Interlingua Wiki

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a (letter a) n a, littera a

  • ~ bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush phr plus vale ave in le mano que cento volante* ~ certain something phr un io non sape que
  • ~ chip off the old block phr un pannetto del mesme drappo
  • ~ dollar a dozen un dollar per dozena
  • ~ little at a time (gradually, by degrees, little by little) paulatim
  • ~ lot multo
  • ~ lot of multe
  • ~ posteriori adj aposteriori
  • ~ posteriori adv a posteriori
  • ~ priori adj apriori, aprioristic
  • ~ priori adv a priori
  • ~ priori reasoner n apriorista
  • ~ priori reasoning n apriorismo
  • ~ tapering point [Bot] acumine
  • ~ , an indef art un
  • ~ , la (the note) [Mus] n la

Aachen, Aix-la-Chapelle n Aachen ¬G, Aquisgrano

aardwolf n protele

Aaron n Aaron

aback (taken ~) v attonite, stupefacte, surprendite

  • adv a retro

abacus n abaco

abaft adv/prep detra

abandon (desert) v deserer

  • (forsake) vt abandonar, derelinquer
  • n abandono

abandoned adj abandonate, derelicte, desertate, relicte

abandonment (action of abandoning; state of being abandoned) n abandono; abandonamento

abase v abassar

abasement n abassamento

abash v disconcertar

abashed adj disconcertate

abate (reduce) vt reducer, minuer

  • (settle down, subside) v subsider
  • vi remitter

abatement n diminution

abattoir (slaughterhouse) n abattitorio

  • n macello

abbacy n abbatia

abbatial adj abbatial

abbess n abbatessa

abbey n abbatia

abbot n abbate

abbreviate v abbreviar

abbreviated addressing [Comp] n adressation abbreviate

  • adj abbreviate

abbreviation (abridgment) n abbreviation

  • (shortened form of a word) n abbreviatura

abbreviator [R.C.Ch] n abbreviator

  • n abbreviator

abc's n abece, alphabeto

abdicate (give up) v abdicar

abdication n abdication

abdicative adj abdicative

abdomen (belly, stomach) n gastro

  • n abdomine

abdominal (ventral) adj abdominal, ventral

abduce (lead away) [Physiol] (abduct) v abducer

abduct (kidnap) v raper

  • v abducer

abduction (carrying off illegally) n rapto

  • n abduction

abductor [Physiol] n abductor

aberrance n aberrantia

aberrant (abnormal) adj anormal

  • (deviating from the normal type) adj aberrante
  • adj aberrante

aberrate (deviate) v aberrar

aberration n aberration

abess n abbatessa

abet v adjutar, appoiar, esser complice

abettor n adjutator, appoiator

abeyance (in ~) pendente

  • n suspension

abhor (detest, hate) v abhorrer, detestar

abhorrence n abhorrimento

abhorrent (detestable) adj abhorrente, abhorribile, detestabile

abide (- an opinion) v mantener

  • (- by a law) v observar
  • (dwell) v coler [col-/cult-]
  • vi demorar
  • vt tolerar

abiding (faithful) adj fidel

  • (law ~) adj observante le lege

ability (capacity, skill) n habilitate, capacitate

  • ~ , (competence, qualification) (adequate) n sufficientia

abiogenesis (spontaneous generation) n abiogenese, abiogenesis

abiogenetic adj abiogenetic

abject (mean, miserable) adj abjecte

abjection (abjectness) n abjection

abjectness (abjection) n abjection

abjuration n abjuration

abjure (renounce, recant, forswear, repudiate) v abjurar, renunciar

ablative [Gram] n ablativo

  • ~ absolute [Gram] n ablativo absolute
  • adj ablative
  • n ablativo

ablaze (glittering) adj resplendente

  • (on fire) adv in flammas

able (be ~) v poter

  • (capable) adj capabile, capace
  • (skilful) adj habile
  • ~ bodied adj robuste, valide
  • ~ seaman n marinero
  • ~ to loosen (loosing) adj lytic

ablution (washing; wash the body) n ablution

ably adv habilemente

abnegate (deny oneself) v abnegar

abnegation (giving up rights; self-denial) n abnegation

abnormal adj anormal

abnormality n anormalitate

abnormally adv anormalmente

aboard adv a bordo, a bordo de

abode (domicile, house) n domicilio, casa, domo

abolish v abolir

abolishment (abolition) n abolimento

abolition (abolishment) n abolition

  • n dissolution

abolitionism n abolitionismo

abolitionist n abolitionista

abominable (hateful, horrible) adj abominabile, abhorribile

abominably adv abominabilemente

abominate v abominar

abomination (loathing; loathsome object) n abomination

aboriginal adj aboriginal

aborigine n aborigine

abort (remain undeveloped or shrink away) [Biol] v abortar

abortion (miscarriage) n abortamento

  • n aborto

abortive adj abortive

abound (be plentiful, be abundant) v abundar, exuberar

abounding adj abundante

  • ~ in fish adj piscose

about (- to) phr al - (+inf)

  • (around) prep circa
  • (be - to) v esser super le puncto de
  • (be ~) v esser super
  • (concerning, regarding, on) prep de, in re, re, super
  • adv approximativemente, circa
  • ~ face n reverso de direction
  • ~ face v reversar direction
  • ~ forty n quarantena
  • ~ thirty n trentena
  • ~ town adj cosmopolitan, urban

above (before) adv/prep ante

  • (on the top) adv in alto
  • (on the top, over) adv/prep supra
  • ~ all phr super toto
  • ~ mentioned phr jam mentionate
  • prep super

aboveboard adj/adv apertemente, sin deception

aboveground adv al superficie terrestre

abracadabra (magical incantation) n abracadabra (incantation magic)

abrade (wear away) v abrader

Abraham [Bib] n Abraham

abrasion n abrasion

abrasive (irritating) adj abrasive

abreast (three ~) adv in fila triple

  • (two ~) adv in fila duple
  • adv in fila
  • ~ of the times phr al currente del cosas

abridge (abbreviate) v abbreviar

abridgement (abbreviation) n abbreviamento, abbreviation, summario

abridger (abbreviator) n abbreviator

abridging (abbreviatory) adj abbreviative

abroad adv al estraniero, al extero

abrogable adj abrogabile

abrogate (cancel) v abrogar

abrogating (rescinding) adj abrogatori

abrogation (repeal) n abrogation

abrogative adj abrogative

abrogator n abrogator

abrupt (very steep) adj abrupte, brusc

abruptly adv abruptemente, bruscamente

Abruzzi nprpl Abruzzi

Absalom [Bib] nprm Absalom

abscess n abscesso

abscind (cut off) v abscinder

abscissa [Math] n abscissa

abscond (go away and hide) v discampar

absence n absentia

absent adj absente

  • ~ minded adj distracte
  • ~ mindedness n distraction
  • ~ oneself v absentar se
  • ~ without leave (AWOL) adj absente sin permisso

absentee n absentista

  • ~ owner n absentista

absenteeism n absentismo

absentia (in ~) phr absentia (in ~)

absentminded adj distracte

absentmindedness n distraction

absinthe (1. [Bot] Absinthium; 2. alcoholic liquor absinthe) n absinthio

absinthial (absinthic) adj absinthic

absinthin [Chem] n absinthina

absinthism [Med] n absinthismo

absinthium [Bot] n absinthio

absolute adj absolute

  • ~ temperature n temperatura absolute

absolutely adv absolutemente

absolution (remission) n absolution

absolutism n absolutismo

absolutist n absolutista

absolutory (absolving) adj absolutori

absolve (acquit) v absolver [-solv-/-solut-]

absolver (acquitter) n absolutor

absorb (- liquid) v absorber

  • (imbibe liquid) v imbiber
  • (knowledge) v assimilar
  • (resorb) v resorber

absorbable adj absorbibile

absorbed (engrossed, preoccupied) adj preoccupate (pp of preoccupar)

absorbency n absorbentia

absorbent (absorbing substance) n absorbente

  • adj absorbente
  • ~ cotton n coton hydrophile, watta

absorption (imbibition) n imbibition

  • (resorption) n resorption
  • (soaking up) n imbibimento
  • n absorption

abstain (- from drinking) v abstiner se de biber

  • (- from voting) v abstiner se de votar
  • v abstiner se deabstain (- from blood) v abstiner se de sanguine

abstemious (temperate) adj abstemie, abstinente

abstention n abstention

abstentionist n abstentionista

abstergent adj abstergente

  • n abstergente

abstersion n abstersion

abstersive (cleansing) adj abstersive

abstinence n abstinentia

abstract [Logic] v abstraher

  • adj abstracte
  • n summario
  • v abstraher

abstraction (state of being lost in thought) n abstraction

  • [Logic] n abstraction

abstractionism n abstractionismo


  • (difficult to understand) adj difficile de comprender
  • (hard to get to, concealed) adj abstruse
  • (thrust away) adj abstruse
  • adj abstruse

absurd (extravagante, odd, strange) adj extravagante (ppr of extravagar)

  • adj absurde

absurdity (nonsense, oddness, strangeness) n absurditate, extravagantia, ineptia

absurdly adv absurdemente

abundance (copiousness, plenty) n abundantia, copiositate, copia

  • (uberty, fertility) n ubertate

abundant adj abundante, copiose

  • adj copiose

abundantly adv abundantemente

abuse (abuse) v abusar (de)

  • (improper or wrong use) n abuso
  • (injure) vt injuriar
  • (insult) n insulto
  • (insult) vt insultar
  • (invective) n invectiva
  • (misuse) n misuso
  • (misuse) v misusar
  • ~ of confidence (confidence trick) phr abuso de confidentia

abuser (misuser) n abusator

abusive (insulting) adj injuriose

  • (misusing) adj abusive
  • (of improper or wrong use) adj abusive
  • (reviling) adj invective

abut on phr confinar con

abutment n confinamento

abysm n abysmo

abysmal adj abysmal

abysmally adv abysmalmente

abyss (whirlpool, gulf) n gurgite

  • n abysso

abyssal adj abyssal

Abyssinia [Geog] npr Abyssinia

Abyssinian adj abyssin

  • n abyssino

acacia [Bot] n acacia

academia (the academics) n academia

  • ~ pro Interlingua (Interlingua Association) n Academia pro Interlingua

academic adj academic

academical adj academic

academician n academico

Academus [Gr. Mythol] n Academo

academy n academia

Acanthaceae [Bot] n acanthaceas

acanthaceous [Bot] adj acanthacee

acanthophorous (spine-bearing) adj acanthophore

acanthus [Arch] [Bot] n acantho

acappella (singing without music) adv acappella

accede (approach, assent) v acceder

accelerando [Mus] n accelerando

accelerate (quicken) v celerar

  • v accelerar, accelerar se

acceleration n acceleration

accelerator (anything which increases speed of motion, contrivance for producing greater speed in a machine) n accelerator

accensibility (inflammability, combustibility) n accensibilitate

accensible (inflammable, combustible) adj accensibile

accent (stress) n accento

  • ~ mark n accento
  • v accentuar

accentuate (accent) v accentuar

accentuation n accentuation

accept v acceptar

acceptability n acceptabilitate

acceptable adj acceptabile

acceptance n acceptation

acceptation (standard meaning) n acception

access (access to a place) n accesso

  • (fit) n accesso
  • [Comp] n accesso
  • ~ arm [Comp] n brachio / bracio de accesso, bracio / bracio de accesso
  • ~ time [Comp] n tempore de accesso
  • ~ type [Comp] n typo de accesso

accessibility n accessibilitate

accessible (approachable) adj abbordabile

  • (places) adj accessibile

accession (accession to a dignity or a throne) n accession

accessory (adjunct) adj accessori

  • (object) n accessorio
  • (person) n complice

accidence [Gram] n accidente

accident (chance) n accidente

  • (contingency) n accidente
  • (mishap) n accidente
  • (nonessential quality) n accidente

accidental (happening by chance) adj accidental, fortuite

  • (nonessential) adj accidental
  • [Mus] n accidental
  • adj accidental

accidentally adv accidentalmente

acclaim (acclamation) n acclamation

  • (applaud) v acclamar

acclaimer n acclamator

acclamation n acclamation

acclimate v acclimatar

acclimation n acclimatation

acclimatization (acclimation) n acclimatation

acclimatize (acclimate) v acclimatar, acclimatar se

accolade (ceremonious salutation and embrace) n accollada

accommodate (adapt) v accommodar

  • (adjust) v adjustar
  • (lodge) v albergar, allogiar
  • (settle disputes) v accommodar

accommodating (complaisant) adj complacente

  • (ready to compromise) adj transigente

accommodation (adaptation) n accommodation

  • (adapting) n accommodation
  • (adjusting) n adjustamento
  • (lodgings) n albergo, allogiamento

accommodator n accommodator

accompaniment n accompaniamento

accompanist [Mus] n accompaniator

accompany v accompaniar

accompanying (action of) n accompaniamento

accomplice n complice

accomplish (achieve) v complir

accomplished (perfect in acquirements) adj complite (pp of complir)

  • adj experte

accomplisher n complitor

accomplishment (action of accomplishing or achieving) n complimento

accord (agreement) n accordo

  • (of one's own ~) adv spontaneemente
  • v accordar
  • v accordar (se)

according as prep secundo que

  • prep accordante
  • ~ to prep secundo, conforme a, secun

accordingly (therefore, then, consequently) adv ergo, in consequentia

  • (under the circumstances) adv ita

accordion n accordion

accordionist n accordionista

accost (address) v accostar, abbordar

accostable (approachable) adj accostabile

account (bill) n conto, nota

  • (calculation) n conto
  • (on - of) a causa de
  • (story, report) n conto, relation, reporto
  • [Commer] n conto
  • ~ for v dar conto de

accountability (responsibility) n responsabilitate

accountable adj responsabile

accountancy (bookkeeping) n contabilitate

accountant (expert ~) n contabile

accounting (bookkeeping) adj contabile

accouter (equip) v equipar

accoutrements (equipment) n equipage

accredit (send with credentials) v accreditar

accreditation n accreditation

accretion n accretion, accrescimento, accumulamento

accrue v accrescer, accumular

accumulate (heap up) v accumular

  • v accumular (se)

accumulation (heaping or piling up) n accumulamento

accumulator (one who accumulates) n accumulator

  • (storage battery) n accumulator

accuracy (precision, exactitude, exactness) n precision, exactitude, justessa

accurate (correct, exact, precise) adj correcte, exacte, precise, juste

accursed (cursed) adj condemnabile. maledicte

accurst (accursed) n condemnato

accusation n accusation

accusative [Gram] n accusativo

  • adj accusative
  • n accusativo

accuse v accusar

accused (defendant) n accusato

  • [Jur] adj accusate

accuser n accusator

accusing (accusation) n accusamento

  • (accusatory) adj accusatori

accustom (habituate) v accostumar, habituar

accustomed (be - to) v haber le costume de, soler

  • (be ~) past part accostumate, consuete, habituate
  • (usual) adj accostumate (pp of accostumar)
  • (usual, wonted) adj accostumate, consuete, solite

ace (cards) n asse

  • (dice) n asse
  • (highly skilled person) n asse
  • (tennis) n asse
  • [Aviation] n asse

acephalous (headless) adj sin capite, acephale

acerb (acrid, harsh) adj acerbe

acerbate v acerbar

acerbity (bitterness in taste) n acerbitate

acetabulum [Rom. Antiq] n acetabulo

acetamide [Chem] n acetamido

acetate [Chem] n acetato

acetic adj acetic

acetification n acetification

acetify v acetificar

acetone [Chem] n acetona

acetose adj acetose

acetous (acetose) adj acetose

acetylene [Chem] n acetylen

ache (pain) n dolor, mal

  • v doler

Acheron npr Acheronte

aches (my head ~) n le capite me dole

achieve v complir

achievement n complimento

Achillea [Bot] n achillea

Achilles [Gr. Mythol] n Achilles

achromatic (colorless) [Opt] adj achromatic

achromatism [Opt] n achromatismo

achromatization [Opt] n achromatisation

achromatize [Opt] v achromatisar

achromatopsy (complete color blindness) n achromatopsia

achromatous (colorless) adj achromate

acicula (needle, prickle) [Bot] n acicula

acicular adj acicular

acid adj acide

  • n acido
  • ~ precipitation n precipitation de aciditate
  • ~ rain n pluvia acide
  • ~ test n test de acido

acidic adj acide, acidic

acidifiable adj acidificabile

acidification n acidification

acidify (make acid, convert into an acid) v acidficar

acidimeter n acidimetro

acidity n aciditate

acidosis n acidosis, acidose

acidulate (flavor with an acid) v acidular

acidulous adj acidule

acierage (steel plating) n acierage ¬acieraje

acieration (conversion into steel) n acieration


  • (- receipt of) v accusar reception de
  • v admitter
  • v recognoscer

acknowledgement n admission

  • n recognoscentia

acme n culmine

acne n acne

aco- (remedy) [occurring in compounds] n aco-

acologic [Med] adj acologic

acology [Med] n acologia

acolyte n acolyto

aconite [Bot] n aconito

acorn n glande

acorn-shaped (glandiform) adj glandiforme

acotyledon n acotyledon

acoustic adj acustic

acoustical adj acustic

acousticly adv acusticamente

acoustics n acustica

acquaint v informar, poner al currente

acquaintance (knowledge) n cognoscentia

  • (person with whom one is acquainted) n cognoscentia

acquainted with (be ~) v cognoscer, esser al currente de

acquiesce (agree without enthusiasm) v acquiescer

acquiescence n acquiescentia

acquiescent adj acquiescente (ppr of acquiescer)

acquirable adj acquiribile

acquire v acquirer

acquirement n acquisition

acquirer n acquiritor

acquisition (act of acquiring) n acquisition

  • (thing acquired) n acquisition, acquesto

acquit (free from obligation) v absolver, disculpar

  • (release from a duty or obligation) v quitar

acquittal n absolution

acre ¬A n acre

acreage n area

acrid (bitter) adj acride, acerbe, acre

acridness n acritate

acrimonious adj acrimoniose

acrimony (bitterness in argument) n acrimonia

acro- (terminal, topmost) [occurring in compounds] adj acro-

acrobat n acrobata

acrobatic adj acrobatic

acrobaticly adv acrobaticamente

acrobatics n acrobatia

acrobatism n acrobatismo

acronym n acromymo

acrophobia n acrophobia

acropolis n acropole, acropolis

across (over, beyond, on the farther side of) prep trans, al transverso de, al altere latere de

  • adv a transverso, al altere latere

acrostic (initial spelled line verse) [Pros] n acrostichio

act (act of a play) n acto

  • (action, deed) n acto
  • (behave) v conducer
  • (behave) v conducer (se)
  • (do) vi ager
  • (in the ~) adv in flagrante delicto
  • (theat) vt jocar, representar
  • ~ of god n caso fortuite
  • ~ of parliament n acto del parlamento, lege, statuto
  • ~ of soaking n imbibition

acting (temporary) adj interimari (in le interim)

  • n joco, representation

actinia (sea anemone) [Bot] n actinia

actinic adj actinic

actinium (Ac) n actinio, actinium

action (act, acting) n action

  • (lawsuit) n action

actionable adj actionabile

activate v activar

activation n activation

active adj active

  • v oice phr voce active

activist n activista

activity n activitate

actor n actor

actress n actrice

acts of desperation phr actos de desperation

  • ~ of love phr actiones de amor
  • ~ of negligence phr actiones de negligentia
  • ~ of violence phr actos de violentia

actual (current, present) adj actual

  • (real) adj actual

actuality (actual existence) n actualitate

actualization n actualisation

actualize v actualisar

actually (at present, now, just now) adv actualmente

  • adv in realitate, realmente

actuarial adj actuarial

actuary (risk calculator) n actuario

actuary's office (or profession) n actuariato

actuate (put into motion or motion, set in action or motion) v actuar, actionar

actuation n actuation

acuity n acuitate

aculeate [Zool/Bot] adj aculeate

aculeiform adj aculeiforme

acumen (keenness) n acumine

acuminate (pointed) adj acuminate (pp of acuminar)

  • (sharpen) v acuminar

acupuncture (needle medicine) n acupunctura

  • v acupuncturar

acutangular [Geom] (acute-angled) adj acutangule, acuntangular

acute (acting keenly on the senses) adj acute

  • (sharp-pointed) adj acute
  • (shrewd, penetrating, keen) adj acute
  • ~ accent n accento acute
  • ~ angled [Geom] (acutangular) adj acutangule
  • ~ pain n dolor acute

acuteness (sharpness) n acutessa

ad (advertising) [Amer] n annuncio

  • ~ hoc phr ad hoc
  • ~ infinitum phr ad infinitum, sin fin
  • ~ lib (improvise) v improvisar
  • ~ lib adj/adv ad lib

adage n adagio, proverbio

adagio [Mus] adv adagio, lentemente

  • [Mus] n adagio

Adam [Bib] npr Adam

adamant (unyielding) adj intransigente

  • adj adamante

Adamic adj adamic

Adam's apple [Anat] n pomo de adam

adapt v adaptar (se)

  • v adaptar, appoppriar, accommodar

adaptability n adaptabilitate

adaptable adj adaptabile, appropriabile, accommodabile

adaptation (action of adapting) n adaptation, appropriation, accommodation

adapter (adaptor) n adaptator

adaptor n adaptator

add (add one thing to another) v adder

  • ~ to v annexar
  • ~ up (sum up) [Math] v summar, additionar

addenda n addenda

addendum n addendum (pl addenda) ¬NeoLadder [Comp] n additionator, additor, summator

adder [Zool] n vipera

addict (enthusiast) n enthusiasta

  • (of drugs, substances) n narcomano

addicted to drink (bibulous) adj bibule

addiction (drugs) n narcomania

  • (enthusiasm) n enthusiasmo

adding machine n calculator

addition (action of adding) n addition

  • (in - to) prep extra, in plus, preter
  • (in ~) conj/prep in plus
  • (supplement) n supplemento
  • (thing added) n addition

additional adj additional

additionally adv additionalmente

additive adj additive

addle (confuse) v confuse

addled adj putride

address (a letter or person) v adressar

  • (accost) v abbordar
  • (address of a letter, package) n adresse ¬F
  • (formal communication) n adresse ¬F
  • (on letter) n adresse
  • (speak to) v abbordar
  • (speech) n discurso
  • (to address a prayer to) v adressar
  • (write the address on, direct) v adressar
  • [Comp] n adresse
  • n direction

addressee n destinatario

addressing n adressation

adduce (cite, give proof) v adducer

adducer n adductor

adduct [Med] v adductar

adduction (act of adducing) [Physiol] n adduction

adductor [Physiol] n adductor

adelph-, adelpho- [occurring in compounds] (brother, twin) n adelph-, adelpho-

adenitis [Pathol] n adenitis

adenography n adenographia

adenoid (adenoidal) adj adenoide

adenoidal (adenoid) adj adenoide

adenoids npl adenoides

adenoma [Pathol] n adenoma

adenose (glandulous) adj adenose

adept (skillful) adj adepte, experte

  • n adepto, experto

adequate (deserved) adj condigne

  • adj adequate (pp of adequar)
  • v adequate

adequation n adequation

adhere (- to an opinion, party) v adherer

  • (stick fast) v adherer
  • v adherer

adherence (- to a treaty, a party) n accession

  • (attachment) n adherentia

adherent (follower) n adherente

  • adj adherente

adhesion (assent) n adhesion

  • (sticking) n adhesion

adhesive (sticking) adj adhesive

  • ~ plaster (sticking plaster) n sparadrapo
  • ~ tape n sparadrapo

adiabatic adj adiabatic

adieu (farewell) n adieu ¬F

  • ~ ¬F n adeo, adieu ¬F

adipocere n adipocera

adipose (fat, fatty) adj adipose

adiposis (fatty degeneration) n adiposis

adiposity (fatness) n adipositate

adit (entrance, access, door, passage through which one enters) n adito

adjacency (state of being adjacent) n adjacentia

adjacent (circumjacent) adj adjacente, limitrophe, circumvicin, circumjacente

adjectival (adjective) [Gram] adj adjectival, adjective

adjective [Gram] adj adjective, adjectival

  • [Gram] n adjectivo

adjoin v adjunger

adjoining (contiguous, near, neighboring) adj adjuncte, contigue, vicin, vicinal

  • adj adjuncte

adjourn (postpone) v ajornar

adjournment (postponement) n ajornamento

adjudge (award judicially as a prize) v adjudicar

adjudger (awarder) n adjudicator

adjudging (awarding) adj adjudicative

adjudgment (award) n adjudication

adjudicate (judge a dispute) v adjudicar

adjudicated adj adjudicate

adjudication n adjudication

adjudicator v adjudicator

adjunct [Gram] n adjuncto

adjunction (the act of joining or adding) n adjunction

adjunctive adj adjunctive

adjuration (solemn command) n adjuration

adjure v adjurar

adjust v adjustar

adjustable (as in adjustable quarrel) adj adjustabile, accommodabile

adjuster n adjustator


  • (action of adjusting) n adjustamento
  • (compromise) [Law] n transaction
  • (settlement) n adjustamento

adjutant (assistant, helper) n adjutante

  • [Mil] n adjutante

adjuvant (helpful) adj adjuvante (ppr of adjuvar)

administer (to direct, manage) v administrar, gerer

  • (to furnish or apply) v administrar

administrable adj administrabile

administration (action of furnishing or applying) n administration

  • (management of public affairs, an institution, business) n administration, gestion
  • (persons collectively managing public affairs, an institution, business, etc.) n administration

administrative adj administrative

administrator (manager) n administrator

admirable adj admirabile

admiral n admiral

admiralship (admiralty) n admiralato

admiralty (admiralship) n admiralato

  • (government department in charge of naval affairs) n admiralitate
  • (law or court of the admiralty) n admiralitate

admiration n admiration

admire v admirar

admirer n admirator

admiring adj admirative

admissibility n admissibilitate

admissible adj admissibile

admission (acknowledgement) n confession

  • (allowing entrance or access) n admission
  • (conceding the validity or truth of, entrance, concession) n admission

admit (acknowledge as valid or true) v admitter, confessar

  • (allow in, concede) v admitter
  • (allow to enter) v admitter

admittance n admission

admix v admiscer

admixtion n admixtion

admixture (admixtion) n admixtion


  • (advise) v moner, admoner, admonestar
  • ~ beforehand (forewarn) v premoner

admonisher (monitor) n monitor

admonishment (admonition) n admonestation, admonition

admonition (admonishment) n admonestation, admonition, monition

admonitor (admonisher) n admonitor

admonitory (monitory) adj admonitori, monitori

ado (activity) n activitate

  • (agitation) n agitation

adobe ¬H n adobe

adobo ¬H n adobo

adolescence n adolescentia

adolescent adj adolescente

  • n adolescente

Adonian (Adonic) adj adonie, adonic

Adonic [Pros] n adonico, adonio

  • adj adonic, adonie

Adonis [Gr. Mythol] n Adonis

adopt (give birth to, bear) (a child, a litter, etc) v filiar, adoptar

  • v adoptar

adoptability n adoptabilitate

adoptable adj adoptabile

adopted child n infante adoptate

adopter n adoptator

adoption n adoption

  • n filiation, adoption

adoptive adj adoptive

  • ~ parent n genitor adoptive

adorability n adorabilitate

adorable adj adorabile

adoration (worship) n adoration

adore (worship) v adorar

adorer [Fem] n adoratrice

  • [Masc] n adorator

adorn v adornar, ornar, parar

  • ~ with gems (ingem, gem) v ingemmar, gemmar

adorner n adornator

adornment (action of adorning, ornament) n adornamento, ornamento

adrenal (suprarenal) [Anat] adj suprarenal

  • [Anat] adj adrenal

adrenalin n adrenalina

Adria [Geog] (city of) n Adria

Adrian nprm Adriano

Adrianople n Adrianopolis


  • (- Sea) n Mar Adriatic, Adriatico
  • (pertaining to the Adriatic) adj adriatic
  • (pertaining to the city of Adria) adj adriatic
  • [Geog] n Adriatico, Mar Adriatic

adrift adj flottante al deriva

adroit (adept) adj adepte

  • (expert) adj experte
  • (handy) adj dextere
  • (skillful) adj habile

adulate (praise highly) v adular

adulation n adulation

adulator n adulator

adulatory adj adulatori

adult (grown-up) adj adulte

  • n adulto

adulterate v adulterar, alterar

adulteration (action of adulterating) n adulteration, alteration

adulterator n adulterator

adulterer [Masc] n adultero

  • n adulterator

adulteress [Fem] n adultera

adulterine adj adulterin

adulterous adj adulterose

adultery n adulterio

adumbrate (overshadow) v adumbrar

adumbration (overshadowing) n adumbration

adust (burnt, scorched) adj aduste

advance (as in to advance a proposition) (go ahead) v avantiar

  • (forward motion) n avantiamento
  • (money) v anticipar
  • (payment beforehand) n avantia
  • (progress) n progresso
  • (progress) v progreder
  • (to move forward) v avantiar
  • (to promote in rank) v avantiar
  • ~ a payment (-) v anticipar un pagamento
  • ~ guard (outpost) [Mil] n avantiata
  • n avantia
  • n avantiamento
  • ~ payment n pagamento anticipate

advancement n avantiamento

advancing (making progress) adj proficiente

advantage (having superiority) n avantage

  • (profit) n partito
  • (take - of) v prender avantage de
  • n avantage ¬avantaje

advantageous adj avantagiose

advent (arrival) n advenimento

  • [Eccl] n Advento
  • n advenimento

Adventist n adventista

adventitious adj adventicie

adventure (venture, risk) v aventurar, aventurar se

  • n aventura

adventurer n aventurero

adventurous adj aventurose

adverb n adverbio

adverbial adj adverbial

adversary n adversario

adversative [Gram] adj adversative

adverse (contrary, unfavorable) adj adverse

adversity (mishap, contrariety) n contrarietate, contrarietate

advert (have reference to) v adverter

advertence (advertency) n advertentia

advertency (advertence) n advertentia

advertent (attentive) adj advertente (ppr of adverter)

advertise v annunciar, facer reclamo (pro)

advertisement n annuncio, reclamo

advertising (publicity) n reclamo, publicitate

advice (counsel, notice) n aviso, consilio, notitia

advisable adj consiliabile, judiciose

advise (to counsel) v avisar, consiliar, moner

  • (to give information or notice to, give notice) v avisar, advertir
  • (urge, persuade) v suader

advised (ill ~) adj incaute

  • (well ~) adj avisate, judiciose, sage

advisedly adv deliberatemente

adviser (consultant) n consultor

  • (counsellor) n consiliator, consiliero

advisory (consultative) adj consultative

  • ~ committee phr committee consultative

advocacy n defensa

advocate (champion, supporter) n advocato

  • [Law] n advocato
  • v favorar
  • v recommendar

adynamia [Med] n adynamia

adynamic adj adynamic, adyname

adze (adz) n hachetto

Aegean (- Sea) n Egeo

  • adj egee
  • ~ Sea n Mar Egee

Aegeus [Gr. Mythol] n Egeo

aegis (shield, protection) n egide, protection

  • (under the - of) phr sub le egide de
  • [Gr. Antiq] n egide

Aeneas [Gr. Mythol] n Eneas

Aeneid [Lat. Lit] n Eneide

Aeolian (of Aeolus) adj eolic, eolie

Aeolus [Mythol] n Eolo

aerate v aerar

aeration (airing) n aerage, aeration

aerial adj aeree

  • n antenna
  • v iew phr vista aeree

aeriferous adj aerifere

aerification n aerification

aeriform adj aeriforme

aerify (change to an aeriform state) v aerificar

aerobatics n aerobatica

aerobe [Biol] n aerobio

aerobic [Biol] adj aerobic, aerobie

aerodrome n aerodromo

aerodynamic adj aerodynamic

aerodynamics n aerodynamica

aerodyne n aerodyno

aerofoil n aerofilo

aerography n aerographia

aerolite n aerolitho

aerolith n aerolitho

aerolitic adj aerolitic

aerology n aerologia

aerometer n aerometro

aerometry n aerometria

aeronaut (airman) n aeronauta

aeronautic (aeronautical) adj aeronautic

aeronautical (aeronautic) adj aeronautic

aeronautics n aeronautica

aeroplane (airplane) n aeroplano, avion

aerosol (mist) n aerosol

  • (spray canister) n atomisator

aerostat [Aeronaut] n aerostato

aerostatic adj aerostatic

aerostatics n aerostatica

aerostation n aerostation

Aeschylus n Aeschylo, Eschylo

Aesculapius [Gr. Mythol] n Esculapio, Aesculapio

Aesop [Gr. Lit] n Esopo, Aesopo

Aesopian (Aesopic) adj esopic, aesopic

aesthete (esthete) n estheta

aesthetic (esthetic) adj esthetic

aesthetical adj esthetic

aesthetically adv estheticamente

aestheticly adv estheticamente

aesthetics (esthetics) n esthetica

aetiology n aetiologia

Aetna (Etna) n Etna

afar (from ~) adv de longe

  • adv a distantia, a un distantia

affability n affabilitate

affable (friendly) adj affabile

affair (amorous ~) n affaire amorose

  • (matter, thing) n re
  • ~ ¬F (concern) n affaire
  • ~ ¬F (event) n affaire
  • n pragma

affect (concern) v concernar

  • (have an affection for) v affectar
  • (have an effect on) v afficer
  • (impress) v impressionar
  • (influence) v influer super
  • (pretend, feign) v affectar
  • v conmover
  • v mover
  • ~ with caries (rot) [Med] v cariar

affectation (artificiality of manner, preciosity) n affectation, preciositate

affected (full of affectation) adj affectate

  • (impressed, deeply) adj penetrate (pp of penetrar)
  • ~ pose n posa
  • ~ with caries (carious) adj cariate, cariose


  • (fondness) n affection, affecto
  • (love) n dilection
  • (tenderness) n teneressa
  • (the fact or state of being affected or acted upon) n affection
  • [Pathol] n affection

affectionate (loving) adj affectuose

  • adj affectionate (pp of affectionar)
  • ~ devotion n pietate

affective (emotional) adj affective

affiance (betroth) v fidantiar

affidavit (written statement made on oath) n affidavit

affiliate (affiliated) adj affiliate

  • (receive or connect as member, branch, etc.) v affiliar
  • v affiliar, affiliar se

affiliated (pp of affiliar) adj affiliate

affiliation n affiliation

affinity (attraction) n affinitate

  • (of similar structure) n affinitate
  • (relationship by marriage) n affinitate
  • (resemblance, likeness) n affinitate

affirm (assert) v affirmar

  • (assert) v asserer
  • (confirm it is true) v affirmar
  • (maintain) v pretender
  • ~ positively (asseverate) v asseverar, affirmar

affirmable adj affirmabile

affirmation (affirmative proposition) n affirmation

  • (assertion) n affirmation, assertion

affirmative (affirmative statement, reply, etc.) n affirmativa

  • (assertive) adj affirmative

affirmer n affirmator

affirming (assertory) adj assertori

affix (fasten) v affiger, affixar

  • n affixo

afflict (torment) v remorder

  • v affliger

affliction (distress, passion, suffering) n affliction, pathos, passion

affluence (as in affluence of people) n affluentia

  • (concourse, flowing towards) n affluentia
  • (opulence, profusion) n affluentia

affluent (opulent) adj affluente

  • (tributary) (stream) n affluente

afflux n affluxo

afford (give) v dar

  • (we cannot ~) v. phr nos non pote tolerar le expensa de

affording compensation (compensative) adj compensative

afforest v afforestar

affray (brawl) n rixa

affront (insult) n affronto

  • (to face in defiance, to insult to the face) v affrontar

affronter (insulter) n affrontator

affronting (insulting) (act of) n affrontamento

affusion n affusion

afghan adj Afghan

  • n afghano

Afghanistan [Geog] npr Afghanistan

afield (astray) adv disviate

  • (far ~) adv multo lontan

aflame (in flames) adj/adv in flammas

  • (inflamed) adj inflammate

afloat adj flottante, in barca

aflutter adj nervosemente excitate

afoot adj/adv in motion

aforementioned (aforesaid) adj precitate, mentionate o citate previemente

aforesaid (aforementioned) adj precitate, mentionate o citate previemente

afraid (be - of) v haber pavor de, haber timor de

  • adj apprehensive, pavorose, timorose

afresh adv de nove

Africa [Geog] n Africa

African adj african

  • n africano

after (following) prep secundo, secun

  • (just ~) phr sovente, subinde
  • adv depost, depois, pois, post, postea
  • ~ all prep post toto
  • ~ conj post que
  • prep depost, depois, pois
  • ~ that (thereupon, tenceforward, from that time) adv inde

afterbirth [Anat] n placenta, secundinas

after-burner n becco de post-ignition

after-care n cura de convalescentia

after-effect [Med] n sequela, effecto secundari, consequentia, repercussion

afterglow n brillantia restante

afterimage n imagine restante

afterlife n vita post-morte

aftermath n consequentias, effectos, resultato

afternoon n postmeridie

afterthought n reflexion posterior

afterwards (after, later, thereafter) adv post, pois, depois, depost, postea

  • (then, following in time, next in order) adv deinde

again (anew) adv de novo, de nove, altere vice, novemente, re-, itero

  • (attach, fasten) v re(attaccar), (attacar) de novo
  • ~ and again adv repetitemente

against one's will (unwillingly) adv nolente

  • prep contra, erga

agape (love) n agape, amor christian

agar [Bot] n agar

  • [Bot] n gellatina de alga

agar-agar n agar-agar [Mal]

agaric [Bot] adj agaric

  • [Bot] n agarico

agate (agatine) adj agatin

  • (the stone agate) n agata

agatiferous adj agatifere

agatiform adj agatiforme

agave [Bot] n agave

age (1. lapse of time; 2. period in life) n etate

  • (long period of time) n evo
  • (oldness) n vetulessa, vetustate
  • (period) n epocha
  • (years) n etate
  • vi inveterar

aged adj vetule

agency (as in news agency, real estate agency, etc.) n agentia

agenda (memorandum book) n agenda

agent (1. active power; 2. one who acts for another) n agente

  • (emissary) n emissario
  • (minister) n ministro
  • (representant) n representante
  • n mandatario

agglomerate (gather into a mass, gather or heap together) v agglomerar

  • n agglomerato

agglomeration n agglomeration

agglutinant (agglutinative) adj agglutinante (ppr of agglutinar)

agglutinate (stick or glue together) v agglutinar

agglutinating (agglutinative) adj agglutinative

agglutination n agglutination

agglutinative (agglutinating) adj agglutinative

aggrandize (augment, increase the power, wealth, or rank, of; make bigger) v aggrandir, augmentar, aggrandisar

aggrandizement n aggrandimento

aggravate (infuriate) v exasperar

  • (make worse, worsen, infuriate, make worse a disease, pain, etc.) v aggravar, exasperar

aggravated [Law] adj qualificate pp of qualificar

aggravating (annoying, making worse) adj aggravante, exasperante

aggravation (act of aggravating, or state of being aggravated, annoyance, making worse) n aggravation, exasperation, aggravamento

aggravator n aggravator

aggregate (collect or unite into a mass or sum) v aggregar

  • (inclusive etc,, total) adj collective, total, global
  • n aggregato
  • n total
  • v aggregar
  • v aggregar (se)

aggregation n aggregation

aggregative adj aggregative

aggression n aggression

aggressive adj aggressive

aggressor n aggressor

aggrieve n offender

aghast adj horrificate

agile (fleet, nimble) adj legier ¬lejér

  • (nimble, quick) adj preste
  • adj agile

agility (fleetness, nimbleness) n legieressa ¬lejeressa

  • (nimbleness, quickness) n prestessa
  • n agilitate

agio (exchange premium) [Commer] n agio ¬ajo

agiotage (exchange business, stockbroking) n agiotage ¬ajotaje

agitate (1. to move or shake violently, stir up) v agitar

agitation (1. violent moving or shaking; 2. disturbance, excitement) n agitation

  • (commotion, tremor) (violent physical or mental disturbance) n commotion
  • (trepidation) n trepiditate

agitator (1. [Pol]; 2. apparatus for shaking or mixing) n agitator

aglet (aiguillette) n agulietta

agnate (on father's side) adj de parte del patre

agnostic adj agnostic

  • n agnostico

agnosticism n agnosticismo

ago (a year ~) phr ante un anno, un anno retro

  • (long ~) phr pridem
  • adv in passato
  • adv retro

agoago (a moment ~) phr jam

agog (excited) adj excitate

agon [Gr. Antiq] n agon

agonist [Gr. Antiq] n agonista

agonistic [Gr. Antiq] adj agonistic

agonize (anguishing, suffering, suffer mental anguish) v agonisar

agonizing adj agonisante

agony (1. death struggle; 2. extreme pain of mind) n agonia

  • (anguish) n angustia

agora [Gr. Hist] n agora

agoraphobe [Pychopathol] n agoraphobo

agoraphobia [Psychopathol] n agoraphobia

agoraphobic adj agoraphobic, agoraphobe

agrarian adj agrari

agree (be in agreement, come to an agreement, concur) v concordar, convenir [-ven-/-vent-], consentir, esser de accordo

  • [Gram] v concordar

agreeable (pleasing) adj agradabile

  • adj agradabile

agreeableness (pleasantness) n agradamento


  • (concurrence) n accordo
  • (pact) n convention
  • (treaty) n tractato
  • n concordantia

agricultural (agronomic) adj agronomic

  • (farming) adj aratori
  • adj agricole, agricultural

agriculturalist n agricola

agriculture (farming) n agricultura

agriculturist n agricultor

agronomic (agricultural) adj agronomic, agricultural

agronomist n agronomo, agronomista

agronomy (agronomics) n agronomia

aground (run ~) v arenar, arenar se

  • adv arenate

ah interj ah

  • ~ interj ei
  • ~ interj eia, heia

aha interj aha

  • ~ interj heia

ahead adv ante, avante

ahem interj ehem

aid (assist) v coadjuvar, subvenir

  • (help) n adjuta, auxilio, subvention, succurso
  • (help) v adjutar, adjuvar, auxiliar, succurrer, juvar

aide (assistant) n adjuta

aigrette ¬F n aigrette

aiguillette (aglet) n agulietta

ail v doler, penar

aileron n

ailment n infirmitate, maladia, morbo

aim (- a gun) v punctar un arma

  • (- a telescope) v punctar un telescopio
  • (as in take aim, good aim, etc.) n mira
  • (blow) vt diriger
  • (end) n fin
  • (goal) n gol
  • (intend) vi aspirar, aspirar a, intender, intender de
  • (object) n objecto
  • (objective, scope, object) n objectivo, scopo
  • (purpose) n proposito
  • (take aim) v visar, mirar
  • ~ at (take, target) v mirar, visar

aiming (pointing) (of guns, etc) n punctage ¬punctaje

aimless adj sin proposito

aimlessly adv sin proposito

ain't (isn't) v non es

air (1. atmospheric air; 2. appearance; 3. melody) n aere, aer

  • (airy, aerial) adj aeree
  • (expose to the open air) v aerar
  • (in the open) phr al aere libere
  • ~ condition v climatisar
  • ~ conditioning n climatisation
  • ~ hostess n stewardessa
  • ~ pressure n pression atmospheric
  • ~ raid n incursion aeree

airborne adj portate per le aere

air-condition v climatisar

air-conditioning n climatisation

aircraft carrier n porta-aviones

  • n aeronave, aeronaves

airfield n aerodromo, campo de aviation

airforce n fortia aeree, armea aeree

airing (aeration) n aerage ¬aeraje, aeration

  • n aeration, ventilation

airline n linea aeree

airmail (by ~) adv per avion, per via aeree

  • n posta aeree

airman (aeronaut) n aeronauta, aviator, aeronauta

airplane (by ~) adv per aeroplano, per avion, per via aeree

  • n aeroplano, avion

airport n aeroporto

airs (put on ~) phr dar se aeres

airship n aeronave, aeroplano, avion, nave aeree

airsickness n mal de aviatores

airtight adj hermetic

aisle n nave lateral

  • n passage

Aix-la-Chapelle (Aachen) [G] n Aachen, Aquisgrano

ajar adj semiaperte

alabaster (as in gypseous alabaster) n alabastro

  • (Oriental alabaster) n alabastrite

alabastrine (alabaster) adj alabastrin

alacritous (eager, brisk) adj alacre

alacrity (quickness, eagerness, briskness) n alacritate

alarm (alert) n allerta

  • (alert) n allerta
  • (give the alarm to) v allertar
  • ~ clock n eveliator
  • n alarma
  • v alarmar
  • v alarmar, allertar

alarming adj alarmante (ppr of alarmar)

alarmist n alarmista

alas interj guai

Alaska (State of ~) n le Stato de Alaska

  • [Geog] n Alaska

alb [Eccl] n alba

Albania n Albania

albatross [Ornith] n albatros

albeit conj benque

Alberta [Geog] n Alberta

albiflorous (white-flowered) adj albiflor

albinism n albinismo

albino adj albin

  • n albino

album n album

albumen (1. white of an egg, egg-white 2. [Bot]) n albumine

albumin (complex protein) n albumina

albuminoid (albuminoidal) n albuminoide

albuminous (albuminose) adj albuminose

albuminuria [Pathol] n albuminuria

alburnum (sapwood) n alburno

alcalde (mayor of a Spanish town, etc.) n alcalde ¬H

alchemical adj alchimic

alchemist n alchimista

alchemy n alchimia

alcohol n alcohol ¬NL

alcoholic adj alcoholic

  • n alcoholico

alcoholism n alcoholismo

alcoholization n alcoholisation

alcoholize v alcoholisar

alcove (recessed portion of a room) n alcova

alderman n legislator urban

ale (brown ~) n bira obscur

  • (pale ~) n bira clar
  • n ale ¬A, bira

aleatoric (random) adj aleatori

aleatory (random) adj aleatori

alembic adj alembic

  • ~ aleron

alert (alarm) n alerta, allerta

  • (vigilant) adj alerte, vigilante
  • (watchful) adj allerte
  • adj alerte, allerte
  • v alertar, allertar

alertness n vigilantia

Aleut n aleut

Aleutian adj aleutic

Alexandria npr Alexandria

Alexandrian (1. of Alexandria; 2. of Alexander the Great) adj alexandrin

  • adj alexandrin

Alexandrine [Pros] adj alexandrin

  • [Pros] n alexandrino

alfalfa (lucerne) [Bot] n lucerna, alfalfa

alga n alga

algae n algas

algebra n algebra

algebraic (algebraical) adj algebraic, algebric

algebrist n algebrista

Alger npr Alger

Algeria [Geog] n Algeria

Algerian (Algerine) n algeriano

  • adj algerian

Algerine (Algerian) adj algerian

algesia (sensitivity to pain) [Med] n algesia

Algiers n Alger

algo-, alg- (pain) occurring in derivatives and compounds] n algo-, alg-

algol [Comp] n lingua de programmation algol

algometer [Psychol] n algometro

algometric [Psychol] adj algometric

algometry (measurement of sensitivity to pain) [Psychol] n algometria

Algonquian (Amerindian) n algonquiano

  • adj algonquian

algorithm n algorithmo

algorithmic adj algorithmic

alias adv alias

  • n pseudonymo

alibi n alibi

alibility n alibilitate

alible (nutritive, nourishing) adj alibile

alien (different, differing in nature) adj alien, estranie

  • (foreign) n alien, estranie, estraniero

alienability n alienabilitate

alienable adj alienabile

alienate (1. to transfer ownership of; 2. to estrange) v alienar, estraniar

alienation (1. transfer of ownership to another; 2. estrangement; 3. insanity) n alienation, 2. alienation, estraniamento

alienator n alienator

alienee n alienatario

alienism [Med] n alienismo

alienist n alienista

alight (aflame) adj in flammas

  • (illuminated) adj illuminate
  • (set ~) v accender, incender
  • ~ on water [Aeronaut] v amarar
  • v atterrar
  • v descender

alighting on water (action of ~) [Aeronaut] n amarage ¬amaraje

align (range or place in a line) v alinear

alignment (action of aligning) n alineamento

alike (equal) adj equal, similar, simile

  • adv equalmente, similarmente, similemente, del mesme maniera

alimental (nourishing) adj alimental

alimentary adj alimentari

  • ~ canal (enteron) [Anat/Zool] n enteron

alimentation (nourishment) n alimentation

alimenter (feeder) n alimentator

alimony n alimentos, alimentos (post-marital)

alive (be ~) v esser, spirar, viver, esser vivente

  • (live, living) adj vivente, vive
  • (make ~) v animar, reanimar, vivificar
  • ~ and well phr san e salve

alizarin (madder root) n alizarina

alkali n alcali

alkalimeter n alcalimetro

alkaline adj alcalin

  • n alcalino

alkalinity n alcalinitate

alkalization n alcalisation

alkalize v alcalisar

alkaloid n alcaloide

all (1. as in all the cheese; 2. as in all the books) adj omne, tote

  • (1. the whole of; 2. all the parts, members, etc. of a whole series or group) adj tote, omne
  • (above ~) adv super toto
  • (after ~) adv post toto
  • (at ~) adv del toto
  • (everybody) pron omnes
  • (everything) pron toto
  • (not at ~) adv nullemente
  • adv completemente
  • ~ clear n toto ben, toto clar
  • n toto
  • ~ out adj/adv con maxime fortia
  • ~ over (finished) adj terminate, in tote parte
  • ~ pron omnes, totes
  • ~ right adv ben, correcte, salve
  • ~ right interj ben!, bon!, de accordo
  • ~ round adj incirculante (completemente)
  • ~ star adj omnistella
  • ~ star n omnistella
  • ~ the better adv tanto melio
  • ~ the same adv con tote isto
  • ~ told adv in toto

Allah (arabic) n Allah

allay (calming, soothe, appease) v sedar

allegation (assertion without proof) [Law] n allegation

allege (affirm, bring forward as an argument or excuse) v allegar

  • (use as an excuse) v pretextar
  • ~ as a pretext v pretextar

alleged adj pretense

allegiance (loyalty) n deber de fidelitate

allegoric (allegorical) adj allegoric

allegorist n allegorista

allegorization n allegorisation

allegorize v allegorisar

allegorizer n allegorisator

allegory (hidden meaning story) n allegoria

allegretto [Mus] n allegretto

allegro [Mus] n allegro

allergic [Pathol] adj allergic

allergy [Pathol] n allergia

alleviate (relieve) v alleviar

alleviation n alleviation

alley (street) n vico

  • n allee

alliance n alliantia

allied adj alliate

alligator n alligator ¬A

  • ~ pear (avocado) n avocato

alliterate v alliterar

alliteration n alliteration

allo-, all- (other) [occurring in compounds] adj allo-, all-

allocate (allot) v assignar, distribuer

allocation n allocation

allocator n allocator

  • n assignator

allocution n allocution

allopath n allopathe

allopathy n allopathia

allot (assign, attribute, distribute, apportion) v assignar, attribuer, distribuer, tribuer, apportionar

allotment (apportioning, distribution) n apportionamento, distribution, repartition

  • (land) n parcella de terreno

allotrope [Chem] n allotropo

allotropic [Chem] adj allotrope, allotropic

allotropous [Zoo] adj allotrope

allotropy [Chem] n allotropia

allow (brook, comport, bear) v comportar

  • (permit) v permitter
  • ~ for v tener conto de
  • ~ me v permitte me

allowable adj admissibile


  • (a small ~) phr un pitancia
  • n alimentos
  • n assignation

alloy (as in to alloy silver with copper) v alligar

  • n alligato

all-seeing (omnivident) adj omnividente

allspice n specie (condimento) de myrto

allude (casually refering) v alluder (a)

allure (attract) v attraher

alluring adj attractive

allusion n allusion

allusive adj allusive

alluvial adj alluvial

alluvium n alluvion

ally (by marriage) v apparentar

  • (confederato) n alliato, confederato
  • v alliar

alma mater n alma matre ¬L

almanac (calendar) n almanac, ephemeride

almightiness (omnipotence) n omnipotentia

almighty (omnipotent) adj omnipotente

almond (- tree) n amandoliero

  • n amandola

almond-tree n amandoliero

almoner n almosnero

almonry n almosneria

almost (nearly) adv quasi

alms (give ~) v dar almosna, facer le caritate

  • ~ bag (alms purse) n almosniera
  • n eleemosyna, almosna, caritate
  • ~ purse (alms bag) n almosniera

aloe n aloe

aloft adv in alto, in le aere

alone (single, separate) adj singule, sol

along (by) prep secundo, secun

  • (get - with another) v intender se
  • (get ~) v arrangiar se
  • (manage) v arrangiar se
  • prep preter
  • ~ with adv/conj insimul a

alongside (- of) prep preter

  • adv bordo a bordo
  • prep al latere de

aloof (reserved) adj multo distante

alopecia n calvitia

aloud adv in alte voce

alpha (the first letter of the Greek alphabet) n alpha

alphabet n alphabeto

alphabetical adj alphabetic

alphabetically adv alphabeticamente

alphabetization n alphabetisation

alphabetize v alphabetisar

alphanumeric adj alphanumeric

Alpine (Alpestrine) adj alpin, alpestre

Alpinism n alpinismo

Alpinist n alpinista

Alps [Geog] n Alpes

already (at once, right away) adv jam, ja, ya

Alsace n Alsatia

alsatian (dog) adj can pastoral german

  • (dog) n can pastoral german
  • adj alsatian
  • n alsatiano

also (- not) adv ni

  • (likewise) adv equalmente
  • (too) adv alsi, anque ¬anche, de plus, etiam, in plus

Altai (1. Altai mountains; 2. Altai region) n Altai

Altaic adj altaic

altar n altar

alter v alterar, alterar se

alterable adj alterabile

alteration n alteration

altercate (quarrel, wrangle) v altercar

altercation n altercation

alternate (1. to do by turns; 2. to occur by turns) v alternar

  • (alternating) adj alternate, alternative, alterne

alternation n alternation

  • n alternativa

alternative (choice between two possible things or lines of action) n alternativa

  • adj alternative

alternator n alternator

although conj ben que, etiam si, quamquam, quanquam

altimeter n altimetro

altisonant (high-sounding) adj altisonante, altisone

altitude n altitude

alto (1. contralto voice; 2. tenor violin) [Mus] n alto

altogether adv integremente

altruism n altruismo

altruist n altruista

altruistic (generous, unselfish) adj altruistic

aluminum (aluminium) (Al) n aluminio, aluminium

alumna (female alumnus) n alumna

alumni n alumnos

alumnus n alumno

alveolar [Anat] adj alveolar, alveolari

alveolate (honeycombed, pitted) adj alveolate

always (semper) adv sempre, semper

am (I ~) v io es, io esse, io so

amalgam n amalgama

amalgamate (1. [Metal]; 2. to combine, consolidate) v amalgamar, amalgamar se

  • (merge) [Com/Pol] v fusionar

amalgamation (1. union, consolidation; 2. [Metal]) n amalgamation

  • (merger) [Com/Pol] n fusionamento

amalgamator n amalgamator

amanuensis (secretary) n secretari

amass v amassar

amasser n amassator

amassment n amassamento

amateur (dilettante, lover of the arts) n dilettante ¬I

  • ~ ¬F n amateur

amateurish adj dilettantesc

amatory adj amatori

amaze v stupefacer

amazed (be -, be stunned) v stuper

  • (stunned) adj stupide
  • adj stupefacte

amazement n stupefaction

amazing (stupendous) adj stupende, surprendente

Amazon (1. [Gr. Mythol]; 2. [Geog]) n Amazon

Amazonian (1. pertaining to the Amazons; 2. pertaining to the Amazon river) adj amazonie

ambassador n ambassador, ambassator

amber adj jalne

  • n ambra

ambergris n ambergris

  • n ambra

ambiance (environment) n ambiente

ambidextrous adj ambidextere, ambidextre

ambient (surrounding ambiente) adj ambiente

  • n ambiente

ambiguity (1. double or dubious meaning; 2. ambiguous expression, equivocal expression) n ambiguitate, equivoco

ambiguous (unclear) adj ambigue, equivoc

ambit (circuit, circuitous route) n ambito

ambition (aspiration) n ambition

  • (unscrupulous) n arrivismo

ambitious adj ambitiose

ambivalence (conflicting feelings) n ambivalentia

ambivert [Psychol] n ambivertito

amble n amblo

  • v ir al amblo

ambly- (dull) [occurring in compounds] adj ambly-

amblyopia [Med] n amblyopia

amblyopic adj amblyopic

ambrosia (1. food intended or fit for the gods; 2. [Bot] wormseed) n ambrosia

ambrosial adj ambrosial, ambrosie

Ambrosian adj ambrosian

ambulance (1. field hospital; 2. hospital ambulance) n ambulantia

ambulant adj ambulante

ambulate v deambular

ambulatory (walking-able) adj ambulatori

ambush (place in ambush) v imboscar

  • (snare) n insidia
  • (waylay) v insidiar
  • n imboscada

ameliorate (improve) v ameliorar, bonificar

amelioration (improvement) n melioration, bonification

ameliorator (improver) n meliorator

amen [Heb] (so be it!) interj amen

amenable (responsive, submissive) adj docile, tractabile

  • ~ to adj accessibile a

amend (1. to improve, correct, emend; 2. to amend a law, bill, etc.) v emendar

amendment (1. improvement, correction; 2. amendment of a law, bill, etc.) n emendamento

amends (make ~) v reparar

  • n reparation

amenity n amenitate

amerce v punir con multa

amercement n punition con multa

America (USA) n America, Statos Unite, USA

  • n America

American (- citizen) n citatano american, statounitese, americano

  • (1. an inhabitant of North or South America; 2 . an inhabitant of the United States) n americano
  • (1. belonging to North or South America; 2. belonging to the United States) adj american
  • n americano
  • ~ Samoa [Geog] n Samoa American

Americanism (1. American custom or characteristic; 2. word or phrase peculiar to American English) n americanismo

Americanize v americanisar

americium n americio, americium

amethyst n amethysto

amiability n amabilitate

amiable (agreeable, friendly, lovable) adj amabile

amicability (friendliness) n amicabilitate

amicable (friendly) adj amicabile

amid (-st) prep in medio de, inter

amide [Chem] n amido

amidogen [Chem] n amidogeno

amidst prep in medio de, inter

amine [Chem] n amino

amino acid [Chem] n amino-acido

aminophenol [Chem] n aminophenol

amiss (come ~) v facer mal

  • (take ~) v prender in mal parte
  • adv mal

ammeter (amperometer) n amperometro

Ammon (1. [Egypt. Relig]; 2. [Gr/Rom. Relig]) n Ammon

ammonal [Technol] n ammonal

ammonia ([Chem] NH3) n ammoniaco

  • (gas) n ammoniaco
  • (solution in water) n aqua ammoniac

ammoniac (gum ammoniac) n ammoniaco

  • adj ammoniac

ammoniacal (ammonic) adj ammonic

  • adj ammoniacal

ammonic (ammoniacal) adj ammonic

ammonification (1. impregnation with ammonia; 2. decomposition with production of ammonia) n ammonification

ammonify v ammonificar

ammonite [Paleontol] n ammonite

ammonium n ammonium

ammunition n munition

amnesia (loss of memory) n amnesia

amnestic adj amnestic

amnesty (give or proclaim amnesty to) v amnestiar

  • (pardon) n amnestia

amoeba [Zool] n ameba

amoebic adj amebic

amoebiform adj amebiforme

amoeboid adj ameboide

amok n amok

among (-st) prep inter

  • adv a presso de
  • prep inter

amoral (nonmoral) adj amoral

amoralism n amoralismo

amorous (1. loving; 2. pertaining to love) adj amorose

amorousness n amorositate

amorphism n amorphia, amorphismo

amorphous adj amorphe

amortization n amortisation

amortize (extinguish a debt by means of a sinking fund) v amortisar

amount n amonta, quantitate

  • v amontar, amontar a

amovability (removability) n amovibilitate

amovable (removable) (subject to removal) adj amovibile

amove (remove) (from office, etc.) v amover

amperage n amperage ¬amperaje

ampere n ampere ¬ampér

  • ~ turn n ampere-torno

ampere-hour n ampere-hora

amperometer (ammeter) n amperometro

amphibian (1. [Zool]; 2. amphibian airplane) n amphibio

  • adj amphibie

amphibiology n amphibiologia

amphibious adj amphibie

amphitheater n anphitheatro

amphitheatric (amphitheatrical) adj amphitheatral

amphora n amphora

ample (1. spacious, extensive; 2. copious) adj ample, copiose

amplification n amplification

amplifier n amplificator

amplify (1. as in to amplify a story, etc.; 2. [Elec]; 3. to exaggerate) v amplificar

amplifying (magnifying) adj amplificative

amplitude n amplitude

ampulla [Eccl] n ampulla

amputate v amputar

amputation n amputation

amulet n amuleto

amuse (entertain) v amusar, distraher, diverter, intertener

amusement (distraction, diversion) n amusamento, distraction, diversion, divertimento, intertenimento

amusing adj amusante, distrahite, divertente, divertite, intertenite

an (per) prep per

  • (per, an apple a day) prep un pomo pro die
  • ~ , a indef art un

Anabaptism n anabaptismo

Anabaptist (Baptist) [Theol] adj baptista

  • (Baptist) [Theol] n baptista
  • n anabaptista

anabaptize (rabaptize) v anabaptisar

anacardiaceous [Bot] n anacardiacee

anacardium [Bot] n anacardio

anachronic (anachronistic, anachronous) adj anachronic

anachronism (out of date) n anachronismo

anachronistic adj anachronistic

anachronize (commit anachronisms) v anachronisar

anachronous (anachronic, anachronistic) adj anachrone, anachronic, anachronistic

Anacreon [Gr. Lit] n Anacreonte

Anacreontic adj anacreontic

anaemia (anemia) [Med] n anemia

anaemic (anemic) adj anemic

anaerobe [Biol] n anaerobio

anaerobic [Biol] adj anaerobie, anaerobic

anaesthetic (anesthetic) adj anesthetic

  • (anesthetic) n anesthetico

anaesthetist (anesthetist) n anesthetista

anagram n anagramma

anal [Anat] adj anal

analgesia (insensitivity to pain) [Med] n analgesia

analgesic [Med] adj analgesic

analgia (analgesia) (insensitivity to pain) [Med] n analgia, analgesia

analgic (analgesic) [Med] adj analgic, analgesic

analog (comp/commun/techn) adj analogic

  • ~ computer n computator analogic
  • ~ to digital converter n transformator analogic a digital

analogic (analogical) (founded on analogy) adj analogic

analogous (comparable, corresponding in some ways) adj analoge

analogy n analogia

analphabetic [Phonet] adj analphabetic

analphabetism (analphabetic notation) [Phonet] n analphabetismo

analysis n analyse, analysisanalyst (analyzer) n analysator, analysta

analytic (analytical) adj analytic

analyzable adj analysabile

analyze v analysar

analyzer (analyst) n analysator

anarch-, anarcho- (anarchic, anarchical) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj anarch-, anarcho-

anarchic (anarchical) adj anarchic

anarchism n anarchismo

anarchist n anarchista

anarchosyndicalism n anarchosyndicalismo

anarchosyndicalist n anarchosyndicalista

anarchy (disorder) n anarchia

anathema [Eccl] n anathema

anathematize [Eccl] v anathematisar

Anatolia n Anatolia

anatom- (anatomy) [occurring in derivatives] n anatom-

anatomic (anatomical) adj anatomic

anatomical (anatomic) adj anatomic

anatomically adv anatomicamente

anatomist n anatomista

anatomy n anatomia

ancestor (forebear) n ancestre, antecessor, ascendente

  • (forefather) n atavo

ancestral adj ancestral, antecessori

ancestry (ancestral lineage, one's ancestors viewed as a group) n ancestria, ascendentia, lineage ¬lineaje, antecedentia

anchor (weigh ~) v disancorar, levar le ancora

  • n ancora
  • v ancorar, ancorar se

anchorage (1. action of anchoring; 2. place to anchor; 3 . anchorage dues) n ancorage / ancoraje

anchovy n anchova

ancient (antique, old) adj ancian, antique

ancients (the ~) adj (los) ancianos

ancillary adj ancillar, adjutor

and conj e, et

  • ~ so (consequently) adv ita

Andalusia [Geog] n Andalusia

Andalusian adj andaluse, andalusian

  • n andalusiano, andaluso

Andorra [Geog] npr Andorra

andr-, andro- (man, male, husband) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n andr-, andro-

androgyne (1. hermaphrodite; 2. [Bot]) n androgyno

androgynous (1. hermaphroditic; 2. [Bot]) adj androgyne

androgyny n androgynia

android n androide

androphobia n androphobia

anecdotal adj anecdotic

anecdote (short story) n anecdota, historietta

anecdotist n anecdotista

anemia (anaemia) [Med] n anemia

anemic (anaemic) adj anemic

anemo- (wind) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n anemo-

anemograph n anemographo

anemography [Meterol] n anemographia

anemometer n anemometro

anemone n anemoneanemoscope n anemoscopio

anesthesia n anesthesiaanesthetic (anaesthetic) adj anesthetic

anesthetic (anaesthetic) n anesthetico

anesthetist (anaesthetist) n anesthetista

anesthetize v anesthesiar

anew (again) adv itero

angel n angelo

angelic adj angelic

angelica [Bot] n angelica

Angelus [R.C.Ch] n angelus

anger (enrage) v incholerisar

  • (wrath, ire) n cholera, ira

angina (quinsy) [Pathol] n angina

angio- (vessel) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n angio-

angiography n angiographia

angiosperm [Bot] n angiosperma

angiospermous [Bot] adj angiosperme

angle (corner) n angulo

  • v piscar, piscar con linea

angled (angulate) adj angulate

angler n piscator, piscator con linea

Anglia [Hist] npr Anglia

Anglian (Anglic) adj anglic

Anglic (Anglian) adj anglic

Anglican [Eccl] adj anglican

  • [Eccl] n anglicano

Anglicanism [Eccl] n anglicanismo

Anglicism (1. English idiom; 2. quality of being English) n anglicismo

Anglicize v anglicisar

angling n pisca, pisca con linea

Anglo-American adj angloamerican

  • ~ -American n angloamericano

Anglo-Catholic (High-Church) [Eccl] adj anglocatholic

  • ~ -Catholic (High-churchman) [Eccl] n anglocatholico

anglology n angiologia

Anglomaniac n anglomano

Anglophile adj anglophile

  • n anglophilo

Anglophobe (Anglophobic) adj anglophobe

  • n anglophobo

Anglophobia n anglophobiaAngola [Geog] n Angola

Anglophobic (Anglophobe) adj anglophobe

angry (be ~) v esser in cholera

  • (become ~) v irascer, irascer se
  • (wrathful, irate) adj in cholera, irate

anguiform adj anguiforme

Anguilla [Geog] n Anguilla

anguilliform (eel-shaped) adj anguilliforme

anguine adj anguin

anguish (1. [Pathol]; 2. agony, distress) n angustia

  • (agony, torment) n agonia, angustia, tormento
  • (be in ~) v angustiar
  • v angustiar

anguished adj angustiose

angular adj angular

angularity (angularness) n angularitate

angulate (angled) adj angulate

angulous (angular) adj angulose

anhydride [Chem] n anhydrido

anhydrite [Mineral] n anhydrite

anhydrous adj anhydre

anil (1. Indigo shrub; 2. indigo dye) n anil

anilic (1. pertaining to anil; 2. pertaining to aniline) adj anilic

aniline [Chem] n anilina

animadversion (adverse criticism) n animadversion

animadvert (express adverse criticism) v animadverter

animal (characteristic of an animal) adj animalesc

  • (pertaining to animals) adj animal
  • ~ fat (body fat) n adipe
  • n animal

animalcule n animalculo

animality n animalitate

animalization (1. conversion into animal matter; 2. reduction to animal nature) n animalisation

animalize (1. to convert into animal matter; 2. to reduce to animal nature) v animalisar

animate adj animate

  • v animar

animated (lively) adj animate

animater (animator) n animator

animating spirit n animo

animation (1. the action of animating; 2. vivacity, sprightliness) n animation

  • (zest, verve) n verve

anime n anime

animism n animismo

animist n animista

animosity n animositate

anion [Phys] n anion

anise ¬F n anisanisette n anisette

ankle bone n cavilia

  • n cavilia
  • ~ sprain n torsion de cavilia

Annam [Geog] n Annam

annamese [Geog] n annamita

anneal (soften) [Metal] v distemperar

annex (1. to add, append; 2. to join as an addition to existing possessions) v annexar, annecter

  • (append, subjoin) v subjunger
  • n annexo

annexation n annexion

annihilable adj annihilabile

annihilate (destroy) v annihilar

annihilation n annihilation

anniversary (mass, obit) [Eccl] n obito

  • adj anniversari
  • n anniversario

annotate v annotar

annotation n annotation

annotator n annotator

announce (proclaim)v predicar

  • v annunciar
  • v indicer

announcement n annunciation, annuncio

announcer n annunciator

annoy (irritate, vex) v enoiar, irritar, molestar, vexar

annoyance (trouble, worry) n enoio, irritation, molestia, vexation

annoying (troublesome, irksome) adj enoiante, irritante, moleste

annual (1. coming once a year; 2. lasting one year) adj annue, annual

  • (yearbook) n annuario
  • [Bot] n planta annual

annually adv annualmente

annuity n annuitate

annul (void an agreement, cancel, invalidate, cashier, quash) v annullar, annihilar, cancellar, dirimer, cassar

annular (ring-shaped) adj anular

annulet (small ring) n anuletto

annuling (nullifying, diriment) adj dirimente

annulling (quashing) adj annullative

annulment (cancellation, revoke, voiding) n annullation, dissolution, cancellation, revoco, annihilation

annulose [Zool] adj anulose

anode [Elec] n anodo

anodic adj anodic

anodyne adj anodin

  • n anodino

anoint (1. to rub with an ointment; 2. to make sacred with oil) v unguer, linir

anointed adj linite, unguite

  • n uncto

anointing n unction

anomalous adj anomale

anomaly n anomalia

anonymity (anonymousness) n anonymitate

anonymous adj anonyme

another (additional) pron ancora un

  • (different) adj un altere
  • (one ~) pron le un le altere

ansate (looped) adj ansate

answer (reply) n responsa, replica, solution

  • (reply) v responder, replicar
  • ~ for (- someone) v responder pro (un persona)
  • ~ for (- something) v responder de (un cosa)

answerable adj responsabile

answering (replying) adj responsive

ant n formica

antagonism n antagonismo

antagonist (1. opponent; 2. [Physiol]) n antagonista

antagonistic (opposing) adj antagonistic, opponente

antagonize (contend with) v antagonisar

antarctic adj antarctic

  • n Antarctico, Oceano Antarctic

Antartica [Geog] n Antartica

antasthmatic adj antiasthmatic

anteater [Zool./Ornith] n formichero

antecede (be the antecedent) v anteceder

antecedent (1. [Logic, Math]; 2. [Gram]) n antecedente

antedate (affix an earlier date than the actual one) v antedatar

  • n antedata

antediluvian adj antediluvian

antefix [Arch] n antefixa

antelope n antilope

antemeridian adj antemeridian

antenatal adj antenatal, prenatal

antenna (1. [Zool]; 2. [Radio] aerial) n antenna

antepenult n antepenultima

antepenultimate (last but two) adj antepenultime

anterior adj anterior

anteriority n anterioritate

anteroom n antecamera

anthelminthic (vermifuge) adj anthelminthic

  • (vermifuge) n anthelminthico

anthem (national ~) n hymno national

  • n antiphona

anthill n formicario

antho-, anth- (flower) [occurring in compounds] n antho-, anth-

anthocyanin [Chem] n anthocyanina

anthography [Bot] n anthographia

anthologist n anthologista

anthology n anthologia

anthracene [Chem] n anthracen

anthracic adj anthracic

anthraciferous adj anthracifere

anthraciform adj anthraciforme

anthracite (hard coal) n anthracite

anthracitic adj anthracitic

anthracitous adj anthracitose

anthracometer n anthracometro

anthraquinone [Chem] n anthraquinon

anthrax [Med/Veter] n anthrace, anthrax

anthropo- (man) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n anthropo-

anthropogenesis n anthropogenese, anthropogenesis

anthropoid (hominiforme) adj anthropoide, hominiforme

  • n anthropoide

anthropological adj anthropologic

anthropologist n anthropologista, anthropologo

anthropology n anthropologia

anthropometric adj anthropometric

anthropometry n anthropometria

anthropomorphism n anthropomorphismo

anthropomorphist adj anthropomorphista

  • n anthropomorphista

anthropomorphous adj anthropomorphe

anthropophagous (man-eating, cannibal) adj anthropophage

anthropophagy (cannibalism) n anthropophagia

anthroposophical adj anthroposophe, anthroposophic

anthroposophist n anthroposopho

anthroposophy n anthroposophia

anti air craft n antiaeree

  • ~ body n anticorpore
  • ~ freeze n anticongelante

antiaircraft [Mil] adj antiaeree

anti-Catholic adj anticatholic

Antichrist n Antichristo

antichristian adj antichristian

  • ~ -Christian adj antichristian

anticipate (do or use in advance) v anticipar

  • (expect, foresee, forestall) v expectar

anticipated adj anticipate

  • adj expectate, prevenite, previdite

anticipation (act of doing or using in advance) n anticipation

  • (expectation, foresight, forestalling) n expectation, prevision, prevention

anticlerical adj anticlerical

anticlericalism n anticlericalismo

anticlimax n anticlimax

anticlockwise adv in senso antihorologic

antics n buffonerias

anticyclone [Meteorol] n anticyclon

antidote n antidoto, contraveneno

  • v antidotar

antifascist adj antifascista

  • n antifascista

Antigua [Geog] npr Antigua

Anti-Lebanon (mountain range parallel to the Lebanon Mountains) n Antilibano

antimonial adj antimonial

antimony n antimonio

antinational adj antinational

antinephritic adj antinephritic

antinomian [Eccl. Hist] n antinomio

antinomianism [Eccl. Hist] n antinomismo

antinomic adj antinomic

antinomy n antinomia

Antioch npr Antiochia

antiparliamentary adj antiparlamentari

antipath- (antipathetic) [occurring in derivatives] adj antipath-

antipathetic adj antipathic

antipathy n antipathia

antiperistasis (intensification of a quality by an opposing quality) n antiperistase, antiperistasis

antiphon (antiphony) [Eccl] n antiphona

antiphonal adj antiphonal

antiphonary (antiphonal) n antiphonario

antiphrasis n antiphrase, antiphrasis

antiphrastic adj antiphrastic

antipodal adj antipodic

antipode (opposite, contrary) n antipode

antipope n antipapa

antiquary n antiquario

antiquate v antiquarantiquated adj antiquate, vetuste

antique (ancient) adj antique

  • ~ dealer n antiquario
  • n antiquitate

antiqueness n vetustate

antiques n antiquitates

antiquity (1. ancient character; 2. early ages of history; 3. antique) n antiquitate

  • (oldness) n ancianitate

antireligious adj antireligiose

antiscorbutic adj antiscorbutic

anti-Semite n antisemita

anti-Semitic adj antisemitic

anti-Semitism n antisemitismo

antisepsis n antisepsis

antiseptic (antiseptical) adj antiseptic

  • n antiseptico

antisocial adj antisocial

antispasmodic [Med] adj antispasmodic

antithesis (1. [Rhet]; 2. opposition) n antithese, antithesis

  • (contraposition) n contraposition

antitoxin n antitoxina

anti-Trinitarian adj antitrinitari

antler n corno de cervo

antonym n antonymo

antonymous adj antonyme

antonymy n antonymia

Antwerp [Flem] npr Antwerpen

anus [Anat] n ano

anvil (incus) [Anat] n incude

anxiety (1. uneasiness; 2. eager desire) n anxietate

anxious (1. uneasy, worried; 2. eagerly desiring) adj anxie

any (- further, emphatic) adv qualcunque, ulle

  • (in - case) phr in omne caso
  • (not ~) adj nulle
  • (whatever, of whatever kind) adj qualcunque
  • adj alcun, alicun
  • ~ body pron alcuno, alicuno, qualcuno, ulle
  • ~ further adv plus, plus longe
  • ~ how (however) adv de omne modo, in omne caso, totevia
  • ~ how (in spite of everything) adv malgrado toto
  • ~ how (no matter how) adv de qualcunque maniera
  • ~ more adv plus, plus longe
  • ~ one pron alcuno, alicuno, qualcuno, ulle
  • ~ place adv alicubi, ubique, in qualcunque loco
  • ~ pron alcuno, alicuno
  • ~ thing pron alcun cosa, alicun cosa, alique, alque, qualcun cosa
  • ~ time adv aliquando
  • ~ way adv como sia, comocunque, de omne modo, de qualcunque maniera, in omne caso, indifferentemente
  • ~ way interj como sia!
  • ~ where adv alicubi, ubique, usquam
  • ~ where adv in qualcunque modo
  • ~ wise adv de qualcunque modo, de qualcunque maniera

aorta [Anat] n aorta

aortic adj aortic

Apache n apache

apart (come ~) v divider se

  • (separately) adv a parte, separatemente

apartheid n apartheid, separation racial

apartment (flat) n appartamento

  • (room) n camera

apath- (apathetic) [occurring in derivatives] adj apath-

apathetic adj apathic

apathy n apathia

ape (go ~) v simiar, simiar se

  • (monkey) n simia

Apennine adj apennin

apepsy [Pathol] n apepsia

aperient (laxative) n aperitivo

  • (laxative, aperitive) adj aperitive

aperitif (apéritif) n aperitivo

aperitive (aperient, laxative) adj aperitive

aperture (hole) n foramine

  • n apertura

apetalous [Bot] adj apetale

apex n apice

aphasia [Pathol] n aphasia

aphasiac (aphasic) adj aphasic

  • (aphasic) n aphasico

aphasic (aphasiac) adj aphasic

  • (aphasiac) n aphasico

aphelion (Astron.) n aphelion

aphid (bio) n aphide

aphonia n aphonia

aphonic (voiceless) adj aphonic, aphone

aphorism (gnome) n aphorismo, maxima, sententia, gnoma

aphorist n aphorista

aphoristic (gnomic) adj aphoristic, gnomic

aphorize (speak, write, etc/in aphorisms) v aphorisar

aphrodisiac adj aphrodisiac

  • n aphrodisiaco

Aphrodite (Cypris) n Cypride

  • [Gr. Mythol] n Aphrodite

aphroditic (venereal) adj aphroditic

apiarist n apiarista

apiary n apiario

apiculture (bee-keeping) n apicultura

apiculturist (bee-keeper) n apicultor

apiece adv pro cata uno

aplomb n completemente composte / componite?

Apocalypse (book of ~) n libro del Apocalypse / Apocalypsis / Revelation

  • n Apocalypse, Apocalypsis, Revelation

apocryphal adj apocryphe

apocryphon (apocrypha) n apocrypho

apogeal (apogean) adj apogee

apogean (apogeal) adj apogee

apogee (1. [Astron]; 2. highest point, culmination) n apogeo

Apolline (Apollonian) adj apollinee

Apollo [Gr. Mythol] n Apollon, Apolline

apologetic (defending by speech or writing) adj apologetic

  • (making excuse or apology) adj excusatori

apologetics n apologetica

apologia (apology) n apologia

apologist n apologista

apologize v excusar se, facer su excusas

apologue n apologo

apology (apologia) n apologia

  • n excusa

apophasis [Rhet] n reticentia

apophysis [Anat/Zool] n apophysis

apoplectic (apoplectical) adj apoplectic

apoplectical (apoplectic) adj apoplectic

apoplexy n apoplexia

apostasy n apostasia

apostate n apostata

apostle n apostolo

apostolate n apostolato

apostolic (1. pertaining to the apostles or their teachings; 2. papal) adj apostolic

apostolicity n apostolicitate

apostrophe (the mark ' as used in ne'er, boy's, etc.) n apostropho

  • [Rhet] n apostrophe

apostrophize (address in an apostrophe) [Rhet] v apostrophar

apothecary n apothecario

s (pharmacy) n apotheca

apotheosis (1. [Class. Hist] deification; 2. glorification) n apotheosis, apotheose

appall (dismay) v consternar, horrificar

appalling adj horrific, terribile

apparatus (1. appliance, instrument; 2. collection of mechanical contrivances for carrying out a given work) n apparato

apparel (clothing, clothes) n vestitura

apparent (1. plain to see; 2. seeming) adj apparente

apparently adv apparentemente

apparition (1. act of appearing, appearance; 2. phantom, ghost) n apparition

appeal (1. [Law]; 2. as in the appeal to reason) n appellation

  • (1. [Law]; 2. earnest request) n appello
  • (attraction) n appello, attraction
  • (recourse) n appello, recurso
  • v appellar

appealable adj appellabile

appealing adj attractive

appear (be similar to, seem) v similar, semblar

  • (come in sight) v apparer
  • (in court) v comparer
  • (in person) v apparer


  • (aspect, semblance) n apparentia, aspecto, semblante, semblantia, similante, similantia
  • (coming into sight) n apparition
  • (make an ~) v apparer, facer un apparentia
  • [Bib] n apparentia, parousia
  • ~ in court (compearance) n comparition, comparentia

appeasable adj appaciabile

appease (allay, soothe) v sedar

  • (placate) v appaciar, placar

appeasement n appaciamento

appeaser n appaciator

appellant [Law] n appellante

appellation n appellation

appellative (1. denominative of a class; 2. as in the appellative faculty of children) adj appellative

  • (common or class name) [Gram] n appellativo

append (subjoin, annex) v subjunger

  • v appender

appendectomy [Surg] n appendicectomia

appendicitis n appendicitis

appendicle (small appendix or appendage) n appendicula

appendicular [Pathol] adj appendicular

appendix (1. appendage; 2. appendix to a book, etc.; 3 . [Anat]) n appendice

apperception [Psychol] n apperception

appertain v appertiner

appertinent (appurtenant) adj appertinente

appetency (appetence (fixed and strong desire)) n appetentia

appetible (desirable) adj appetibile, desirabile

appetite n appetentia, appetito

appetitive (having appetite; giving appetite) adj appetitive

appetizing adj appetitive

applaud v applauder, plauder

applauder n applauditor

applause n applauso

apple n malo, pomo

  • ~ orchard n verdiero de pomos
  • ~ tree n maliero, pomiero

applesauce n purée de malos / pomos

appliance n apparato

applicability (appropriateness) n applicabilitate

applicable (appropriate) adj applicabile

applicant (suitor) n candidato, sollicitator, requirente

application (1. act of putting on; 2. act of putting to use; 3. diligence) n application

  • (application for a position, etc.) n sollicitation

apply (1. to put on; 2. to put to use) v applicar

  • (for a position, for a job) v sollicitar
  • vi esser applicabile
  • vi referer se
  • ~ wax to (wax) v cerar

appoint (a position, as in to appoint someone to a post) v appunctar, nominar

  • (prescribe) v fixar, prescriber

appointment (meeting) n appunctamento

  • (nomination) n appunctamento, nomination
  • (rendez-vous, rendevous) n appunctamento, rendez-vous, rendevous

apportion v apportionar

apportionment n apportionamento

appose (as in to appose one's seal to) v apponer

apposite (relevant) adj apposite

apposition (1. act of placing near; 2. [Gram]) n apposition

appositive [Gram] adj appositive

appraisal (valuation) n appreciamento, valutation

appraise (estimate the value of, value) v appreciar, valutar

appraiser n appreciator

appreciable adj appreciabile

appreciate (esteem highly) v appreciar

  • (rise in value) vi crescer in valor
  • (understand) v apprehender, notar
  • (value) vt appreciar, valutar

appreciated (be ~) v esser appreciate

  • (feel ~) v sentir se appreciate
  • adj appreciate

appreciation (1. appraisal; 2. adequate or high estimation of value) n appreciation

appreciative adj grate, laudative

apprehend (1. to seize, arrest; 2. to dread) v apprehender

  • (perceive mentally, understand) v apprehender, apperciper, intender

apprehensibility (understandability) n apprehensibilitate

apprehensible (understandable) adj apprehensibile

apprehension (1. act of grasping mentally; 2. dread) n apprehension

apprehensive (dreading) adj apprehensive

apprentice n apprentisse

  • v mitter in apprentissage

apprenticeship n apprentissage ¬apprentissaje

approach (access) n accesso

  • (action of approaching) n approche ¬approshe
  • (as in new lines of approach) n accostamento
  • (come or go near to) v approchar ¬approshar, approximar
  • v approchar (se), approximar se, acceder, adir

approachable (accessible, accostable) adj abbordabile, accessibile, accostabile

  • adj approchabile ¬approshabile

approaching adj approchante, approximante

approbation (approval) n approbation

approbative (approving) adj approbative

approbatory (approbative) adj approbatori

appropriate (applicable) adj applicabile

  • adj appropriate
  • v appropriar se

appropriateness (applicability) n applicabilitate

appropriation (action of appropriating) n appropriation

approvable adj approbabile

approval (- on) n pro acceptation o retorno

  • (approbation) n approbation
  • (sanction) n sanction

approve v approbar

  • v sanctionar

approver n approbator

approving (approbative) adj approbative

approximate (approximative) adj approximative

  • v approximar, approximar se

approximately adv approximativemente, circa

approximation (1. action of approximating; 2. close estimate) n approximation

approximative (approximate) adj approximative

appurtenance [Law] n appertinentia

appurtenant (appertinent) adj appertinente

apricot n albricoc, armeniaca

  • ~ tree n albricochiero

April n april

apron n avantal

apse (1. [Astron] apsis; 2. [Arch]) n apside

apsidal (1. [Astron]; 2. [Arch]) adj apsidal

apt (be - to) v tender a

  • adj apte

apterous [Entom] adj aptere

aptitude (natural capacity or propensity) n aptitude, disposition

aquamarine (the color) n aquamarina

  • (the stone) n aquamarina
  • adj aquamarin

aquarium n aquario

aquarius n aquario

aquatic adj aquatic, aquatile

aquavit n aquavite

aquavitae n aqua-ardente, aquavite

aqueduct [Arch] n aqueducto

aqueous (watery) adj aquee, aquose

aquifer n aquifero

aquiline adj aquilin

aquosity (wateriness) n aquositate

Arab (Arabian, Arabic) adj arabe, arabic

  • n arabe

arabesque [Art] adj arabesc

  • [Art] n arabesco

Arabia [Geog] n Arabia

Arabic adj arabe, arabic

  • n arabe

Arabicism (Arabism, Arabic idiom) n arabismo

Arabist (student of Arabic language and culture) n arabista

arable adj arabile

arachidic adj arachidic

Arachis [Bot] n arachide

  • [Bot] n arachide (-rà-)

arachnid adj arachnide

  • n arachnido

Aramaic adj aramaic

  • n aramaico, arameo

Arapahoe (amerindian) adj arapaho

  • (amerindian) n arapaho

arbiter n arbitro

arbitrage [Bank. etc] n arbitrage ¬arbitraje

arbitrament (arbitration) n arbitrage

arbitrarily adv arbitrarimente

arbitrariness n arbitrarietate

arbitrary adj arbitrari

arbitrate v arbitrar

arbitration (arbitrament) n arbitration, arbitrage ¬arbitraje, arbitramento

arbitrator n arbitrator

arbor n herbiero

  • v itae n arborvite

arboreal (tree) adj arboreal, arboree

arboresce (grow into a tree) [Bot] v arborescer

arborescence [Bot] n arborescentia

arboretum n arboreto

arborist n arborista

arborization n arborisation

arborize (give a treelike appearance to) v arborisar

arc light n lampa de arco

  • n arco
  • ~ torch n torcha de arco

arcade n arcada, passage

Arcadia npr Arcadia

Arcadian adj arcadian

arch (1. to cause to arch or curve; 2. to furnish with arches) v arcar

  • n arco

archaelogically adv archeologicamente

archaeo-, archae- (old) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj archeo-, arche-

archaeological adj archeologic

archaeologist n archeologo

archaeology n archeologia

archaic adj archaic

archaism n archaismo

archaist n archaista

archaize v archaisar

archangel n archangelo

archbishop n archiepiscopo

archdeacon n archidiacono

archducal adj archiducal

archduchess n archiduchessa

archduchy n archiducato

archduke n archiduce

archer (bowman) n sagittario

  • n archero, flechator ¬fleshator, sagittario

archery n archeria

archetype n archetypo

archiepiscopal adj archiepiscopal

archiepiscopate n archiepiscopato

Archimedes n Archimedes

archipelago n archipelagoarchitect n architecto

architecton- (architect) [occurring in derivatives] n architecton-

architectonic (architectural) adj architectonic

architectonics (science or principles of architecture) n architectonica

architectural adj architectural

architecturally adv architecturalmente

architecture n architectura

architrave [Arch] n architrave

archival adj archival

archive n archivo

archivist n archivista

archivolt n archivolta

archon [Gr. Hist] n archonte

archpriest n archipresbytero, archiprestre

archway n arcada

arct- (bear) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n arct-

arctic adj arctic

  • n arctico
  • n Arctico, Oceano Arctic

Arcturus [Astron] n Arcturo

ardent (ardurous) adj ardente, ardorose

ardor (1. fierce heat; 2. fervor) n ardor

  • (ardour) n ardor, zelo
  • (impetuosity) n fuga

ardour (ardor) n ardor

  • (ardor) n zelo

arduous (1. steep; 2. difficult to achieve) adj ardue

arduousness n arduitate

ardurous (ardent) adj ardorose

are (one hundredth part of a hectare) n ar

  • v esse, es

area (1. clear space within a building; 2. surface extent) n area

arena (1. place of combat; 2. Med] (gravel) n arena

arenaceous (sandy) adj arenacee

aren't (are not) v non es

Areopagite [Gr. Hist] n areopagita

Ares [Gr. Mythol] n Ares

argentan (German silver) n argentano

argentate adj argentate

argentiferous (yielding silver) adj argentifere

Argentina [Geog] npr Argentina

Argentine (Argentino) n argentino

  • [Zool] n argentina
  • adj argentin

argentinian n argentino

Argentino (Argentine) n argentino

argentous (containing silver) adj argentose

argil (clay) n argilla

Argo [Gr. Mythol] npr Argo

argon [Chem] n argon

  • [Chem] n argon

Argonaut [Gr. Mythol] n Argonauta

argot ¬F n argot

argotic adj argotic

arguable (debatable) adj arguibile

argue (offer arguments for or against) v arguer, argumentar

argument (1. reason offered in proof; 2. summary) n argumento

  • (dispute) n altercation, disputa

argumentation n argumentation

argumentative (containing a process of reasoning) adj argumentative

argyranthous adj argyranthe

argyric adj argyric

argyrite [Mineral] n argyrite

argyro-, argyr- (silver) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n argyro-, argyr-

Argyroneta (water spider) [Zool] n argyroneta

aria [Mus] n aria ¬I

Ariadne nprf Ariadna

s clew afilo de Ariadna

arid adj aride

aridity n ariditate

Aries (Ram) [Astron] n Aries

  • n ariete

arietation (ramming) n arietation

arietta [Mus] n arietta

aright adv correctemente, justemente

ariose (arioso) [Mus] adj ariose

arioso [Mus] n arioso

arise (originate) v nascer, provenir

  • (rise, originate) v altiar se, levar se, surger, nascer, provenir

arisen adj altiate

arist-, aristo- (best) [occurring in compounds] adj arist-, aristo-

aristocracy n aristocratia

aristocrat n aristocrate

aristocratic adj aristocratic

Aristotelian adj aristotelic

Aristotelianism n aristotelismo

Aristotle [Gr. Philos] npr Aristotele

arithmetic (arithmetical) adj arithmetic

  • n arithmetica

arithmetical (arithmetic) adj arithmetic

arithmetician n arithmetico

arithmo-, arithm- (number) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n arithmo-, arithm-

arithmomancy n arithmomantia

arithmometer n arithmometro

ark n arca

arm (1. to supply with weapons; 2. to equip, fit out) v armar, armar se

  • (1. weapon; 2. branch of the military service) n arma
  • (equip with artillery) v artillar
  • [Anat] n brachio, bracio
  • ~ in arm phr con brachios / bracios juncte
  • ~ , arm- (pertaining to or done with the arm) adj bracial

armageddon n harmagedon

armament (equipment with arms) n armamento

  • n armamento

armature [Magnet/Elec] n armatura

armchair n chaise de brachios / bracios, confortabile

Armenia npr Armenia

Armenian (1. Armenian language; 2. inhabitant of Armenia) n armenio

  • adj armenie

armful n brachiata, braciata

armhole n apertura del manica

armipotent adj armipotente

armistice n armistitio

armor n armatura, cuirasse

  • ~ plated adj cuirassate

armored (armor-plated, panzer) adj cuirassate (pp of cuirassar)

armorer (1. manufacturer of arms; 2. official in charge of armament or arms) n armero

armor-plated (panzer, armored) adj cuirassate (pp of cuirassar)

armory (armoury) n arsenal

armour n armatura, cuirasse

armoury (armory) n arsenal

armpit (axilla) n axilla

arms (armed) adj armate

  • (in ~) phr armate
  • (weapons) n armas

army (host) n hoste

  • n armea

aroma n aroma, aromate

aromatic adj aromatic, fragante

aromatization n aromatisation

aromatize v aromatisar

around (adv/prep) circa

  • (around about) prep circum
  • (get ~) v ambular
  • (go ~) v contornar
  • (move ~) v contornar
  • (pass ~) v contornar
  • (stand ~) v circumstar
  • (walk ~) v circumerrar

arousal n eveliamento

arouse v eveliar

  • v piccar

arpeggio [Mus] n arpeggio ¬I

arrange (1. to set in order; 2. to contrive; 3. to settle, straighten out) v arrangiar ¬arranjar, disponer

  • (put in order) v ordinar, struer
  • [Mus] v adaptar
  • ~ in series (to seriate) v seriar

arrangement (1. order; 2. preparation, plan) n arrangiamento ¬arranjamento, disposition, ordination, ordinantia, positura

  • (make -s) v facer le preparativos
  • [Mus] n adaptation

array (an army) v arrangiar, ordinar

  • (deck out) v adornar, vestir
  • (in algorithms) v arrangiar
  • [Comp] n arrangiamento, matrice, serie
  • n ordine

arrears (be in ~) v arretrar se

  • (in ~) adj/adv arretrate
  • n arretrato

arrest (1. to stop, bring to a standstill; 2. to seize (someone) by legal authority) v arrestar

  • (act of seizing someone by legal authority, apprehension by legal authority) n arresto, arrestation

arresting (stopping, bringing to a standstill) n arrestation, arresto

arrival n advenimento, arrivata

arrive (succeed in arriving at a place, etc.) v pervenir

  • v arrivar

arrogance (haughtiness) n arrogantia, superbia

arrogant (overbearing) adj arrogante, superbe

arrogate (1. [Rom. Law] (adrogate; 2. to claim as one's own) v arrogar

arrogation (1. act of making exorbitant claims; 2. [Rom. Law]) n arrogation

arrow (sagittary) adj sagittari

  • n flecha ¬flesha, sagitta

arrowshaped (sagittiform) adj sagittiforme

arsenal n arsenal

arsenic n arsenico

arsenical adj arsenical

arseniophosphate n arseniophosphato

arseniosulfate n arseniosulfato

arsenious adj arseniose

arsenite [Chem] n arsenite

arsenium (arsenic) n arsenium

arson n incendiarismo

art (1. fine art; 2. skill) n arte

  • ~ gallery n galleria de arte, pinacotheca
  • ~ of singing (singing) n canto, arte del canto
  • ~ school n schola de arte

arterial adj arterial

arteriosclerosis n arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerose

arteriotomy n arteriotomia

artery n arteria

artful (crafty) adj artificiose

arthritic [Pathol] adj arthritic

arthritis [Pathol] n arthritis

arthritism [Pathol] n arthritismo

arthro- (joint) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n arthro-

arthropod adj arthropode

  • n arthropodo

artichoke n artichoc

article (1. paragraph, section; 2. article in a magazine, newspaper, etc.; 3. article of merchandise; 4. [Gram]) n articulo

articular adj articular

articulate (1. jointed; 2. uttered in distinct syllables) adj articulate

  • (1. to form, move in, a joint; 2. to speak distinctly) v articular

articulation (1. [Anat] joint; 2. enunciation) n articulation

  • (joint) [Anat] n conjunctura, articulation

artifact (man-made product) n artefacto

artifice (trick) n artificio

artificer (skilled or artistic worker) n artifice

artificial adj artificial

  • ~ limb n prothese, prothesis

artificially adv artificialmente

artillery n artilleria

artilleryman n artillerista

artisan n artisano

artist n artista

artistic adj artistic

Aruba [Geog] npr Aruba

Arya (Aryan) n Arya

Aryan (1. Indo-Iranian; 2. Indo-European) adj aryan

  • (1. Indo-Iranian; 2. Indo-European) n aryano
  • (Arya) n Arya

as (how, in order that, to the end that, just as) adv ut

  • (in the capacity of) adv qua
  • (in the manner that) adv quomodo, como
  • (same ~) pron mesmo que
  • (since) conj pois que, proque
  • (so as, just as) adv sicut
  • (so) adv tan
  • (than, in what manner, how) adv/conj quam
  • (to such a degree, so) adv tam
  • [Rom. Antiq] n asse
  • adv como
  • ~ far as adv usque, usque a
  • ~ for prep quanto a
  • ~ from adv a partir de
  • ~ if prep como si, quasi que
  • ~ it were prep pro si dicer
  • ~ long as adv a condition que, proviste que
  • ~ many adv tante
  • ~ much adv tanto
  • ~ much as adv quanto
  • ~ soon adv si tosto que
  • ~ well adv que
  • ~ white as snow prep si / tanto blanc como le nive
  • ~ yet (until now, so far, yet, still, this place, thus far, hitherto) adv adhuc

asbestos n asbesto

ascend v ascender

ascendancy (ascendant) n ascendente

ascendant (ascendancy) n ascendente

ascension (ascent) n ascension

ascensional adj ascensional

ascensionist (mountain climber) n ascensionista

ascent (ascension, climb) n ascension, montata

ascertain v assecurar se, constatar

ascetic (ascetical) adj ascetic

  • n asceta
  • ~ practice n ascesem ascesis, practica ascetic

ascetical (ascetic) adj ascetic

asceticism n ascetismo

ascetics n ascetica

ascribe (attribute) v ascriber, attribuer

ascription n ascription

asepsis n asepsis

aseptic adj aseptic

  • n aseptico

asexual (sexless) adj asexual

ash (ash tree) n fraxino

  • (cinders) n cinere
  • ~ box (bucket, ashpan, container for ashes) n cineriero
  • ~ grove [Bot] n fraxineto
  • ~ tray n cineriera
  • ~ tree (ash) n fraxino
  • ~ wednesday n mercuridi del cineres

ashamed (be ~) v haber vergonia, esser confuse

  • adj confuse

ashes n cinere

ashore (go ~) v disbarcar

  • adv super le terra

ashpan (ash box, bucket, container for ashes) n cineriero

ashtray n cineriera

ashy (1. full of ashes; 2. ashen, ash-gray) adj cinerose

Asia (1. Roman Province in Asia Minor; 2. the continent Asia) n Asia

  • ~ Minor [Geog] n Asia Minor

Asian n asiatico

Asiatic (1. pertaining to Asia; 2. [Rhet] florid, ornate) adj asiatic

  • n asiatico

aside adj al latere

asinine act n asineria, acto asinin

  • adj asinin

asininity n asineria, asininitate

ask (enquire) v demandar, inquirer

  • (invite) v invitar
  • (query, question) v querer
  • ~ a question n facer un demanda
  • ~ for (beg, request) v rogar, peter

askew adj oblique

  • adv de transverso, obliquemente

asleep (fall ~) v addormir se

  • adj addormite

asparagus n asparago

aspect (1. look, appearance; 2. one of the aspects of a question; 3. [ Astrol]) n aspecto

aspen (trembling poplar) n tremulo

aspergillum [Eccl] n aspersorio

asperity (roughness, harshness) n asperitate

aspersion (act of sprinkling) n aspersion

asphalt n asphalto

aspic ¬F [Cookery] n aspic

aspirant n aspirante

aspirate [Phonet] v aspirar

aspiration (1. desire for; 2. [Phonet] action of aspirating) n aspiration

aspirator [Mech] n aspirator

aspire v aspirar, aspirar a

aspirin n aspirina

aspiring adj ambitiose

Asplenium [Bot] n asplenio

ass (buttocks) n culo

  • (donkey) n asino
  • ~ hole (insult) n ano

assail (attack, assault) v aggreder, assalir, assaltar

assailable (attackable) adj attaccabile

assailant (assailer, attacker, assaulter) n assalitor, assaltator

assailer (attacker, assailant, assaulter) n assalitor, assalltator

assassin n (murderer) assassino, assassinator

assassinate (murder) v assassinar

assassinating (murder, murdering) n assassinamento

assassination n assassination

assault (assail, attack) v assaltar, assalir, attaccar

  • (attack) n assalto, attacco

assaulter (assailant, attacker) n assaltator

assay (assay an ore, a metal etc.) v essayar

  • (assayal) n essayo

assayable adj essayabile

assayer n essayator

assemble (a machine) v adjustar, montar

  • (gather or fit together) v assemblar
  • (join, link) v compaginar
  • (troup, gather) v attruppar
  • vi assemblar se

assembler n assemblator

assembling (act of gathering) n attruppamento

assembly (meeting) n assemblea

  • (of the parts of a machine) [Mach] n adjustage ¬adjustaje
  • ~ hall n sala de assemblea / reuniones
  • ~ line n catena de montage

assent (sanction) n sanction

  • n assentimento
  • v acceder, acceder a
  • v assentir, assentir a

assert (affirm) v asserer, affirmar

  • ~ oneself v imponer su autoritate

asserter (assertor) n assertor

assertion (affirmation) n assertion, affirmation

assertive (affirmative) adj assertive, affirmative

assertor (asserter) n assertor

assertory (affirming) adj assertori

assess (evaluate) v evalutar

  • (fix a quota for) v quotisar
  • (tax) v taxar

assessment (contribution) n quotisation

  • (evaluation) n evalutation
  • (tax) n taxation

assessor (as in assessor to a judge, magistrate, etc.) n assessor

  • (levier of taxes) n taxator

asset (advantage) n avantage, bon qualitate

  • (property) n possession

assets [Commer] n activo

asseverate (affirm positively) v asseverar

asseverating (asseverative) adj asseverative

asseverative (asseverating) adj asseverative

assiduity n assiduitate

assiduous adj assidue

assign (1. to allot; 2. to fix, determine) v assignar, attribuer, tribuer

assignable (transferable) adj assignabile, cessibile

assignation (assignment) (1. act of allotting; 2. [Law] transfer of property, a right, etc.) n assignation

assignee [Law] n cessionario

assignment (assignation) (1. act of allotting; 2. [Law] transfer of property, a right, etc.) n assignation

  • (cession) [Law] n cession
  • [School] n deber

assimilable adj assimilabile

assimilate (1. to make like; 2. to absorb) v assimilar, assimilar se

assimilation (1. action of making like; 2. absorption) n assimilation

assimilative adj assimilative

assimilator [Physiol] n assimilator

assist (help, aid) v assister, adjutar, coadjuvar, subvenir

assistance n assistentia, adjuta

assistant (deputy) n adjuncto

  • (helper) n assistente
  • (in a shop) n commisso

assizes n assises

  • n sessiones de un tribunal

associate (connect, combine) v associar

  • (partner) n associato, socio
  • (partner, confederate) n consorte
  • adj associate
  • v associar, associar se

association (1. act of connecting, combining; 2. group of people joined together for some purpose) n association

assonance n assonantia

assonate (put or be in assonance) v assonar

assorted adj assortite, varie

assortment (collection of various kinds of goods) n assortimento

assume (arrogate) v arrogar

  • (suppose) v supponer
  • (take to or upon oneself) v assumer

assumption (1. taking to or upon oneself; 2. [Logic]) n assumption

assurance (certainty) n assecurantia

  • (positive statement) n assecurantia
  • (self-confidence) n disinvoltura

assure (reasure) v assecurar

  • (secure) v assecurar
  • (state positively) v assecurar

assurer (underwriter, insurer) n assecurator

Assyria [Geog] n Assyria

Assyrian adj assyrie

  • n assyrio

Assyriologist (Assyriologue) n assyriologo

Assyriologue (Assyriologist) n assyriologo

Assyriology n assyriologia

aster [Bot] n astere

asteriated opal n asteria

asterisk [Print] n asterisco

  • n asterisco

asterism [Astron] n asterismo

asteroid [Astron] n asteroide

asthen- (weak) occurring in derivatives] adj asthen-

asthenia n asthenia

asthenic adj asthenic

  • n asthenico

asthma n asthma

asthmatic adj asthmatic

  • n asthmatico

astigmatic adj astigmatic

astigmatism n astigmatismo

astonish v stupefacer, surprender

  • v surprender

astonished adj stupefacte

astonishment n stupefaction

astound v stupefacer

astral adj astral

astray (go ~) v disviar se

  • (lead ~) v discamminar
  • adj foras del strata, disviate, discamminate

astriction n astriction

astrictive (astringent) adj astrictive

astride (on horseback) adv a cavallo

  • (with legs apart) adv con le gambas a parte
  • prep trans

astringe v astringer

astringency n astringentia

astringent (astrictive) adj astrictive

  • n astringente

astrolabe n astrolabio

astrolatry n astrolatria

astrologer n astrologo

astrological adj astrologic

astrology n astrologia

astronaut n astronauta

astronomer n astronomo

astronomic (astronomical) adj astronomic

astronomical adj astronomic

astronomy n astronomia

astrophotographic adj astrophotographic

astrophotography n astrophotographia

astrophysical adj astrophysic

astrophysics n astrophysica

astute (1. sagacious; 2. crafty) adj astute, sagace

astuteness n astutia

asunder adv in duo

asylum (1. shelter, refuge; 2. institution for protection or relief) n asylo

  • (lunatic ~) n asylo pro alienatos
  • (orphanage) n orphanato

asymmetric (asymmetrical) adj asymmetre

  • adj asymmetric

asymmetry n asymmetria

at (- the) prep al

  • (a point in space or time, a stage of development, etc.) prep a, ad
  • (by, near, with) prep apud
  • ~ a distance (far off, far away) adv procul
  • ~ a future time (sometime in the future) adv olim
  • ~ another time adv alias
  • ~ any time (at some time or other) adv aliquando
  • ~ any time (ever) adv jammais, unquam
  • ~ hand (near) adv propter
  • ~ once (at the same time, together) adv simul
  • ~ once (right away, already) adv jam
  • ~ one time (formerly) n vice
  • ~ present (just now) adv actualmente
  • ~ random (in different places, passim, here and there, scattered) adv passim
  • ~ some time or other (at any time) adv alquando, aliquando
  • ~ the same time (together, at once) adv simul

atavism n atavismo

atavist n atavista

atavistic adj atavic, atavistic

ataxia (ataxy) [Pathol] n ataxia

ataxy (ataxia) [Pathol] n ataxia

atheism n atheismo

atheist (atheistic) adj athee

  • n atheista, atheo

athematic adj athematic

Athena [Gr. Mythol] n Athena

Athenaeum (1. [Gr. Hist]; 2. [Rom. Hist]) n Atheneo

Athens [Geog] n Athenas

athlete n athleta

athlete's foot (tinea, ringworm) [Pathol] n tinea

athletic adj athletic

athleticism n athletismo

athletics n athletica

athlo- (contest) [occurring in compounds] n athlo-

at-home adv a casa

Atlanta npr Atlanta

Atlantic adj atlantic

  • n Oceano Atlantic, Atlantico

Atlantis n Atlantida, Atlantide

Atlas [Geog] n Atlas

  • [Gr. Mythol] n Atlas, Atlante
  • ~ Mountains [Geog] n Atlas

atmo- (steam, vapor) [occurring in compounds] n atmo-

atmosphere n atmosphera

atmospheric (atmospherical) adj atmospheric

atmospherical (atmospheric) adj atmospheric

atmospherics n disturbationes atmospheric

atockade n stoccada, stockade

atoll n atollo

atom n atomo

atom-bomb n bomba atomic

atomic adj atomic

atomicity n atomicitate

atomism [Philos] n atomismo

atomist n atomista

atomistic adj atomistic

atomize (reduce to atoms) v atomisar

atomizer (pulverizer, spray) n pulverisator

  • (vaporizer) n vaporisator

atone v expiar

atone-for v expiar

atonement n expiation

atonic (1. [Med]; 2. [Phonet]) adj atonic, atone

at-present adv actualmente

atrabile (melancholy) (1. [Anc. Med] black bile; 2. gloom) n atrabile

atrabiliary (melancholic) (1. [Med]; 2. gloomy, depressed in spirit) adj atrabiliari

atro-, atr- (black) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] adj atro-, atr-

atrocious adj atroce

atrocity (1. horrible wickedness; 2. atrocious deed) n atrocitate

atrophic adj atrophe, atrophic

atrophy (cause to atrophy) v atrophiar

  • n atrophia

attach (affix) v affixar

  • (bind) v alligar
  • (fasten) v attaccar
  • v attaccar
  • v attachar

attachable adj attaccabile

  • adj attachabile

attaché n attaché

attache-case n valise pro documentos

attached (joined, joint) adj juncte

attachment (1. action of fastening 2. affection, fastening) n attaccamento

  • (accessory) n accessorio
  • (adherence) n adherentia

attack (assail, assault) v attaccar, aggreder, assalir, assaltar

  • (assault) n attacco
  • n insulto
  • v insultar

attackable (assailable) adj attaccabile

attacker (aggressor) n aggressor, insultator

  • (assailant, assailer, assaulter) n assalitor, assaltator

attacking (making a criminal attempt on) adj attentatori

attain (arrive at, reach) v attinger

  • (enter upon) v adir

attainment (action or process of attaining) n attingimento

attemper (1. to temper, moderate by mixture; 2. to accommodate) v attemperar

attempt (criminal) n attentato

  • (essay) n essayo
  • (try) v tentar
  • (try, endeavor) n essayo, tentativa
  • v essayar, provar, tentar
  • v tractar

attend (accompany) v accompaniar

  • (be present at) vt assister a
  • (pay attention) vi prestar attention
  • (school) v frequentar
  • [Med] v attender
  • ~ to (give attention to) v attender

attendance (presence) n assistentia

  • (retinue) n accompaniamento
  • (service) n servicio

attendant (one attending to someone's needs) n attendente

  • n custode

attention (1. careful notice, heed; 2. act of courtesy) n attention

  • (pay ~) v prestar attention

attentive (1. intent; 2. courteous) adj attentive

  • (advertent) adj advertente
  • (intent) adj attente

attenuate (make thin or slender) v attenuar

attenuation n attenuation

attest (1. to testify to; 2. to certify) v attestar

attestant (attester) n attestator

attestation (attesting, witnessing) n attestation

  • (testimony) n testimonio

attester (attestant) n attestator

at-this-moment phr in iste momento

attic n mansarda

attire (clothe, deck out) v inrobar, revestir

attitude (1. position of the body; 2. way of thinking, acting, or feeling) n attitude

attorney n procurator

attorney-general n procurator general

attract (1. to draw to oneself; 2. to allure) v attraher

attraction (force of) [Phys] n attractivitate

  • n attraction

attractive (1. [Phys]; 2. alluring) adj attractive

  • (nice, likable) adj sympathic

attractiveness (charm) n attractivitate, attraction, charme ¬F

attributable n attribuibile

attribute (1. inherent quality; 2. conventional symbol; 3. [Gram]) n attributo

  • (ascribe) v attribuer, ascriber

attribution n attribution

attributive (1. attributing; 2. [Gram]) adj attributive

attrite [Theol] adj attrite

attrition n attrition

auburn adj castanie clar

auction (auctioneer) v auctionar

  • n auction

auctioneer (auction) v auctionar

  • n auctionator

audacious (daring) adj audace, audaciose

audacity (daring) n audacia

audibility n audibitate

audible adj audibile

audience (1. interview with a person of high rank; 2. hearing) n audientia

  • (assembly of listeners) n auditorio

audiometer [Acous] n audiometro

audiovisual adj audiovisual

audiovisually adv audiovisualmente

audit (verification) n verification de contos

  • v verificar

audition (act of hearing) n audita, audition

  • v dar audition a

auditor (hearer, listener) n auditor

  • n revisor, verificator de contos

auditorium (auditory) n auditorio

auditory (auditorium) n auditorio

  • adj auditive, auditori

augment (increase) v augmentar

  • [Gram] n augmento

augmentable adj augmentabile

augmentation (increase) n augmentation, augmento

augmentative [Gram] adj augmentative

augmenter n augmentator

augur (1. [Rom. Hist]; 2. soothsayer) n augure

  • (1. to act as augur; 2. to predict, foretell) v augurar

augury (1. art of the augur; 2. omen, sign) n augurio

august adj auguste

  • n augusto

Augustan adj augustee

Augustinian adj augustinian

  • n augustiniano

Augustinianism n augustinianismo

auk [Ornith] n alca

aulo- (flute) [occurring in derivatives and compounds] n aulo-

aunt n amita

au-pair n au pair

  • ~ -pair n servitrice au pair

aura n aura

aural adj aural

aureole (halo) n aureola

auricle (1. auricle of the ear; 2. auricle of the heart) n auricula

auriferous (gold-bearing) adj aurifere

auriform (ear-shaped) adj auriforme

aurist (otologist, ear specialist) n aurista

auspex [Hist] n auspice

auspice (sign or token derived from the observation of birds) Hist] n auspicio

auspices n auspicios

Auster (south wind) n austro

austere adj auster

austereness (austerity) n austeritate

austerity (austereness) n austeritate

austral (southern) adj austral

Australasia n Australasia

Australasian adj australasian

Australia [Geog] npr Australia

Australian adj australian

  • n australiano

Austria [Geog] npr Austria

Austrian adj austriac

  • n austriaco

autarchy (self-sufficiency) n autarchia

authentic adj authentic

authenticate (1. to render authentic; 2. to prove authentic) v authenticar

authentication n authentication

authenticity n authenticitate

author (1. originator; 2. writer) n autor

authoritarian adj autoritari

authoritarianism n autoritatismo

authoritative (dictatorial) adj autoritari

  • (of document) adj autorisate

authority n autoritate

authorizable adj autorisabile

authorization n autorisation

authorize v autorisar

authorship n autorato

autism n autismo

autistic adj autistic

auto (motorcar, car) n auto

autobiographic (autobiographical) adj autobiographic

autobiographical (autobiographic) adj autobiographic

autobiography n autobiographia

autobus (motorbus) n autobus

autochthon n autochthono

autochthonous adj autochthone

autochthony n autochthonia

autoclave (pressure cooker) n autoclave

autocracy n autocratia

autocrat n autocrate

autocratic adj autocratic

auto-da-fé n autodafé

  • ~ -da-fé n autodafé ¬P

autodidact (one who is self-taught) n autodidacto

autodidactic adj autodidactic

autodrome (race course for automobiles) n autodromo

autogiro n autogyro

autograph (make autographic reproductions) v autographiar

  • n autographo

autographic adj autographic

autography (art of autographic reproduction) n autographia

autoist n autoista

automatic adj automatic

automaticity (automatism, state of being automatic) n automaticitate

automation n automatisation

automatism n automatismo

automatize (render automatic) v automatisar

automaton n automato

automatous (automatic) adj automate

automobile (motor vehicle) n automobile

  • (self-propelling) adj automobile

automobilism n automobilismo

automobilist (motorist) n automobilista

autonomous (self-governing) adj autonome

autonomy n autonomia

autopsy [Med] (necropsy) n autopsia, necropsia

autumn (fall) n autumno

autumnal adj autumnal

auxiliary adj auxiliar

  • n auxiliator

avail v disponer (se) de

availability n disponibilitate

available (be ~) v esser disponibile

  • (capable of being turned to account) adj utilisabile
  • (disposable) adj disponibile, utilisabile
  • (make ~) v facer disponibile

avalanche ¬F n avalanche

avarice n avaritia

avaricious (miserly) adj avar, avaritiose

ave (Ave bead of the rosary) n ave

  • (time of ringing the Ave bell) n ave
  • ~ Maria n Ave Maria

avenge (revenge) v vengiar ¬venjar, vindicar

avenger n vengiator ¬venjator, vindicator, vindice

avenue ¬F (walk, alley) n allée, avenue, avenite

aver (avouch, verify) v averar

average (mean) adj medie

  • (mean) n media
  • (on ~) phr in media
  • v calcular / render le media de

averred (ratified) [Law] adj rate

aversion (1. act of averting turning away; 2. strong dislike) n aversion

avert (turn away) v averter

aviarist n aviarista

aviary n aviario

aviate v aviar

aviation n aviation

aviator n aviator

aviatrix n aviatrice

aviculture n avicultura

avid (greedy) adj avide

avidity (greed, greediness) n aviditate

avocado (alligator pear) n avocato

  • (tree) n avocatiero

avoid (shun) v evitar

avoidable adj evitabile, eluctabile

avoidance n evitation

avoiding (act of shunning) n evitation

avoirdupois n avoirdupois

avouch (aver, verify) v averar

avulse (tear away) v aveller

avulsion (tearing away) n avulsion

avuncular adj avuncular

await (wait for) v attender

awake adj vigile

  • v eveliar, eveliar se

awaken v eveliar, eveliar se

awakener n eveliator

awakening n evelia

award (prize, reward) n precio, premio, recompensa

  • ~ a prize to (reward) v premiar, recompensar
  • ~ or pronounce an interlocutory decree [Law] v interloquer
  • v premiar, adjudicar

aware (be ~) v esser conscie

  • adj conscie

awareness n conscientia

away (two kilometers ~) phr a duo kilometros

  • adv foras, via

awe n pavor reverential

awe-inspiring adj imponente, tremende

awe-struck adj horrificate

awful adj terribile

awfully adv terribilemente

awkward (clumsy) adj inhabile

  • (difficult to deal with) adj difficile, embarassose

awl n subula

awl-shaped (subulate) adj subulate

awning n tenta

awol adj absente sin permisso

ax (axe) n hacha ¬hasha

axe (ax) n hacha ¬hasha

axial adj axial

axil [Bot] n axilla

axilla (armpit) n axilla

axillary (1. pertaining to the axilla; 2. [Bot]) adj axillari

axiom n axioma

axiomatic adj axiomatic

axis n axe

axle (axletree) n axe

axletree (axle) n axe

axunge [Pharm] n axungia

azalea [Bot] n azalea

azoic adj azoic

Azores (Azores Islands) [Geog] nprpl Azores, le Insulas Azores

  • ~ Islands (Azores) [Geog] nprpl Azores, le Insulas Azores

azure (the blue color of the clear sky) n azuro, azurato

  • adj azur

azymous (unleavened) adj azyme
