A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
g (letter ~) n littera g (ge)
- (the note) Mus] n sol
gab v parlar in modo inintelligibile
gabardine (fabric gabardine) n gabardina
- n gabardina
gabble n torrente de parolas
- v parlar in modo inintelligibile
gaberdine [Hist] n gabardina
gable adj fronton
- ~ , pediment [Arch] n fronton
Gabon [Geog] n Gabon
gadget n apparato
- n dispositivo
gag (in mouth) n mordacia
- (joke) n joco
- (something thrust into a person's mouth to prevent him from speaking) n mordacia
- v mordaciar
gaiety n gaitate
gaily adv gaimente
gain n ganio
- v ganiar
- ~ , earn as profit v lucrar
- ~ , lucre, profit n lucro
- ~ , profit n ganio
- ~ , win v ganiar
gainer, winner n ganiator
gainsayer, contradicter, contradictor n contradictor
gait n passo
- ~ , walk n ambulatura
gal- (milk) occurring in compounds] n gal-
- ~ - (milk) occurring in compounds] n gal- gal-/galact-]
gala n festa
- n gala
Galatia n Galatia
Galatian n galata
- n galata (gà-)
- ~ , Galatic adj galatic
Galatic, Galatian adj galatic
galaxy n galaxia
gale n tempesta
Galicia (former Austrian crownland) n Galicia
- (province at the northwest corner of Spain) n Gallecia
Galician (as in Galician from Lwow) n galiciano
- (of Spanish province of Galicia) adj gallecian
- (of the Austrian crownland of Galicia) adj galician
- ~ , Gallegan, Gallego (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language) n galleciano
galieass n galeassa
Galilean (of Galilee) adj galilee
- (of Galilee) adj galilee (-ée)
- n galileo
- n galileo (-éo)
Galilee n Galilea
- n Galilea (-éa)
galimatias, gibberish, jargon n galimatias
- ~ , gibberish, jargon n galimatias (-ìas)
galiot n galeota
gall n bile
gallant (brave) adj valente
- (courteous) adj gallante
- (polite and attentive to the women) adj galante
gallantry (polite attention to the women) n galanteria
- (polite attention to the women) n galanteria (-ìa)
- n valor
Gallego, Gallegan, Galician (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language) n gallego
- ~ , Gallegan, Galician (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language) n gallego H]
- ~ , Gallegan, Galician (1. native of Galicia in Spain; 2. Galician language) n galleco
galleon n galeon
gallery (1. covered passageway; 2. Theat]; 3. art museum) n galeria
- (1. covered passageway; 2. Theat]; 3. art museum) n galeria (-ìa)
- (in churches) n tribuna
- n galeria
galley (1. as in to condemn to the galleys; 2. Print]) n galea
- (1. as in to condemn to the galleys; 2. Print]) n galea (éa)
- (as in to condemn to the galleys) n galera
- (place for cooking) n cambuso
- (place for cooking) n cocina
- (ship) n galera
- ~ slave n fortiato
- ~ slave n galeriano
galliard [Dancing] n galliarda
Gallic (1. Gaulish; 2. French) adj gallic
Gallican [Eccl. Hist] adj gallican
- [Eccl. Hist] n gallicano
Gallicanism [Eccl. Hist] n gallicanismo
Gallicism n francesismo
gallinaceous [Zool] adj gallinacee
gallium [Chem] n gallium
- [Chem] n gallium (gàl-)
Gallomania, Francomania n gallomania
- ~ , Francomania n gallomania (-ìa)
gallon n gallon
- n gallon A]
galloon, braid n galon
gallop (go at a gallop) v galopar
- n galopo
- v galopar
Gallophile, Francophile adj gallophile
- ~ , Francophile n gallophilo
- ~ , Francophile n gallophilo (-lò-)
Gallophilism, Francophilism n gallophilia
- ~ , Francophilism n gallophilia (-ìa)
Gallophobe, Francophobe adj gallophobe
- ~ , Francophobe adj gallophobe (-lò-)
- ~ , Francophobe n gallophobo
- ~ , Francophobe n gallophobo (-lò-)
Gallophobia, Francophobia n gallophobia
- ~ , Francophobia n gallophobia (-ìa)
Gallo-Roman adj galloroman
gallows n furca
galop [Dancing] n galopo
galore adj abundante
galosh, overshoe n galocha
- ~ , overshoe n galocha (-sha)
galvanic (as in galvanic battery) adj galvanic
galvanism n galvanismo
galvanization n galvanisation
galvanize v galvanisar
galvanometer n galvanometro
- n galvanometro (-ò-)
galvanoplastic adj galvanoplastic
galvanoplastics, galvanoplasty n galvanoplastia
- ~ , galvanoplasty n galvanoplastia (-ìa)
Gambia [Geog] n Gambia
gambit [Chess] n gambito
gamble n joco
- v jocar
gambler n jocator
gambling n joco
- ~ , playing, gaming n joco
gambol n gambada
- v gambadar
game (for fun) n joco
- (hunted) n chassa
- (hunted) n de chassa
- (killed in hunting) n chassa
- (killed in hunting) n chassa (sh-)
- (match) n partita
- (set of things needed to play a game) n joco
- ~ , match n partita
- ~ , play (as in the play of children, the game of chess) n joco
game-keeper n guardachassa
gamete [Biol] n gameta
gaming, gambling, playing n joco
gamma (third letter of the Greek alphabet) n gamma
gammon n gambon
- ~ , ham n gambon
gamo- (marriage) occurring in compounds] n gamo-
gamomania [Psychol] n gamomania
- [Psychol] n gamomania (-ìa)
gamut (1. Mus]: 2. as in gamut of colors, emotions) n gamma
- n gamma
gander n oca mascule
gang n banda
- n gang
Ganges n Gange
Gangetic adj gangetic
gangliform adj gangliforme
ganglioma [Pathol] n ganglioma
ganglion n ganglion
- n ganglion (-ànglion)
ganglionary adj ganglionar
ganglionitis n ganglionitis
- n ganglionitis (-ìtis)
gang-rape n violation in banda
gangrene n gangrena
- v gangrenar
gangrenous adj gangrenose
gangster n gangster
- n gangster A]
gang-up v alliar se
- ~ -up v alliar se (contra)
gang-way (corridor) n passage
- ~ -way (structure) n passerella
gaol (jail) n carcere
gaoler (jailer) n carcerero
gap (opening) n apertura
- (opening) n brecha
- n lacuna
- n vacuo
gape v esser multo aperte
- v hiar
- ~ , yawn, stand open v hiar
gaping adj aperte
garage n garage
- n garage F]
garagekeeper, garageman n garagista
- ~ , garageman n garagista (-jis-)
garageman, garagekeeper n garagista
- ~ , garagekeeper n garagista (-jis-)
garbage n immunditias
garble (falsify) v falsificar
- (text) v alterar
- (text) v mutilar
garden balsam, balsamine [Bot] n balsamina
- n horto
- n jardin
- ~ party n garden-party
- ~ party n garden-party A]
- ~ rake n rastrello
- ~ rake n rastro
- v facer le jardinage
- v jardinar
gardener n jardinero
gardenia n gardenia
gardening (art of) n jardinage
- (art of) n jardinage (-aje)
- (gardener's trade or business) n jardineria
- (gardener's trade or business) n jardineria (-ìa)
- n jardinage
gargle v gargarisar
garland n guirlanda
- n guirlanda (gir-)
- v guirlandar
- ~ , festoon v guirlandar
- ~ , festoon v guirlandar (gir-j)
garlic n allio
garment (outer) n veste
- n vestimento
- ~ , piece of clothing n vestimento
garnet [Mmeral] n granaio
garnetiferous adj granatifere
garnish n guarnitura
- v guarnir
- ~ , trim, decorate v guarnir
garnishing, trimming, decorating (action of) n guarnimento
garniture n garnition
- n guarnition
- n guarnitura
- ~ , trimming n garnition
- ~ , trimming n guarnitura
garrison n garnison
- n garnison F]
- n garnition
- n guarnition
- v placiar un garnition in
- v placiar un garnition in (un urbe)
- ~ , fort n presidio
garrote (strangle with the garrote) v garrotar
- ~ , garrotte (1. instrument used for garroting; 2. execution by means of the garrote) n garrote H]
- ~ , garrotte (1. instrument used for garroting; 2. execution by means of the garrote) n garrote
garrotte [Amer] n garrotte
garrulity n garrulitate
garrulous adj garrule
garter n garrettiera
gas (gascous substance) n gas
- (gaseous substance) n gas
- (gasoline) n gasolina
- (pass ~) v flatular
- ~ plant, fraxinella [Bot] n fraxinella
- ~ producer n gasogeno
- ~ producer n gasogeno (-ò-)
- ~ station n station de gasolina
- v asphyxiar
- v asphyxiar (con gas)
gas-burner n becco de gas
gas-cooker n furno a gas
gaseous adj gasose
gas-fire n estufa a gas
gash n grande incision
- v facer un grande incision in
gasification n gasification
gasiform, in a gaseous state adj gasiforme
gasify (make gascous) v gasificar
gasket n obturator de junctura
gas-mantle, channel, strait, handcuff n manica
gasoline n gasolina
- ~ , petrol n gasolina
gasometer n gaso-metro
- n gaso-metro (-ò-)
gasp n sufflo compulsive
- n sufflo compulsive (de choc)
- v anhelar
- ~ , pant v anhelar
gasping, panting n anhelation
gas-producing adj gasogene
gasteropod, gastropod [Zool] n gastropodo
- ~ , gastropod [Zool] n gastropodo (-òpodo)
gastralgia [Med] n gastralgia
- [Med] n gastralgia (-ìa)
gastric adj gastric
gastritis [Med] n gastritis
- [Med] n gastritis (-ìtis)
gastroenteric adj gastroenteric
gastroenteritis [Med] n gastroenteritis
- [Med] n gastroenteritis (-ìtis)
gastronome, gastronomist n gastronomo
- ~ , gastronomist n gastronomo (-trò-)
gastronomic adj gastonomic
- adj gastronome
- adj gastronome (-trò)
- adj gastronomic
gastronomy n gastronomia
- n gastronomia (-ìa)
gastropod, gasteropod [Zool] n gastropodo
- ~ , gasteropod [Zool] n gastropodo (-òpodo)
gastropodous, gastropod adj gastropode
- ~ , gastropod adj gastropode (-òpode)
gastroscope [Med] n gastroscopio
gastroscopy n gastroscopia
- n gastroscopia (-ìa)
gastrotomy [Surg] n gastrotomia
- [Surg] n gastrotomia (-ìa)
gastrula [Embryol] n gastrula
gasworks n fabrica de gas
gate n porta
- ~ , door n porta
gateau n torta
- n torta (con crema)
gatecrash v entrar sin invitation
gatekeeper n portero
gateway n porta
- ~ , doorway n porta
gather (1. to pick; 2. to infer) v colliger
- (1. to pick; 2. to infer) v colliger -lig-/-lect-]
- (accumulate, include) v accumular se
- (crops, harvest) v recoltar
- (meet) vi reunir se
- (mentally from) v calmar se
- (mentally from) v componer se
- ~ harvest v recolliger
- ~ harvest v recolliger -lig-/-lect-]
- ~ herbs v herborisar
- ~ in, harvest, reap v recoltar
- vt colliger
- ~ , assemble, troup v attruppar
- ~ , pick v leger
- ~ , pick v leger -leg-/-lect-]
gathering n reunion
- ~ , assembling (act of) n attruppamento
- ~ , crowd n attruppamento
gauche adj inhabile
gaudy adj troppo colorose
gauge n indicator
- v estimar
- v mesurar
Gaul (inhabitant of Gaul) n gallo
- (the land of the Gauls) n Gallia
Gaulish (language) n gallico
gaunt adj emaciate
- adj magre
gauntlet (run the ~) phr currer le guanto
- (throw down the ~) phr jectar le guanto
- n guanto
gauss [Elec] n gauss
gauze n gaza
gay (bright, cheerful) adj gai
- (homosexual) adj gay
- (merry) adj gai
- [Amer] adj homosexual
- n homosexual
- ~ , sprightly adj allegre
gayness, sprightliness n allegressa
gaze n reguardo fixe
- v reguardar fixemente
gaze-at v contemplar
gazelle n gazella
geyser n geyser
- n geyser (géi-)
gear (1. to put into gear; 2. Mech] (mesh) v ingranar
- (apparatus) n mechanismo
- (equipment) n equipamento
- (equipment) n utensiles
- (of car) n velocitate
- (transmission) n ingranage
- (transmission) n transmission
- ~ , gearing n ingranage
gearbox n cassa de velocitates
gearing, gear n ingranage
gear-lever n levator del cambio
geese (wild) n anseres
- [Zool] n ocas
gehenna [Bib] n gehenna
geisha (Japanese service girl) n geisha
- n geisha
- n geisha J]
gelatin n gelatina
gelatine n gelatina
gelatinous adj gelatinose
geld, castrate v castrar
gelder, castrator n castrator
gelding, castration n castration
gem (precious stone, pearl) n gemma
- n gemma
- ~ , adorn with gems v gemmar
geminate adj geminate
- adj geminate (pp of geminar)
- v geminar
gemination n gemination
geminative n geminative
gemini n geminos
gemma [Bot] n gemma
gemmate, bud v gemmar
gemmation, budding n gemmation
gemmed, jeweled adj gemmate
- ~ , jeweled adj gemmate (pp of gemmar)
gemmiferous adj gemmifere
gemmule [Bot] n gemmula
gen- (as in genesis, genetic etc.) occurring in derivatives and compounds] v gen-
- ~ - (as in genitive, progenitor etc.) occurring in derivatives and compounds] v gen-
genal, chin adj genal
gendarme n gendarme
- n gendarme F]
gender [Gram] n genere
- n genere
gene [Biol/Gen] n gene
- n gene
genea- (descent) occurring in compounds] n genea-
genealogical adj genealogic
genealogist n genealogista
- n genealogo
- n genealogo (-à-)
genealogy (1. line of descent; 2. study of descent]) n genealogia (-ìa)
- (1. line of descent; 2. study of descent]) n genealogia
- n genealogia
general (mil) n general
- (universal) adj general
- adj general
- n general
general-election n electiones general
generalissimo n generalissmo
- n generalissmo (-ìssmo)
generality (1. generalness; 2. greatest part, majority; 3 . general statement) n generalitate
generalizable adj generalisabile
generalization (1. act of generalizing; 2. general inference) n generalisation
- n generalisation
generalize v generalisar
generalizer n generalisator
generally adv generalmente
general-practitioner n medico general
generalship (office or tenure of a general) n generalato
generate (produce) v generar
- v generar
generation (1. act of generating; 2. as in three generations) n generation
- n generation
- ~ , begetting n genitura
generative adj generative
- adj genitive
generator [Mech/Elec] n generator
- n generator
generic adj generic
generosity (1. nobleness of mind; 2. liberality) n generositate
- n generositate
- ~ , liberality n largessa
generous (1. noble; 2. liberal) adj generose
- adj generose
genesis (boor of ~) n libro de genesis
- (origin) n genesis
- n bib
- n genese
- n genese (gé-)
- n genesis
- n genesis (gé-)
genetic (1. of genesis; 2. of genetics) adj genetic
- (-s) n genetica
- adj genetic
genetics (the science of genetics) n genetica
Geneva n Geneva
- ~ , Genevan adj genevese
Genevan n genevese
- ~ , Geneva adj genevese
genial adj affabile
- adj cordial
geniculate (bent abruptly at an angle) adj geniculate
geniculation n geniculation
genital adj genital
genitals n organos genital
genitival [Gram] adj genitival
genitive [Gram] n genitivo
- adj genitive
- n genitivo
- ~ , possessive [Gram] adj genitive
genius (1. spirit) n genio
- (man of ~) n genio
- (tutelary) n genio
- ~ , inborn skill, talent n ingenio
Genoa n Genua
genocide n genocidio
genos [Gr. Hist] n genos
- [Gr. Hist] n genos Gr]
genotype n genotypo
- n genotypo (-ò-)
genouillère [Armor] n geniculiera
genre [Art, Lit] n genere
genteel adj de bon tono, elegante
- adj elegante, de bon tono
gentian [Bot] n gentiana
gentianaceous adj gentianacee
gentile (heathen) adj pagan
- (heathen) n pagano
- (non-jew) n gentil
- (non-jew) n goy
- (non-jewish) adj gentil
- (non-jewish) adj goy
- [Ch. Hist] adj gentil
- [Ch. Hist] n gentil
gentiledom [Ch. Hist] n gentilitate
gentilism [Ch. Hist] n gentilismo
gentle (breeze) adj moderate
- adj amabile
- adj dulce
- adj suave
gentleman (as in a real gentleman) n gentilhomine
- (as in a real gentleman) n gentleman
- (as in a real gentleman) n gentleman A]
- n gentilhomine
- n senior
gentleness n amabilitate
- n mansuetude
- n suavitate
genuflect v genuflecter
- v genuflecter flect-/-flex-]
genuflection, genuflexion n genuflexion
genuflexion, genuflection n genuflexion
genuine (1. purebred; 2. real, authentic) adj genuin
- (of person) adj sincer
- (real) adj authentic
- (real) adj genuin
genuineness n genuinitate
genus n genere
geo- (earth) occurring in compounds] n ge-
geocentric (pertaining to or measured from the earth's center) adj geocentric
geode [Geol] n geode
geodesy n geodesia
- n geodesia (-ìa)
geodetic adj geodesic
- adj geodetic
geogenic adj geogenic
geogeny n geogenia
- n geogenia (-ìa)
geognost (one versed in geognosy) n geognosta
geognostic adj geognostic
geognosy n geognosia
- n geognosia (-ìa)
geogonic adj geogonic
geogony n geogonia
- n geogonia (-ìa)
geographer n geographo
- n geographo (-ò-)
geographic adj geographic
geographical adj geographic
geographically adv geographicamente
geography n geographia
- n geographia (-ìa)
geological adj geologic
geologically adv geologicamente
geologist n geologista
- n geologo
- n geologo (-òlogo)
geology (1. science of geology; 2. geological features of a given area) n geologia
- (1. science of geology; 2. geological features of a given area) n geologia (-ìa)
- n geologia
geomancer, geomant n geomante
geomancy n geomantia
- n geomantia (-ìa)
geomant, geomancer n geomante
geomantic adj geomantic
geometer, geometrician n geometra
- ~ , geometrician n geometra (-ò-)
geometric, geometrical adj geometric
geometrical adj geometric
- ~ , geometric adj geometric
geometrically adv geometricamente
geometrician, geometer n geometra
- ~ , geometer n geometra (-ò-)
geometry n geometria
- n geometria (-ìa)
geophysical adj geophysic
geophysics n geophysica
geopolitics n geopolitica
georama v georama
Georgia [Geog] n Georgia
Georgian (1. pertaining to George; 2. pertaining to georgia) adj georgian
geotropic [Biol] adj geotropic
geotropism [Biol] n geotropismo
geranium n geranio
geriatrics n geriatria
germ (bug) n microbio
- (of disease) n germine pathogenic
- (reproductive element) n germine
- n germine
German (1. German language; 2. native of Germany) n germano
- adj german
- adj german
- n germano
- ~ silver, argentan n argentano
germanic adj germanic
- adj germanic
Germanics n germanistica
Germanism n germanismo
Germanist (scholar in Germanics) n germanista
- ~ , Germanistic adj germanistic
Germanistic, Germanist adj germanistic
germanium [Chem] n germanium
- [Chem] n germanium (-mà-)
Germanize (make German) v germanisar
german-measles n roseola
Germanophile adj germanophile
- n germanophilo
- n germanophilo (-ò-)
Germany [Geog] n Germania
- n Germania
germicidal adj germicidal
germicide (substance that kills germs) n germicida
- n germicida
germinate v germinar
germination n germination
germinative adj germinative
geront-, geronto- (old man) occurring in derivatives and compounds] n geront-
gerontocracy n gerontocratia
- n gerontocratia (-ìa)
gerund [Gram] n gerundio
- n gerundio
gerundive [Gram] n gerundivo
- ~ , gerundial [Gram] adj gerundive
Gestapo (secret state police in Nazi Germany) n Gestapo
- (secret state police in Nazi Germany) n Gestapo G]
gestation n gestation
gestatory adj gestatori
gesticulate v gesticular
gesticulation n gesticulation
- ~ , use of gestures n mimica
gesticulator n gesticulator
gesture n gesto
- v exprimer se per gestos
- v gesticular
get (- going) interj vade via!
- (- it, understand) v comprehender
- (a disease) v contraher
- (a disease) v suffrer de
- (acquire) v prender
- (acquire) v procurar
- (become) vi devenir
- (become) vi facer se
- (have got to) v deber
- (make) v facer
- (persuade) v persuader
- (reach) v arrivar a
- (receive) vt ganiar
- (receive) vt obtener
- ~ a word in phr inserer un parola
- ~ along with v intender se
- ~ away, escape v evader
- ~ away, escape v evader -vad-/-vas-]
get-about v displaciarse
get-across v transversar
get-along (be better) v incontrar se melior
- ~ -along (make it) v arrangiar se
- ~ -along (progress) v facer progresso
get-around v ambular
getaway, escape n evasion
get-back (recover) v recuperar
- ~ -back (return) v retornar
get-behind v ir retro
- ~ -behind v vader retro
get-better v recuperar se
- ~ -better v refacer se
- ~ -better v restablir se
get-by v arrangiar se
get-divorced v divorciar se
get-down (descend) v descender
- ~ -down (move to the beat) v dansar al rhythmo
get-drunk v inebriar se
get-engaged v fidantiar se
get-for-oneself v procurar se
Gethsemane n Gethsemani
- n Gethsemani (-sé-)
get-in (a car, bus) v montar se
- ~ -in (inside) v entrar
get-in-bed phr/v ir al lecto
- ~ -in-bed v mitter se in lecto
get-in-the-sack-with v compartir le lecto con
get-in-touch v mitter se in contacto
get-lost v perder se
get-married v maritar se
get-off (down) v descender de
- ~ -off (satisfy oneself) v contentar se
- ~ -off (satisfy oneself) v satisfacer se
get-on (board) v montar
- ~ -on (fare) v succeder
get-out (leave) v partir
- ~ -out (portion) v obtener
- ~ -out (portion) v reciper un portion
get-over v superar
get-ready v preparar se
get-rid-of v eliminar
get-stuck v bloccar se
get-the-better-of v superar
- ~ -the-better-of v vincer
get-the-boot v esser dimittite
get-the-sack v esser dimittite
get-through (by) v penetrar
- ~ -through (reach, arrive) v acceder
- ~ -through (reach, arrive) v attinger
get-up (rise) v levar se
get-wet v esser molliate
geyser n geyser
Ghana [Geog] n Ghana
ghastly adj horribile
gherkin n cornichon
- n cornichon F]
ghetto n ghetto
- n ghetto (gét-)
Ghibelline [Ital. Hist] adj ghibellin
- [Ital. Hist] adj ghibellin (gi-)
ghost (holy spirit, holy ~) n spirito sancte
- n phantasma
- n spectro
- ~ , specter n spectro
giant adj gigante
- n gigante
gibberish, jargon, galimatias n galimatias
- ~ , jargon, galimatias n galimatias (-ìas)
gibbosity, gibbousness n gibbositate
gibbous, hunched, humped adj gibbose
gibbousness, gibbosity n gibbositate
Gibraltar [Geog] n Gibraltar
giddiness n vertigine
- ~ , vertigo, dizziness n vertigine
giddy n vertiginose
Gideon n Gedeon
gift (1. present; 2. natural ability) n dono
- n dono
gifted adj talentose
gigabit n gigabit
- n mille megabits
gigabyte n gigabyte
- n mille megabytes
gigantic adj gigantesc
- adj gigantic
gigantomachy n gigantomachia
- n gigantomachia (-ìa)
giggle v rider stupidemente
gild (make of gold) v aurar
- v aurar
gill (fish -s) n branchia
- ~ , branchia [Zool] n branchia
gillyflower, clove pink n caryophyllo
- ~ , clove pink n caryophyllo (-riò-)
- ~ , stock n matthiola
gilt adj aurate
- adj dorate
- n doratura
gimlet (cross handled boring tool) n guimbelet
gimmick n artificio
- n stratagema
- n trucco
gin (alcoholic beverage flavored with juniper berries) n gin
- (alcoholic beverage flavored with juniper berries) n gin A]
- (drink) n gin
- (trap) n trappa
ginger adj rosse
- n gingibre
- n gingibre (jinjìbre)
gingerbread n pan de gingibre
gingerly adv delicatemente
ginger-up v animar
- ~ -up v stimular
gingival adj gingival
gingivitis n gingivitis
- n gingivitis (-ìtis)
ginseng n ginseng
- n ginseng (jìnséng)
gipsy adj tsigan
- n tsigano
giraffe n girafa
- n girafa (jiràfa)
- n giraffa
girasol, girasole [Mineral] n girasol
girasole, girasol [Mineral] n girasol
gird on v cinger
- ~ on v cinger cing-/cinct-]
- ~ up v succinger
- ~ up v succinger -cing-/-cinct-]
- v cincturar
- v cinger
- ~ , girdle v cinger
- ~ , girdle v cinger cing-/cinct-]
girded adj cingite
girder n trave
- n trave (de aciero)
girdle n cinctura
- v cinger
- ~ , belt v cincturar
- ~ , corset n corset
- ~ , corset n corset F]
- ~ , gird v cinger
- ~ , gird v cinger cing-/cinct-]
girl (young) n pupa
- n puella
- n puera
- n puera (pùera)
- n pupa
Giro [Commer] n giro
- [Commer] n giro I]
girt, girth, cinch up v cingular
girth, cinch up, girt v cingular
- ~ , cingle, cinch (saddle) n cingula
git interj vade via!
- ~ interj vade!
give (donate) vt donar
- ~ a circumstantial or detailed account of v circumstantiar
- ~ a gratuity to v gratificar
- ~ a kiss to, kiss v oscular
- ~ a patent to v patentar
- ~ a roseate tint to, rose v rosar
- ~ a shower, a shower bath v duchar
- ~ a shower, a shower bath v duchar (-sh-)
- ~ a spindle shape to, spindle (as in to spindle a column) v affusar
- ~ a treelike appearance to, arborize v arborisar
- ~ an advantage to v avantagiar
- ~ an advantage to v avantagiar (-ajar)
- ~ attention to, attend to v attender
- ~ attention to, attend to v attender -tend-/-tent-]
- ~ back, return v render
- ~ birth to, bear v parer
- ~ birth to, bear v parer par-/part-]
- ~ birth to, bear, adopt (a child, a litter, etc) v filiar
- ~ brilliance to, cause to be brilliant v brillantar
- ~ cadence or rhythm to v cadentiar
- ~ fresh life to, recreate v recrear
- ~ luster to, polish v lustrar
- ~ notice, advise v advertir
- ~ one goose flesh, make one's hair stand on end v horripilar
- ~ or administer medicine to v medicinar
- ~ or proclaim amnesty, amnesty (to) v amnestiar
- ~ refuge v refugiar
- ~ renown to, celebrate v renominar
- ~ the alarm to, alarm v allertar
- ~ the breast to, suckle n atettar
- ~ the lie to v dismentir
- v dar
- vi ceder
- vt dar
- ~ , donate v donar
- ~ , present v munerar
- ~ , teach (a class, course) v regentar
give-away (betray) v revelar
- ~ -away (betray) v trair
- ~ -away (distribute) v distribuer
- ~ -away (distribute) v facer dono de
give-back v restituer
give-forth v divulgar
give-in v ceder
- ~ -in v render se
give-off v emitter
give-out (exhausted) v esser exhauste
- ~ -out (exhausted) v restar rendite
- ~ -out (hand out) v distribuer
- ~ -out (hand out) v repartir
- ~ -out (release news) v proclamar
giver n dator
give-thanks v render gratias
give-up (abandon) v abandonar
- ~ -up (cease) v desister de
- ~ -up (hand over) vt render
- ~ -up (part with) v relinquer
- ~ -up (renounce) v renunciar
- ~ -up (surrender) vi ceder
giving birth, bearing n filiation
- ~ offence adj scandalose
- ~ pain, distressing adj afflictive
- ~ the argument of, expository [Lit] adj argumentative
glacé (1. having lustre; 2. coated with icing) adj glacé
- (1. having lustre; 2. coated with icing) adj glacé F]
glacial (1. as in glacial phenomena; 2. icy, ice-cold) n glacial
glaciate, freeze, ice v glaciar
glacier n glaciero
glacis [Fortif] n glacis
- [Fortif] n glacis F]
glad adj contente
- adj felice
gladiator n gladiator
gladiatorial adj gladiatori
- ~ combat n gladiatura
gladiola, gladiolus n gladiolo
- ~ , gladiolus n gladiolo (-ì-)
gladiolus, gladiola n gladiolo
- ~ , gladiola n gladiolo (-ì-)
gladly adv de bon voluntate
glamor, prestige n prestigio
glamorize v render attractive
glamorous adj attractive
- adj incantator
glamour n fascino
- n incantamento
glance at, eye v ocular
- n reguardo
- ~ , look n reguardo
glance-at v ocular
gland [Physiol] n aden
- [Physiol] n aden Gr]
- n aden
- n glandula
glandiferous, bearing acorns adj glandifere
glandiform, acorn-shaped adj glandiforme
glandular adj glandular
glandulous adj glandulose
- ~ , adenose adj adenose
glare (gesture) n reguardo feroce
- (of light) n fulgor
- (of light) n lumine cecante
- v jectar un reguardo menaciante
glass (1. as in made of glass; 2. drinking glass) n vitro
- (for drinking) n bicario
- (for drinking) n vitro
- (substance) n vitro
- ~ window (stained ~) n vitriera
- ~ works n crystalleria
- ~ works n crystalleria (-ìa)
glasses n berillos
- n oculares
glassmaker n crystallero
glassware store n crystalleria
- ~ store n crystalleria (-ìa)
glassy adj vitree
glaucoma [Pathol] n glaucoma
glaze (as in to glaze earthenware) v smaltar
- v vitrar
- ~ , furnish with glass v vitrar
- ~ , gloss, satin v satinar
glazier n vitrero
gleam v scintillar
glean v facer spicilegio
gleaning n spicilegio
glee n allegressa
glib adj volubile
glide (slide) v glissar
- [Aeronaut] v planar
- n glissamento
- v aeron
- ~ , wriggle v serper
glider [Aeronaut] n planator
- n planator
glimmer n luce debile
glimpse (catch a- of) v intervider
- (catch a- of) v vider pro un instante
- n breve vision
glint n reflexion
- n scintillation
- v scintillar
glisten v brillar
glitter n scintillation
- v relucer
- ~ , scintillate, sparkle v scintillar
- ~ , shine v relucer
gloat v contemplar con satisfaction
global adj global
- ~ , world-wide adj global
globally adv globalmente
globe (1. sphere, ball; 2. earth; 3. celestial or terrestial globe; 4. globe of a lamp) n globo
- (map) n globo
- (map) n globo (terrestre)
- (sphere) n globo
- (sphere) n sphera
- ~ , ball n bolla
globe-shaped, globose, spherical adj globose
globetrotter n globe-trotter
- n globe-trotter A]
globoid n globoide
globose, spherical, globe-shaped adj globose
globosity, sphericity n globositate
globular (1. composed of globules; 2. spherical) adj globulose
- ~ , spherical adj globular
globule n globulo
glomerule [Bot] n glomerulo
- ~ , glomerulus [Anat] n glomerulo
glomerulus, glomerule [Anat] n glomerulo
gloom (darkness) n obscuritate
- (of mind) n depression
- (of mind) n tristessa
gloomy adj lugubre
- adj triste
Gloria (as in the Gloria Patri) R.C.Ch] n gloria
glorification n glorification
glorifier n glorificator
glorify v glorificar
glorious adj gloriose
glory (1. praise, fame, splendor; 2. Relig. Art] (as in Christ in glory) n gloria
- n gloria
gloss (explain by glosses) v glossar
- (explain) v interpretar
- (explanation, rendering) n glossa
- (glaze) v satinar
- (note) n glossa
- (sheen) n lustro
- (sheen) n politura
- ~ , luster n politura
- ~ , satin, glaze v satinar
glossary n glossario
glossator, writer of glosses n glossator
glossing, lustering (act of) n lustrage
- ~ , lustering (act of) n lustrage (-aje)
glossitis [Pathol] n glossitis
- [Pathol] n glossitis (-ìtis)
glossotomy, excision of the tongue [Med] n glossotomia
- ~ , excision of the tongue [Med] n glossotomia (-ìa)
glossy adj lustrose
glottal, glottic adj glottic
glottic, glottal adj glottic
glottis [Anat/Zool] n glotta
glove n guanto
- ~ shop n guanteria
- ~ shop n guanteria (-ìa)
- v guantar
glovemaker, glover n guantero
glover, glovemaker n guantero
glow n brillantia
- ~ or gleam red v rutilar
- v caler
- v incandescer
glower v jectar un reguardo menaciante
glowworm n lampyride
- n lampyride (-pì-)
gluc- (sweet) occurring in derivatives] adj gluc-
glucate [Chem] n glucato
glucic [Chem] adj glucic
glucina [Chcm] n glucina
glucinum [Chem] n glucinum
- [Chem] n glucinum (-ìn-)
glucose n glucosa
- ~ , glycose [Chem] n glucosa
glucoside n glucosido
glue n colla
- n glutine
- ~ one's eyes to, fix one's eyes upon v adocular
- ~ together, conglutinate v conglutinar
- v collar
- v glutinar
- ~ , paste n colla
- ~ , paste v collar
gluey, sticky adj collose
glum adj melancholic
- adj triste
glumaceous adj glumacee
glume, husk [Bot] n gluma
glumose, glumous adj glumose
glumous, glumose adj glumose
glut n superabundantia
gluten n glutine
glutinous, sticky adj glutinose
glutinousness, stickiness n glutinositate
glutton (1. gormandizer; 2. Zool] (wolverine) n glutton
- n glutton
gluttonize, gormandize v gluttonisar
gluttonous adj glutte
gluttony n gluttonia
- n gluttonia (-ìa)
glyccrite [Chem] n glycerito
glyceral [Chem] n glyceral
glycerate [Chem] n glycerato
glyceric [Chem] adj glyceric
glyceride [Chem] n glycerido
glycerin [Chem] n glycerina
glycerine n glycerina
glycerol [Chem] n glycerol
glycerophosphate [Chcm] n glycerophosphato
glycerophosphoric [Chem] adj glycerophosphoric
glyceryl [Chem] n glyceryl
glycic [Chem] adj glycic
glycide [Chem] n glycido
glycidic [Chem] adj glycidic
glycin [Chem] n glycina
glycocoll [Chem] n glycocolla
glycogen [Biochem] n glycogeno
- [Biochem] n glycogeno (-ò-)
glycogenic, glycogenous [Biochem] adj glycogenic
glycogenous, glycogenic [Biochem] adj glycogene
glycol [Chcm] n glycol
glycose, glucose [Chem] n glucosa
glycy-, glyc-, glyco- (sweet) occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj glycy-
glycyrrhiza, licorice (1. Bot]; 2. Pharm]) n liquiritia
- ~ , licorice n glycyrrhiza
glycyrrhizin n glycyrrhizina
glyph- (carving) occurring in derivatives and compounds] n glyph-
gnarled adj nodose
- ~ , knotty adj nodose
gnash v facer strider
- v facer strider (le dentes)
gnat n culice
- n culice (cù-)
- n mosquito
gnatlike, gnat-shaped, mosquito-like adj culiciforme
gnat-shaped, mosquito-like, gnatlike adj culiciforme
gnaw v roder
- v roder rod-/ros-]
gneiss n gneis
- n gneis G]
gnome (aphorism) n gnoma
- (goblin) n gnomo
- ~ , aphorism n gnoma
gnomic, aphoristic adj gnomic
gnomologic adj gnomologic
gnomologist n gnomologista
gnomology n gnomologia
- n gnomologia (-ìa)
gnomon (1. index rod on sundial; 2. Geom]) n gnomone
gnomonic adj gnomonic
gnomonics (the art of constructing sundials) n gnomonica
gnosis [Metaph] n gnosis
Gnostic adj gnostic
- adj gnostic
- n gnostico
Gnosticism n gnosticismo
gnu n gnu
go (become) v devenir
- (depart) v partir
- (move) v ir
- (move) v vader
- (turn) n tentativa
- (turn) n torno
- (vim) n vigor
- (work) v functionar
- ~ across, go through v transir
- ~ and come, pass to and fro v commear
- ~ beyond v ultrapassar
- ~ deeply into v profundar
- ~ deeply into, fathom, investigate v approfundar
- ~ forward, progress v progreder
- ~ forward, progress v progreder -gred-/-gress-]
- ~ into liquidation, to be liquidated v liquidar
- ~ mad, develop rabies v rabiar
- ~ on a pilgrimage v pelegrinar
- ~ on foot phr ir a pede
- ~ on vehicle (ride) phr montar
- ~ or come out again v resortir
- ~ or come out v exir
- ~ or come out v sortir
- ~ or move back, backward, down v regreder
- ~ or move back, backward, down v regreder -gred-/-gress-]
- ~ or move back, backward, down v regressar
- ~ round after, solicit v ambir
- ~ round, encompass v circumferer
- ~ round, surround (something) v ambir
- ~ through, examine, check (documents, books) v compulsar
- ~ through, go across v transir
- ~ to bed v ir al lecto
- v ir
- v vader
- v vader vad-/-vas-]
- v /interj vade!
- ~ , pass v mear
- ~ , walk round, to circuit v circuir
- ~ , walk round, to circuit v circuir (-ìr)
go-about v avantiar
- ~ -about v facer progressos
- ~ -about v occupar se de
goad n stimulo
- v stimular
goading (action of) n stimulation
go-ahead n permission
goal (aim) n scopo
- (sport) n goal
- ~ goal-keeper ¬A Sports] n goal
- ~ goal-keeper ¬A Sports] n goal A]
goal-keeper n goal-keeper
goalpost n palo
goat (male, billy) n capro
- [Fem] n capra
- n capra
goatherd n caprero
goat-like, caprine adj caprin
go-away (leave) interj vade via!
- ~ -away (leave) interj vade!
- ~ -away v partir
go-back (date from) v remontar a
- ~ -back v retornar
gobble v devorar
goblet n calice
- ~ , beaker, tumbler n bicario
- ~ , cup n cuppa
goblin n gnomo
- n spirito maligne
god n bib
- n deo
godchild n filiolo
- ~ -child n filiolo
goddaughter n filiola
goddess n dea
godfather (spiritual kinsman by the sacrament of baptism) n compatre
- n patrino
- ~ -father n patrino
god-forsaken adj deserte
- ~ -forsaken adj triste
godless adj athee
godly (godlike, divine) adj divin
- adj devote
- adj pie
godmother (spiritual kinswoman by the sacrament of baptism) n commatre
- n matrina
go-down (descend) v descender
- ~ -down (founder) v affundar se
godparent (female) n matrina
- (male) n patrino
godsend n fortuna inexpectate
godson n filiolo
goggles n berillos protective
go-in v entrar
going (departure) n partita
- (sport) n stato del pista
- ~ round, circuition n circuition
go-into v entrar
gold (golden) adj de auro
- (ore) n auro
- ~ filling (making of a) Dent] n aurification
- n auro
gold-bearing, auriferous adj aurifere
golden (in colour) adj aurate
- (in colour) adj auree
- (made of gold) adj de auro
- adj auree
- ~ red, rutilant adj rutile
- ~ yellow adj flave
goldfish n pisce aurate
goldmine n mina de auro
goldsmith n aurifice
- n aurifice (-rì-)
golf (- club) n club de golf
- (stick) n massa de golf
- n golf
- n golf A]
golfball n balla de golf
golfcourse n percurso de golf
golfer n jocator de golf
Gomorrah, Gomorrha n Gomorrha
gondola n gondola
- n gondola (gòn-) I]
gondolier n gondolero
gong n gong
Gongorism, cultism n cultismo
gonio-, gon- (angle) occurring in derivatives and compounds] n goni-
goniometer n goniometro
- n goniometro (-ò-)
goniometric adj goniometric
goniometry n goniometria
- n goniometria (-ìa)
gono-, gon- (generation, offspring, semen) occurring in compounds] n gono-
gonorrhea [Pathol] n gonorrhea
- [Pathol] n gonorrhea (-éa)
-gony (generation, origin) occurring in compounds] n -gonia
- ~ -gony (generation, origin) occurring in compounds] n -gonia (-ìa)
good (as in the good and the beautiful) n bono
- (for ~) adv pro sempre
- (it is no ~) phr es inutile
- (that which is good) n ben
- adj bon
- ~ fellow, good-natured man n bonhomo
- ~ fortune, prosperity n felicitate
- ~ nature, good-heartedness n bonhomia
- ~ nature, good-heartedness n bonhomia (-ìa)
- ~ will, benevolence n benevolentia
- ~ will, favor n favor
- ~ wishes, congratulation n gratulation
good-afternoon phr Greet]
good-bye (goodby) phr adeo
- ~ -bye (see you later) phr a revider nos
- ~ -bye phr Greet]
good-day phr bon die
good-evening phr bon vespere
good-for-nothing adj inutile
good-friday n venerdi sancte
good-heartedness, good nature n bonhomia
- ~ -heartedness, good nature n bonhomia (-ìa)
good-humoured adj de bon humor
good-intentions n bon intentiones
good-job interj ben facite
- ~ -job interj bon travalio
good-looking adj belle
- ~ -looking adj de belle aspecto
good-morning phr Greet]
good-natured adj affabile
- ~ -natured adj de tono amical
- ~ -natured man, good fellow n bonhomo
goodness n bonitate
good-night phr bon nocte
goods n mercantias
- n merce
goods-train n traino de mercantias
- ~ -train n traino de merces
good-tempered adj de bon humor
good-will n bon voler
go-off (depart) v partir
- ~ -off (explode) v exploder
- ~ -off (tantrum) v exploder de ira
go-on v continuar
- ~ -on v proceder
goose (as in goose liver) adj anserin
- (wild) n ansere
- [Zool] n oca
- ~ flesh, horripilation n horripilation
- n ansere
- n ansere (àn-)
- n oca
gooseberry n grossula
- ~ -berry n grossula
- ~ , grossular adj grossular
go-out (fire) v extinguer se
- ~ -out (leave) v exir
- ~ -out (leave) v sortir
gopher, spermophile n spermophilo
- ~ , spermophile n spermophilo (-mò-)
gore n sanguine
- v cornar
gorge n gorga
- n ravina
- v plenar (se) con nutrimento
- v plenar con nutrimento
- ~ , throat, gullet n gorga
gorgeous adj magnific
- adj splendide
gorilla n gorilla
gormandize, gluttonize v gluttonisar
gory adj sanguinose
gospel n evangelio
gossip (gossiping woman) n commatre
- (ing) n commatrage
- (ing) n commatrage (-aje)
- (person) n commatre
- (talk) n commatrage
- v commatrar
Goth n gotho
Gothic (1. Gothic language; 2. Arch/Art]; 3. Typog] (black letter) n gothico
- (1. pertaining to the Goths; 2. Arch/Art]; 3. Typog] (blackletter) adj gothic
- adj gothic
go-to-hell (insult) phr mori te!
- ~ -to-hell (insult) phr vade te al inferno!
gouge n gubia
- v cavar
- v cavar (con le gubia)
goulash n gulash
- n gulash (gù-)
go-up v montar
gourmand, epicure n gourmand
- ~ , epicure n gourmand F]
gourmet n gastronomo
- n gourmet
- ~ , connoisseur (in food and drink) n gourmet
- ~ , connoisseur (in food and drink) n gourmet F]
gouty adj guttose
govermental adj governamental
govern (1. to direct, control; 2. Gram]) v reger
- (1. to direct, control; 2. Gram]) v reger reg-/rect-;-rig-/-rect-]
- (rule, direct, control) v governar
- v governar
- ~ , rule over v imperar
governable adj governabile
governess n governante
government (1. rule, direction, control; 2. body of persons governing a State) n governamento
- n governamento
governmental adj governamental
governor n governator
go-without (make do and ~) v arrangiar se con e contentarse sin
- ~ -without vt contentar se sin
gown (academic) n toga
- (woman's) n roba
- ~ , habit n cotta
- ~ , robe (of office) n toga
grab v sasir
Gracchus [Rom. Hist] n Graccho
grace (1. gracefulness; 2. graciousness; 3. mercy, clemency) n gratia
- (your ~) n vostre excellentia
- n gratia
- v gratiar
- ~ , mercy, clemency n mercede
graceful adj gratiose
gracious adj gratiose
graciousness n gratiositate
-grad (town, city) occurring in compounds] n -grad
- ~ -grad (town, city) occurring in compounds] n -grad R]
gradation (gradual change) n gradation
grade (mark) n nota
- n grado
- ~ off, grade (color) Art] v degradar
- v classificar
- v graduar
- ~ , grade off (color) Art] v degradar
- ~ , mark [School] n nota
grader, graduator n graduator
gradient [Meteorol/Physiol] n gradiente
- adj gradiente
gradual adj gradual
gradually adv gradualmente
- ~ , by degrees, little by little, a little at a time adv paulatim (-là-)
- ~ , by degrees, little by little, a little at a time adv paulatim
gradualness n gradualitate
graduate (1. one who has received an academic or professional degree; 2. graduated measuring cup, tube) n graduato
- (1. to mark with degrees for measuring; 2. to grade, arrange in gradations; 3. to confer an academic or professional degree upon) v graduar
- adj graduate
- adj graduate (pp of graduar)
- n graduato
- v graduar se
graduation (1. gradation, arrangement in degrees or gradations; 2. division into degrees; 3. action of conferring or receiving an academic or professional degree) n graduation
- n graduation
- ~ , shading off (of colors) n degradation
graduator, grader n graduator
Graeco-Roman, Greco-Roman adj grecoroman
graffiti n graffiti
graft (shoot used in grafting) Hort] n graffo
- [Hort] v graffar
- [Hort] v inocular
- n inoculation
- v inocular
- v insertar
grafter [Hort] n graffator
grafting [Hort] n inoculation
Grail n gral
grain (1. as in a grain of sand; 2. Meas]) n grano
- (crop) n cereales
- (of sand, seed) n grano
- ~ , corn (1. seed of cereal grasses; 2. as in grain market, corn exchange) n grano
- ~ , vein v venar
grainy, granular adj granose
gram (-amme) n gramma
- ~ -gram [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n -gramma
- ~ -gram [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n -gramma -ma/-mat-]
- n gramma
grammar n grammatica
grammarian n grammatico
grammatical adj grammatic
- adj grammatical
grammatically adv grammaticamente
gramme n gramma
gramophone n grammophono
- n grammophono (-ò-)
granary n granario
grand adj grandiose
- adj imponente
- adj magnific
- ~ , imposing adj grandiose
- ~ , stately adj pompose
grand-child [Fem] n granfilia
- ~ -child [Masc] n granfilio
- n nepto
- ~ , grandson n nepote
grand-children n granfilios
granddaughter n granfilia
- ~ -daughter n granfilia
- n nepta
grandee Grande Britannia npr Great britain n grande
grandeur n grandiositate
- n magnificentia
grandfather n avo
- n granpatre
- ~ -father n granpatre
grandiloquence n grandiloquentia
grandiloquent adj grandiloquente
grandiose adj grandiose
grandisonous, grandisonant adj grandisone
grandmother n ava
- n granmatre
- ~ -mother n granmatre
grand-parent [Fem] n granmatre
- ~ -parent [Masc] n granpatre
grand-parents n granpatres
grand-piano (grand ~) n piano de cauda
- ~ -piano n piano de cauda
grandson n granfilio
- ~ -son n granfilio
- ~ , grandchild n nepote
grandstand n tribuna
- ~ -stand n tribuna
- ~ -stand n tribuna (de honor)
graniform adj graniforme
granite n granito
granitic adj granitic
granitoid, granitoidal adj granitoide
granivore n granivoro
- n granivoro (-ì-)
granivorous adj granivore
grant (academic) n bursa
- (academic) n stipendio
- (land) n concession
- (money) n subvention
- (take for -ed) v presupponer
- ~ a diploma to v diplomar
- ~ a privilege, privilege v privilegiar
- ~ letters patent to (someone) v brevetar
- v accordar
- v conceder
- ~ , accord v accordar
- ~ , concede v conceder
- ~ , concede v conceder -ced-/-cess-]
- ~ , concede v impartir
- ~ , concession n concession
grantable adj accordabile
granular granular adj granular
- ~ , grainy adj granose
- ~ , granuliform adj granuliforme
- ~ , granulose adj granulose
granulater, granulator n granulator
granulation n granulation
granulator, granulater n granulator
granule n granulo
granuliferous adj granulifere
granuliform, granular adj granuliforme
granulite [Mineral] n granulite
granulose, granular adj granulose
grape mildew, mildew (vine) n mildew
- ~ mildew, mildew (vine) n mildew A]
- n uva
grapefruit (1. fruit of the grapefruit tree; 2. grapefruit tree) n pompelmus (-mùs)
- (1. fruit of the grapefruit tree; 2. grapefruit tree) n pompelmus
- ~ -fruit n pompelmus
grapes, bunch of grapes n uva
grape-vine n bot
- ~ -vine n Fig]
- ~ , vine n vite
-graph (1. as in epigraph; 2. as in seismograph) occurring in compounds] n -grapho
- n graphico
graphic (1. pertaining to writing, drawing; 2. pertaining to graphs) adj graphic
- adj graphic
- ~ arts n graphica
graphite n graphite
- ~ , black lead n plumbagine
graphitic adj graphitic
graphological adj graphologic
graphologist n graphologo
- n graphologo (-phò-)
graphology (study of handwriting) n graphologia
- (study of handwriting) n graphologia (-ìa)
grapple v luctar
grasp (a tool, weapon) v impugnar
- (mentally) v apprender
- (take hold) v caper
- (take hold) v sasir
- n prisa
- ~ , hold (action of seizing, taking hold of, etc) n prisa
- ~ , seize v caper
- ~ , seize v caper cap-/capt-;-cip-/-cept-]
- ~ , seize, clutch v impugnar
grasping, mercenary adj mercantil
grass n herba
grasshopper (member of the family Acridiidae exclusive of locusts) Entom] n locusta
- n saltator
- ~ -hopper n saltator
grassy, herbose adj herbose
grate (1. grating; 2. frame of iron bars holding a fire) n grillia
- (as in to grate cheese) v raspar
- n grillia
- v grattar
grateful adj grate
- ~ , thankful adj grate
grater, rasp, scraper n raspator
gratification n gratification
gratify (a whim) v satisfacer
- (content) v contentar
- (content) v gratificar
- v gratificar
grating, lattice work n grilliage
- ~ , lattice work n grilliage (-aje)
- ~ , railings, lattice enclosure n cancello
gratis (free of charge) adv gratis
- ~ , free (of charge) adv gratis
- ~ , free (of charge) adv gratis (qrà-) L]
gratitude n gratitude
gratuitous (1. gratis, free; 2. uncalled for, unwarranted) adj gratuite (-ù-)
- (1. gratis, free; 2. uncalled for, unwarranted) adj gratuite
gratuity n gratification
- n pourboire
gravamen, grievance n gravamine
grave (1. solemn, important; 2. low-pitched, deep) adj grave
- (serious) adj grave
- (tomb) n fossa
- (tomb) n sepulcro
- (tomb) n sepultura
- (tomb) n tumba
- ~ , pit, cavity n fossa
- ~ , tomb n tumba
gravelliness, sandiness n arenositate
gravelly, sandy adj arenose
graven, carved, sculptured adj sculpte
grave-stone n lapide sepulcral
grave-yard n cemeterio
- ~ , cemetery n cemeterio
gravid (pregnant) adj gravide
gravidity (pregnancy) n graviditate
- ~ , pregnancy n graviditate
gravitate [Phys] v gravitar
- v gravitar
gravitation [Phys] n gravitation
- n gravitation
gravity (1. Phys]; 2. seriousness, importance; 3. lowness of pitch) n gravitate
- n gravitate
gravure (art engraving) n gravura
- (art engraving) n gravure
- ~ , engraving (1. art of engraving; 2. print made from an engraved plate) n gravure F]
- ~ , engraving (1. art of engraving; 2. print made from an engraved plate) n gravure
gravy n sauce
- n succo de carne
- ~ , sauce n sauce
- ~ , sauce n sauce F]
gray (grey) n gris
graze (of cattle) v pasturar
- (touch) v rader
- (wound) v excoriar
- ~ , brush (against) v rader
- ~ , brush (against) v rader rad-/ras-]
- ~ , excoriate, bark v excoriar
- ~ , pasture (1. to take or drive to pasture; 2. to browse) v pascer
- ~ , pasture (1. to take or drive to pasture; 2. to browse) v pascer pasc-/past-]
- ~ , pasture (browse) v pasturar
grease n grassia
- v grassiar
- v ingrassar
- ~ , fat n grassia
- ~ , oil v olear
grease-proof adj impermeabile al grassia
greasy adj grasse
- ~ , oily adj oleose
great (1. big, large; 2. as in great man, great lord) adj grande
- (a - deal) adj multo
- (big) adj grande
- (eminent) adj celebre
- (eminent) adj magne
- ~ expense n dispendio
- v alue, preciousness n preciositate
- ~ , eminent adj magne
great-aunt n granamita
- ~ -aunt n granamita (-nà-)
Great-Britain [Geog] n Grande Britannia
greatcoat, overcoat n paletot
- ~ , overcoat n paletot F]
greatest, highest, maximal adj maxime
- ~ , highest, maximal adj maxime (màx-)
great-grandfather n bisavo
- ~ -grandfather n granpatre secunde
great-grandmother n bisava
- ~ -grandmother n granmatre secunde
greatly adv multo
great-nephew n grannepto
greatness (1. size; 2. grandeur) n grandor
- n grandor
great-niece n grannepta
great-uncle n granoncle
Grecian, Greek adj grec
Grecism, Hellenism (1. Grecian quality; 2. Greek idiom) n grecismo
Grecize, Hellenize v grecisar
Greck (1. Greek language; 2. inhabitant of Greece) n greco
Greco-Roman, Graeco-Roman adj grecoroman
Greece [Geog] n Grecia
- n Grecia
greed n avaritia
- ~ , greediness, avidity n aviditate
greediness, avidity, greed n aviditate
greedy adj avar
- adj avide
- ~ , avid adj avide
- ~ , avid adj avide (à-)
greek adj grec
- adj hellenic
- ~ fret, key pattern, meander [Art] n greca
- n greco
- ~ , Grecian adj grec
green (the color) n verde
- adj verde
- n verde
- ~ , unripe adj crude
green-belt phr zona verde
greenery n verdura
green-grocer n fructero
- ~ -grocer n verdurero
- ~ , fruiterer n fructero
green-grocery n fructos e verdura
green-house n conservatorio
Green-land [Geog] n Grenlandia
- n Groenlandia
- ~ , Greenlandic groenlandese adj groenlandese
green-lander n groenlandese
Greenlandic groenlandese, Greenland adj groenlandese
greens (green vegetables) n verdura
- (political party) n le Verdes
- [Bot] n verduras
greet v salutar
greeter, saluter n salutator
greeting (salutation) n salute
- ~ , salute n salute
gregarious (tending to flock or herd together) adj gregari
- adj gregari
gremial [Eccl] n gremial
Grenada [Geog] n Grenada
grenade n granata
- ~ , shell [Mil] n granata
grenadier [Mil] n granatero
- [Mil] n grenadier
- [Mil] n grenadier F]
grenadine (sirup of pomegranates) n grenadina
grey (gray) n gris
greyhound n leporario
- ~ -hound n leporario
grid [Elec] n grillia
- n grillia
gridiron, grill n grillia
grief n dolor
- ~ , sorrow n dolo
grievance n gravamine
- ~ , gravamen n gravamine
grieve vi affliger se
- vt affliger
- vt penar
grievous adj dolorose
- adj grave
griffin [Gr. Mythol] n grypho
griffon vulture n grypho
grill n grillia
- v grilliar
- v rostir
- ~ , gridiron n grillia
- ~ , roast, broil [Cookery] v rostir
grille n grillia
grilled food n grilliada
grilling (action of) n grilliada
- ~ , roasting, broiling [Cookery] n rostimento
grillroom, rotisserie n rotisserie
- ~ , rotisserie n rotisserie F]
grim adj cruel
- adj menaciante
- adj sever
- adj sinistre
grimace n grimasse
- v facer grimasses
- v grimassar
- ~ , make wry faces v grimassar
- ~ , wry face n grimasse
- ~ , wry face n grimasse F]
grime n immunditia
grimy adj immunde
grin n surriso
- v surrider
- v surrider (monstrante le dentes)
grind (as in to grind coffee) v moler
- n labor monotone
- vi functionar ruitosemente
- vt moler
grindstone n mola
grip (bag) n sacco de viage
- (handle) n impugnatura
- (handle) n manico
- (hold) n prisa
- (of tyres) n adherentia
- v impugnar
- v sasir
- v stringer
gripe (affect with colic pains) v dar colica a
- (complain) v querelar
grippe [Pathol] n grippe
- [Pathol] n grippe F]
grisaille n grisalia
grisette (French girl of the working class) n grisette
- (French girl of the working class) n grisette F]
gristle n cartilagine
grit (an icy road) v sablar
- (fig) n fortia de chararcter
- (stony sand) n arena
- (the teeth) v interfricar
gritty adj arenose
grizzly (bear) n grizzly
- (bear) n grizzly A]
- adj grizzly
- adj urso gris
groan n gemito
- v gemer
- ~ , whine n gemito
- ~ , whine n gemito (gé-)
groaning, sighing n gemimento
grocer n speciero
groceries (collectively) n specieria
- (collectively) n specieria (-ìa)
grocer's-shop n specieria
grocery (store) n specieria
- (store) n specieria (-ìa)
- n specieria
grog n grog
- n grog A]
groin n inguine
groom (bridegroom) n sponso
- (for horses) n groom
- (manservant) n groom
- (manservant) n groom A]
- n staffero
- v curar
groove (channel) n cannellatura
- (record) n sulco
- v cannellar
- ~ , channel n cannellatura
- ~ , channel, flute v cannellar
grooved, fluted adj cannellate
- ~ , fluted adj cannellate (ppr of cannellar)
grope v cercar tastante
gross (12 dozen) n grossa
- (bulk) n grosso
- (coarse) adj grossier
- (total) adj brute
- (unit consisting of twelve dozen) n grossa
- [Commer] adj brute
grossular, gooseberry adj grossular
grotesque adj grottesc
- n grottesco
grotto n grotta
grouch n persona irritate
grouchy adj irritate
ground (background) n fundo
- (basis) n fundamento
- (land) n terra
- (plot of) n terreno
- (plot, terrain) n terreno
- (soil, floor) n solo
- v arenar
- v arenar (se)
- ~ , reason n occasion
ground-floor n plano terren
grounding, stranding n arenamento
groundless adj sin fundamento
grounds n sedimento
ground-sheet n tela impermeabile
grounds-man n guardiano del terreno
ground-work n fundamento
group n aggruppamento
- n gruppamento
- n gruppo
- ~ or set of three n terno
- ~ together, mass v massar
- v aggruppar
- v gruppar
grouping (act of) n aggruppamento
- (act of) n gruppamento
grouse (bird) n tetrao
- n plancto
- n querela
- v planger se
- v querelar
grove n arboreto
- n boschetto
- ~ of plane trees n plataneto
grovel v humiliar se
grow (become larger) v crescer
- (become larger) v crescer cresc-/cret-]
- (become larger) vi crescer
- (become) vi devenir
- (of plants, animals) v vegetar
- ~ a beard v barbar
- ~ again v recrescer
- ~ dark (as in it is growing dark, evening is coming) v annoctar
- ~ into a tree, arboresce [Bot] v arborescer
- ~ inveterate v inveterar
- ~ mute, grow silent v mutescer
- ~ old v inveterar
- ~ out or forth v excrescer
- ~ pale, pale v palidir
- ~ red, redden v erubescer
- ~ red, redden v ruber
- ~ red, redden v rubescer
- ~ silent, grow mute v mutescer
- ~ to seed, seed v granar
- ~ up, to become adolescent v adolescer
- vt cultivar
growing, increasing adj crescente
- ~ , increasing adj crescente (ppr of crescer)
growl n grunnimento
- v grunnir
grown-up, adult adj adulte
growth (action of growing) n crescentia
- (increase) n crescimento
- (process of growing) n crescimento
- [Med] excrescentia
grow-up v devenir adulte
grub n larva
grubby adj immunde
grudge (bear a ~) v haber resentimento
- (motivo de) n rancor
- v dar in spirito rancorose
gruelling adj exhauriente
- adj penose
- n proba exhauriente
gruesome adj horribile
- adj macabre
- ~ , macabre adj macabre
gruff adj aspere
- adj de mal humor
gruffness n tono aspere
grumble n murmure
- v murmurar
- ~ , whisper, mutter, mumble v susurrar
grumpy adj brusc
- adj irritabile
grunt n grunnimento
- v grunnir
- ~ , grunting (action of) n grunnimento
grunter (one who or that which grunts) n grunnitor
grunting, grunt (action of) n grunnimento
Guadeloupe [Geog] n Guadelupe
Guam [Geog] n Guam
guano n guano
guarantee (1. to guarantee the quality of; 2. to warrant) v garantir
- n garantia
- v garantir
- ~ , guarantor n garante
- ~ , guaranty, warranty n garantia
- ~ , guaranty, warranty n garantia (-ìa)
guarantor n garante
- ~ , guarantee n garante
guaranty, warranty, guarantee n garantia
- ~ , warranty, guarantee n garantia (-ìa)
guard (1. action of guarding; 2. one who guards; 3. group or body of guards; 4 . as in mudguard, guard of a sword) n guarda
- (defend, protect) v guardar
- (of industry) n protection
- (of protection) n guarda
- (of train) n chef de traino
- (watchman) n guarda
- v guardar
- ~ , sentry, watch n faction
- ~ , watchman n vigilator
guarded adj circumspecte
guardian (of a minor) Law] n curator
- (of minor) n tutor
- adj guardian
- n guardiano
- ~ , custodian n custode
- ~ , guard n guardator
- ~ , guard n guardiano
- ~ , tutor [Law] n tutor
- ~ , tutoress [Law] n tutrice
guardian-angel n angelo guardian
- ~ -angel n angelo tutelar
guardianship [Law] n curatela
- ~ , tutelage [Law] n tutela
- ~ , tutorship [Law] n tutoria
- ~ , tutorship [Law] n tutoria (-ìa)
guard's-van n furgon
s-van n furgon (de bagage)
guarter (1. to cut into quarters; 2. to assign living quarters to) v quartierar
Guatemala [Geog] n Guatemala
Guelph [Hist] adj guelfe
- [Hist] n guelfo
guerrilla n guerrillero
- ~ warfare n guerrilla
- ~ warfare n guerrilla H]
- ~ , partisan n guerrillero
- ~ , partisan n guerrillero (-lyéro)
guess (believe) v creder
- (believe) v supponer
- (conjecture) v conjecturar
- (divine, find out) v divinar
- n conjectura
- ~ , divine v divinar
guess-work n conjectura
guest (at a hotel, boardinghouse) n hospite
- (at a hotel, boardinghouse) n hospite (hòs-)
- (at hotel) n hospite
- (invited person) n invitato
- (invited) n convitato
- (invited) n invitato
guest-house n parve hotel
- ~ -house n pension
guest-room n camera pro hospites
guidance n direction
- n guida
guide (1. one who guides; 2. guidebook; 3. instrument or part of an instrument, a machine, that controls a movement) n guida
- (book) n guida
- (person) n guida
- v guidar
- ~ , conduct, lead v menar
guide-book n guida
- ~ -book n manual
guide-dog n can guida
guide-lines n lineas de guida
guild n corporation
- n union de mestiero
- ~ , corporation n corporation
guillotine n guillotina
- n guillotina (gi-)
- v guillotinar
- v guillotinar (gi-)
guillotining (act of) n guillotinamento
- (act of) n guillotinamento (gi-)
guilt n culpa
- ~ , culpability n culpabilitate
guiltless adj innocent
guilty adj culpabile
- ~ of extortion adj concussionari
guinea (coin) n guinea
- [Geog] n Guinea
- ~ fowl, guinea hen, pintado n pintada
- ~ fowl, guinea hen, pintado n pintada P]
- ~ hen, pintado, guinea fowl n pintada
- ~ hen, pintado, guinea fowl n pintada P]
- n Guinea
- n Guinea (ginéa)
Guinea-Bissau [Geog] n Guinea Bissau
guinea-pig n porco de india
guitar n gitarra
- n guitarra
- n guitarra (gi-)
guitarist n gitarrista
- n guitarrista
- n guitarrista (gi-)
gulf (fig) n abysmo
- n golfo
- ~ Stream n gulf stream
- ~ Stream n gulf stream A]
- ~ , bay n golfo
gull n laro
- ~ , mew, seagull [Ornith] n laro
gullet n esophago
- n gorga
- n gurgite
- ~ , gorge, throat n gorga
- ~ , throat n gurgite
- ~ , throat n gurgite (gùr-)
- ~ , throat n gutture
gulp down, swallow v inglutir
- n grande buccata
- n inglutimento
- v inglutir
gulvanoplastics n galvanoplastica
gum (substance) n gumma
- (treat, smear, with gum) v gummar
- (treat, smear, with gum) v ingummar
- [Anat] n gingiva
- [Bot] n gumma
- ~ ammoniac, ammoniac n ammoniaco
- v ingummar
gummiferous adj gummifere
gummosity n gummositate
gummous adj gummose
gun (cannon) n cannon
- (firearm) n arma de foco
- (pistol) n pistola
- (pistol) n revolver
- (rifle) n fusil
- ~ foundry n cannoneria
- ~ foundry n cannoneria (-ìa)
- ~ , cannon n cannon
- ~ , rifle n fusil
gunboat n cannonera
gun-carriage n affuste
guncotton n fulmicoton
gun-fire n cannonadas
- ~ -fire n foco de artilleria
gun-man (armed robber) n robator armate
- ~ -man (terrorist) n terrorista
gunner [Mil] n serviente
gun-powder n pulvere
gun-running n contrabando de armas
gurgle n gluglu
- v facer gluglu
- v glugluer
- v gurguliar
gurgling adj/pres. part facente gluglu
- ~ adj/pres. part glugluente
gush n effusion
- v effunder
gust n colpo de vento
gustation, tasting n gustation
gustative adj gustative
gusto n enthusiasmo
- n fervor
gusty, windy adj ventose
gut n intestino
- v destruer le interior de
- v eventrar
gut-out v destruer le interior de
guts (food) n tripas
- (fortitude) n corage
gutta [Chem] n gutta
gutta-percha n guttapercha
- ~ -percha n guttapercha (-sha)
- ~ -percha n percha
- ~ -percha n percha (-sh-)
gutter (at eaves) n guttiera
- (gutter at the eaves) n guttiera
- (in street) n canaletto
guttiferous [Bot] adj guttifere
guttural adj guttural
gutturalization n gutturalisation
gutturalize v gutturalisar
guy [Amer] n guy
- n individuo
- n individuo, typo
- n typo, individuo
- v parodiar, ridiculisar
- v ridiculisar, parodiar
Guyana [Geog] n Guyana
guy-rope n corda de tenta
guzzle v inglutir
guzzler (gas ~) n inglutitor de combustibile
- n inglutitor
gymnasiarch [Gr. Antiq] n gymnasiarcha
gymnasium (1. hall for gymnastic practice; 2. gymnasium) n gymnasio
- n gymnasio
gymnast n gymnasta
gymnastic adj gymnastic
- adj gymnic
- ~ , gymnastical adj gymnastic
gymnastical, gymnastic adj gymnastic
gymnastics (sport) n gymnastica
- n gymnastica
gymnoblastic [Zool] adj gymnoblaste
gymnosophist n gymnosophista
gymnospermous [Bot] adj gymnosperme
gymnosporous [Bot] adj gymnospore
- [Bot] adj gymnospore (-nò-)
gymnotus, electric eel [Zool] n gymnoto
gyn-, gyno- (pistil, ovary) occurring in compounds] n gyn-
gynaeceum [Gr. and Rom. Antiq] n gyneceo
- [Gr. and Rom. Antiq] n gyneceo (-éo)
gynander (member of the class Gynandria) Bot] n gynandro
gynandrous adj gynandre
gynecocracy n gynecocratia
- n gynecocratia (-ìa)
gynecocratic, gynecocratical adj gynecocratic
gynecocratical, gynecocratic adj gynecocratic
gynecologic adj gynecologic
gynecologist (gynaec-) n gynecologo
- n gynecologista
- n gynecologo
- n gynecologo (-cò-)
gynecology (gynaec-) n gynecologia
- n gynecologia
- n gynecologia (-ìa)
gynobase [Bot] n gynobase
gynophore [Bot] n gynophoro
- [Bot] n gynophoro (-nò-)
gyp v fraudar
gypseous, gypsum [Mineral] adj gypsose
gypsiferous [Mineral] adj gypsifere
gypsum (CaSO4-2H2O) n gypso
- [Mineral] n gypso
- ~ deposit n gypsiera
- ~ deposit or pit n gypsiera
- ~ pit n gypsiera
- v ingypsar
- ~ worker n gypsero
- ~ worker, dealer n gypsero
- ~ , gypseous [Mineral] adj gypsose
Gypsy (language of the gypsies) n tsigano
- (member of a gypsy tribe) n egyptiano
- (member of a gypsy tribe) n egyptio
- adj egyptian
- adj egyptie
- adj tsigan
- n bohemo
- n romanie
- n tsigano
gypsymoth n Porthetria dispar
gyrate v gyrar
- ~ , rotate v girar
- ~ , whirl v tornear
gyrating, gyratory adj giratori
gyration n gyration
- ~ , rotation n giration
gyratory, gyrating adj giratori
gyre v gyrar
- v rotar
gyrocompass n gyrocompasso
gyrometer n gyrometro
- n gyrometro (-rò-)
gyroscope n gyroscopio
gyroscopic adj gyroscopic
gyrostat n gyrostato
- n gyrostato (-rò-)
gyrostatic adj gyrostatic
gyrostatie adj gyrostatic
gyrus (circle or turn) n gyro
- [Anat] n gyro