion (act of turning or twisting again or back) n retorsion
retortive (of the nature of a retort) adj retorsive
retouch, touch up, rework v retoccar
retoucher [Photog] n retoccator
retouching, touching up (act of) n retocco
retrace one's steps v retornar sur su passos
- v retraciar
retract (deny) vi disdicer se
- (withdraw take back) vt retraher
retractile adj retractile
retractility n retractilitate
retraction (1. act of drawing back; 2. retractation, recantation) n retraction
- (denial) n disdicimento
- (withdrawal) n retraction
- ~ , withdrawal (from a contract or agreement) n disdicimento
retractive adj retractive
retread (a path) v repercurrer
- (a tyre) v reconstruer
retreat (place of seclusion) n retiramento
- (place of seclusion) n retiro
- n Mil]
- n Relig]
- v retirar se
- ~ , withdrawal n retraite
- ~ , withdrawal n retraite F]
retrenchment [Fortif] n retirada
retrial n nove processo
retribution n nemesis, punition juste
- n punition juste, nemesis
retrieve v recuperar
retriever n can reportator
retroact v retroager
- v retroager -ag-/-act-]
retroaction n retroaction
retroactive adj retroactive
retroactivity n retroactivitate
retrocede (1. to move backwards; 2. as in to retrocede territory) v retroceder -ced-/-cess-]
- (1. to move backwards; 2. as in to retrocede territory) v retroceder
retrocession n retrocession
retrogradation n retrogradation
retrograde (1. to move backwards, retrogress; 2. Astron]) v retrogradar
- (reversed in order, movement, direction) adj retrograde
- (reversed in order, movement, direction) adj retrograde (-trò-)
- adj retrograde
- n retrogradation, retrogression
- n retrogression, retrogradation
- vi retrogradar, retrograduar
- vi retrograduar, retrogradar
retrogression [Math/astron] n retrogression
- n regression
retrogressive adj regressive
retrospect (in ~) phr retrospectivemente
- n retrospecto
retrospective adj retrospective
return (1. act of going or coming back; 2. requital, recompense) n retorno
- (1. to give back; 2. to go or come back) v retornar
- (by - of) adv post per retorno del currero
- (come back) vi revenir
- (giving back) n restitution
- (go back) v retornar
- (going back) n retorno
- (in - for) adv in recompensa de
- (tax) n declaration
- ~ count, census n censimento
- n Commer]
- vt render, restituer, retornar
- vt restituer, retornar, render
- vt retornar, render, restituer
- ~ , come back v revenir
- ~ , give back v render
- ~ , yield n rendimento
return-ticket n billet de ir e retorno
reunion (1. action of reuniting, state of being reunited; 2. gathering, meeting assembly) n reunion
- [Geog] n Reunion
- n reunion
reunite (bring together again) v reunir
- v reunir
- v reunir (se)
revaccinate, vaccinate again v revaccinar
re-vaccination, repeated vaccination n revaccination
revalorize [Fin] v revalorisar
reveal v revelar
revealer n revelator
revealment n revelamento
reveille n diana
revel n festa, festivitate
- n festivitate, festa
revelation (book of ~) n apocalypse, libro del revelation
- (book of ~) n libro del revelation, apocalypse
- n revelation
revel-in v diverter se de
revelry (merriment) n festivitate
- (unrestrained) n bacchanalia
revendication, reclaim [Law] n revindication
revenge (take ~) v vengiar se, vindicar se
- (take ~) v vindicar se, vengiar se
- n vengiantia, vindicantia
- n vindicantia, vengiantia
- ~ , avenge v vindicar
- ~ , vengeance n vengiantia
- ~ , vengeance n vengiantia (-jàn-)
- ~ , vengeance n vindicantia
revenue (from investments) n renta
- (receipts) n receptas
- ~ cutter n guardacostas
reverberate (1. to rebound; 2. to reflect, re-echo) v reverberar
- v reverberar
- ~ , echo, resound v resonar
- ~ , reflect back v repercuter
- ~ , reflect back v repercuter -cut-/-cuss-]
reverberation n reverberation
- ~ , reflection n reverberation
- ~ , repercussion n repercussion
reverberator, reflector n reverbero
- ~ , reflector n reverbero (-vér-)
revere v reverar, venerar
- v reverer
- v venerar, reverar
- ~ , venerate v venerar
reverence (deep respect or regard) n reverentia
- n reverentia, veneration
- n veneration, reverentia
- v coler, reverer
- v reverer, coler
- ~ , veneration n veneration
- ~ , worship, honor v coler
- ~ , worship, honor v coler col-/cult-]
reverend (worthy of reverence) adj reverende
- adj reverende
- n reverendo
reverent, reverential adj reverente
- ~ , reverential adj reverente (ppr of reverer)
reverential adj reverential
- ~ , reverent adj reverente
- ~ , reverent adj reverente (ppr of reverer)
reverie, revery n réverie
- ~ , revery n réverie F]
revers n reverso
reversal (criticise) v recenser
- (criticism) n recension
- (examine) v revider
- n inversion, revista
- n revista, inversion
reverse (1. opposite, contrary; 2. back, opposite side; 3. adverse change of fortune) n reverso
- adj invertite
- n reverso
- ~ , put hind side foremost v preposterar
- ~ , reversed adj reverse
- ~ , turn, turn round v reverter
- ~ , turn, turn round v reverter -vert-/-vers-]
reversed, reverse adj reverse
reversibility, reversibleness n reversibilitate
reversible (capable of being reversed) adj reversibile
- adj reversibile
reversibleness, reversibility n reversibilitate
reversing switch [Elec] n inversor
reversion (1. Law]; 2. Biol]) n reversion
revert v retornar, revenir
- v revenir, retornar
revery, reverie n réverie
- ~ , reverie n réverie F]
revet v revestir
revetment [Fortif] n camisa
review (1. act of looking over or re-examining something) n revista
- (as in to review a book) v recenser
- (as in to review a book) v recenser -cens-/-cens-]
- (book review) n recension
- (examination) n examination, examine
- (examination) n examine, examination
- (inspect or examine again) v revider
- (inspect or examine again) v revider -vid-/-vis-/-vist-]
- (periodical) n review, revista
- (periodical) n revista, review
reviewer n recensente
- ~ , critic n recensente
revile v injuriar
revise v revider
reviser n revisor
revision (as in the revision of a book) n revision
- n revision
revisionist n revisionista
revival (rebirth) n renascentia, resuscitation
- (rebirth) n resuscitation, renascentia
- (relig) n reunion pro renovar fervor religiose
- n Relig]
- n Theat]
- ~ , re-birth, renascence (as in revival of learning) n renascentia
revive (recover life) v reviver
- v Fig]
- v resuscitar
- v resuscitar (se)
- ~ , come to life again v reviviscer
- ~ , enliven, quicken v reavivar
- ~ , reanimate v reanimar
- ~ , vivify v avivar
revivification n revivification
revivify v revivificar
reviving, springing up again, renascent adj renascente
- ~ , springing up again, renascent adj renascente (ppr of renascer)
- ~ , vivifying (action of) n avivamento
reviviscence n reviviscentia
reviviscent adj reviviscente
- adj reviviscente (ppr of reviviscer)
revocability n revocabilitate
revocable adj revocabile
revocatory adj revocatori
revoke v revocar
- ~ , annulment n revoco
- ~ , cancel v revocar
revoker n revocator
revolt (disgust) vt repugnar
- (rebel) v revoltar
- (rebel) vi revoltar, sublevar se
- (rebel) vi sublevar se, revoltar
- (rebellion) n revolta
- n revolta, sublevation
- n sublevation, revolta
- ~ , insurrection n sublevamento
revolting (disgusting) adj disgustose, repugnante
- (disgusting) adj repugnante, disgustose
- (rebellious) adj/adv in revolta, revolutionari
- (rebellious) adj/adv revolutionari, in revolta
revolute [Bot] adj revolute
revolution (1. rotation; 2. Pol]) n revolution
- n revolution
revolutionary adj revolutionari
- n revolutionario
- ~ , revolutionist n revolutionario
revolutionist, revolutionary n revolutionario
revolutionize (1. to overthrow the government of; 2. to change completely) v revolutionar
- v revolutionar
revolve vi girar, rotar
- vi rotar, girar
- vt revolver
- ~ , rotate, turn v rotar
revolver (pistol with a cylinder) revolver -volv-/-volut-/-volt-] (n revolver A]
- (pistol with a cylinder) revolver -volv-/-volut-/-volt-] (n revolver
- n revolver
revolving adj rotante
revue n revista
revulse (divert by revulsion) Med] v reveller
- (divert by revulsion) Med] v reveller -vell-/-vuls-]
revulsion (disgust) n repugnantia
- [Med] n revulsion
- [Med] revulsion
revulsive [Med] adj revulsive
reward n premio, recompensa
- n recompensa, premio
- v premiar, recompensar
- v recompensar, premiar
- ~ , award a prize to v premiar
- ~ , prize n premio
rewind (a clock) v remontar
- (wind back) v rebobinar
rework, retouch, touch up v retoccar
rewrite, write over again v rescriber
- ~ , write over again v rescriber -scrib-/-script-]
Rhaetia n Rhetia
Rhaetian adj rhetian
- n rheto
Rhaetic (1. Rhaetian, pertaining to Rhaetia; 2. Geol]) adj rhetic
- [Geol] n rhetico
Rhaeto-Romanic adj rhetoroman
- ~ -Romanic n rhetoromano
-rhage, - rhagia (bursting forth) occurring in compounds] n -rhagia (-ìa)
- ~ -rhage, - rhagia (bursting forth) occurring in compounds] n -rhagia
rhapsode [Gr. Antiq] n rhapsodo
rhapsodic, rhapsodical adj rhapsodic
rhapsodical, rhapsodic adj rhapsodic
rhapsodist (1. Gr. Antiq]; 2. one who makes rhapsodies) n rhapsodista
rhapsody (1. Gr. Antiq]; 2. literary miscellany; 3. Mus]) n rhapsodia
- (1. Gr. Antiq]; 2. literary miscellany; 3. Mus]) n rhapsodia (-ìa)
Rheims, Reims n Reims
- ~ , Reims n Reims F]
Rhenish adj rhenan
rheo- (current) occurring in compounds] n rheo-
rheometer [Elec] n rheometro
- [Elec] n rheometro (-ò-)
rheophore [Elec] n rheophoro
- [Elec] n rheophoro (-òforo)
rheostat n rheostato
- n rheostato (-ò-)
rheotome, interrupter [Elec] n rheotomo
- ~ , interrupter [Elec] n rheotomo (-ò-)
rhetoric n rhetorica
rhetorical adj rhetoric
rhetorically adv rhetoricamente
rhetorician (1. teacher of rhetoric; 2. one who uses rhetorical language) n rhetor
- (teacher of rhetoric) n rhetorico
rheum, catarrh, cold n rheuma
- ~ , catarrh, cold n rheuma -ma/-mat-]
rheumatic adj rheumatic
- n rheumatico
rheumatism [Med] n rheumatismo
- n rheumatismo
rheumy, catarrhal adj rheumatic
rhinal adj rhinal
rhinalgia [Pathol] n rhinalgia
- [Pathol] n rhinalgia (-ìa)
Rhine [Geog] n Rheno
- n Rheno
Rhineland n Rhenania
rhinitis [Pathol] n rhinitis
- [Pathol] n rhinitis (-ìtis)
rhino-, rhin- (nose) occurring in derivatives and compounds] n rhin-
rhinoceros n rhinocerote
rhinological adj rhinologic
rhinologist n rhinologo
- n rhinologo (-òlogo)
rhinology n rhinologia
- n rhinologia (-ìa)
rhinoplastic [Surg] adj rhinoplastic
rhinoplasty [Surg] n rhinoplastia
- [Surg] n rhinoplastia (-ìa)
rhinorrhea [Pathol] n rhinorrhea
- [Pathol] n rhinorrhea (-réa)
rhinoscope n rhinoscopio
rhinoscopic adj rhinoscopic
rhinoscopy n rhinoscopia
- n rhinoscopia (-ìa)
rhiz-, rhizo-, -(r)rhiza (root-) occurring in derivatives and compounds] n rhiz-
rhizophagous adj rhizophage
- adj rhizophage (-òphage)
rhizopod [Zool] adj rhizopode
- [Zool] adj rhizopode (-òpode)
- [Zool] n rhizopodo
- [Zool] n rhizopodo (-òpodo)
rhod-, rhodo- (rose, rose color) occurring in derivatives and compounds] n rhodo-
Rhode Island n Rhode-Island
- ~ Island n Rhode-Island A]
Rhodes [Geog] n Rhodos
- [Geog] n Rhodos (rò-)
Rhodian (native of Rhodes) n rhodio
- (of Rhodes) adj rhodie
rhodic [Chem] adj rhodic
rhodium [Chem] n rhodium
- [Chem] n rhodium (rò-)
rhododendron [Bot] n rhododendro
- n rhododendro
rhodonite [Mineral] n rhodonite
rhombic adj rhombic
rhombohedral adj rhombohedric
rhombohedron n rhombohedro
rhomboid n rhomboido
rhomboidal adj rhomboidal
rhombus [Geom] n rhombo
Rhone (river) n Rhodano
- (river) n Rhodano (rò-)
- [Geog] n Rhodano
rhubarb n rheubarbaro
- n rheubarbaro (-bàrbaro)
rhyme (accord in rhyme) v rimar
- (turn back) v reverter
- [Pros] n rima
- n rima
- v rimar
rhymer, versifier n rimator
rhyming dictionary n rimario
rhyncho-, -rhynch- (snout) occurring in compounds] n rhyncho-
rhythm n rhythmo
- n rhythmo inverter le currente electric
rhythmic adj rhythmic
rhythmical adj rhythmic
rhythmics n rhythmica
rib [Anat] n costa
- n costa
ribbon n banda
rice field n risiera
- ~ mill n riseria
- ~ mill n riseria (-ìa)
- n ris
rich (1. wealthy; 2. abundant; 3. valuable, costly) adj ric
- (person) n ricco
- adj ric
Richard n Ricardo
riches n ricchessas
richness (abundance, costliness) n ricchessa
- n opulentia, ricchessa
- n ricchessa, opulentia
rick n pila de feno
- v torquer
rickets n rhachitis
- ~ , rachitis [Med] n rhachitis
- ~ , rachitis [Med] n rhachitis (-ìtis)
rickety (liable to collapse) adj fragile, insecur
- (liable to collapse) adj insecur, fragile
- [Med] adj rachitic
- ~ , rachitic [Med] adj rhachitic
rid (get - of) v disembarassar (se) de, disfacer (se), eliminar
- (get - of) v disembarassar de, disfacer, eliminar
- (get - of) v disfacer (se), eliminar, disembarassar (se) de
- (get - of) v disfacer, eliminar, disembarassar de
- (get - of) v eliminar, disembarassar (se) de, disfacer (se)
- (get - of) v eliminar, disembarassar de, disfacer
- adj liberate, quite
- adj quite, liberate
- v liberar
- v liberar (un persona de un cosa)
- ~ , quit adj quite
riddance n liberation
riddle (perforate) v perforar
- (perforate) v perforar (con ballas)
- (puzzle) n enigma
- (sift) v cribrar, passar per un cribro
- (sift) v passar per un cribro, cribrar
- (tool) n cribro
ride (act of riding horseback) n cavalcada
- (on horse) n cavalcada
- (on horse) v cavalcar, ir a cavallo
- (on horse) v ir a cavallo, cavalcar
- (on horseback) v cavalcar
- (on vehicle) n viage
- (on vehicle) vi ir, viagiar
- (on vehicle) vi viagiar, ir
- ~ on horseback v equitar
- vt viagiar per
rider (on bicycle) n cyclista
- (on horse) n cavallero
- (on motorbike) n motocyclista
ridge n cresta
ridicule n ridiculo
- v ludificar, rider se de
- v rider se de, ludificar
- ~ , make game of v ludificar
ridiculous adj ridicule
- ~ thing, characteristic n ridiculo
riding n equitation
rife (be ~) v abundar, esser commun
- (be ~) v esser commun, abundar
- adj commun, endemic
- adj endemic, commun
riff-raff n canalia
rifle (a gun) v cannellar
- (sack) v sacchear
- n carabina, fusil
- n fusil, carabina
- ~ , gun n fusil
- ~ , musket n muschetto
rift n fissura
rig (costume) n costume
- (equip) v equipar
- (falsify) v falsificar
- (installation) n installation
- (oil ~) phr turre marin de sondage petrolifere
rigadoon [Dancing] n rigaudon
- [Dancing] n rigaudon F]
rigging n cordage, manovras
- n manovras, cordage
- ~ , tackle [Naut] n manovra
right (1. conformable to justice, according with duty; 2. not left) adj derecte
- (1. what is right; 2. as in right to life, liberty) n derecto
- (all -!) interj va ben!
- (be ~) v haber ration
- (correct) adj correcte
- (direction) adv al dextra
- (direction) adv al dextra (mano)
- (exact) adj exacte
- (fair) adj eque
- (just) adj juste
- (not left) adj dextere, dextre
- (not left) adj dextre, dextere
- (on the - , to the ~) adv a dextra
- (straight) adv ben, completemente, exactemente
- (straight) adv completemente, exactemente, ben
- (straight) adv exactemente, ben, completemente
- ~ angle n angulo recte
- ~ away phr in marcha!
- ~ away, already, at once adv jam
- ~ hand n derecta
- ~ hand n dextera (déx-), dextra (déx-)
- ~ hand n dextera, dextra
- ~ hand n dextra
- ~ hand side n latere dextre
- n derecto, jure
- n jure, derecto
- v rectificar
- ~ , law (as in divine right or law) n jure
right-angled, rectangular adj rectangule
righteousness n justitia, virtute, rectitude
- n rectitude, justitia, virtute
- n virtute, rectitude, justitia
rightful adj legitime
righthanded (using the right hand more easily and readily than the left) adj dexteromane, dextromane
- ~ -handed n dexteromane, dextromane
rightly adv con ration
rightness n justessa, rectitude
- n rectitude, justessa
right-of-way phr derecto de passage righteous juste, virtuose
- ~ -of-way phr virtuose, derecto de passage righteous juste
right-wing adj Pol]
rigid adj rigide
- ~ , stiff adj rigide
rigidity n rigiditate
- ~ , stiffness n rigiditate
rigor (1. rigidity, stiffness; 2. strictness, harshness; 3. Med/Physiol]) n rigor
- ~ , rigour n rigor
rigorism n rigorismo
rigorist n rigorista
rigorous adj rigorose
rile v exasperar, irritar
- v irritar, exasperar
riled up adj escitate, exasperate, irritate
- ~ up adj exasperate, irritate, escitate
- ~ up adj irritate, escitate, exasperate
rim n bordo, orlo
- n orlo, bordo
- ~ , border, brink, edge, brim n orlo
rime (form hoarfrost) v pruinar
rind n crusta, pelle
- n pelle, crusta
ring (boxing) n ring
- (circle of metal or other material) n anello
- (circle of metal or other material) n anulo
- (circle) n circulo, rondo
- (circle) n rondo, circulo
- (for finger) n annello, anulo
- (for finger) n anulo, annello
- (resound) v resonar
- (sound) n sono
- (sound) v sonar
- (sport) n arena
- n Commer]
ringleader n chef, instigator, corypheo
- n corypheo, chef, instigator
- n instigator, corypheo, chef
ringlet n bucla
ring-off v reponer le apparato, terminar communication
- ~ -off v terminar communication, reponer le apparato
ring-road n strata circular, strata perimetral
- ~ -road n strata perimetral, strata circular
ring-shaped, annular adj anular
ringside adj del prime rango
- n prime rango
ring-up v telephonar
ringworm, athlete's foot, tinea [Pathol] n tinea
- ~ , infected with tinea adj tineose
rink n pista de patinage
rinse v clarar, reaquar
- v reaquar, clarar
Rio-Muni [Geog] n Rio Muni
- ~ -Muni [Geog] n Rio Muni (Equatorial Guinea)
riot n tumulto
- v tumultuar
rioter n tumultuoso
riotous adj tumultuose
- ~ , bacchic adj bacchic
rip n fissura, laceration
- n laceration, fissura
- v lacerar
riparian adj ripari
ripe adj matur
ripen (1. to bring to a head) Med] v maturar
- v maturar
ripeness n maturitate
- ~ , maturity n maturitate
ripple (of sound) n susurro
- (of water) n parve unda
- v undear
rise (ascent) n ascension, elevation
- (ascent) n elevation, ascension
- (give - to) v dar loco a
- (in price) v augmentar
- (in prices) n augmento
- (in revolt) v insurger
- (in revolt) v insurger -surg-/-surrect-]
- (in revolt) v insurger, sublevar se
- (in revolt) v sublevar se, insurger
- (of sun) v levar
- (of sun) v levar se
- ~ again (from the dead) v resurger
- ~ again (from the dead) v resurger -surg-/-surrect-]
- ~ again, resurge v resurger
- ~ again, resurge v resurger -surg-/-surrect-]
- v elevar se, levar se, surger
- v levar se, surger, elevar se
- v surger, elevar se, levar se
- ~ , arise v surger
- ~ , arise v surger surg-/surrect-]
risibility n risibilitate
risible (1. capable of laughter; 2. laughable) adj risibile
rising early adj matinal
- ~ early adj matutinal
- ~ of water (flood, freshet, spate) n crescita
risk n hasardo, risco
- n risco, hasardo
- v hasardar, riscar
- v riscar, hasardar
- ~ , hazard v hasardar
- ~ , hazard, peril n risco
- ~ , run the risk of v riscar
- ~ , venture v aventurar
risky adj hasardose, riscose
- adj riscose
- adj riscose, hasardose
- ~ , hazardous adj hasardate
- ~ , hazardous adj hasardate (pp of hasardar)
- ~ , hazardous adj hasardose
rissole n bolletta, croquette
- n bolletta, croquette (de carne)
- n croquette (de carne), bolletta
- n croquette, bolletta
rite n rito
ritual adj/n ritual
- ~ ritual adj ritual
ritualism n ritualismo
ritualist n ritualista
ritually adv ritualmente
rival (be a rival) v rivalisar
- adj concurrente, rival
- adj rival, concurrente
- n concurrente, emulo, rival
- n emulo, rival, concurrente
- n rival, concurrente, emulo
- v rivalisar
- ~ , competing adj rival
- ~ , competitor n concurrente
- ~ , competitor n rival
rivalry n emulation, rivalitate
- n rivalitate
- n rivalitate, emulation
- ~ , competition n concurrentia
rivalship n rivalitate
river (down ~) adv a valle
- (large, flowing to the sea) n fluvio
- (small) n riviera, rivo
- (small) n rivo, riviera
- (up ~) adv a monte
- n fluvio
- n riviera
riverbank n margine
riverside n bordo del riviera/fluvio
rivet (attention) v fixar
- (insert rivets) v rivetar
- n rivete
- v rivetar
riveter n rivetator
riveting (action of) n rivetage
- (action of) n rivetage (-aje)
road (route) n itinere
- (street, etc) n cammino, strata, via
- (street, etc) n strata, via, cammino
- (street, etc) n via, cammino, strata
- ~ sledge, drag, dray n slitta
- ~ sledge, drag, dray n traha
- ~ , highway, street (paved) n strata
- ~ , route n itinere
- ~ , way n cammino
roadblock n bloco stratal
roadmap n mappa de stratas
roadside n bordo del cammino
roadsign n indicator
roadway n parte vehicular del cammino
roadworthy adj capace a functionar
roam (stray) v errar
- (travel) v currer
- (travel) v currer (le mundo;le stratas)
- ~ , wander v errar
roar (of bull) v mugir
- n fremito, rugito
- n rugito, fremito
- v Gen]
- v rugir
- ~ , murmur v fremer
- ~ , roaring, murmur n fremito
- ~ , roaring, murmur n fremito (fré-)
roaring (act of) n rugito
- ~ , murmur, roar n fremito
- ~ , murmur, roar n fremito (fré-)
roast (as in to roast coffee) v tostar
- (coffee) v tostar
- (meat) v rostir
- (meat) v rostir (se)
- adj rostite
- ~ beef n roast beef
- ~ beef n roast beef A]
- ~ , broil, grill [Cookery] v rostir
roast-beef n roast beef, rostito de bove
- ~ -beef n rostito de bove, roast beef
roaster (one who or that which roasts) n tostator
roasting, broiling, grilling [Cookery] n rostimento
rob v robar
- ~ , depredate, plunder v predar
- ~ , steal v robar
robber n robator
robbery n furto, robamento
- n robamento
- n robamento, furto
robe (dress) n roba, sortita
- (dress) n sortita, roba
- (legal) n toga
- v vestir
- v vestir (se)
- ~ , gown (of office) n toga
- ~ , wrap [Clothing] n sortita
robin (bird) n pectore-rubie
- (redbreast) n pectorerubie
robot n robot
- n robot Cz]
robust adj robuste
- adj robuste, valide
- adj valide, robuste
robustness n robustessa
- ~ , vigor n validitate
rock (in a cradle) v cunar
- (in cradle) v cunar
- (large mass of stone) n rocca
- (move) v balanciar
- n petra, rocca, saxo
- n rocca, saxo, petra
- n saxo, petra, rocca
- vi balanciar se, vacillar
- vi vacillar, balanciar se
- ~ , stone n saxo
rock-and-roll n le rock, rock-&-roll
- ~ -and-roll n rock-&-roll, le rock
rock-bottom (hit ~) v descender al puncto plus base
- ~ -bottom adj/adv/n puncto plus basse
rock-climber n scalator de roccas
rock-climbing n scalada de roccas
rocket (as in signal rocket) n rocchetta
- n rocchetta
rock-garden n jardin alpin
rocking-chair n sede a bascula
rocky (as in a rocky shore) adj roccose
- adj roccose
- ~ Mountains [Geog] n Montaneas Roccose
- ~ , stony (abounding in stones) adj saxose
rococo n rococo
- n rococo (-cò-)
rocuperator n recuperator
rod (connecting ~) n biella
- (fishing ~) n canna de piscar
- (straight, slender stick) n virga
- n verga, virga
- n virga, verga
rodent adj rodente
- adj rodente (ppr of roder)
- n roditor
rodent-deer n capreolo
rodomontade n rodomontada
Rodrigues (Island in the Indian Ocean) n Rodrigues
- [Geog] n Rodrigues
roentgen (international unit of quantity of x-rays) Phys] n röntgen
roentgenogram n röntgenogramma
roentgenologist n röntgenologista
roentgenology n röntgenologia
- n röntgenologia (-ìa)
rogation [Rom. Law] n rogation
rogatory [Law] adj rogatori
roger (register, I read you) interj roger
- v commun
rogue n picaro
role n rolo
roll (1. as in to roll a ball along the ground; 2. to be rolling; 3. Naut] (sway from one side to the other) v rolar
- (1. something rolled up; 2. cylindrical mass; 3. record, list of names) n rolo
- (continued motion from side to side) Naut] n rolamento
- (list) n matricula, rolo
- (list) n rolo, matricula
- (of bread) n panetto
- (of ship) n rolamento
- (something rolled up) n rolo
- ~ up, coil, roll v inrolar
- vi rolar
- vt rolar, volver
- vt volver, rolar
- ~ , register, list (of members) n matricula
- ~ , roll up, coil v inrolar
- ~ , turn round v volver
- ~ , turn round v volver volv-/volut-/volt-]
rollcall n appello nominal
roller n rolo
roller-bearing (road ~) n rolo compressor
- ~ -bearing n cossinetto de rolos
roller-skate n patin de rotas
rolling (act of) n rolamento
- (of country) adj undulose
- (turning) adj rolante
- ~ mill, flatting mill n laminatorio
- n rolamento
- ~ , wavy, undulous adj undulose
rolling-mill n laminatorio
rolling-pin n rolo
rolling-stock n material rolante
roll-over v volver
- ~ -over v volver se al altere latere, volver
- ~ -over v volver, volver se al altere latere
roll-up v inrolar
- ~ -up v inrolar (se)
Romagna (former province of Italy) n Romagna
- (former province of Italy) n Romagna I]
Romagnol adj romagnol
- adj romagnol (-nyòl)
- n romagnolo
- n romagnolo (-nyòlo)
Romaic adj romaic
- adj romaic (-àic)
- n romaico
- n romaico (-àico)
Roman (inhabitant of Rome) n romano
- adj roman
- adj roman
- ~ Empire n Imperio Roman
- n romano
- ~ realm, realm of Latin (language and culture) n Romania
roman-catholic adj catholic
- ~ -catholic n catholico
romance (love affair) n amor
- (romantic novel) n romance sentimental
- [Lit/Mus] n romance
- [Philol] n romance
- adj neolatin, romance
- adj romance, neolatin
- n philol/lit/mus
- v exaggerar
romancer n romancero
romancero (a collection of ballads) n romancero
- (a collection of ballads) n romancero H]
Romanesque [Arch] adj romanic
Romania [Geog] n Romania
- ~ , Rumania n Romania
romanian adj romanian
- n romaniano
- ~ , Rumanian adj romanian
- ~ , Rumanian n romaniano
Romanic adj romanic
Romanism n romanismo
Romanist (1. one versed in Roman law; 2. student of Romance languages or philology) n romanista
Romanize v romanisar
Romansch, Romansh n romancio
Romansh, Romansch n romancio
romantic (of the nature of a romance or novel) adj romancesc
- adj romancesc, romantic
- adj romantic
- adj romantic, romancesc
- n romantico
romanticism n romanticismo
romanticize v render romantic
Romany (Gypsy, the gypsy tongue) n egyptiano
- (Gypsy, the gypsy tongue) n egyptio
Rome [Geog] n Roma
- n Roma
romp n joco turbulente
- v jocar con turbulentia
rompers n supertoto de baby
romp-home v succeder facilemente
Romulus n Romulo
rondeau (1. Pros ]; 2. Mus]) n rondeau
- (1. Pros ]; 2. Mus]) n rondeau F]
Ronsdorfer, Zionite [Eccl. Hist] n sionita
roof n tecto
- v coperir de un tecto
rook (bird) n grande corvo
- (chess) n roc, turre
- (chess) n turre, roc
- ~ , castle [Chess] n roc
- ~ , castle [Chess] n turre
room (dining ~) n camera a mangiar
- (double ~) n camera a duo personas
- (in house) n camera
- (large, public) n sala
- (make - for) v facer placia a
- (single ~) n camera a un persona
- (sitting ~) n salon
- (space) n placia, spatio
- (space) n spatio, placia
- (waiting ~) n sala de attender
room-mate n companion de camera
roomy adj ample, spatiose
- adj spatiose, ample
roost n percha
- v dormir al percha
rooster n gallo
- ~ , cock n gallo
root (1. as in root of a plant; 2. source, origin; 3. Philol]) n radice
- (1. as in root of a plant; 2. source, origin; 3. Philol]) n radice (-ìce)
- (cube ~) n radice cubic
- (of plant, source) n radice
- (square ~) n radice quadrate
- (take ~) v radicar
- n math/philol
- ~ up, uproot v displantar
rootlet, radicel [Bot] n radicella
root-out v eradicar, extirpar
- ~ -out v extirpar, eradicar
root-stock n rhizoma
rope n corda, fun
- n fun
- n fun, corda
- v ligar con cordas
- ~ , cord n corda
rope-ladder n scala de corda
ropemaker n funero
rope-off v reservar con cordas
rosaceous [Bot] adj rosacee
rosaniline [Chem] n roseina
- [Chem] n roseina (-ì-)
rosary [Eccl] n rosario
- n rosario
rose (1. pink, rosy; 2. as in rose vinegar) adj rosate
- (1. rose flower) n rosa
- adj rosate, rosee
- adj rosee, rosate
- n rosa
- ~ rash, roseola [Pathol] n roseola
- ~ rash, roseola [Pathol] n roseola (-sé-)
- ~ , give a roseate tint to v rosar
- ~ , rosebush n rosario
- ~ , rose-colored adj rosee
rose-bud n button de rosa
rose-bush n rosario
- ~ , rose n rosario
rose-colored, rose adj rosee
rosemary n rosmarino
roseola, rose rash [Pathol] n roseola
- ~ , rose rash [Pathol] n roseola (-sé-)
rosette n rosetta
rostral, pertaining to a rostrum adj rostral
rostrate (having a rostrum) adj rostrate
rostrum (curved end of a ship's prow) Rom. Antiq] n rostro
- n rostro, tribuna
- n tribuna, rostro
- ~ , platform, tribune n tribuna
- ~ , pulpit n cathedra
- ~ , pulpit n cathedra (càt-)
rosy adj incarnatin, rosate
- adj rosate, incarnatin
- ~ , incarnadine, flesh-pink adj incarnatin
rot (of teeth) v cariar
- (of teeth) v cariar (se)
- n decomposition
- v corrumper (se), decomponer (se), putrer (se)
- v corrumper, decomponer, putrer
- v decomponer (se), putrer (se), corrumper (se)
- v decomponer, putrer, corrumper
- v putrer
- v putrer (se), corrumper (se), decomponer (se)
- v putrer, corrumper, decomponer
- v putrescer
- ~ , affect with caries [Med] v cariar
- ~ , cause to decay v corrumper
- ~ , cause to decay v corrumper -rump-/-rupt-]
rota (roster) n lista de servicios
- [Geog] n Rota
- [R.C.Ch] n rota
rotalia [Zool] n rotalia
Rotarian adj rotarian
- n rotariano
rotary adj rotative
- n Rotary
- n Rotary A]
- ~ , rotatory adj rotatori
- ~ , rotatory, rotative adj rotative
rotate v girar, rotar
- v rotar, girar
- ~ , gyrate v girar
- ~ , turn, revolve v rotar
rotation (act of rotating, turning, revolving) n rotation
- n rotation
- ~ , gyration n giration
rotative, rotary, rotatory adj rotative
rotator (1. that which rotates; 2. Anat]) n rotator
rotatory, rotary adj rotatori
- ~ , rotative, rotary adj rotative
rote (by ~) adv de memoria
rotifer (one of the Rotifera) Zool] n rotifero
- (one of the Rotifera) Zool] n rotifero (-tì-)
rotisserie, grillroom n rotisserie
- ~ , grillroom n rotisserie F]
rotogravure n rotogravure
rotor [Mach] n rotor
- [Mach] n rotor A]
rotten (of teeth) adj cariate
- [Gen] corrupte, putride
- [Gen] putride, corrupte
- ~ , decayed, tainted, infeeted adj corrupte
rotund adj rotunde
- ~ , round adj rotunde
rotunda [Arch] n rotunda
rotundity, roundness n rotunditate
rouble n rubble
rouge n fardo, rouge
- n rouge, fardo
- ~ , paint n rouge
- ~ , paint n rouge F]
- ~ , paint, make-up [Cosmetics] n fardo
rough (approximate) adj approximate
- (crude) adj rude, rustic
- (crude) adj rustic, rude
- (not smooth) adj aspere
- (of sea) adj grosse, turbulente
- (of sea) adj turbulente, grosse
- ~ , harsh adj aspere
- ~ , harsh adj aspere (à-)
roughage n alimentos inassimilabile
rough-and-ready adj hastive, improvisate
- ~ -and-ready adj improvisate, hastive
roughen v asperar
- ~ , make rough v asperar
roughness n asperitate
- ~ , harshness, asperity n asperitate
roughshod (- ride) phr tractar un persona sin consideration
roulette (game of) n roulette
- (game of) n roulette F]
- n roulette
round (... around) adv circum-...
- (1. spherical or globular body; 2. circle, ring) n rondo
- (1. spherical, globular; 2. circular) adj ronde
- (ammunition) n tiro
- (boxing) n round
- (go round) v contornar
- (golf) n partita
- (make round) v arrotundar, rotundar
- (make round) v rotundar, arrotundar
- (of inspection) n circuito, ronda
- (of inspection) n ronda, circuito
- (round object) n rotundo
- (salvo) n salva
- (series) n serie
- (sphere, circle) n rondo, rotundo
- (sphere, circle) n rotundo, rondo
- adj circular, ronde, rotunde
- adj ronde, rotunde, circular
- adj rotunde, circular, ronde
- v contornar
- ~ , make round v arrotundar
- ~ , make round v rotundar
- ~ , rotund adj rotunde
- ~ , rounds [Mil] n ronda
- ~ , spherical, circular adj orbicular
roundabout (traffic) n cruciata giratori
- adv approximativemente, circa
- adv circa, approximativemente
- n carosello
- ~ way, detour n deviation
roundabout-route n via indirecte
roundness n rotunditate
- ~ , rotundity n rotunditate
round-off (- up) v assemblar
- ~ -off (make round) v arrotundar
- ~ -off (perfect) v perfectionar
rounds, round [Mil] n ronda
roundsman n livrator
rouse (excite) v activar, excitar
- (excite) v excitar, activar
- (from sleep) v eveliar
rousing adj emotionante, excitante
- adj excitante, emotionante
rout [Mil] n deroute
- [Mil] n deroute F]
- [Mil] v deroutar
- n deroute
- v deroutar
route (public transport) n linea
- (way taken in getting from starting point to destination) n route
- (way taken in getting from starting point to destination) n route F]
- [Gen] itinerario, route
- [Gen] route, itinerario
- ~ , road n itinere
routinary, routine adj routinari
routine adj routinari
- n routine
- n routine F]
- ~ , routinary adj routinari
routineer n routinero
rove v errar, vagar, vagabundar
- v vagabundar, errar, vagar
- v vagar, vagabundar, errar
rover (sea ~) n pirata
- n vagabundo
row (a boat) vt remar
- (be rowing) v remar
- (dispute) n altercation
- (dispute) vi altercar
- (eye) n supercilio
- (line) n rango
rowdy adj ruitose
- n persona turbulente
rower n remator
rowing n canotage, remage
- n remage, canotage
rowing-boat n barca remate
rowlock n fulcro, pivot
- n fulcro, pivot (de un remo)
- n pivot (de un remo), fulcro
- n pivot, fulcro
royal adj regal, royal
- adj royal
- adj royal, regal
- ~ regal, regal adj regal
royalism n royalismo
royalist adj/n royalista
- n royalista
royally adv royalmente
royalties n derectos de autor
royalty (regality) n regalitate
- (royal people) n ?
rub v fricar
- v fricar fric-/frict-]
- v fricar, frictionar
- v frictionar, fricar
- ~ , friction v frictionar
rubber (eraser) n gumma
- (the material) n cauchu, gumma
- (the material) n cauchu, gumma (elastic)
- (the material) n gumma (elastic), cauchu
- (the material) n gumma, cauchu
- ~ tree n gummiero
rubber-band n elastico
rubber-dinghy n rate pneumatic
rubbing, friction n fricamento
rubbish (garbage) n immunditias
- (nonsense) n nonsenso
- (worthless articles) n cosalia
rubble n fragmentos de petra o de briccas
rubefacient [Med] adj rubefaciente
rubefaction [Med] n rubefaction
rubescent adj rubescente
- adj rubescente (ppr of rubescer)
rubiaceous adj rubiacee
rubicund, ruddy adj rubicunde
rubidium [Chem] n rubidium
- [Chem] n rubidium (-bì-)
ruble [Monet] n rublo
- n rublo
rub-out v rader
- ~ -out v rader (con le gumma)
rubric [Eccl/Law] n rubrica
- [Eccl/Law] n rubrica (-ìca)
rubricator n rubricator
rubrician, rubricist n rubricista
rubricist, rubrician n rubricista
ruby (Oriental) n rubino
- adj color de rubino
- n rubino
rucksack n rucksack, sacco de dorso
- n sacco de dorso, rucksack
rudder [Naut/Aviation] n governaculo
- n governaculo, timon
- n timon, governaculo
ruddle, red ocher n rubrica
- ~ , red ocher n rubrica (-ìca)
ruddy adj rubicunde
- ~ , rubicund adj rubicunde
rude (1. roughly made or done, without finish or polish; 2. impolite, not courteous) adj rude
- (coarse) adj grossier
- (ill-mannered) adj brusc, impolite
- (ill-mannered) adj impolite, brusc
- (rough impolite) adj rude
- ~ , churlish adj malgratiose
- ~ , impolite adj impolite
rudeness (bad manners) n discortesia, impolitessa
- (bad manners) n impolitessa, discortesia
- (coarseness) n grosseria
- ~ , coarseness n grosseria
- ~ , coarseness n grosseria (-ìa)
rudiment n rudimento
rudimentary adj rudimentari
rueful adj melancholic, triste
- adj triste, melancholic
ruff (Machetes pugnax) Ornith] n combattente
ruffian n bruto, scelerato
- n scelerato, bruto
ruffle (fold) v arrugar, plicar
- (fold) v plicar, arrugar
- n volante
- v agitar, perturbar
- v perturbar, agitar
- ~ , frill n volante
rug n tapete
- ~ , carpet, tapestry n tapete
- ~ , carpet, tapestry n tapis
- ~ , carpet, tapestry n tapis F]
rugby (sport) n rugby
rugged (rough) adj irregular, rude
- (rough) adj rude, irregular
- (tough) adj dur, forte, robuste
- (tough) adj forte, robuste, dur
- (tough) adj robuste, dur, forte
ruggedness n asperitate
rugose, wrinkled adj rugose
rugosity n rugositate
ruin (1. downfall, decay; 2. building in ruins) n ruina
- (1. downfall, decay; 2. building in ruins) n ruina (-ìna)
- n perdition
- n ruina
- v perder, ruinar
- v ruinar
- v ruinar, perder
- ~ , destruction n eversion
- ~ , destruction n pernicie
- ~ , ruining (act of) n ruinamento
- ~ , undo v perder
ruining, ruin (act of) n ruinamento
ruinous adj ruinose
rule (- a line) v traciar
- (1. regulation; 2. as in slide rule) n regula
- (1. regulation; 2. as in slide rule) n regula (ré-)
- (as a ~) phr in principio
- (govern) v governar, reger
- (govern) v reger, governar
- (government) n governamento
- (mark with parallel straight lines drawn with a ruler) v regular
- (paper) n regular
- (regulation ruler) n regula
- ~ over, govern v imperar
- ~ , direct (as or like a regent) v regentar
rule-out v eliminar
ruler (for drawing) n regula
- (person) n governator, soverano
- (person) n soverano, governator
- ~ , rector, director, chief n rector
ruling adj dirigente
- n decision
rum (side-) Mus] n cassa
- n rum
- n rum A]
Rumania [Geog] n Romania
- ~ , Romania n Romania
Rumanian n romanian
- ~ , Romanian adj romanian
- ~ , Romanian n romaniano
rumble n ruito surde, strepito
- n strepito, ruito surde
- v facer ruito surde, streper
- v streper, facer ruito surde
- ~ , din, rattle v streper
rumen (first stomach of ruminants) n rumine
ruminant (one of the Ruminantia) n ruminante
ruminate v ruminar
rumination n rumination
rummage v perquirer
- v perquirer (revolvente le cosas)
rumor v rumorar
- ~ , public report n fama
- ~ , report n ruito
- ~ , report n ruito (-ìto)
- ~ , report n rumor
- ~ , rumour n ruito, rumor
- ~ , rumour n rumor, ruito
- ~ , rumour v rumorar
rumored, much talked of adj rumorose
rump (of horse) n cruppa
- (posterior) n culo
rump-steak n rumpsteak
run (action of running) n cursa, curso
- (action of running) n curso, cursa
- (distance covered) n percurso
- (in the long ~) phr al longe
- (move fast) vi currer
- (move swiftly) v currer
- (move swiftly) v currer curr-/curs-]
- (of dye) v diffunder se, distinger se
- (of dye) v distinger se, diffunder se
- (of river) v fluer
- (print) n tirage
- (travel) v ir, passar
- (travel) v passar, ir
- (work) v functionar
- ~ again v recurrer
- ~ again v recurrer -curr-/-curs-]
- ~ aground, strand v arenar
- ~ aground, strand v insablar
- ~ counter to, thwart, oppose v contrariar
- ~ into v incurrer
- ~ into v incurrer -curr-/curs-]
- ~ or travel through v percurrer
- ~ or travel through v percurrer -curr-/-curs-]
- ~ the risk of, risk v riscar
- ~ together and meet v concurrer
- ~ together and meet v concurrer -curr-/-curs-]
- v diriger
- ~ , running (action of running) n curso
- ~ , running (action of) n cursa
runaway adj fugitive
- n fugitivo
- ~ -away v escappar, fugir
- ~ -away v fugir, escappar
run-down (go down fast) v descender currente
- ~ -down (mock) v denigrar
- ~ -down (of battery) adj discargate
- ~ -down (weakened) adj debilitate
rune n runa
rung n grado, scalon
- n scalon, grado
- ~ , step n scalon
- ~ , step, stair n grado
runic adj runic
run-in (a car) v probar le traduction
- ~ -in (enter fast) v entrar currente
run-into v collider contra
runner (of a sledge) n patin
- (one who runs) n cursor
runner-bean n phaseolo
runner-up adj/n secundo
runnin, rung (action of) n cursa
running (direction) n direction
- (in succession) adj consecutive
- (of water) adj currente
- (working) n functionamento
- ~ aground, silting, stranding (act of) n insablamento
- ~ together, meeting (action of) n concurrentia
- ~ , flowing adj currente
- ~ , run (action of running) n curso
run-on v continuar
run-out (expire) v expirar, perimer
- ~ -out (expire) v perimer, expirar
- ~ -out (leave fast) v exir currente
run-out-of v exhaurir
run-over (knock down) v abatter
- ~ -over (overflow) v disbordar
run-up (climb running) v montar currente
- ~ -up (come running) v accurrer
- ~ -up (debts) v lassar accumular
run-up-against v incontrar
runway n pista de atterrage
rupee n rupia
rupture (breaking) n rumpimento, ruptura
- (breaking) n ruptura, rumpimento
- [Med] n ruptura
- v rumper
- v rumper (se)
- ~ , breaking n rumpimento
- ~ , breaking n ruptura
rural adj agreste, rural
- adj rural
- adj rural, agreste
- ~ , rustic adj campestre
ruralize (make rural) v ruralisar
rurally adv ruralmente
ruse n stratagema
rush (assault) vt assaltar
- (hurry) n cursa precipitate, haste, impeto
- (hurry) n haste, impeto, cursa precipitate
- (hurry) n impeto, cursa precipitate, haste
- (hurry) v pulsar
- (send) v expedir con urgentia
- [Bot] n junco, scirpo
- [Bot] n scirpo, junco
- ~ up, come running v accurrer
- vi precipitar se
rush-hour n hora de affluentia, hora de puncta
- ~ -hour n hora de puncta, hora de affluentia
rusk n biscuit dur
russet n color de ferrugine
Russia (White ~) n Bielorussia
- [Geog] n Russia
- n Russia
Russian (1. native of Russia; 2. Russian language) n russo
- adj russe
- adj russe
- n russo
Russify v russificar
Russophile adj russophile
- n russophilo
- n russophilo (-sò-)
rust (1. iron oxide; 2. Agr]) n ferrugine
- (-proof metal) n. phr metallo inoxydabile
- n ferrugine
- v oxydar
- v oxydar (se)
rustic (1. pertaining to the country; 2. rough, unrefined) adj rustic
- (1. rural; 2. awkward, uncouth) adj agreste
- adj rustic
- ~ , countryman n rustico
- ~ , countryman n rustico (rùs-)
- ~ , rural adj campestre
- ~ , villager n villano
rusticate (1. to reside in the country; 2. Masonry]) v rusticar
rustication (1. living in the country; 2. Masonry]) n rustication
rusticity n rusticitate
rustle (make noise) vi susurrar
- (steal) vt furar, robar
- (steal) vt robar, furar
- n susurro
- ~ , murmur, buzz, hum n susurro
rustless adj inoxydabile
rustling, susurrant, whispering, murmuring adj susurrante
rustproof adj inoxydabile
rusty adj ferruginose
rut (be in a ~) v esser routinero
- n cannellatura, sulco
- n sulco, cannellatura
Ruth n Ruth
Ruthenia n Ruthenia
Ruthenian adj ruthen
- adj ruthenic
- n rutheno
ruthenic [Chem] adj ruthenic
ruthenium [Chem] n ruthenium
- [Chem] n ruthenium (-té-)
ruthless adj impietose, implacabile
- adj implacabile, impietose
ruthlessness adj implacabilitate
rutilant, golden red adj rutile
rutile [Mineral] n rutilo
- [Mineral] n rutilo (rù)
Rwanda [Geog] n Rwanda
rye [Bot] n secale
- n secale
rye-bread n pan de secale
rye-grass n lolio perenne.